154A parameter and averaging the results. Principal horizontal stresses were calculated using the conventional and fracture pressurisation methods. Results of the two calculations agree well with each other and with other known measurements in the area.
Site Investigation and Field Observation Remote sensing and photographic techniques
903186 Pre-mining stresses at some hard rock mines in the Canadian Shield Arjang, B Rock Mechanics as a Guide for Elffcient Utilization o f Natural Resources: Proc 30th U.S. Symposium, Morgantown, 19-22 June 1989 P545-551. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1989 Stress measurements were made at a number of mines in Canada to provide data for stability analysis and optimum mine design. Overcoring strain relief measurements were made using triaxial strain cells. The variation of vertical and horizontal stresses was evaluated statistically. Results reveal that local stresses are affected by geological-structural conditions and changes in the physical rock properties, whilst on a regional scare there are common features of direction of horizontal stresses, magnitude of vertical stress and ratios of horizontal to vertical stress.
903187 State of stress and the relation to tectonics in the central Savannah Rber area of South Carolina Zoback, M D: Moos, D; Stephenson, D E Rock Mechanics as a Guide for Efficient Utilization o f Natural Resources: Proc 30th U.S. Symposium. Morgantown, 19-22 June 1989 P553-560. Publ Rotterdam: ,4 A Balkema. 1989 In situ stress measurements were carried out as part of a seismic hazard monitoring program. A borehole televiewer (BHTV) was used to identify sections without pre-existing fractures and to determine the distribution of pre-existing fractures. Hydraulic fracturing was used to determine in situ stress, and a post-fracture BHTV log to determine orientation of the induced fractures. Results show a highly compressional near surface stress field capable of causing reverse faulting on favourably oriented pre-existing planes of weakness.
903188 New developments in stress measurements for the design of underground openings Haimson, B C Proc 2nd International Symposium on Field Measurements in Geomechanics, Kobe, 6-9 April 1987 V2. P723-739. Publ Rotterdam: ,4 A Balkema, 1988 Recent improvements in hydrofracturing techniques and equipment, including wireline methods, and in interpretation of results for in situ stress measurement are described. Advances in overcoring techniques, and methods based on borehole breakout or differential strain analysis of cores are also illustrated. The application of in situ stress data to optimise the design of hydropower projects, underground mines, and repositories is discussed. c
903189 Airborne multispectral scanning of subsidence caused by Permian gypsum dissolution at Ripon, North Yorkshire Cooper, A H Q J Engng Geol V22. N3. 1989, P219-229 Natural underground dissolution of Permian gypsum leads to subsidence around Ripon. Multispectral Scanning (MSS) has been evaluated for detection of incipient subsidence and geological mapping. MSS indicates subsidence areas by vegetation, soil colour, and temperature variations. Computer enhanced MSS images delineate subsidence details not seen by conventional photography, but 3D interpretation of stereo pairs better indicates morphology and geology of subsidence hollows.
903 i 90 Photogeotechnical study for underground geotechnical studies Pathak, R C Proc International Symposium on Underground Engineering, New Delhi, 14-17 April 1988 VI. P61-67. Puhl Rotterdam: A A Balkema. 1988 Application of airborne photointerpretation techniques as a preliminary stage of the geotcchnical investigation for tunnelling projects is described. Size and shape of objects, tonal variations, and physical and geological characteristics are studied, and structural elements relevant to geomorphological, pedalogical and geological information identified and classified. Geological and pedalogical maps may be superimposed to aid optimisation of further site investigation and route planning for underground structures.
Structural and geotechnical mapping 903191 Engineering geological mapping and computer assisted data processing for tunnels at the Rogers Pass Project, British Columbia Klassen, M J; MacKay, C H: Morris, T J; Wasyluk, D G Proc 1987 Rapid Excavation and Tunnelling Conference, New Orleans, 14-17 June 1987 V2, P1309-1324. Publ Littleton: Society o f Mining Engineers. 1987 Two rail tunnels were driven through quartzite and phyllite rocks of the Horsethief Creek and Hamill formations. Systematic geological mapping was carried out at four headings during construction. Coded data was input into a computer data base and rock mass quality estimated using the Q and Geomechanics classifications. Graphic logs were generated of excavated perimeter map, geological parameters, support and construction activities. These logs were continuously updated and used to evaluate support requirements and to monitor progress.
1990 Pergamon Press pie. Reproduction not permitted