The stated monthly meeting of the Institute was called to order at 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon, by the President of the Institute, Mr. Nathan Hayward. The President stated that the minutes of the April meeting had been printed in full in the May issue of the Journal of the Institute, and that if there were no objections, the minutes would stand approved as printed. No objection was offered and the minutes were declared approved. He then announced that the next business was the presentation of the medals which had been recommended by the Committee on Science and the Arts, and the award of certificates of honorary membership. The order of the awards proceeded as follows: Presentation of Longstreth Medals to ALFRED V. DEFOREST, President Magnaflux Corporation New York City, New York and WILLIAM E. HOKE Consulting Engineer Baltimore, Maryland PETER P-G. HALL, President The Hall Planetary Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ELMER A. SPERRY, JR., Vice-President Sperry Products, Inc. Brooklyn, New York Presentation of Wetherill Medal to ALBERT L. MARSH, President Hoskins Manufacturing Company Detroit, Michigan Presentation of Clark Medal to JOSEPH BECKER, D.Eng., President The Koppers Construction Company Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Presentation of Levy Medal to MAYO D. HERSEY, A.M. Brown University Providence, Rhode Island Presentation of Potts Medal to FELIX A. VENING MEINESZ, Ph.D. University of Utrecht Utrecht, Holland
Spon$oY Mr. Clifford W. Bates
Mr. Clifford W. Bates
Mr. Warren P. Valentine
Mr. W. Laurence LePage
Mr. Edward L. Forstall
Mr. Owen Brooke Evans
Dr. Thomas D. Cope
Dr. Charles B. Bazzoni 817
Presentation of Cresson Medals to GEORGE O. CURME,JR., Ph.D., Vice-President Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation New York City, New York ROBERT J. VAN DE GRAAI~F,Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts
[J. F. I.
Mr. Walter H. Fulweiler
Mr. Walter C. Wagner
Presentation of the Franklin Medal and Certificate of Honorary Membership to FRANK BALDWINJEWETT, Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Eng., LL.D., President and Director Dr. Frederic Palmer, Jr. Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. New York City, New York Presentation of the Franklin Medal and Certificate of Honorary Membership to CHARLESFRANKLINKE,TTER!NG,D.Eng., D.Sc. Dr. Frederic Palmer, Jr. Director, General Motors Research Laboratories General Motors Corporation Detroit, Michigan Music, Piano Selections. Dedication . . . Londonderry Air
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Transcribed by Liszt . . . . . . . .
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Schumann Percy Grainger
MR. GvY MARRINER,Associate Director in charge of Music Section Papers.
"Idea to Industry" by DR. C. F. KETTERING "Telephony--Child of Organized Scientific Research" by DR. F. B. JEWETT Adjourned. HENRY BUTLER ALLEN, Secretary. (An extended account of the proceedings of Medal Day will be published ill an early issue of the JOURNAL.)
COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE A N D THE ARTS. (Abstract of Proceedings of Stated Meeting held Wednesday, May I3, I936.) HALL OF THE COMMITTEE~ PHILADELPHIA, MAY 13, I936. MR. JOHN A. VOGLESONin the Chair. The following reports were presented for first reading: No. 3oi I: Mechanical Grate for Gas Generators. No. 3m6: "Transitorq." GEO. A. HOADLEY, Secretary to Committee.