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[Jour. Frank. Inst,
Oum D y n a m i t e . - - M . i,~elaire tbund, in sinkiug a well through a bank of massive sandstone :it Blauzy, that the charge of gum dynamite need be only two-thirds as great as the charge of ordlnmT dynamite. The first cost, 8.50 francs (81.70) ; the second, 7 francs (1.40) per kilogramme (2 2 lbs.). The proportionate expense for equivalent ef}~ets is as 17 to 21 .--:lIem. de la, ,%< (le.~ Ing. Ci~. C. Tile Diaphote.--Edison,.Prot'. Perosino at Mondovi, and Dr. H. E. Liehs, of Bethlehem, Pa., have all experimented upon the transmission by telegraphic wires of the forms and colors of objects in the same way as sounds are transmitted by the telephone. They hope m be able to eontrive an apparatus by which two persons who are separated by an ocean will be al)le to see and hear each other. --Le* Monde.s'. C. Statue of Father S e e c h i . - - T h e Roman municipality has erected a s"tatue to Father Secehi, of heroic size, on the beautiful promenade of the Pincio. The expression (£ the great astronomer has been copied with wonderfld fidelity. IIis animated eye is fixed upon the Ohservatory. He wears the Jesuit dress, with an eye-glass atta(',hed to a little cord suspended t?om his neek. His mantle, falling in numerous ~raeei'u] aml natm'al folds, hangs fl'om the right shoulder.-Nero. Rell.q. d' Autm,.
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Sidewalk Astronomers in Paris.--At a late banquet to the scientific press Camille Flammarion read a letter of thanks, which had been addressed to him by the street exhibitors of telescopes, in which they stated that the number of their patrons had more than doubled since the publication of his Pop~dar Astro~mm.q. Some of the instruments upon the Place de la Coneorde would not be mlworthy of a_ place in an observator,v.--Les lllonde~s'. ('. Influence of Colors upon A n i m a l Development.--(;. Y u n g by, experimenting upon nmrine animals, has confirmed the results of his fi'esh water exl)eriments. Eggs of .Loli qo vulgaris, b'epia o~ci,nali.% Ran(~ escMe~la, ,Sa/mo trutta and Cymnea slagnalis were developed most ral)idly by violet and blue lights, while they were retarded I,v red and green. Scarcely any diitb,renee was observable between the yellow and white lights. Unlike his previous experiments, the development, although retarded, was nevertheless accomplished in red and green vessels.-- Comptes Rerulus. C.