he maxillary anterior segment is subject to the appearance of developmental disturbances. Anomalies such as supernumerary, congenitally missing, and malformed teeth, when present, are frequently found in this area. A 16-year-old white girl was referred by her pediatrician for dental evaluation. Her medical history indicated Mongolism and a severe cardiac disorder diagnosed as tetralogy of Fallot. Dental examination findings were essentially normal. There was delayed eruption of the permanent teeth and a
fusion of the mandibular right central and lateral incisors. The most striking observation was the malformed maxillary central incisors. Both right and left incisors were stellate in shape and resembled the tip of a Phillips screwdriver. Radiographically, these teeth exhibited a single normal-appearing conical root. Timothy J. Hagarty, Major, USAF (DC) John W. Shaner, Major, USAF (DC) Keesler USAF Medical Center Keesler AFB, Miss. 39534