Vol. 64, Nos. 617, 1999
78 STEREOSELECTIVE INTERACTION OF TRIEEXYPHENIDYL AND RELATED COMPOUNDS WlTEl MUSCARUVIC RECEPTORS J. Gross, 0. F’faff, D. Reichel*, R. Tacke*, A. Leis”, K. RGhhnann’, M. Waelbroeck+, E. Mutschler and G. Lambrecht. Dept. of Pharmacology, univ. of D-60439 Frankfurt/M., *Dept. of Ino ‘c Chemistry, Univ. of D-97074 W&burg, ‘Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of D-01069 Dresden, Germany, % ofBiochemistry, Free univ. c&B1070 Brussels, Belgium. The enantiomers of the antiparkinsonian drug, trihexyphmidyl (THP), exhibit high stereoselectivity (up to 400-fold) at muscarinic receptors, the o-isomer being the eutomer with a selectivity profile of
[email protected]: 9.0) = M4(8.8) > M3(8.1) > M (7.7) (Waelbroeck et al., EJP-MPS 227: 33, 1992). In this study, the momefs of compounds related to &rJ were investigated for their affinities at Ml-M4 receptors. In order to obtam information on the stereoselective interaction of these compounds with muscarmic recqtor~, we replaced the phenyl or the cyclohexyl ring by a cyclohexyl or a phenyl ring, respectively (+ adural diphenyl and dicyclohexyl analogues). The affinities (PA or pK values) were determined in functional assays at Ml-like (rabbit vas deferens), M2 (guinea-pig atna.? and d 3 receptors (guinea-pig ileum) as well as in radohgand receptors (rat striatum). All compounds behaved as competitive antagonists. Exchange decreased affinity (up to 200-fold), s)ervseachiral diphenyl and dicyclohexyl denvatives the corresponding eutomers of THP and of the CH OH analogue, but higher afIinities than the corresponding distomers. The sums of the affinity differences f&2( eutomer)-pA2(diphenyl)]+[pA2(eutomer)-pA2(dicyc~ohe ~11 were very similar to the experimentally obtained eudismic indices %AZ(eutomer -PAZ distomer I. With regard to Site 1 the concept of the four-binding-site mo d el OlfaelbroecL et al. EJP-MPS 189: 135. 1990). these results su!uzest that the stereoselective interaction of the enan&omeG with an OH oy CH2OH group is based on opposite binding to site 1 and site 2 by the phenyl and cyclohexyl ring. In contrast, the diphenyl analogue of THP with a CONH2 instead of the OH moiety (fenpipramide) displayed up to 220-fold higher aRinities than the corre spending eutomer (phenylkyclohexyl-type), a binding behaviour, which could not be explained by the concept of the four-binding-site model. It is suggested that these amides interact with other subsites of muscarinic Interactionof (R)-TEP (n-0) and supp. by DFG mmlopes with muscarinic receptor5 receptors than THP and its CH2OH analogue.