Steroid-resistant asthma: pharmacologic features
Jaime Alvarez, MD, WBndy Surs, BS, Donald Y. M. Leung, MD, PhD, David lkl6, PhD, Erwin W. Gelfand, MD,* and Stanley J. Szefler, MD Denver,
Co10 .
Glucocorticoids play an important role in asthma therapy: however, a subset of patients are poorly responsive. We evaluated immunologic and pharmacologic features of I7 patients with steroid-resistant (SR) asthma (six male and II female patients) between the ages of 16 and 69 years (mean age, 29 years). SR asthma was defined as failure to improve morning prebronchodilator FEV, >60% predicted after a 2-week course of oral prednisone (mean dose, 45 mglday). These patients were compared to 24 steroid-sensitive (SS) patients, aged 5 to 70 years (mean age, 17 years; 17 male and seven female patients), and 47 healthy control subjects, aged 20 to 40 years. Mean prednisone dose in SS patients was 25 mglday. Steroid pharmacokinetics were evaluated in six patients with SR asthma. All studies were within normal limits. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from all subjects were stimulated with IO pglml of phytohemagglutinin and incubated for 72 hours with IOe5 to lO-9 mollL of methylprednisolone (Mpn). ~TheMpn dose-response curve for PBMCs from patients with SR asthma demonstrated a signtj?cant (p < 0.05) increase in DNA synthesis, that is, more T cell proliferation than PBMCs stimulated with phytohemagglutinin in the presence of Mpn, as compared to SS patients and normal subjects. This augmentation of DNA synthesis was reversible with IO pglml of troleandomycin in vitro. We conclude that PBMCs from patients with SR asthma demonstrate altered response to Mpn in the presence of a T cell mitogen. This abnormality in cellular response may contribute to persistent airway inflammation in patients with SR asthma despite glucocorticoid therapy. Furthermore, this immunologic abnormality appears to be reversible. (.I ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL 1992;89:714-21.)
Becauseof their anti-inflammatoryproperties,GCs have beensuccessfullyusedin the treatmentof asthma since the early 1950s. Despite the usually favorable response,severalinvestigatorshave describedpatients with asthma with suboptimal response to GCs.
From the Departmentsof Pediatricsand Biostatistics, National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Hxmdation, and the Departmentsof Pediatrics, Pharmacology, and Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of Colorado Health SciencesCenter, Denver, Cola. Supported in part by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Grant I-B-36577, and by the Food and Drug Administration, Frogram in Orphan Drugs, Grant FD-R-000278. Received for publication June 14, 1991. Revised Oct. 22, 1991. Accepted for publication Nov. 6, 1991. Reprint requests.:Stanley J. Szefler, MD, Departmentof Pediatrics, National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, 1400 Jackson St., Rm K926, Denver, CO 80206. *Dr. Erwin W. Gelfand is a scholar of the Raymond and Beverly Sackler Foundation and was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grant AI-26490 and AI-29704 1/l/34893 714
Abbreviations used
CC: Glucocorticoid Mpn: Metbylprednisolone PBMC: PHA: SR: SS: TAO: IL:
Peripheral blood mononuclear cell Phytohemagglutinin Steroid resistant Steroid sensitive Troleandomycin Interleukin Elimination rate constant
Schwartzet al.’ first describeda group of six subjects with steroid-dependent asthmawho, despitetreatment with large doses of oral prednisone, failed to demonstrateimprovementof their symptomsand failed to demonstrateCushingoid features. Carmichaelet al. * describeda populationof patientswith chronic asthma who had prebronchodilatorREV, of <60% of predicted normal and whoseFEV 1neverimproved > 15% after a 7-day course with 20 mg of oral daily prednisolone. When patients with SR asthmawere com-
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TABLE I. Patient’s
for groups with asthma
Sample size
Age (yr)
PM&one dose (mglday)
29 k 4.8 17 k 2.7
44.6 t- 3.8 24.8 lr 3.0
FEV, (a/bprsdicted~
52.7 :!I 1 x 80.7 r 2 0 _--.- -.-
Mean t- SEM.
pared with SS patients (defined as those whose FEV, had at least increased by 30% or more at the end of the prednisolone trial), the patients with SR asthma more commonly had a family history of asthma, and a higher percentage had symptoms of asthma for more than 5 years. Patients with SR asthma differed from SS patients in several ways. Their peak expiratory flow rate tended to fall more steeply in the morning, and they were more liable to experience nocturnal or early morning wheeze. Searching for a cellular mechanism to explain these observations, Poznansky et aL3 found that when PBMCs from patients with SR asthma were stimulated with PHA, colony formation could not be inhibited by 1O- ’ mol/L of Mpn as compared to that of SS patients. The investigators attributed this observation to a defect in monocyte response to GCs. Since their initial study, these and other investigators4.5have used PHA-stimulated mononuclear cells incubated with in vitro GCs as a method to assesssteroid sensitivity. W e conducted studies to determine whether an in vitro assay with PHA-stimulated PBMCs could be used to identify cellular abnormalities in GC response in subjects with severe, steroid-requiring asthma. Furthermore, we examined whether the phenomenon of in vitro GC resistance, if it were present, was reversible.
MATERIAL AND METHODS Patient selection Three patients’groupswere selectedfor evaluation.Patients with SR asthmaincluded 17 (six male and 11 female patients)subjectswith severesteroid-dependent asthmabetween the agesof 16 and 69 years (mean age, 29 years). These patients were labeled clinically SR since their prebronchodilatorFEV, recordedat 6 A M persistentlyremained <600/oof predicteddespiteoral prednisonedosesexceeding 40 mg/day for more than 2 weeks. (Mean prednisonedose was 45 mg/day.) PBMCs from thesepatientswere obtained after the 2-weekcourseof steroids.In six of thesepatients, a steroid pharmacokineticevaluationwas performedto assessthe rate and extent of absorptionand metabolism of prednisoneand its active metabolite, prednisolone. SS patientsincluded 24 patientswith severeasthma(17 male and sevenfemale patients)with agesranging from 5 to 70 years(meanage. 17 years).Thesepatientswere cat-
egorizedas SS basedon their responseto prednisone.All patientsreceivedoral prednisonefor at least 7 days (mean prednisonedose, 24.7 mgi day) and had an improvementin their morning prebronchodilatorFEV, >60% of predicted (Table I). Concurrenttherapy for patientsin both groups included inhaledsteroidsas well as oral and inhaledbronchodilators, The diagnosisof asthma was ascertainedby a 20% improvementin FEV, after inhaled albuterol on at least one occasionbefore enrollment in the study. The control group included47 healthy adult volunteers, agesranging between20 to 40 years, with no history of respiratorydiseaseand not receiving any medication. The study protocol was approvedby the National JewishCenter Institutional Review Board. Informed consentwas obtained from the patientsand normal volunteers.For patientsyounger than 18 years of age, consentwas obtainedfrom the patientand a parentbeforeenrollmentin the study. Subjects were excluded if they had any evidenceof viral andior gastrointestinalillness within 3 weeks before blood sampling. Other exclusioncriteria includedevidenceof hepatic or renal disease, smoking, pregnancy,or concomitantadministration of drugs known to alter either GC absorption or elimination, such as anticonvulsantsor macrolide antibiotics
Methods Lymphocytestudies. Peripheralblood (20 ml) was collected in a heparinizedsyringe (preservative-freeheparin, 1000U/ml) between6 and 8 A M in all subjectsand before administrationof GC dose in patients with asthma.Blood sampleswere obtained at the end of a l-week treatment period with oral prednisonefor SS patientsand at the end of 2 weeks for patientswith SR asthma.PBMCs were obtained after Ficoll-Hypaque(Pharmacia,Piscataway,N .J .) gradientcentrifugationandsuspended in RPM1 1640(.Gibco Laboratories,Grandisland, N.Y.) containing 10%fetal calf serum (Hyclone Laboratories,Inc., Logan, Utah), L-glutamine (146 mg/500 ml), penicillin (25000 U/SO0 ml), streptomycin(25000 p,g/SOOml), N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N’-2-ethanesufonicacid (1 mmol/L solution), and sodium pyruvate (100 mmol/L solution). Cells ! 1 X 10’ cells per 200 ~1) were platedin 96-well flat-bottom culture plates(Falcon 3072, Beckton Dickinson Labware, Lincoln Park, N.J.). PHA (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO.). 10 @g/ml final concentration, and Mpn (Upjohn Co.. Kalamazoo,Mich.) were addedto the wells. Mpn was dissolved in sterile water at concentrationsranging horn 10 m 5
Alvarezet al.
to 10m9mol/L. Cells were incubated for 72 hours at 37”C in waterjacketed incubatorswith 5% CO,. Four hoursbefore harvesting, [‘HJthymidine (ICN Biomedicals, Inc., Irvine, Calif.) was addedat a final concentrationof 1 pCi per well. Cells were then harvestedwith a PHD cell harvester(Cambridge Technology,Inc., Watertown,Mass.) onto glass-fiber filter disks (CambridgeTechnology,Inc.). Disks were transferred to counting vials and dried at room temperature. Isotone solution (Biosafe II solution, ResearchProductsInternational Corp., Mt. Prospect, Ill.) was then added, and incorporated tritium was counted in a liquid scintillation counter (Beckman LS 5000 TA, Beckman Instruments,Fullerton, Calif.). After the initial data evaluation, PBMCs from a group of 13 normal volunteers and 14 patients with asthma (five with SR asthma and nine SS) were stimulated with PHA and incubated in vitro with TAO methane sulfonate salt (Pfizer Medical Laboratory, Groton, Conn.) at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 100 pg/ml in the presenceor absenceof Mpn (lo-’ mol/L) to assesswhether in vitro TAO manifests immunosuppressiveactivity. GC pharmokinetics. Patients fasted from midnight and were admitted to the National Jewish Center Pediatric Special Care Unit at 530 AM. An indwelling catheterwas insertedinto a peripheral vein for serial blood withdrawal. At 6 AM, a dose of prednisone(Upjohn Co.), equivalent to 40 mg/ 1.73 m*, was administeredorally. One patient received Mpn as maintenancetherapy (Upjohn Co.) and was evaluated with this medication. Blood samples (5 ml) were obtained before dose and at l/2, 1, 1 %, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 hours after the GC study dose and collected in heparinized tubes. Plasma was separatedand stored at - 20”C before analysis. Concentrationsof prednisoloneor Mpn and cortisol were assayedby high-pressureliquid chromatography according to the method of Ebling et aL6 The lower limit of detection is 10 rig/ml for thesethree GCs, and the intraday percent coefficient of variation is >5% at 50 and 400 nglml. Model independentparametersfor prednisoloneand Mpn were calculated as follows: The area under the plasma concentration-time curve was determinedby LAGRAN’ polynominal interpolation and integration with the least-squares terminal slope (k,) to extrapolate to time infinity. Total body clearance(Cl) was calculated as dose Cl = AUC The k, was determined from linear regression of the terminal slope of the serum concentrationtime curve, and half-life was 0.693/k,. These calculations assume total availability of systemically administered GC, minimal alterations in the degreeof reversible metabolism to inactive metabolites, and a linear elimination pattern.
Statistical analysis In all cases, statistical analyses were performed on responsesexpressedas the percent of control. Data are summarized as mean + standarderror, except where it is noted
otherwise. All tests are two-tailed at the 0.05 level of significance. The experimentaldesignfor the examinationof the effect of Mpn concentrationon PHA-stimulated PBMCs is a parallel-group design with repeatedmeasureson Mpn concentration. Multivariate repeated-measures analysis of variance was usedto test for differencesbetweengroups, differences betweenconcentradons,and for a group by time interaction with Wilk’s lambda criterion. In addition, a priori linear contrastswere used to test for specific differences between groups, and polynomial contrastswere used to examine the relationship betweenconcentrationand response.Individual 95% confidenceintervals on the mean responseto eachtime were usedto determineif specific meanswere different from 100%. The experimentaldesign for the analysesof the effect of TAO concentration on lymphocyte stimulation in both the presenceand absenceof Mpn is a parallel-groupdesignwith repeatedmeasureson TAO concentration. Multivariate repeated-measuresanalysis of variance was used to test for differences between groups, differences between concentrations, and for a group by concentrationinteraction, separately with and without Mpn.
RESULTS Effect of Mpn on PBMC stimulation When PHA-stimulated PBMCs were incubated for 72 hours with increasing concentrations of Mpn (Fig. l), there was a significant dose-response relationship
causedby Mpn concentration(p 5 0.0001)anda significant difference related to study groups (p = 0.023), and the group by concentrationinteraction was not significant (p = 0.59). The linearcontrast indicated there was not a significant difference between the SS patients and normal subjects (p = 0.60), but there was a significant difference betweenthe group with SR asthmaand the mean of the other two study groups (p 5 0.0001). Polynomial
contrastsindicated thesedata include componentsof a linear (p 5 O.OOOl),quadratic (p = 0.019), and cubic (p = 0.0026) trend, consistent with a dose-
responserelationshipfor the effect of increasingMpn concentration.It is important to note, however, that one high point in the group with SR asthma, at an Mpn concentrationof 10e9mol/L, was a significant outlier. Removal of this subject changedthe level of significance for the group effect, making the result not significant at the 0.05 level (p = 0.095). The result is significant at the 0.10 level. At Mpn lo-’ mol/L, the degree of inhibition was similar for the SS patients with asthma and normal subjects (82.6% 4 3.5% and 79.6% + 3.3%, respectively). Only minimal inhibition was observedin the patients with SR asthma (97.1% t 7.9%). At lower concentrationsof Mpn (10m9mol/L), PBMCs from patientswith SR asthmademonstratedenhance-
89 3
I 10.9
I 10-8
I 10-7
1 10-6
1 10-S
Methylprednisolone (M) FIG. 1. PHA-stimulated PBMCs from SS patients with asthma demonstrate similar characteristics when they are compared to normal subjects. Significant difference between SR group versus SS and control groups (p s 0.0001). but no significant difference between SS group and control group (p = 0.60). Patients with SR asthma demonstrate increased [Wjthymidine incorporation when their cells are incubated with low concentrations of Mpn (lo-’ mol/L) (p < 0.05).
ment of DNA synthesis(95% confidenceinterval, 107.7%to 114.5%).In contrast,cells from SS patients with asthmaand normal subjectscontinuedto demonstrateinhibition of [3H]thymidineuptakeat this low M p n concentration.(Fig. 1).
to cell deathbecause cells whose growth had been inhibited by TAO and M p n were capableof cellular proliferationonce the drugs were removedand cells were restimulatedwith m itogenic concentrationsof PHA. Confirmationof cell viability was alsoobtained with trypan blue staining.
Effect of TAO on lymphocyte stimulation GC pharmacokinetics in petients with in vitro SR asthma PHA-stimulated PBMCs from 14 patients with A pharmacokinetic evaluationwasperformedon six asthma(five with SR asthmaand nine SS) and 13 patients with SR asthma, five with oral prednisone normal volunteerswere incubatedwith TAO at conand one with Mpn. None demonstratedincreased centrationsranging between1 to 100 kg/ml in the prednisolone or M p n clearance. Although onepatient presenceor absenceof M p n ( 1 0 m 7m o l/L). Data are had a relatively low prednisolone half-live, prednissummarizedin F ig. 2, A, for cells treatedwith TAO olone clearance was within the expected rangeof noronly, whereasdatafor cells treatedwith TAO andM p n are summarizedin F ig. 2, B. A significant dose-de- m a l values. Furthermore,the patient receivingM p n clearancerate (TableII). pendentinhibition of DNA synthesis(p I 0.0001) treatmenthad a decreased was apparentfor incubationwith TAO alonewith no differencein the degreeof inhibition notedamongthe DISCUSSION As the inflammatory aspectsof asthma become groups(p = 0.98) andwith no significantinteraction more evident, the use of GC in asthma increases. betweenTAO level andgroup(p = 0.16). Similarly, analysisof the TAO and lo-’ m o l/L of M p n data Despiterenewedinterestin GC therapy,therearevery demonstrates a significanteffect causedby TAO con- few ways to assesssteroidaction. GCs are known to centration(p 5 0.0001)but no effect causedby group induceneutrophiliaby reducingthe m igrationof neu(p = 0.24) and no significant interaction between trophils from the vascularcompartment.’Serial deTAO level andgroup(p = 0.38). Theseresultsdem- terminationsof peripheralblood cells, including eoonstratethat TAO hasa significantconcentrationeffect sinophils,monocytes,andlymphocytesafter M p n adm inistration, have beenusedas a measureof steroid in the absenceand presenceof Mpn. ‘. 9-1’Peripheral lymphocyte counts have The inhibition of DNA incorporationwas not due response.
Alvarez et al.
120 1
FIG. 2. A, PHA-stimulated PBMCs incubated with varying concentrations of TAO. As TAO concentration is increased, there is a significant decrease in PH]thymidine incorporation for all three groups tested (p 5 0.0001). B, PHA-stimulated PBMCs incubated with Mpn (lo-’ mol/L) and varying concentrations of TAO. Addition of Mpn leads to further inhibition in PHJthymidine incorporation (p I 0.0001). Results indicate significant TAO concentration effect regardless of whether Mpn is present.
been reported to decreaseup to 74% after a single dose of intravenousprednisolone. I3 Similar findings have been reportedin normal volunteers’4as well as in children with steroid-dependentasthma.15Lymphopeniais likely due to redistribution of circulating lymphocytes.* In normal individuals, the administration of GCs causesdisappearance of monocytesfrom the circulation within 6 hoursbecauseof sequestration of cells16or as a result of decreasedoutput from the bone marrow.I* Poznanskyet a1.3observedthat when PBMCs from SS patientswith asthmawere placed in soft agarculture platesandstimulatedwith PHA, colony formation
was not inhibited by Mpn doses as high as lo-* mol/L. This was in contrast to the inhibition demonstratedby Mpn on cells from healthy volunteers. In the absenceof Mpn, PBMC colonies from both patientswith SR asthmaand SS patientswith asthma grew in similar numbers.However, growth from the cells of SS patients with asthmawas successfully inhibited with concentrationsof Mpn as low as lo-’ mol/L, whereas PBMCs from patients with SR asthma demonstrated 40% less inhibition when PBMCs were exposedto lo-* mol/L of Mpn. The investigatorsattributedtheseobservationsto a monocyte defect in patients with SR asthma.
Steroid-resistant asthma
TABLE II. Pharmacokinetic -
data in SR
Oral prednisone Oral prednisone Oral prednisone Oral prednisone Oral prednisone Oral Mpn
2 3
12 14
4 5 6
18 13 15
Kinetic parametersin children with asthma Prednisolone (aged 2 to 18 years; N = 16)* Mpn (aged 9 to 18 years; N = 7)t
Clearance (mllmin11.73 m2)
H&life brl
211 251
.i ,u
226 186 205 289
.(I ‘.N 1.6) ij
214 it 58
2.t; “. 0.x
381 L 202
2.3 31 1.0 .____I-. -I___
Mean C 2 SD. *Bartoszek et al. Clin Phamacol Ther 1987;42:424. tLaForce et al. J ALLERGYCLIN IMMUNOL1983;72:34.
Since this study, severalinvestigators43 ’ have used lymphocyteincorporationof [3H]thymidineas a measure of steroid response.With this approach, our results demonstrate similar findings to previous studies’-’in which Mpn concentrationsrangebetween 10M5to 10e6mol/L. At these concentrations,there was no significant difference in the degreeof PHAinducedDNA synthesisin PBMCs from patientswith SR asthmaand SS patientswith asthmaversusnormal subjects, although there was a tendencyfor less inhibition with PBMCs from patientswith SR asthma. When all concentrationswere averaged,there was a significantdifferencebetweenthe three study groups, with less inhibitory effects of Mpn on the PBMCs of patients with SR asthma.The differenceswere particularly apparentat the 10e9mol/L of Mpn concentration. In fact, at this concentrationof Mpn, there was apparentenhancementof DNA synthesisin patients with SR asthmanot observedin the other groups studied. Mechanismsof GC inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation are poorly understoodbut are possibly related, in part, to their ability to decreaseIL-1 and IL-2 production’7-2’ and to decreaseIL-2 receptor expression.*’Activated cells have also beenreported to be somewhatrefractory to the inhibition of interleukin production induced by GCS.*~This latter observation may explain the relative lack of inhibition by Mpn on PBMCs derived from patients with SR asthma.An alternativeexplanationis that continued use of high-doseGCs in patientswith SR asthmamay lead to steroid-receptordown regulation.This finding has beendescribedin the mouse24 and in humanlymphocytes.25Receptordown regulation could lead to an increase in steroid-dose requirement by making the
cells lesssensitiveto steroids.Anotherpossiblemechanism for decreasedsteroid responsivenesscould be dueto alterationof the hypothalamic-pituitary-&renal axis. IatrogenicGC-receptorresistancehas been described after the use of RU 38486, a potent GC-receptorblocker. Long-termadministrationof this compound has led normal individuals to activate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenalaxis, resulting in a resetting of this system at a higher threshold with decreasedsensitivity to dexamethasone.” In our system,the stimulatoryresponseof PBMCs from patientswith SR asthmato PHA in the presence of Mpn (low9 mol/L) was modified by the addition of TAO in vitro. Incubation with Mpn and TAO in vitro produced a shift in the responseto low Mpn concentrations,such that there was no difference between the responsein patients with SR asthma and SS patientswith asthma.In an effort to determinethe effects of orally administeredTAO on m itogen response,blood sampleswere collected from five steroid-dependentpatients with asthma (mean age, 14 years;meanprednisonedose,27 mg/ day; meatlFEV , , 77%) participatingin a 3-month,double-blinded,randomized trial with oral TAO plus an oral GC (either prednisoneor Mpn) comparedto Mpn alone. These patientswere selectedbecausetheir asthmasymptoms could not be controlled with conventional therapy. PBMCs from thesepatientswere obtainedbefore initiating the trial, at 2 weeks, and at 3 months. Cells were stimulatedwith PHA and incubatedin the absence and presence of Mpn (10 . ” mol, L). In five patients who received TAO therapy, there was enhancement of DNA incorporation { 109.6% -t. 27.6%) before TAO therapy, but when PRMCs were examined at 2 (72.8% 5 14.6%) and I?, weeks
Alvarez et al.
(73.6% + 13.3%) after TAO therapy, there was a trend toward decreasedDNA incorporationcompared to pretreatmentmeasures(unpublishedobservations). Four of the five patients demonstratedclinical improvement while they were receiving TAO therapy, and three patients tolerateda significant reduction in steroid dose. These findings suggestthat TAO, a macrolide antibiotic, has potential immunomodulatoryproperties. Perhapsthe beneficial clinical effects observedwith combinedMpn and TAO therapy2’2* * may not only be relatedto inhibition of Mpn metabolism,z9,JObut possibly to independentimmunomodulatorypropertiesof TAO. The use of TAO and erythromycin has been associatedwith decreasedairway hyperresponsiveness.28’ 31Other structurally related macrolide antibiotics, FY 506 and rapamycin, have profound immunomodulatoryeffects on murine T cells. FK 506 alters calcium-associatedevents of T cell activation and blocks T cell proliferation by suppressinglymphokine production. Rapamycin inhibits T cells by impairing their responseto growth-promoting lymphokines.32 It is unlikely that short GC courses significantly alter PBMC responseto Mpn in vitro, even at low concentrations. The group of 24 SS patients with asthmawho received oral prednisonein excessof 25 mg/day for 2 weeks did not manifest enhancementof proliferation when their cells were exposedto Mpn concentrationsof 10e9mol/L. At that concentration, cells from thesepatientscontinuedto demonstrateinhibition similar to normal volunteers. Multiple mechanismslikely explain the poor responseto GC therapy in patients with SR asthma. Although steroid resistancein certain patients with asthmamay be attributed to impaired GC absorption or rapid elimination, this was not observedin the six patients with SR asthmain whom a pharmacokinetic evaluationwas performed.This finding confirms previous observationsin a similar group of patientswith SR asthma5and indicatesthat other mechanismsmust be sought to explain poor clinical responsein these patients. Nevertheless,an evaluationof GC pharmacokinetics in thesepatients is useful since certain individuals may have reducedabsorptionor rapid elimination. An adjustmentin dose, substitution of an alternativeGC, or stopping a medication responsible for increasing GC metabolism, for example certain anticovulsants,could result in improved clinical response. It is intriguing to pursue the possibility of an abnormal cellular responseto GCs as a potential mechanism for ongoing inflammation. Our observations supportthe hypothesisthat a PHA-stimulation test in
PBMCs may be helpful in discerningbetweenpatients with SR asthmaand SS patients. Perhapsother markers of T cell activation will provide greatersensitivity. Additional studiesare also neededto verify the presence of persistentinflammation in the airways of patients with SR asthma.A readily availablemarker of inflammationwould be extremelyuseful in identifying patientswho are poorly responsiveto GC therapyand assist in the evaluationof alternativetreatments. We thankWilliam F. Kastner for performing the statistical analysis. REFERENCES
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