903. occurred. The os had scarcely dilatedI only to the eye, but by the effects produced on the respira-consultation was arranged for the next day. to...

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903. occurred. The os had scarcely dilatedI only to the eye, but by the effects produced on the respira-consultation was arranged for the next day. tory organs of the operator and his assistants. When ether All at once, however, the after-birth was expelled, and the was used instead of chloroform these effects were not observed. Pending the establishment of the electric light, patient ultimately made a good recovery. Professor Zweifel commences with a mixture of alcohol, chloroform, and ether alone, the patient being put under STORAGE OF RAIN WATER. the influence of this in another room, ether being subTHE value of rain water as a source of supply for washing sequently used during the operation. purposes has long been recognised. Its natural purity, its comparative freedom from the hardening lime salts, and the REFORM AT THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF convenient ease with which it can be collected and stored, SURGEONS. combine to render it desirable not only for this, but in some A CORRESPONDENT writes that a meeting of the Midland degree for drinking purposes also. At the same time it must not be forgotten that these very advantages are them: Medical Society was held in Birmingham on the 1st inst. selves qualified by the possible drawbacks which they entail. to discuss the merits of the Bill "to amend the constitution Thus the maintenance of a rain-water service even in tem- of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and to declareperate countries is necessarily uncertain. Storage is whole- and extend the rights of Members thereof." Mr. Lawson, some only under suitable conditions. One of these is the Tait moved a resolution approving the Bill. The motion discontinuaace of lead and even of zinc in the structure of was carried by 37 votes, against 6 dissentients. the pipes and cisterns used. Another difficulty is the risk of contamination by organic impurity derived either from THE CROONIAN LECTURES. the atmosphere or from surfaces traversed by rain water in THESE lectures will be delivered by Dr. Lauder Brunton. its descent. A special storing apparatus other than the at the Royal College of Physicians on the following Thursantiquated and unwholesome butt-such, for example, as a at5 P.M. : June 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th, and July 4th. days reservoir of glazed earthenware--is therefore needful; and a will be " The Connexion between Chemical The subject suitable filter would also in any case be advisable. Given and Constitution Physiological Action." these requisites, a second supply of atmospheric origin would form a useful means of supplementing the daily contribution of household water derived from springs and rivers. FOREIGN UNIVERSITY INTELLIGENCE. - Bc-jPe.?.—Dr. Schaechter has qualifietl as prhxddocent in Surgery, and Dr. Schwarz as privat-docent in, THE CONGRESS OF GERMAN SURGEONS. some


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THE communications on Myxcedema and the Diagnosis of Cerebral Lesions made to the Congress by Mr. Victor Horsley have been amongst its principal features. Two or three entirely new points were brought out in the latter paper, and excited much interest, especially as his papers were delivered in the German language. He was honoured by an audience of the Dowager Empress Augusta, and, with the most distinguished members of the Congress, dined at Herr von Gossler’s, the Minister of Public Instruction, and also with Professor von Bergmann. It is satisfactory to the profession in England that one of its younger members should have been able to give in Berlin such striking demonstrations of points of recent pathological progress closely associated with English work ; it will go far to strengthen the feelings of mutual respect which have existed between English and German practitioners.

Neuro-pathology. Havana.-No less than four professorships are vacant, and are to be filled by open competition-viz., Medical Pathology, Clinical Midwifery, Clinical Diseases of Children, and Public Hygiene. Nancy.-Dr. S. Pozzi has been appointed Professor of Clinical Surgery, and Dr. Demange Professor of Medical’



DEATHS OF EMINENT FOREIGN MEDICAL MEN. THE deaths of the following eminent foreign medical men are announced :-Don T. Martinez y Munoz, Sub-inspector of Military Sanitation.-Don J. Pinero Perez, of Madrigal de las Torres, who was decorated for his services in two. cholera epidemics. THE Accademia Medica di Roma, at its ordinary meeting April 28th, devoted the chief part of the sitting to an éloge on the late Franz Cornelius Donders, one of its honorary Fellows. Professor Colasanti was its spokesman on the occasion, and his eloquent characterisation of the Dutch biologist and ophthalmic surgeon was heartily endorsed in terms not less eloquent by the President, Dr. Guide Baccelli. on

THE ETIOLOGYIAND PATHOLOGY OF LEPROSY. AT the next meeting of the Epidemiological Society, to be held at 8 P.M. on Wednesday, the 8th inst., at the rooms of the Medical Society of London, Chandos-street, Cavendish-square, Dr. Phineas S. Abraham will read a paper on the above subject. Microscopic sections illustrating the pathology of the disease will be on view; and before the meeting patients affording typical examples of the two varieties of leprosy will be exhibited. The meeting will be open to members of the medical profession.

DANGERS OF CHLOROFORM IN LAPAROTOMY. PROFESSOR ZwEIFEL, of Berlin, has remarked several times that pneumonia has occurred after laparotomy has been performed under chloroform, either at night or on dark dayswhen gas has had to be used. In some cases which were done in a small, badly ventilated room, where a good many bystanders were present and two or three Argand gas burners were in use, a peculiar cloud of partly decomposed chloroform vapour was very noticeable, not


Thomas Clifford Commissioner in Lunacy, in the room of William Rhys Williams, Esq., Doctor of Medicine, resigned. Whilst congratulating Dr. Clifford Allbutt on his appointment, we cannot but regret the loss sustained by the profession in the removal from its consulting ranks of so capable a physician. THE Lord Chancellor has


Allbutt, Esq., Doctor of Medicine,

to be


THE annual conversazione of the Medical Society of London will be held at 8.30 on Monday next, May 6th, at the Society’s rooms, 11, Chandos-street, Cavendish-square, when the Annual Oration will be delivered by Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson, F.R.S. The subject of the oration will be on, the Clinical Uses of Rare Diseases.