Stresses around boreholes in bilinear elastic rock

Stresses around boreholes in bilinear elastic rock

204A are expected, i. The uncertainty with respect to envlro-mental regulations; 2. Shortages of certain e ~ odities, such as material and equipment;...

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are expected, i. The uncertainty with respect to envlro-mental regulations; 2. Shortages of certain e ~ odities, such as material and equipment; 3. Pros~ eets for reaching new productivity levels are scarce. An e~fective training programme has to be introduced to increase the manpower of coal mines.

Tunnels See also a~atracte: i~62,1996~2026,2054,2120,2123. 201~ ATEINSON, JH CAIRNCROSS, AM JAMES, RG Model tests on

UNIV. C A M ~ GB UNIV. C A ~ E ~ GB UNIV. C A M ~ E , GB shallow t1~mmls in sand and clay.TF,

TUNNELS AND T U 1 ~ T T N G , JULY, I~T~,P28-32. Model t e s t ~ to i~vestigate soil deformations aroum~ tunnels in sa~Is and clays has been carried out, and the complete distribution of dlspiacement around the tunnels has been obtained by using radiogral~hic ~ch~iques. This article describes the tests and includes some results of tests on tunnels in overconsolidated clay.

was evaluated in laboratory tests. The fimdi~s d l s ~ the suitability of the method. The laboratory tests show that the i~ar~al pressure required to initiate rupture around a bcrehole is ge~erally hi~her than the uni~xial tensile strength of the rock. 2020 DANI~, IN ROWLANDS,RE Studies of wave and fracture ~ropogation in rock ::edia.Report .Figs~Ref s. IIT RES. INST •CRTCAGO, U~.REPORT'AD-762~/~3,JU~, 1973, 93P. 2021 EROFEEV,LM MIROSHNIEDVA, IA TSAI,TN The modelling ~ t h o d in the i n v e s t i ~ i o n ~f stress-straln state srour~ hurlzo~ml mxlex~r~rA e~c~vations.TrsnsL of Shachtnoe Stroitelstvo VIS,N2, 1971, F13-17. Figs. US BUR MINES,REPOF~ NO TI~72-53019,1973,16P.

2022 EHODO~,W A~A.Sr0CHINSEII IN~.~glN.MOSCO~ SU FEIT,GN Use of hydraulic ga~ges to investigate the stressed 2016. HARRI S~ state of the immediate face area. ~F, gR. Gromxl settlement above a tunnel in silt- a case recSOV l~'i'MIN. SCI.Vg~ N2,1973, PI13"I16 • To investigate %he c h ~ e s i~ the stUte of stress in ord.~F, 2R. coal seams in the zone of Inflt~ence of mine wcrkir~s~ TUNNELS ARD TUNN~TT~G,JI~Y,I~74, PS0-53. ~he Rock Burst Laboratory of the A.A. S ~ £ n a k l i The construction of a sewerage scheme at New Brunswick, InstitUt~ of Mining has develo~e~ a metho~ far meam~rCanada, involved the placing Of two %Immel crossings ir~ stress by means of h ~ u l i c ~m~1@ee. O~ecrvatlons beneath a ma~or arterial r o a ~ in an area u~d~laln by up to six metres of soft to firm silt. The paper describes perfcrrsed at dil~rerent times in four sSi~h~ly slopirg s e ~ s ar~ seven steep s e a ~ in the Dor~ass area~ the design and construction of the tumnsls and the re~aled that %he p e r a ~ e r s of ~.he abutment l~ress~e ground settlement after construction. zone in coal seams ahead of w ~ r k i ~ faces of mined out workings may vary over a wide rar~e. The variability 2017 Mb~,JM UNIV.UTAH, SALT LAKE CIT~,USA of parameter~ of the abutment ~re~s~e zo:~ee ~ I the ~bru~t character of stress redis~ri1~xtion it. space and Computer s i ~ a t i o n modal f ~ application to rapid t i ~ ~mst be taken into acco'mt for ~redicting and e~cavation processes. ~F,~R. pre~enting bursts and for designing powered supports. TRANS. SOC .MIN.EN~RS.AIME,V256, NI,MARCH, 15q~, PI-4. The main purpose of the research described is to apply the method of computer simulation to the process of 2023 tunneling by rapid excavation methods. Primary attention COOK, JC was focused on the materials ~ i r ~ subsystem because Electronic meastu'ement of rock stress. R~'s. of its potential for iml~OVement from a ~ystems standTELEDYNE GEOTECH.GAF~D,~EX.USA.FEPORT AD-764 083, point. A description is given of the c~p~tar model, and JUNE, 19~3, 71P. a stmm~ry of sC~e applications of the model for improving the rapid excavation process is in01uded.

2018 RICHARDS,R AGRAWAL, JS Stresses on shallow circular pipe by transformed section.lOF, ~R. J. GEOTECH. ERGNG .DIV.V100, ~I6,1974, P637-652. A closed fc~m solution t~..b~lqu~ utilisimg a transfcmm~tion strategy is presented for shallow pipe-medium systems. Mathematical exl~essions have been developed for pipem e d i ~ interface stresses for a circular pipe under a single centre line concentrated load and important psrameters affecting the entire system have been studied. Gral~hlc rel~esentations of ~ c e l data are given.

Temporary and permanent supports See also abstract: 2122.


In-situ stresses in ground and stress around underground openings

5INNS, PD New techniques in roadway support. Symposium on Mining MethaisIHarrogatej 30-31 October and i N Jr 1974. Ab street. M!N.ENGR.VI33, N164, JULY, i974, 471P. The paper discusses the differe~ aspects of roadway support and their ir~mr-depe~d~nce within the s1~pcrt complex around the roadway. Emphasis is placed or f~e ~portance of layoUt des~n~ the T~Intemsnce of $J~e strength ~f the strata and characteristics of the support syst~ to w ithstar*l the inevitable stress redlstrlbutlo~ am% g r @ m d ~oveme~.

2019 H A I ~ N , BC UNIV. W ISCONSIN~ MADISON, USA THARP, ~I~ UNIV. WISCONSIN, MADISON, USA Stresses around bc~eholes in bilinear elastic rock. 5F, 3T~ 12R. S O C . ~ E ~ . J.VIA~,~2 ~A~R. i~74, P145-151. The use of the method of the Ix~ternai !~ressurizatlon of hollow eyllnde~s for determlrlng tensile strez~h

2025 WHEELER, A Sui~,orts on the face. S3~uposium on Miming Methodsj Harro~ate, 30-31 October srd ! Nov.1974.Abstraot. MIN.EN~R.VI33, N164, JULY, !975,471P. The paper is a ~eview of experiences with powered supports ar~ an attempt to ida~ti~y opparttunities fc~ hnlm'Ovir~ design and utilization. ~le operation oi" suppc~s