[Sj D.F_C_ ~Morris. Structure and bonding. Vol. 4 (Springer. Berlin. I968)_ [lOj R-C. Weast. ed., H;mdbook of chemistry and physics, 56th Ed. (CRC Press, Clevekmd. 1975) p_ D-102. [I I 1 H-F- HIliwell and SC. Nyburg. Tmns. Fanday Sot. 59 (1963) L126_ [I2 1 R_ Constxrciel ;Ind 0. Tz~pizr,Tbeoret_ Chim. Acta 48 (1978) 75 [ 13 1 E_ Seroeeo. S_ &tier& and J_ 1 Jmasi. to be published_
ERRATA S. Okadii, Measurements of energy loss spectra in the ion-pair formation reaction for the K+ HCI system, Chem. Phys_ Letters 63 (1979) 322. Due to unfortunate circumstances an unrevised version of the above article appeared in voiume 61 on pages 245-246 of the Journal. B. Alpert, S. El Mohsni, L. Lindqvist and F. Tfibel, Transient et%xts in the nanosecxmd Iaser photolysis of cxrboxyhemoglobinr “cage” recombination and spectral evolution of the protein, Chem_ Phyn Letters 6-Z (I979) 1 I _ The recci\ed date of the above article (7 May 1979) is inarrect, it should read I1 January I979_ D-P_ Craig, B-R_ blarkey and A.0, Griewank, Structura1 disturbance and lattice relaxation in molecuIar crystat packing calculations, Chem. Phys. Letters 62 (1979) 22X The received date of the above article (8 December 1978) is incorrect, it should read 24 August 1978_