Z. A. Kapralova, S. Ya. Mirlina, P. V. Kozlov, V. A. Kargin and L. A. Popova, Vysokomol. soedin. 4: No. 3, 321-327, 1962. PROTEIN structures have been degraded into separate elements, i.e. various methods have been employed to accomplish the fi~e breakdown of the substance. The methods comprised the transfer of protein through non-porous polymer membranes during electrolysis and the application of ultrasonics and of chemical agents. The effect o f the chemical agents on protein transfer has been investigated. Most of them have been found to augment the latter. E v i d e n t l y the agents facilitate breakdown of the initial proteins and thus increase its mobility. Investigation of the structuration process of the broken down proteins revealed the formation of new, highly ordered structures, quite different from those of the original proteins. A striking similarity has been noted of the structures formed by proteins broken down by different methods. I t has been concluded t h a t a necessary condition for the formation of new, highly ordered structures is the preliminary breakdown of the original proteins into their structural elements. The nature of the structures formed in this way does not depend upon the breakdown method. STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN GLOBULAR PROTEINS
Z. A. Kapralova, S. Ya. Mirlina, P. V. Kozlov, V. A. Kargin and V. K. Khokhlova, Vysokomol. soedin. 4: No. 3, 328-333, 1962. THE transfer of the globular protein edestin a n d the effect of various chemical additives (organic acids, surface active compounds, detergents) on this phenomenon have been investigated. All the above compounds have been found to au g m en t the transfer~ The structuration process taking place after breakdown of the protein structure into the separate elements during electrodialysis was studied. The chemical breakdown of edestin by urea during electrodialysis was also investigated. I t was suggested that protein coagulation during electrodialysis in urea solutions is associated with conformational changes. A study was made of the structuration process following the action of urea. Investigation was also made of the effect of ultrasonic waves on edestin. Here also conformational changes were assumed to take place, namely,'uncoiling of the protein molecules, their subsequent aggregation and then coiling. F r o m the study of the structural breakdown of edestin by electrodialysis, ultrasonic waves and chemical agents and of the subsequent structuration process it was concluded t h a t breakdown of the initial protein to the smallest elements is a necessary condition for the fol~nation of a new, highly ordered structure. The nature of the structure is indeperident of the mode of breakdown, whether by electrodialysis, ultrasonic waves, or chemical reagents. t English abstracts reprinted from
Vysokomolekulyarnye 8oedineniya. 740