Structure and ultrastructure of intra-vitam parasitic destruction of the external dental tissue in the fish, Anarhichas lupus L.

Structure and ultrastructure of intra-vitam parasitic destruction of the external dental tissue in the fish, Anarhichas lupus L.


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Faculte de Chirurgie Dentaire. I Place Alexis Ricordeau.

44042 Nantes.


Summary--Three specimens of Anurhichas lupus L. with teeth presenting burrowing lesions were studied with light microscopy, SEM. and high resolution TEM. Findings suggested that the lesions were due to fungoid invasion by Mrc,r/ires os.@~ga\. The burrowing lesions always originated in the more highly mineralized external tooth layer, thus distinguishing them from post-mortem soil changes which may start in any part of the tooth. The channels produced by the lesion had no particular orientation to the dentinal vascular canals. It is suggested that enzymes are secreted locally by the causal organism: burrows were thus not found at a distance from the fungus whose numerous microvilli were in close contact with the mineralized walls of the channels; this distinguishes the lesion from dental caries. Needle-shaped crystals are found within the cytoplasm or adherent to the plasma membrane of the burrowing organism. Other crystals in the immediate neighbourhood of the organism were hollow. and thus suggestive of an organism feeding on mineral material. Bacterial invasion was sometimes in association with the burrowing activity. and may play a part in it. but often appeared to be a later invasion.


and polarized light. Six other conical and four other molariform teeth from upper and lower jaws were demineralized in 10 per cent formalin and 5 per cent nitric acid in distilled water. embedded in Paraplast. sectioned at 5-811rn on a microtome and stamed by haematoxylin and eosin. Other teeth were coated successively with carbon and gold and examined under the scanning electron microscope. some of them directly, others after the organic material had been removed in sodium hypochlorite. Fragments of teeth were post-fixed in 2 per cent osmic acid with cacodylate buffer at pH 7.4. dehydrated in a graded series of methanol concentrations and embedded in methacrylate. Undemineralized sections were cut on an ultramicrotome with a diamond knife and examincd under the transmission electron microscope.

Peyer (1926) described fungoid invasion by Mycelitrs ossifragus in the teeth of Raiu clmufu. Arsuffi (1939) found elongated boring organisms containing granules deeply staining with azocarmine in the external vitrodentine layer of Tetrodon mucu[atus. Kohlenberger (1940) observed at the surface of the teeth of Anarhic+ras lupus L. a whitish microcrystalline material which Schmidt (1954) assumed to be the result of fungal attack by Mrc~litus ossifiugus. He had noted some whitish lesions on the occlusal surfaces of molar-shaped teeth and on the tips of conical teeth of an adult specimen of Anrrrhichas lupus L. Ground sections in ordinary and polarized light showed these chalky areas to be penetrated by bore canals similar to those attributed to attack by Mrcelires ossifiugus in fossil bone. Schmidt (1962a) also observed a similar microcrystalline crusty layer and bore canals in the spines of living specimens of sea-urchins. All this information was obtained by light microscopy only. The understanding of the mechanism of hard tissue destruction, either parasitic or microbial, seemed to us sufficiently important to warrant a thorough study of this parasitic process.

RF.SI’l.TS Whitish burrowing lesions, clearly visible against the yellowish background of the teeth. were found in both younger specimens and the older one. The lesions were on the tips of the conical anterior teeth and either on the tips or above the approximal areas of the molariform teeth. which are in close contact. Ground sections in ordinary light showed lesions, 0.26mm deep and 1.31 mm wide. hollowing out the external tooth layer (Figs. I 4). At the periphery of the lesion there was a front of closely packed burrows parallel with the general direction of the dentinal vascular canals (Fig. 5). Some of the channels in the advancing front changed direction abruptly (Figs. 2 and 3). Their progress wit,hin the dentinal tissue seemed to be unconnected,wtth the course of the vascular canals (Fig. 4).

%IATERIAI.SAI*;D METHODS Three specimens of ilnctrhichus lupxs L. were used. two young ones, 50 cm long, and an older one, 120 cm long. The animals were caught off the coasts of Newfoundland, and their jaws immediately fixed in 9 per cent neutral formalin. Ground sections. 60jtm thick, some stained with Toluidine blue. of 6 conical and 6 molariform teeth from upper and lower jaws were observed in ordinary 147


B. Kerebel. Marie-Thkrtse Le Cabellec and Lise-Marie Kerebel

The average diameter of the channels was about 4 pm, whereas the average diameter of the dentinal vascular canals was about IOpm. The channels were sometimes blunt-ended (Fig. 4) or presented terminal bulbs (Fig. 2). Roughly spherical structures, 30pm dia, were observed in the external areas of demineralized sections (Fig. 6). The external dental tissue was disintegrated. Within some channels, structures presumed to be the shrunken organisms were found (Fig. 7). With SEM, the attacked tooth surface appeared to be hollowed out with clear-cut cavities, whereas the mineralized material between the burrows remained undamaged (Fig. 8). The channels, running parallel to each other, presented ring-like grooves in the walls (Fig. 9). On surfaces from which the organic material had not been lost, some segmented filamentous structures, about 3.5pm in diameter, were observed, associated with spherical bodies of about 2.5pm diameter (Fig. IO). Undemineralized sections with TEM showed the burrowing organisms in situ. Sometimes a narrow space, tilled with many small vesicles. remained between the parasite and the mineralized walls of the burrowed-out channel (Fig. 11). Sometimes the burrowing organism appeared to fill the lumen of the channel completely (Fig. 12). There were then many membrane-bound vesicle-like bodies in close contact with the mineralized walls (Fig. 13). The vesicle-like bodies originated from the microvilli of the cytoplasmic membrane of the microorganism (Fig. 14). Dentine mineral crystals were visible outside the plasma membrane, tangential or perpendicular to it. Similar crystals were also scattered within the cytoplasm (Fig. 15). The dentinal tissue in contact with the burrowing organism contained some crystals with hollow centres (Fig. 16). Adjacent to channels completely filled with the organism, there were others in which only a parasite ghost remained, together with scattered crystals (Fig. 12). Bacteria were found within channels where a space remained between the parasite and the mineralized walls (Figs. 17 and 18). Sometimes, they occupied exclusively spaces where hard tissue had been destroyed (Fig. 17). DISCUSSION

The burrowing lesions were located in the external dental tissue. Some workers, using light microscopy (Le Cabellec, Daculsi and Geistdoerfer, 1978) and X-ray diffraction (Kerebel ef u/., 1978). describe the external dental tissue (called durodentine by Schmidt, 1954) as better mineralized than the rest of the dentine. Initially, the burrowing lesions appeared to be located in the external tooth layer exclusively, in agreement with Schmidt’s observations (1954) and contrary to those of Thomasset (1931). Starting from the surface of the better mineralized dental tissue, the organisms proceeded into the dentinal tissue, avoiding the course of the vascular canals which would be likely to provide an easier pathway for organisms feeding on organic material. Burrowed-out channels and vascular canals can be easily differentiated by their dimensions. The sharply cut-out lesions seemed to be produced by direct contact of the organism with the dentine

which, at the periphery of the channels, remained undamaged, as seen with SEM. With SEM the ends of the pits bored by the parasite appeared slightly concave. The walls were marked by a series of ring-like grooves, as if the lesion had been progressively pitted. Although the destructive process was strictly localized to the area in direct contact with the organism, the great number of vacuoles within the cytoplasm suggests an associated enzyme activity. The burrowing process is quite different from dental caries. In caries bacterial enzyme-containing secretions diffuse within the dentine and dentinal tubules so that damage is always found at a distance from the initial site of attack. In caries, the material within dentinal tubules is known to be due to a diffused process of demineralization and proteolysis, whereas the burrowing lesions were always found on surfaces in direct contact with the burrowing organism. In agreement with Schmidt (1954) we found no burrowing lesions in mucous-covered tooth surfaces or unerupted teeth. TEM examination of the lesions showed that no demineralization occurred at a distance from the burrowing organism. However, many vesicles were found in close contact with the undamaged tissue, at the interface with the organism. These vesicles were interpreted as sections of the numerous microvilli of the plasma membrane. The needle-shaped crystals. found either within the cytoplasm or adherent to the plasma membrane, whereas others seemed to be torn from the periphery of the dental tissue, all in the immediate neighbourhood of the burrowing organisms, are suggestive of an organism feeding on mineral material. This is in contradictjon with Schmidt’s findings on post-mortem attack by Mycelites ossifragus (Schmidt and Keil, 1971). Schmidt (1954) noted that in Anarhichas lupus L. intra-vitam attack by Mycelites ossifragus did not affect teeth covered by the oral mucosa, the vascular canals and the pulpal cavity, i.e. areas containing organic material. However, Schmidt’s conclusions were based on light microscopy only. TEM observations provide more precise and reliable information. Bone and tooth burrowing lesions in living and fossil species have been attributed to fungoid invasion by organisms called collectively Mwelites ossifragus (Peyer, 1968). Post-mortem changes of this kind in human teeth long buried in soil have been described (Paltauf and Haberda, 1.927; Werner, 1937; Soggnaes, 1950, 1955; Hammarlund-Essler, 1952; Werelds, 1961. 1967). Burrowing lesions in the teeth of living fishes are similar in many details to the changes in fossil bone and teeth (selachians, teleosts, reptiles) attributed to Myc’elites ossifrugus (Roux, 1887; Jaekel, 1890; Bauer, 1898; Weiler, 1926: Peyer, 1926, 1945, 1968; Thomasset. 1931: Schmidt, 1954. 1962a.b; Schmidt and Keil, 1971). Our findings here suggest that the burrowing progresses from the tooth surface towards the inside. On the contrary, post-mortem destruction starts anywhere in the mineralized tissue and the pulp surface of teeth is commonly affected (Thomasset. 193 1; Clement, 1963: Soggnaes. 1963). On this difference, Peyer (1968) and Schmidt and Keil (1971) drew a distinction between post-mortem and intravitam attacks. Immersion in sea-water is not a necessary condition for fungal attack by Mwe/ite.s os.sij?ayus. According




(1864). human teeth soaked in fresh water showed invasion of mycelial filaments and spores starting from the surface. Wedl’s drawings are very like our photomicrographs of the parasitic lesions in .4narhichas lupus L. Light microscopy of the injured dental tissue of Anarhichas lupus L. showed spore-like bodies outside the lesions, whereas hyphal structures were found within the burrowed-out channels. These observations were corroborated by SEM which showed filaments, suggestive of a fungal hypha, penetrating into the burrow and related to spores outside the pit. Segments visible on the filament are suggestive of the transverse septa described in certain fungal species. The hyphae seen with SEM penetrating burrows and filling it completely can be assumed to be the initial agent responsible for the hard tissue destruction. Where destruction was deep, bacteria were found either together with the parasite or alone, suggesting that bacterial invasion occurs either together with the fungal attack or after it; bacteria may play some part in the destructive process, Thomasset (193 I). investigating fungoid invasion in the teeth of several fish species. noted that Mycelites oss(/i~~g~cs is originally iocalized in bone tissue and penetrates the teeth only where the dental tissue has a structure and hardness similar to bone. There is some evidence that Mycelites ossifrugus may have a special affinity for calcium carbonate. Our investigato Wed1

tions do not corroborate this. X-ray diffraction (Kerebel c’f rrl.. 1978) shows that the external dental tissue of Anurhic~ha.~ lupus L. consists chiefly of calcium


and magnesium. We found that the burhad a greater affinity for this more mineralized tissue than for the underlying dentine which possesses a more or less amorphous phase of calcium phosphate (Kerebel et (I/., 1978). AI Anarhichus lupus L. feeds on echinoderms and molluscs which are infested by Mj.celites ossifragus (Schmidt. 1954). this is likely to explain how the organism comes into direct contact with the teeth. Attrition facets of tooth surfaces of Anarhichas hqxc.\ L. are frequently observed in the SEM (Le Cabellec er ul., 1978). However. initial wear lesions are not necessary for fungoid invasion because burrowing lesions were present on the sides of molariform teeth which, not being in occlusion, are not subject to functional damage. rowing


~(,~)~oM./R/~YI~IP~II\ The research


grant from INSERM. Indivtduelle 77 I 00 74.


was supported by and Aide

53 77 85

of the teeth of .4ntrrhichus

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B. Kerebel,



Le Cabellec

Plate Fig.

and Lise-Marie



I. Burrowing lesion (0.26mm deep and 1.31 mm wide) hollowing out the external tooth layer above the approximal area of a molar-shaped tooth. Ground section, ordinary light. x 45

Fig. 2. Burrowing


(bc) changing

direction abruptly. Terminal ordinary light. x 520

bulbs (arrows).

Fig. 3. Channels


Fig. 4. Burrows

(bc) unconnected with the course of the dentinal vascular canals channel (arrow). Ground section, ordinary light. x 550

Fig. 5. Advancing Fig. 6. External

within the external tooth layer (e) parallel with dentine. Ground section, ordinary light. x 450


the tooth


layer with approximately spherical structures (arrows); section. Haematoxylin and eosin. x 175

Fig. 7. Detail of disintegrated within the burrows

(s). d,

(vc). Flat-ended

front of closely-packed burrows (bc) parallel with the general direction vascular canals (vc). Ground section, ordinary light. x 520 tooth


of the dentinal

d. dentine.


external tooth layer (e) with shrunken burrowing organisms (bc). Demineralized section. Haematoxylin and eosin. x 450


Plate 2 Fig. 8. Cross-sections Fig. 9. Walls of channels Fig.

10. Hyphal Fig. Il.

structures Burrowing

of burrows (bc) marked

(h) related organism

Fig. 12. Burrowing organism Arrow indicates

on the tooth by ring-like

to spore-like bodies X 1900

(bo) in situ within



(s). Arrows

a burrow


x 7000




in dentine

x 2100


(d). TEM.


x 21,000

(bo) filling completely the lumen of a channel. Vesicles (v), dentine a parasite ghost with scattered crystals (c). TEM. x 16.000


Plate 3. Fig. 13. Detail of membrane-bounded Fig.

14. Microvilli

Fig, 15. Dentine

vesicles (v) in close contact with the mineralized Dentine (d). TEM. x 90,000

(m) of the plasma crystals


of a burrowing x 80.000

tangential or perpendicular organism (bo). Dentine

Fig. 16. Crystals Fig. 17. Bacteria

with hollow

(b) within

Fig. 18. The bacteria

(bo). Dentine

to the plasma membrane (d). TEM. x 158,000



the burrowed-out under







wall of a channel.

(mb) of a burrowing

x 600,000 TEM.

(d). TEM.

x 22,500

x 128,000

Plate 1.


B. Kerebel, Marie-Th&se

Le Cabellec and Lise-Marie Kerebel

Plate 2.


parasitic destruction

of the teeth of Anarhichas lupus L.

Plate 3.