committee on student papers announces deadlines
Student members interested in presenting original papers at the student section's papers review forum at the APhA annual meeting in Montreal, May 17-23, 1969, must submit an abstract (200 words maximum) to the chairman of the committee on student papers by January 5, 1969. Papers, which may deal with any of the current concepts of the profession or any subj'e ct pertaining .to the pharmaceutical sdences, must be limited to 15 minutes in length to be considered f{)lr presentation. The complete manuscript with references must be received by the committee chairmHn by February 15, 1969. Judging will be supervised by the committee on student papers and will be conducted by students and fHculty m,embers from a minimum of four schools of pharmacy. Winners will be notified by the middle of March and wiU receive a stipend to help defray the expenses of attending the annual m,eeting. All materials and inquiries should' be addressed to the chairman, Thomas Blake, College of Pharmacy, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80302. Blake's paper-"The Markup and the Professional Fee System'S of Prescription Pricing"-was ,c hosen for presentation at a session of the APhA Academy of General Practice of Pha:rnnacy at the 1968 annual meeting. A student in the 1969 competition also will appear before the Aoademy. In announcing the details of this year's student papers programs, Blake said... This year we look forward to a Ihighly successful papers program. Successful, because student research papers impart to their authors a bmader experience and a richer understanding of their profession. Successful, because even those reviewing the papers become more fully aware of the practice and the sciences of pharmacy, and few can doubt that the audience itself wi'" benefit by the students' presentations.
President Eggleston urges student involvement
APhA PTlesident Max W. Eggleston, in a letter to student section Chairman Joseph L. Fink, expressed pleasure at 'flhe reactivation of this column and his hope that future columns would serve as a forum for student opinion. "I firmly believe that the Association can benefit greatly from the fresh outlook which is so typical of to day's more sophisticated and well-informed students," he continued. "Pharmacy students have in recent years demonstrated a growing interest and concern for the direction our profession will take ,i n the future-this is indeed an encouraging sign . . .. The efforts of your 'e xecutive committee to further invohlle our student members in the activities of the Association are commendable." executive committee revises annual meeting format
As a result of a decision made by the student section executive committee at its July meeting, a new and more 658
concise format for the student sessions was announced at the annual meeting planning session by Student Activities Director Ronald L. Williams. The first general session will be held on Saturday morning, May 17, a day prior to the first APhA general session. 'Aill student s'ection general sessions will be completed by Monday evening, May 19. The shorter format will he possible through the elimination of former program features now plann'ed for the regional meetings of th,e section. According to Williams... In the past, many student members have complained because not enough time was available for them to attend other sessions at the annual meeting. Through adoption of the new format, the student section officers have allowed for full student participation in the meetings of the Association, its other subdivisi'ons and its affiliated organizations.
Four-person dormitory-style rooms will be available for students at the Laurentian and Windsor Hotels, two of the six .official annual meeting hotels. Rates will be $5 per person per night and hotel reservation forms will be mailed t~ all sit udent chapter advisors in January. region 8 meeting held in Las Vegas Delegates from six of the seven student chapters of the student section's I\egion 8 met at the annual meeting held at the Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, on October
13-14. _ APhA Student Activities Director Williams addr'essed the students on Sunday afternoon, explaining the new plan for regional meetings and pointing out the channels of communication available for the expression of pharmacy student opinion at the national level. His presentation was followed by student papers and discussions on several contemporary issues in the profession. Students participating were Michael Carver, University of the Pacific; David Adler, University of Oalifornia; Juanita Ader, University of New Mexico; Ferris Kunz, University of Utah, and Robert Smith, University of Southern California. The region's membership trophy was presented to the University of California chapter by President Richard Roth at the Monday session. It was pointed out to the delegates that the boards of pharmacy of Some states allow credit for internship training obtained concurrently with the academic year while others do not,and that as a resu[t a student receiving concurrent training may be faced with difficulty in reciprocation. The region adopted a resolution endorsing the principle of concurrent training and urging a study of the problem by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy and the APhA student section's committee on internship. The delegates also passed a resolution endorsing the new plan for the section's regional structure. Region 8's 1969 meeting will be held in October in Salt Lake City.
Robert T. Webster chairman, publications committee