Studies on ovulation in the normal menstrual cycle

Studies on ovulation in the normal menstrual cycle

SELECTED ABSTRACTS* Fertility Vol. 8, Jnly-drqusl, and Sterility 19.5;‘. G. H.: St,utlies on ~)vulatiru-ire> Uncxplainril Human Inf&ility. p. 373...

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ABSTRACTS* Fertility

Vol. 8, Jnly-drqusl,

and Sterility


G. H.: St,utlies on ~)vulatiru-ire> Uncxplainril Human Inf&ility. p. 373.



Arronet :

Studies on Ovulation

in the Normal


Cycle, 11. 311.

The author begins his present,ation -\viill 2 inl,ltb listing iu tlic order of their reliability 25 criteria for tletermination of ovulation. l-10 pointh out the tfecicted disparity bet,ween the scientifita acruraqv cud tbv clinical uscfulnc~ 0C man\’ Idriteria, only 4 being of value from both aspects--endon~cttri:~l l,iopsit3, vaginal sn~~~ar’;. i~axal ti>mperaturt*s, and. menstrual recordS. seven fertile patients were scltl(,tA from 22 voluntrr~rr for :L critical study of the following criteria : endometrial biopsy, vaginal sn~c~ars, tvasal temperatures, urinary pregnanediol, endometrial glycogf~n. menstrual I.PW~~H. i nt~~rlni~nstroal pain. :trhorization of the cervical mucus, urinary estzonr, and 1113 of tlrt, ct>l-ri!.;!l m\i:uh. 1 tt :r~l~lil.ion, thy author p4orrned iodine d~+~rrni n:tt:ons, glycogen staining of serial basal metabolic rate and protl~illtw~i~l vaginal smears, and measuremcuf of rndt,+.(~lri(+~l temperatures and vaginal pF1.

Finkler : Practical Management Steroids, p. 323.

of Disturbances

in Ovarian




a!: the llasis for the ,I group of 60 pat,ic:nts with impaired ovarian function served author’s investigation of the value of the long-acting strroitl preparations Uelestrogon and Delalutin. In this group there \verc 34 patients with amenorrhea, 4 primary (‘XSW and 30 secondary. Each patient was given an intramuscular injection of 10 or 30 mg. Delrxtrogen injection of 5 mg. Delestrogen (estradiol valerate) followed in 3 weeks by an intramuscular plus 125 or 250 mg. Delalutin (l’i-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone eaproate). In each inst,ance bleeding occurred within a certain period after the last injection, 7 to 11 days in t*he group treated &th the lower dosage and 1 2 to 14 days in the group givea the higher dosage. normal menstrual cycles continued for several In 10 patients with secondary amenorrhea, In 5 patientas periods continued for at least months after termination of hormone therapy. 6 months. Endometrial biopsies taken from treated patients disclosed fully developed with normal ovulatory pregestational patterns identical to those occurring in women menstrual cycles. *Titles



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abstracted 6SX
