

PREPARATION OF RESEARCH PAPERS For Annals of Tourism Research Annals will consider for publication research papers and case studies dealing with vario...

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PREPARATION OF RESEARCH PAPERS For Annals of Tourism Research Annals will consider for publication research papers and case studies dealing with various aspects of the tourism phenomenon. In general, papers on economic, ecological, political, sociological, psychological, anthropological, and educational aspects of tourism, including case studies and industry oriented fieldworks, may be submitted for publication in Annals. Purely descriptive articles which do not illustrate theoretical issues are not suitable. Submission of a paper requires the assurance that the manuscript is an original work. If the manuscript depends critically on another paper which is not published, copies of the paper should be included for the reviewers. Those manuscripts incorporating the results of a detailed original research should include discussion of the broader significance of the SubJect matter. All articles must be in English, though occasionally short articles in French (with a summary in English) will be considered. The articles translated into English should be accompanied by a copy of the article in the original language. Style: To facilitate and expedite the work of the editors, all manuscripts must be prepared according to this format, published m all issues of Anne/s. The manuscripts should be divided into the following sections: Cover Sheet: Manuscripts should have a cover sheet with a short informative title (50 letters maximum) for use as a running head. No author name or affiliation should appear on the cover sheet to facilitate blind rcwcw. Title Page: A separate title page should be provided including the article title, all authors’ names and affiliations, mailing address for correspondence and page proofs, and telephone number. Biographical Note: A short note of explanation about the author(s) and article, not exceeding 50 words, should be included. Abstract and Keywords: A one paragraph informative abstract (must be between 120.140 wards) should accompany the article. It should state concisely what was done and why, what was found, and what was concluded. The abstract ends with a list of the keywords pertinent to the central theme of the article. When possible. send along the French translation of the Abstract (resume); otherwise Annals is willing to make arrangements for its translation. Text: All parts of the manuscripts should be typed (on one side of paper only) double spaced, with ample margins. The text where possible should be subdivided wth titled headings, preceded by an introduction and succeeded by a summary or conclusion. The paper must be written in third person (cannot use I and we). References: In the text, references are cited within parentheses using the author/date style. Emnples: (Jones 1982): (Green and Carroll 1972); (Butler 1975; Hamilton 1971). The reference list must be typed double space in alphabetical order at the end of the paper. Authors must ensure that their references are cited accurately. Use the following format: Cohen, Erik 1979 Rethinking the Sociology of Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 6(1):18-35 Graburn, Nelson, ed. 1976 Ethmc and Tourist Arts: Cultural Expression from the Fourth World. Berkeley:University of California Press Greenwood. Davydd J. 1977 Culture by the Pound: An Anthropological Perspective on Tourism as Cultural Commoditization. In Hosts and Guests: The Anthropology of Tourism, Valene Smith, ed. pp. 129.138. Philadelphia: Unwers~ty of Pennsylvania Press. MacCannell, Dean 1976 The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class. London: Macmillan.

Omit footnotesorwork themintothetext.Citationssuchas”personal communication” should not be included in the reference list but may be added parenthetically in the text. Abbreviations and Terminologies: Unfamiliar or new abbreviations or terms should be fully spelled out and defined when first used in the text. Tables and lllustmtions: Each table or illustration should be tvved on a separate page and grouped together at the end of the I&Uscript. The data in tables should be arranged so that columns of like materials read down, not across. Nonsignificant decimal places in tabular data should be omitted. The tables and figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals, followed by brief descriptive titles. Additional details should be footnoted under the table not in the title. In the text, all illustrations and charts should be referred to as Figures. They should be finished drawings not needing further artwork or typesetting. No tables or figures planned for reproduction can be larger than one page of Annals, with ample margins provided.

Other: Preferred length of an article is 15-25 typewritten pages. Longer papers will also be considered. The paper should be arranged in the following order: cover page, title page. abstract, resume. introduction, text, summary and/or conclusions, acknowledgements. references. the date of submission of the paper. and the tables and figures. Evaluation of the Mnnuscripts: Annals is a refereed journal. All articles are evaluated by at least three referees. The evaluation is done anonymously (double blind system): neither referees nor the authors are aware of each other’s identities. To facilitate prompt review by the referees, send the editor the original manuscript and four copies of the manuscript.

Copyright and Originality: It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to Annals have not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. All authors must sign the “Transfer of Copyright” agreement. available from the Editor-in-Chief, before the article can be published. (U.S. aovernment officers or employees whose submit&d work was prep&d as part of their employment are exempt from the transfer requirement, but must certify their status as government writers.) This transfer agreement enables the publisher to protect the copyrighted material for the authors, but does not relinquish the authors’ proprietary rights or rights to use their work as they please in the future. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive nghts to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, photographic reproductions. microform or any other reproductions of similar nature and translaUO”S.

Book Reviews: Annals also solicits reviews of current books. For more information. write to the Book and Audio-Visual Editors, listed on the inside cowr.

Mnnuscri~l Submissions: Please send all manuscripts (5 copies) directly to J. Jafari, Editor, Annals of Tourism Resewch. Dept. of Habitational Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomie. Wisconsin 54751. USA

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