2,3,4,6-tetra-0.benzyl-D-glucopyranosyhdene, a new synthesis of, using tnmethylsilyl trifluoromethanesulfonate as the catalyst, 175 2.Acetamido-I-N-acyl-2.deoxy-P-o_glucopyr~nosylamines. further studies of the hydrazinolysis of. 89 ACCtd5,
0.Acetyl group resonances in the ‘HI-n.m.r. trum of 1,2,3-tri-O-acetyl-(2.3.4-tri-O-acetyl-PI,-xylopyran”syl)-~-D-xyl”pyra”“~e, Cl
Aadic polysaccharide isolated from the leaf fihre of pineapple, structural studies of an. 21 I Adducts and an isoxazole derivatrvc. reactions of methyl 4.6.O-henzylidene-2.3.dideoxy-3.nitroa- and -P-D-erythro-hex-2.enopyranosides with phenylacetomtnle: preparat,on and structural determination of, 41 Aldoturanoid derivatives, branched-chain and 3. arm-di-C-aubstitulLd, “C-n.m.r. study of. 302 Aldonic acids, aroylhydrazidec of, cyclization of. to 1.3,4-“xadiazolinc derivatives, I19 Ara-C. synthcscsof a higher homologof. W Ascorbic (book
acid: chemistry. review). cl I
L-Ascorbic acid. studies analogucs of. ~6 Aspects of the reaction methoxypropanr, 316
metabolism, towards
the synthesis
of glycerol
uses of
Binding 01 yttcrbium(III) to chondroitin sulphate and chondroittn, a ‘%-n.m.r. study of the, 1 Branched-chain aldofuranoid derwativer. ‘“Cn.m.r. studyof. Cellohiose. synthesis of, 163 Cellotctraosc, synthcsls of, 163 Cellotriose, qyntheslr of. 163 Chiral synthesis of asymmetrically tetra-C-substituted cyclopentane dcrwatlvcs by Diels-Alder addition of cyclopentadiene to unsaturated acyclic-sugar derivatives, 13.5 Chondroitln sulphate and chondroitin, a “Cn.m.r. study of the binding of ytterb~um(II1) to, I Cyclization of aldomc acid aroylhydrazides to 1.3.4.oxadiarohnc derivatwea. I19
Cyclizati”” of 2,3,4,5-tetra-0.acetylgalactaric bis(aroylhydraridrs) to saccharide bis(l.3.4. oxadlazolyl) derivatives. 125 Cyclopentane. tetra-C-substituted derwatwes of. choral synthesis of, by DieIs-Alder addition of cyclopcntadicne to unsaturated acyclic-wgar derivatives. 135 Cydosophoraoaea, produced by A~rohadrrrum and Xhrzohxun, structural studies on. 31 Cytosine, I-(5.deoxy-~-D-arab,no-hexofuranosyl), syntheses of. 99 Degradation, partial, of an extracellular polysaccharide of Rhirvhium ppunicrrm, with liquid hydrogen fluoride, high selectivity in the, 221 I-(5.Deoxy-B-o-arohino-hcxofuranosyl)cyt”sine, syntheses of. YY 6-De”xy+talose and the synthesis of 6-deoxy-2O-(,-I -rhamnopyranosyl)-I.-talose. derivatives of.61 Dcrwativcs of h-dcoxy-! -tal”sc and the synthesis of h-deoxy-2.0-(a-L~rhamnopyranosyl)-Ltalose, 61 Derwatwes of sucrose 3’,4’-epoxide. 109 Dextransucrase. a D-glucosylated form of, demonstration of partial reactions of. 269 Dextransucrase: a wglucosylated form of. prcparation and characteristics of. 257 Dextransucrase. of Leuconosroc mesenrerotder R512F, relative quantitative effects of acceptors in the reaction of. 279 Diethylamtnosulfur trdluorldc as a Ruormating reagent for methyl glycnrides, stereoand reeio-selectlvitv of. 51 2.2-Dimcthoxyprbpanr. some aspects of the reaction of glycerol with, 316 3-grm~Di-C~substltuted aldofuranoid derivatives, “C-n.,n.r. of. 302
Erythritol. 4.O-[3.4-O-(l-carhoxyethylidene).P“~gnlactopyranosyl-. from Klehsrella K33 polyaaccharidc. isolation and charactcrizatlon ot. 205 Fluorinatmg rcagcnt for stereo- and reglo-selectwty fur triflunnde as a. S
methyl glycosldes, of diethylaminosul-
D-Rihofuranosyl andes. a direct conversion O-acyl-2.3.O-lsopropylidene-l,-ribofuran”~~ mto, 287
of I
Saccharides. bis(l.3.Goxadtazolyl) derivataves. formation of, by cyclization of 2.3.4,5-tctra-0. acctylgalactaric bir(aroylhydrazldes). 125 Select~vc benzoylatwn of 1.5.nnhydro-1,.galnct,t*t Solatrmse, synthesis of. 328 Spectnxcopy. of polysaccharldc structure followme. aulfatmn. atud,es, hv ‘3C-n.m.r. and ‘Hn m.r..312 Spectroccopy of sugars Structural changes in
aqueuus S”lUllO”S. Founrr-transrorm Infixed, 30x Stereoand rcgio-aclectlwty of d~ethylam~nosulfur trifluoride as a Ruorinat~ng reagent for methyl glycosides. 51 Structural studies of an acidx polyaacchande isolated from the leaf fihre of pmeapple (Anarrrrs comosu~ Merr ), 211 Structural studies on cyclic (I-2).P-n-glucans (cyrloaophoraosr,) produced by Agrohac,PILU~ and Rhizohrurrr, 31 Stnxture of an R-type oligosacchar!dc core obtaned from come liprrpnlywccharldr\ of Neisdenu mmrnyilidn. the. 233 Structure of the repeating oligosacchandc unit of the pneumococcnl capsular polyraccharide type IgC, the, 213
Studieq of the hydrasinolysts of 2.acetamido-I-Nacyl-2~deoxy~p.D-glucopyranosylamlnes. furlhcr, 89 Studxx towards the synlhesir of analoguca of I -ascorbic
Sucrose 3’. i’-rpwade, dsrivauves of. 109 Sulfation. studva, by “C-n.m.r. and ‘H-n.m.r. spectroscopy. of polysacchandc structure following, 3 Synthesis of analogues of -ascorbic acad, studies towards the, ~6 Yynthca,s ot cellobiosc. cellutrlosc, ccllotetraoce. and lactose, lh3 Syntheris of 5.droxy-3.O~methyl-5.C~(phenylphosphmyl)-1 -Idopyrmosc_ CJ Synthesis uf methyl 2.3.C)-D-glycl~pyranosylldrne‘r-1~.mannupymnosides hawng various suhstituene, IX7 Synthesis of solatriose. 32X
I.?.%Triaroles. I-(2.3~0.ifopropylidrne-aand p-v-ribofuranosyl).4.5.di-(methoxycarbonyl)., an exception to the -Ifi criterion for configuratiunal assignment. 299 Xanthan gum. rheology and m,crostr~ct,,r~ of d,aperai;ns and nolut;&a uf. I3 R-o-Xvloovranow. I .2.3-tri-0-acclvl-J-0-17.3.4trl-O-acetyl-~-r)-xylopyrannsyl)-. . &cetyl group rcbonances an the ‘If-n m.r. spectrum of, Cl