SubjectIndex of Volume 63
possibility andadvantagesof an ancdic-type inhibimr for Zn/MnO, dly batteries,137
effect of @ial substihlrionof La with Ce,Rand Nd on the pmpmies of L&,-based dloy elecrrodes,267 Hydrogenahsorptlo”
m”“ence of polymericbinderon !he stability andintercalation/de~ntercalatronheha”,o”r of grapixteelectmdcsin non-aqueoussol“ems. I in sir” X-ray diffraction studiesof a graphite-basedLi-ion batterynegativeelectrode.41 Ion conductivity
e1ect~hemia.l behaviourof spine1LiMn,O, aspositive electrodein rechargeablelhhl”rn cells, 149 Fuel cells
analyticalfuel cell modeling,221
elec,mchem,calbehaviourof T&on-bonded iron oxide elecrmdesI” all;ahnesolutions,79
Lmhan”mn,ckel-b&ed alloy effect of pmial substitutionof La with Ce,Pr andNd o” theproperties of La?&-basedalloy electrodes,267 Lead/acidbatteries
hydrogenandoxygen evolwon m sealedlead/acid 2 V cells. In sit” gas measummentby Ramanspectmscopy. 235 Lad/sulf”ric acid system maiys1sOfthe oxidation pmcess “f anodlcPb(lI) 6bnSon lead I” sulfuoc acid solution,131 Lithium impactof lithium abundanceandcost on elecmc vcbiclc battcly apphc.¶tions,23 in situ X-ray diffraction studiesof agraphite-bawdLi-loo battery negative electrode,41 studieson theLi-Mn-0 spine1system (obtainedfrom melt-tmpregoation mrhod) as postwe electrodesfor 4 ” hthum ba,,eries.Pa, III. Characterizationof capacity andrechargeability,97 elecnochemicalbebaviourof carbon electrodesin someelectrolyte soIutionS.127 Lithium barreries low-temperaturelithiummanganese oxide cathodematerialsfor polymer batwies. 71 Lithium cells electrochemicalbobaviaurof spincl LiMn?O, as positiveclccuode in rechargeablelithium cells, 149 Lithium cobaltoxide cbaractlrization of sprayedand sputterdepasiledLiCoO, Lhmfilms for rechargeablemicrobatteries, 187 Lithium compounds elecuochemicalbehavior of Li-Mn spmelelecvodemalemdm aqw “USS”l”ti”“. 275 Lithium insertton alkali insenion within NiOlNr electrodeIOcontact with molten Li&O,-KFO, andLizC0,-Na&0,-K-K2C0, at 650“C. 27 Lithium insertionreaction electrochemicalbebaviourof vanadiumbronze LI,V,O,~ cathodein a secondary lithium battery,93 Lithium-ion baueries studteson the Li-Mn-O spmelsystem (ohtamedfrom melt-impregnadon method) as positiveelenmdes for 4 V lithium batteries Pan III. Characterizedonof capacity andrechargeability,97 ion conductivity of polymereiectmlytes derivedfrom poly(p-pbenyleneterephtbalamide),121 electrochemicalbehaviourof carbonelectrodesin someclectmlytc s”l”n”“s, 127 Utbiwl-non cells characterizationof compositecellulosic separatorsfor rechargeable lithium-ion batteries.87 Lithium ptisi”m carbonate alkali insertionwithin NiOfNi electrodem contactwith molten Li,CO,-K&O, andL&CO,-N&0,-K&O, at 650‘C. 27 Lhhi”mreserves Litbmm sodiumpomssiumcarbonate alkali insertionwithin NiO/NI electrodeto contact wfh molten Li&O,K,CO, andLi$O,-N&O,-K,CO, at 650“C, 27 Magnesiumalloys dischargebehwiour of Mg,Ni-type hydrogen-storage‘Luoyelectrodes in 6 M KOH solutionby electrochemicalimpedancespecrroscapy, 209 Magnesiumpassivationpotential on thecorms~onbehaviourof megneriumand11salloys wng elecbochemicaltechniques,103 Manganesedioxide studieson theLi-f&-O spmelsystem (obtamedfrom melt-impregnadon method) BSpositive electrodesfor 4 V lithium batteries.Pan III. Characterizationof capacity andrechargeability,97 Manganeseoxide electrochemicalbehaviorof Li-Me spmelelectrodematerialin queous solution,275
Mangancscoridc spmcls low-temperaturelithium-manganeseoxide cathodemntwals for polymr batteries.71 Mathematicalmodels simulationof temperature-compenra voltage limit curves for aerospaceNi-Cd haneriesusinga first prinaples model, 157 Molten carbonatefuel cells
alkali insertionwithin NiOINi electrodein contact with molten Li,CO,--K&O, andf&CO,-Na2COI-F&CO, at 650T, 27
Nickel effect of KOH concentrationand amonson the performanceof an NiH, battery pos,tiveplate,7 sm”,ati”” Of temperat”~-compc”sat~ voltage ,im,t C”weSfor aerospaceNiXd batteries“sing a first principles’ model, 157 Nickel/cadmium cells electrolytemanagementconsiderationsm modem nickel/hydrogen andnickel/cadm,um cell andbattery designs,53 Nxkelthydrogen cells electrolytemanagementconsiderationsm modem nickel/hydrogen andnickel/cadm,“m cell andbattery deagns. 53 Nmkcllmctal-hydride cells electrodeimpedanceparametersandinternalresistanceof a sealed nickellmem-hydride cell. 203 Nxkel hydroxide anelecwochemicallyimpregnatedsintered-nickelelectrode,167 smmurd defectsandelecrmcbemicalreactivity of fl-Ni(OHj,. 247 Non-mercunzation possibility andadvantagesof an anodic-typeinhibitor for ZnlMn02 dry batteries.137 Nyqust plou on thecorrosion behwiour of magnesiumand its ploys using electrochemicaltechniques,I”3
Open-circuit decay electmchermcalbehaviourof TcRon-bondediron oxide electrodesm alkaline sobmons.79 O”L?ptW,“d fuel cellswth dopedlanthanumgallateelectrolyte.47 Oxide glasses
a newmethodfor fabricatingflexible polymer electrodesandits appli~auonto the oxygenwreductionreacuon,27 I oxygen rwolution hydrogenandoxygen evolutionin sealedlead/acid 2 ” cells. Tosit” gasmeasurementby Ramanspectroscopy,235
Phase in sit” X-ray diffraction studiesof a graphite-basedLi-ion battery “egativeelectrode,41 Phasediagram a new solid-stateelectrolyte:mbbery ‘polymer-in-salt’ conr~~ning hN(CF,SO,),, 145 Pilch fibres elearoreductiooof graphitem LiClO,ethylene carbonateelectrolyte Chamctenzationof the passivatinglayer by transmissionelectron microscopy andFnurier-vansfom, infrared spectroscopy, 33 Plasticdeformation effect of plasticdeformationon tomc conducrlonm pureAgl and AglAI,O, compositesolid elecuolyles, 109
Space cnft a new method for hbncottng Aextblc polymer electrodes cation to the oxygcn~rcduction reaction. 271 Spec,hc energy
and 0s applG
studm on the LB-M-0 spmel system (obtained from nlelr-imprepnatio” method) as poutivs rlatmdrs for 5 V lithium batteries. Pan 111 Characterizdton of capactty and rechargeabdlry. 97 Spmcl h,hut&ma”ga”csc oxides elecuochcmical khawour of spine1 LMn,O, as Positwe electrode in rechargeable hthlum cells, I19 Stack effect of KQH ~once,,trat,m, and nnno”s 01, the performance of a” NIHz battery positive platc. 7 Porassium hydroxide efkcl of KOH conctn,rat,u” il”d ar”ons on the performance of a”Nlm Hz battety posiwe plate, 7 electrolyte management considerarlons I” modem nlckellbydrogeu and nskcl/cadm”xn ccl1 uad battery deslpnr. 53 Potarstum metion alkali msenion within NWNi electrode in c”“tact with molten Li2C03-K,C”, and L,,CO,Na,C(I,-K2CO;al 65,) “C. 27 Puwr denstry fuel cells with doped lanrhanum gallarc clcctrolytc. 47 quantitative mcdeling of factors detcnmn~ng Rapone plots for butlare.r and clc~lrochcrmcdl capacitors. 255 Rechagcablc bancrics charactenration of comporite cellulos~c sepamtorr for rechargeable lithtum-ion tattctws. 87 Rechargeable lithium batteries impact of lithiumabundancc and cost on clcc~nc vrhiclc battery rppltctmons, 23
electtode impedance parameters and mternal res,bta”ce ala xalcd nickclimax-hydride cell. 203 Structural defects structural dcfccts andclectrochcm~cal rcilctw!ty or BNIIOH~~. 247 Substitution effect of pwtial subrt~rutnw of La with Ce. Pr and Nd on the properties of L&l,-bawd alluy clccrrwlcs. 267 S”lf”“iUlO”
chwxtenzut~on of spray-ed und sputter deposed rcchar@able microbattencs, 187 Tranrference numbers Secondary hth,,,m banrriw eletirochenwal khaviour of varad~um bronze Li,V,O,, cathode in n secondtuy bth,um battery, 93 Shon-cucu,t current iomc traospon and battcry chamctcrization studtcs m (3&x)N~,O~~N~F-~OB,O,-~OTI,O~~~~~S, IJI S,lr cr cpony polymcrj a “ew method for fabricating flexible polymer electrodes and tts apphcanonto the ux~gen-radu~tionrr~lion. 271 Silver iodide effect of plastic deformation on tontc conductton 10 pure Agl and AglAI,O, composne solid electrolytes, 109 S~mulabo”
allah msertion wnth~n NWNi rlrctrrrde in c”“tact with molte” U&O,-K,CO, and L,lCO,-Na*CO,-KLCO,a, 650 “C. 27 Solid oxide fuel ccIls fuel cells wnh doped lanthanum gallate electrolyte. 47 cmnputatiunal analyhi, oi the gatlov distribution in solid oxide lucl cell stacks. 215 Solid polymer electrolytes low-temperature Ilthiunl-manganme oxide cathode matcriala for Pofymet battmes, 71 Solid~awr bntreries cffcct of plastx dcformatm” on iomc conductm” in pure Agl and AgIhl,O, compos,te sohd clcct~oIy~cs. 109
electrochemical hzhwiour dkahne solutmns. 79
Valve-qulated leadlacrd the uv of HglHg2S0, actd cells. IS vanaddlum bronrs
of Teflon-bonded
batterer reference electrodes
thrn films for
w”” oxide elecwdcs
in valve-regulated
simulatm” of temperature-compensated ialtage hmit cwves for aerospace h‘1JZ.d btienes urmg B hrst pmuples model, 157 Voltage-pH relationship electrochemml behavior of Li-Mn spine1 electrode material in aquc“us solution 275
SubjectIndex of Volume63 /Journal of Pnver Sources63 (19961308-312
X-ray dlffractmn in ssu X-ray diCfmctionstudiesof B graphm-basedLl-ion butterywgalive electrode.41 electrochemicalbetwiour of vanadiumbmnzc Li6V,011 cathodein n secondaryhthtum battery,93 Yttrium dischargekhaviour of Mg,Ni-type hydrogen-storagealloy electrodes
m 6 M KOH solutionby electrochemicalunpedancespectroscopy. 209
Zinc corrosion possibilityand advantagesof an anodic-typeinhibitor for ZniMG dry batteries,137