Accelerator Clinical linear: use to measure yield and cross section for 27Al(y,2p) 25Na reaction Van de Graafi series target system [‘8F]-AcetylcycZofbxy Radiosynthesis Acetylhypojuorite i8F labelled: stereoselectivity of reaction with glucals Actinium 227A~:dating of plant samples 228A~:half life Activation analysis Prompt y-ray in vivo: feasibility study Recoil proton effect: effect of sample mass and matrix composition Adenosine 13N labelling by ammonolysis Aerosol Particles collected in S. Calif. air basin: stable isotopes composition of sulphates Agar Gel: diffusion of NH,Br and NaI Air HTO sampling techniques: comparison (abs. 14) Monitors for tritium at CANDU nuclear facility (abs. 15) Removal of tritium content (abs. 13) Stable isotope composition of sulphates in S. Calif. basin Alkaloid Cryptolepine: radioiodination and in vivo investigation Indolealkylamine: “C labelling and tissue distribution Aryl chloride Labelling with 39C1 Alloy Gold and silver: analysis by neutron and y-ray transmission High temperature: development of protective layer against H permeation (abs. 5) Oxidised: hydrogen and tritium permeation models (abs. 3) Pd: metallurgical consideration of metal-hydrogen systems (abs 7) Path A prime candidate (PCA): diffusion and solubility of tritium (abs. 6) Alpha particle 2n counting: scattering corrections Alumina Use as a catalyst for oxidation of i4C0 Aluminium 27Al(y 2p)“Na reaction: measurement of yield by clinical linear accelerator /3 pariicle range from mass attenuation coefficient Mass absorption coefficient for r!?-rays Scattering cross section for y-rays Series target for van de Graaf accelerator Use as a catalyst for oxidation of i4C0 Americium 241Am/Be neutron flux distributions in bituminous coals 24’Am in-growth: as indicator of 24’Pu and 237Udecay Amino acid Adenosine and nicotinamide: 13N labelling by ammonolysis *Signifies Technical Note. tsignifies Preliminary Communication. $Signifies Letter to the Editor. 1”
721 425 429 111 547 439 357 203 345 947 1545 593 594 582 947 1003t 965 69 489 591 588 591 591 822* 915 721 251* 995* 699 425 915 757 123 345
Synthesis of “C ornithone and lysine and effect on Walker 256 carcinosarcoma Synthesis of “C proline and effect on Walker 256 carcinosarcome Aminocyclopentanecarboxylic acid “C labelled: routine production Ammonium acetate-He1 Use as an electrolyte for electrodeposition of heavy metals Ammonolysis For production of “N labelled adenosine and nicotinamide [2-‘4C]2,2’-Anhydrouridine derivative Synthesis Antibody 9 labelled: production and biological distribution Apparatus cr-METER-400: efficacy for radon detection in spring gases Constant temperature box for electron beam processing Field equipment for determination of radioactivity in plant root studies For radon exhalation from the ground Liquid scintillation counter for microsamples using flat bed geometry Multivial distillation: use for routine tritium urine analysis Argon -41 Computer code for environmental transport and dose release (abs. 9) Aryl-tin bond Cleavage in radiobromination of aromatic compounds Ash In coal: correction of pair production gauge In coal: determination Astatine-21 I Cyclotron production for radiopharmaceuticals 6-[*“At]-Astatomethy1-19-norcho1est-5(10)-en-3~-oI Synthesis and biodistribution Autoradiography Use to measure proton scattering in Kr gas Whole body: radiographic response of x-ray films Background Sources: studies in liquid scintillation counting Back scattering Compton: use to determine relative density of lung Barium ‘33Ba2+: selective uptake on Zeolite4A ‘43Ba: decay studies Beta particle Gauge as an evaporimeter In aluminium: mass absorption coefficient Pure emitters: liquid scintillation counting efficiency as a function of merit Range in aluminium Bioassay Distillation apparatus for tritium urine analysis Biphenyl Gaseous: reaction with tritiated phenylium ions Bismuth -207 Use as internal standard for energy calibration of a liquid scintillation counter Blanket CTR solid: tritium release (abs. 6) Helium cooled: tritium control (abs. 5) Li,O-H,O system: thermodynamic and kinetic research (abs. 7) Reactor: cost of processing fuel (abs. 1) Blood Flow tracer: [“F]-4-fluoroantipyrine synthesis Flow tracer: synthesis of I-[“Cl-butanol Reticulocyte count: effect of low dose on whole body exposure to x-rays
263 339 275 677: 345 227 803 197 243* 925 79* 819* 408* 601 935 627 879 443 561* 833 193 609 97 148* 689 l62* 995* 157* 251* 408* 87* 675* 579 579 580 578 643 412* 507t
Subject Index
Photon absorptiometry Book reviews Advances in scintillation counting Animal models in radiotracer design Graphical representation of K-shell and total internal conversion coefficients from z = 30-104 Introduction to health physics Isotopes and radiation in agricuhural sciences Borate Organo: use for preparation of IsO labelled butanol Boron carbide In iron thermal shield: attenuation of y-ray dose distribution &omine Natural EJ+ ‘*Br: excitation functions Radiobromination of aromatic compounds by cleavage of aryl-tin bonds 75Br: production by ‘%e(p, 2n)“Br 7SBr: recovery by dry distillation from metal selenide targets o - nJpr -Bromohippuran Evaluation as renal tubular function agent BWWlOi r’C labelled synthesis and development For blood flow m~sureme~ts ‘Q labelhng by organ5 borane chemistry p-Bury1 IDA Synthesis and analysis Cadmium In viva activation analysis by prompt y-rays Cd/Te detector peak efficiency study ‘ll’%d: binding to cell walls Calcium Juoride/Tm Calibration for in-phantom dosimetry Response to fast neutrons and y rays Reusability and fractional read out Calcium s&hate: Dy discs Efkct of annealing on performance C~~~o~~rn -2X! Neutron fhrx distributions in bituminous coals Car;bon Determination in bulk samples by neutron attenuation Radiocarbon dating by Tandem accelerator mass speetrometry “C: use as a tracer in study of llC urea synthesis from cyanide 1%.!/‘2Cratio: comparison of IR and mass spectrometry measurements W: computer code for environmental dosimetry (abs. 9) r*C dating of hydrological samples 14C: specific activity determination after CO2 absorption C&bon dioxide Absorber: use in specific activity det~~ination of ‘4c Bomb conversion to graphite for radio carbon dating WO,; production in microprocessor ilCO$ production in TRIUMF cyclotron ‘%Dr: use of Packard 306 oxidiser for determination C1sOz: production and quality controt for medical use Carbon monoxide 14C labelled: catalytic oxidation to measure atmospheric OH radical concentrations Carbonate “C: use of Packard 306 oxidiser in determination Carfentanil “C labelling
743* 331 173 1005 173 253 853 307 481 935 635 961 727 412* 853 389 357 a57 685 619 103 893 145* 7.57 I85 939
141 997* 60X 825” 165* l&V 939 469 931 9W 279
915 905* 303
Subject Index
Choice for catalytic oxidation of 14C0 Platinum: use for isotope exchange reaction in HPO-H, system (abs. 6) Cellulose nitrate Detector: response to heavy ion tracks
915 575 463
Use to purify helium coolant gas (abs. 2)
Natural ‘33Cs: excitation functions Uptake by Zeolite 4A: effect of neutron damage ‘43Cs, separated: decay 134Cs+:selective uptake in Zeolite
481 291 689 148*
“‘In dissociation in presence of transferrin ‘“In’complexes: in vitro investigation I-(2’-Chloro-2’deoxy-B_o
and haemoglobin
57 653
Chromatography HPLC
For analysis of 99mTcdiphosphonates Use to purify “C-glucose Ion exchange: use to separate 55Fe from Mn Structure confirmation from retention indices Chloramine
349 82* 159* 414*
Use as oxidant in radiobromination
of aromatic compounds
of aromatic compounds
Use as oxidant in radiobromination Coal
Ash content by pair production: correction of gauge Determination of solids weight fraction and ash content Neutron flux distributions On-line analysis by dual energy y-ray transmission techniques Sulphur content by x-ray fluorescence
627 879 757 867*
Distribution in water hyacinth 5*Co: excitation functions and experimental
7 657
cross sections
Clusius type: application
of parameters
of modified Waldman
Computer 8 Bit micro: interfacing
to a multichannel analyser Code: TRITO for tritium transfer optimization (abs. 9) Code comparison: for dispersion and transfer of tritium (abs. 8) Dispersion code for tritium (abs. 9) Micro: use for control of radiochemical processes
215 325* 580 601 601 908*
Permeability to tritium (abs. 2) Scattering cross section for y-rays
590 699
Liquid scintillation: Liquid scintillation:
use for micro samples using flat bed geometry use of “‘Bi as internal standard
819* 675*
Cerenkov: use to determine ‘*P in plant leaves Liquid scintillation Efficiency as a function of figure of merit for pure B-emitters Elimination of chemiluminescence counts for dual labelled samples Of porphyrins Studies of background sources Use of sodium hypochlorite as tissue solubilizing agent 2na: scattering corrections
323* 157* 285 223 609 543 822*
Subject Index
Dose rate dependence Effect of U.V. light on sensitivity to 240Putracks Track recording properties for accelerated heavy ions
525 504* 451
For semiconductor
detector neutron activation
logging tools
and in vivo studies
Organic: study for use as high dose dosimeters Cyanide IT: study of synthesis of “C urea Cyclohexene dimers
Structure confirmation
by predicted retention indexes
843 141 414*
LNP JINR Synchro: use for production of lz31 Production of 75Br from ‘%e Production of 211At TRIUMF facility: production of [i8F]F, and [‘50]02 sequentially TRIUMF-gas target for production of i’COI: and [“F]F2
897 443 635 107 931
Relative, of lung: measurement by Compton back scattering [lBF]2-Deoxy -2-Juoro -D-glucose Synthesis [2-“C]2’-Deoxyuridine derivatives Synthesis
Detector a METER 400: use to determine radon in spring gases
Cd-Te and NaI: comparison of peak efficiency in photon energy range 15-2000 keV CaF,:Tm, annealing cycle effects on sensitivity CaF,:Tm ribbon: reusability and fractional read out Cellulose nitrate track: response to heavy ions CR 39: sensitivity to 240Pu and effect of U.V. light CR 39: track recording properties for heavy ions CR 39 SSNT; dose rate dependence Ge(Li); full energy peak efficiency calculations Ionization chamber: contamination by tritium (abs. 19) Semi conductor for neutron activation logging tools: cryogenics Si(Li) and germanium: standard sources for efficiency calibration Soda glass: annealing of ‘32Xe ion tracks Tritium: in extraction plant (abs. 3) Tritium: in fusion test reactor (abs. 1) Tritium: integrated system (abs. 4) Tritium: modulated flow system (abs. 5)
857 1000* 893 463 504* 451 525 861 595 295 977 455 577 576 577 577
Determination in effluent waste water by pulsed NMR (abs. 20) Distillation system for separation from H isotopes (abs. 10) Tritide: rate of formation from deuterium and tritium (abs. 2) D-Tritium, solid: ultra violet absorption peak (abs. 1) Deuteron
Use to prepare 237Pufrom 237Np
595 581 585 585 564+
Solution: use as dosimeter
Of NH,Br and NaI in agar gel Of tritium in path A prime candidate alloy (abs. 6) Thermal: to separate hydrogen isotopes (abs. 6)
154* 591 586
Dimethyl carbonate
Use in synthesis of [2-“C]DMO
Subject Index
5,5’-Dimethyl-2,4-oxazolidinedione (DMO) Synthesis with and without dimethyl carbonate
Dispersion coejicient
Of river pollutants Distillation
581 581
Cryogenic for H isotopes (abs. 11) System for separation of protium, deuterium and tritium isotopes (abs. 10) Dithiol
Use to extract 99Mo from irradiated
Dopamine receptor antagonist ‘IC labelled Raclopride: preparation Dosimeter
619 145* 985 174 647
CaF,:Tm (TLD 300) ribbons; calibration in in-phantom dosimetry CaSO,:Dy: effect of annealing on performance FBX:G(Fe3+) values at low dose rates Film: individual characterization (erratum) In l&40 kGy range: use of aqueous dichromate solution as reference Dosimetry
601 507t 619 591 981 843
Computer code for evaluation of dose from T release (abs. 9) Effect of whole body exposure to low dose x-rays on reticulocyte count In phantom: calibration of CaF,:Tm In tritium removal plant (abs. 5) Of gamma rays from 16N decay Use of organic conducting crystals: study EHDP
150* 152*
Mossbauer spectroscopy: evidence for complex with Sn(I1) NMR spectroscopy: evidence for complexes with Sn and Tc Electrolysis cell
574 574 574 239
Ceramic: for tritiated water (abs. 5) Design for highly tritiated water (abs. 4) For tritium (abs. 3) Of sodium iodide (“‘I, 13’1):isotopic exchange with iodophenols Electron
Beam, high energy: design and application of constant temperature processing Internal conversion spectroscopy: use to determine 99mTcvalency Recombination: modification of Lea’s model Track: recombination of ions
box for 243* 219 509t: 813
Environmental studies
600 599
Global transport of tritium (abs. 7) Tritium release from reactors (abs. 2,3,4) Estradiol
i3iI labelled benzoyl derivatives: synthesis and pharmokinetics Estrone
13’1labelled benzoyl derivatives: synthesis and pharmokinetics [Z-“‘Cl-5-Ethynyl and 5-ethyI-2’-deoxy
Synthesis Ethyl-8-~uoro-5,6-dihydro-5-[“C]methyl-6-oxo-4H-omidazo ([“CJRO 15-l 788)
Computer controlled production
in leaves by /I-ray gauge
Fallout Tc in Seville 1965567 Fern
162* 129 547
Dosimeter:precision X-ray:radiographic
improvement (erratum) response in whole body autoradiography
174 193
Subject Index
from “‘O-water target
18F production From F, Ne, and Na In TRIUMF cyclotron In two target van de Graaf [‘*F]F,: production by TRIUMF
717 931 425 107
643 953
Synthesis Synthesis by using i8F reacted with silane I-(2’-Fluoro -2’-deoxy -j -D-ribofuranosyl)uracil Synthesis
Hydrolysis and use in synthesis of [‘*F]-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose Synthesis and characteristics Food
375 318’ 598
Ingestion pathway for tritium (abs. 1) Fuel
Clean up problems (abs. 3) Exhaust streams: catalytic water gas shift reactor (abs. 16) Reactor: cost of processing (abs. 1) Reprocessing issues in magnetic fusion energy program (abs. 2)
574 583 578 574
Fusion technology
Structural materials: implantation and permeation Tritium systems concepts (abs. 21)
results (abs. 2)
587 584
67Ga-tetrahydrosulphophthalocyamine: 76Ga: half life
synthesis and tissue uptake
709 89*
Gamma ray
Degradation of trichlorethylene and tetrachlorethylene in drinking water Differential scattering cross section of NaI Dose distribution in multilayer shield: attenuation Dosimetry for i6N decay Dual energy transmission techniques: application to analysis in coal and mineral industry Effect on insect larvae: Trogederma granarium Emission probabilities for “‘Pu and 237Udecay Emission probabilities in decay of ulPu and 237Pu by in growth of 241Am Irradiation facility at Riyadh Low energy: absorption technique for on-line uranium determination Low energy: transmitted photon spectra through water Prompt: in vivo activation analysis Transmission: use for gold analysis GaS Exhaust: enhancement of removal of SO, and NOX by powdery materials Handling systems using Ti sponge and U bulk getters (abs. 9) Target for TRIUMF cyclotron
313* 699 307 981 867 497* 117 123 741* 4051 531 357 489 807 592 931
/?-ray: use as an evaporimeter pair production: improvement
of accuracy for coal ash determination
162* 627
elution characteristics of a-emitting impurities 1921rconcentration in eluate %Tc: milking techniques and effect on labelling efficiency 1910s_191mIr:
164* 4172
Controlled, porous: relationship aqueous solution
between structure and isotope exchange in 993*
Reaction with [‘*F]acetylhypofluorite:
stereo selectivity
Subject Index
“C labelled: production by photosynthesis Glycol bubbler Use for HTO air sampling (abs. 14)
and HPLC purification
Gold 489
Analysis by y-ray transmission Harf life
Of **‘AC Of 76Ga
439 89*
Exchanges using crown ethers in preparation norcholest-5-( IO)-en-3/?-ol
of 6-[*“At]astatomethyl-
587 596 590
Effect on metals (abs. 1) Purification by cerium (abs. 2) Retention in vanadium tritide (abs. 3) Hydrogen
Determination by neutron attenuation in bulk samples H-tritium, solid: ultra violet absorption peak (abs. 1) Isotope Analysis: use of dual collector cycloidal mass spectrometer Sample preparation for mass spectrometry Separation by thermal diffusion (abs. 6) Isotopes Cyrogenic distillation (abs. 11) Distillation system for separation (abs. 10) Interaction with stainless steel (abs. 8) Permeation through oxidized alloys (abs. 3) Preparation from water gas (abs. 15) Reduction of permeation through high temperature alloys (abs. 5) Tritiated: metabolism in mammals (abs. 5) Hydrogen cyanide “C labelled: routine production Hydrological sample 14C dating N-[Z-(HydroxyethyZoxy)methyl]-5-[-’HImethyl
957 991* 586
581 581 584 588 582 591 600 275 825*
Synthesis and tissue distribution Hydroxyl
185 585
by catalytic oxidation
of 14C0
cc-emitting: elution characteristics
from 99Mo/99mTcgenerator
“‘In separation from silver cyclotron target material “‘In’Tris chelates: dissociation in presence of transferrin “3mIn chelate complexes: in vitro investigations
and haemoglobin
Indolealkylamines “C labelling and tissue distribution Insect Larvae of Trogoderma granarium beetle: effect of y-rays Latheticus oryzae (waterh.): resistance to irradiation InternationaI Committee for Radiation Protection
Report on reference man International Iodine
Committee for Radionuclide
Natural ‘*‘I: excitation functions ‘231:production of high specific activity for protein labelling ‘231:production on LJP-JINR synchrocyclotron ‘*‘I: activity determination by liquid scintillation counting spectrometry 13’1:use as radiotracer to determine groundwater flow pathways in Pu rock
501* 57 653 965 497* 495*
419f 171, 678f‘ 481 63 897 320* 399
Subject Index
Iodo Hoechst 33258
125Ilabelled: preparation
carrier free
Poly: isotopic exchange during electrolysis of sodium iodide (l*‘I, 13’1) zon Heavy: response of cellulose nitrate detector Lea’s recombination model: modification
463 813
Zon exchange (see also Chromatography)
159* 148+ 501s 291
Anion: use to separate “Fe from Mn Use of Zeolite-4A for Cs+, Ba and Zn Use to separate illIn from silver target Zeolite-4A, neutron damaged: investigation Iridium - 192
Concentration in eluate from 19imIrgenerator Iron Determination in ore slurries by XRF Distribution in water hyacinth Effect of tritium-helium on properties (abs. 1) G(Fe’+) values in FBX dosimeter at low dose rates 55Fe: separation from Mn cyclotron target material 59Fe standardization: effects of “Fe impurities Ore analyser: Monte Carlo simulation
7 587 985 159* 75 889
Development of resistance by Lutheticus oryzae (waterh.) Gamma facility at Riyadh y-ray dosage suitable for controlling Trogoderma granarium larvae
741* 497*
of o-[“Brlbromohippuran
as renal function agent
Gas target: measurement
of proton scattering
Laser radiation
Use to detritiate protium (abs. 5) Lead
Determination in ore slurries by XRF *“‘Pb: determination on powder samples
Lef 321* 323*
Palm: as bioindicator of atmospheric pollution 32P content by Cerenkov counting Lectin Pinella ternata: radio immunoassay Ligand
in rabbit serum and root extract
Polyhydric: complexes with Tc
943 475
Effect on solutions of reduced “‘jmTc
Oxide: removal of tritium (abs. 7) Oxide-H,0 system: thermodynamic and kinetic research (abs. 7) Thick target: neutron intensity and energy distribution from 1.95-5.5 MeV protons ‘Li: multiple scattering effects LiF:Ti phosphor: preparation
575 580 13 537 566*
Neutron activation tool: cryogenics for semi conductor
Aqua: mechanism in alkaline luminol Luminol
Mechanism of aqua luminescence LWr Phantom: relative density measurements
51 by Compton back scatter
Subject Index
Of irradiated
saccharides: response to radiation
Lysine “C labelled: synthesis and effect on Walter 256 sarcinosarcoma Mass absorption coeficient
263 251*
For /I-rays in Al Mass attenuation coejicient
Use to determine range of p-particles in Al Mercury 203Hgmethyl mercury chloride: preparation
587 589 587
Effect of tritium-helium on properties (abs, 1) Hydride: use for handling tritium (abs. 6) Permeation by tritium (abs. 7) Methyl iodide, “C labelled
435 469
Preparation Production in microprocessor Methyl mercury chloride
203Hg labelled: preparation
On line analysis by dual energy y-ray transmission
Molecular sieve
Use to adsorb tritiated water vapour (abs. 14) Molybdenum -99
85* 385
Extraction from irradiated U02 by dithiol precipitation Production: self shielding effect of 98Mo Monitor (see detector) Monte Carlo
Calculations of neutron flux distributions Simulation of an iron ore analyser
in bituminous
757 889
Attenuation measurement to determine H, C, N and 0 in bulk materials Flux distribution in bituminous coals Intensity and energy from thick lithium target Scattering effect in ‘Li Transmission: use for silver analysis
185 757 13 537 489
Based intermetallic tritides: behaviouir (abs. 7) Series target in Van de Graaf accelerator Nicotinamide 13N labelling by ammonolysis Niobium
Effects of tritium/helium
589 425 345
on properties (abs. 1)
Computer code for environmental 13N and 16N study (abs. 9) Determination in bulk samples by neutron attenuation Effect of sample mass and composition on recoil proton reaction ’ i6N decay: dosimetry of gamma rays NOX Removal of exhaust gases
601 185 203 981 807
Opiate receptor antagonist
Radiosynthesis Radiosynthesis
of “C-carfentanil of i8F-acetylcyclofoxy
303 429
Iron: Monte Carlo simulation Slurry analysis by XRF
of analyser
889 369
Organic conducting crystals
Study for use as high-dose dosimeters Ornithine “C labelled: synthesis and effect on Walker 256 carconosarcoma
Subject Index
Packard 306: use in organic sample analysis Oxygen
Determination in bulk samples by neutron attenuation Isotopes: determination in water by oxidation and mass spectrometry [‘so]02 production by TRIUMF cyclotron ‘50 z production and quality control for medical use ‘sO2 production in two target van de Graaf
185 663 107 279 425
Use to study dissociation
of “‘In chelates
Packard 306 oxidizer
Use in organic sample analysis Palladium
Diffuser: tests with tritium (abs. 5) Hydrogen systems: metallurgical considerations [I-“C]Palmitic
(abs. 7)
574 591
Synthesis by captive solvent method
Aerosol, collected in S. Calif. air basin: stable isotope composition Size control in ore slurries by XRF
947 369
blank: microbiological
and chemical studies
Labelling with tritium (abs. 4)
Perturbed directional correlation
Studies of ‘ILmCdbinding to plant cell walls b-Phenethylamine 13N labelled: preparation Phenylium ions
685 555
Tritiated: reaction with biphenyl
CaF,:Tm Annealing cycle effects on sensitivity Calibration for in-phantom dosimetry Response to neutrons and y-rays CaSO,:Dy: effect of annealing on performance LiF:Ti: preparation of thermoluminescent crystals for dosimetry
1000* 619 103 145* 566*
in leaves by Cerenkov counting
Absorptiometry in bone Transmitted spectra of low energy y-rays through water
743* 531
Use to produce “C-glucose Pinella Ternata lectin Radioimmunoassay
82* 943
Cells: binding to “‘“‘Cd Fern and foodstuffs: 22sRa-22BThdating of samples Palm leaf: use a bioindicator of pollution Root studies: field equipment for determination of radioactivity Water hyacinth root: Fe and Co distribution by tracer and Mijssbauer studies
685 547 321* 925 7
Plastic coating
to tritium and tritiated water (abs. 4)
microscale synthesis with 19’Pt
Fractured rock: ground water flow pathways 237Pu:preparation from 237Npirradiated with deuterons *“Pu-alpha damage trials in CR 39: effect of U.V. light
399 564* 504*
241Pu decay: y emission probabilities Determined from in-growth of 241Am Tansitions Pollutant Atmospheric: determination in palm leaves Dispersion in river water Polyethylene Interaction with tritium gas (abs. 5) Porphyrin 14C labelled: liquid scintillation counting Proline “C labelled: synthesis and effect on Walker 256 carcinosarcoma Protective coating Development for high temperature alloys against H, permeation (abs. 5) Permeability to tritium and tritiated water (abs. 4) Protein labelling Production of high specific activity ‘23I With tritium (abs. 4) Protium Detritiation by laser (abs. 5) Distillation system for separation from H isotopes (abs. 10) Pro ton Beam monitoring Recoil effect: effect of sample mass and composition on reaction yield Scattering in Kr gas target Pump Vane developments for use with tritium (abs. 12) Pyrimidine Radiolabelled bases and nucleosides: tumour uptake Raclopride “C labelled: preparation Radiation protection Containment and clean-up systems for tritium facility (abs. 1) For personnel in tritium plants (abs. 20) Tips for tritium workers (abs. 11) Tritium containment at Mound (abs. 2) Tritium monitoring at CANDU facility (abs. 15) Radioactive decay Of mass-separated ‘43Cs and ‘43Ba Radioactive source Standard: for calibration of photon detector Radioisotope Exchange: of polyiodophenols during electrolysis of NaI Radiopharmaceutical “C labelled: microprocessor for production from [“C]CH31 191Pt: microscale synthesis of compounds Specific activity evaluation 99Tc: effect of Tc-nitrido group on behaviour 99”Tc: preparation from 99mTcNC1; Radium Electrodeposition on stainless steel 2z*Ra-228Th dating of plant samples Radon Detection in spring gases by a-METER-400 Exhalation from ground: measurement Reactor Catalytic: for fuel exhaust streams (abs. 16) Flow: use to measure OH radical concentration Fusion Blankets: tritium permeation (abs. 9)
123 117 321$ 569* 588 223 339 591 588 63 585 586 581 657 203 833 593
597 584 593 597 594
239 469 181 329* 919 133 254 (erratum),
677f 547 197 79* 583 915 576
Subject Index Calculation code for tritium permeation of 6rst wall (abs. 4) Direction of U.S. program (abs. 1) Optimization and safety of tritium transfer (abs. 9) Reprocessing, detritiation and tritium handling (abs. 2) Safety considerations of tritium (abs. 8) Tritium containment at high temperature (abs. 18) Tritium problems at Saclay (abs. 3) Tokamak: new tritium monitor (abs. 1) Tokamak: tritium technology needs (abs. 8) Heavy water: recovery and packaging of tritium (abs. 1) Mobile: use for in vivo prompt y-ray activation analysis PWR and BWR: comparison of tritium release (abs. 3) Shield: attenuation of y-ray dose distribution Tokamak: tritium safety issues (abs. 17) Tritium removal (abs. 2) By cerium (abs. 3) Technical and economic aspects (abs. 4)
590 573 580 574 575 583 574 576 580 595 357 599 307 583 596 596 596
Rubidium -8.5 and 87
Natural: excitation functions Saccharide
Irradiated: lyoluminescence
Dual labelled: subtraction of chemiluminescence counts in liquid scintillation counting Hydrological: 14Cdating Mass and composition: effect on recoil proton reaction yield Oxidizer: Packard 306 in determination of 14C02 and 14Ccarbonates Selenide Target: recovery of 75Br by dry distillation Selenium ‘%e. use in plant root bioactivity
76SeIuse in production
285 825* 203 905*
961 925 635
of 75Br
Powdery: effect on removal of SO2 and NOX under radiation treatment
Analysis by neutron transmission Cyclotron target: separation of “‘In Ag39Cl: use for rapid labelling of 39C1alkyl chlorides Slurry Coal: determination of solids weight fraction and ash content Ore-on stream analysis by XRF
5012 69 879 369
Use as target for production of 18F *‘Na: *‘Al(y, 2p)25Na reaction yield by linear clinical accelerator
717 721
Sodium hypochlorite
Use as a tissue solubilizing agent for liquid scintillation
Sodium iodide
Detector: comparison of efficiency Differential scattering cross section for y rays Diffusion in agar gel ‘*‘I> “‘1.f isotopic exchange during electrolysis with iodophenols
857 699 154* 239
Soil 209
Study of tritiated water movement Spectra
Chemiluminescence and aqua luminescence of alkaline luminol Photon: of low energy y-rays through water
51 531
Mass, dual collector cycloidal: use for analysis of hydrogen isotopes
Gamma absorptiometric:
of U and Th
Subject Index
i.r. and mass: comparison of measurements of ‘3C/12Cratios Liquid scintillation: determination of 125Iactivity Mass: determination of oxygen Mass: sample preparation for hydrogen isotope analysis Multichannel analyser: interface to 8 bit microcomputer TAMS: bomb conversion of CO2 to graphite target for radiocarbon
997* 320* 663 991* 325* 939
Internal conversion electron: use to determine WmTcvalency Miissbauer: to study EHDP and &Cl, solution Miissbauer: use to study iron and Co in water hyacinth NMR: to study “P (EHDP), ‘i9Sn and ?c solutions (in French) Pulsed NMR: use to determine 3H and D in effluent waste water (abs. 20) Raman: use to study interaction of polythene and tritium gas (abs. 5)
219 150* 152* 595 588
Stainless steel 589 587
316L: interaction with hydrogen isotopes (abs. 8) Effect of tritium-helium mixtures (abs. 1) Electrodeposition of radium Use as a catalyst for oxidation of 14C0
(erratum) 254, 6771 915
Standardisation 75
Of “Fe; effects of 55Fe impurities Sulphur
in coal by x-ray fluorescence
Sulphur dioxide 307
Removal from exhaust gases Sulphate
Stable isotope composition
in aerosol particles collected in S. Calif. air
Gas: for production of “CO2 and “F, in TRIUMF cyclotron Graphite: production from CO, Kr gas: proton scattering measurements Lithium: neutron intensity and energy from 1.95-5.5 MeV proton bombardment MOO, e8Mo enriched): self-shielding effect ‘*O water: use for [lsF]fluoride production Selenide: recovery of 75Br by dry distillation Series system for sequential production of [‘50]H20 and “F,
931 939 833 13 385 327* 961 425
Complexes with polyhydric ligands Tc-nitrido group: effect on behaviour of 9qc radiopharmaceuticals “Tc fallout in Seville: radiological impact 99Tc-tetramine: chemical and biological properties %Tc Tc(V) DMSA: preparation p-butyl IDA: synthesis and quality control Diphosphonates: analysis by HPLC Generator: elution characteristics of a emitting impurities Labelling efficiency: effect of generator milking technique TcNClb substitution reactions to produce radiopharmaceuticals NMR spectroscopy to study complexes (French) Solutions, reduced: effect of light Tetrasulphophthalocyanine: synthesis and tissue distribution Valency form: determination by internal conversion electron spectroscopy
475 919 129 315* 311* 389 349 246* 417* 133 152* 249* 709 219
Use as catalyst for 14C0 oxidation m - Terphenyl
after reaction of biphenyl with treated phenylium
in drinking water
Tc complex: chemical and biological properties
Subject Index
by y-ray spectrometry
Sn(I1) fluoride complex: investigation and formation by potentiometric titration 1L3Sn/1131n: use as internal standard for energy calibration of liquid scintillation counter ii9Sn: Miissbauer spectroscopy on EHDP and SnClr solution ‘i9Sn: NMR spectroscopy to study EHDP-Sn(IV) complex
669* 675* 1502 152*
Distribution of “C labelled indole alkylamine alkoloids Distribution of N[2-(hydroxyethoxy)methyl]-5-[3H]methyluracil Relative density determination in lung Solubilization by sodium hypochlorite for liquid scintillation
965 395 97 543
592 915
Sponge: for tritium storage (abs. 9) Use as a catalyst for i4C0 oxidation Tomography (see also Imaging studies)
Positron emission studies of benzodiazepine
Electron: modification of Lea’s recombination model for ions Heavy ion: response of cellulose nitrate detector Recording properties of CR-39 for heavy ions ‘32Xe: in soda glass detector
813 463 451 455
in drinking water
Triperm installation
Tritium contamination
after 5 years (abs. 1)
Of Ni based intermetallic compounds: behaviour (abs. 7) Uranium: use of container for tritium (abs. 8)
589 592
Absorption in tritium sponge and uranium bulk getters (abs. 9) Assay in sweep gas during in-pile generation (abs. 6) Containment in high temperature fusion reactors (abs. 18) Containment in multi room facility (abs. 2) Contamination in TRIPERM installation (abs. 1) Contamination of ionization chamber (abs. 19) Conversion to tritiated water (abs. 6) Cost of processing from a molten salt reactor blanket (abs. 1) Design of facilities for aq. and gaseous systems (abs. 5) Determination in effluent waste by pulsed NMR (abs. 20) Determination in TRIPERM effluent waste water by pulsed NMR (abs. 20) Detritiation plant: process calculations (abs. 13) Diffusion and solubility in Path A Prime Candidate alloy (abs. 6) Dispersion and transfer: computer codes comparison (abs. 8) Distillation system for separation from H isotopes (abs. 10) Effect on metals (abs. 1) Effect on piezo-electric valves (abs. 19) Enrichment by thermal diffusion column Environmental levels at Chalk River (abs. 2) Extraction plant: licensing (abs. 5) Extraction plant monitoring (abs. 3) Facility: containment and clean-up systems (abs. 1) Facility at KMS Fusion: low cost apparatus (abs. 3) Gas: interaction of polyethylene (abs. 5) Global environmental transport models (abs. 7) Handling and detritiation in magnetic fusion energy program (abs. 2) Hazard from organically bound material (abs. 1) Heavy water/lithium slurry: merits for breeding )H for a D-T reactor (abs. 4) Kinetics of release from Li,@H,O system (abs. 7)
592 578 583 597 590 595 600 578 594 595 595 593 591 601 581 587 584 215 599 597 577 597 597 588 600 574 598 397 580
Subject Index
Labelling to help with structure confirmation based on retention indices Monitor for Tokamak fusion reactor (abs. 1) Monitor; modulated flow system (abs. 5) Monitoring At CANDU facility (abs. 15) Canadian experience and instrumentation (abs. 2) System (abs. 4) Optimization of transfer in fusion reactor (abs. 9) Oxide sampling: use of glycol bubbler for collection (abs. 14) Oxidation as a means of tritium control: study of reaction rate (abs. 16) Permeability through protective coatings (abs. 4) Permeation in fusion reactor blankets (abs. 9) Permeation of first wall in reactor: analysis of calculation code (abs. 4) Permeation through Copper at room temperature (abs. 2) Metals: model for pumping (abs. 7) Oxidised alloys (abs. 3) Plant: radiological protection for personnel (abs. 20) Problems in fusion reactor and recovery from solid waste (abs. 3) Recovery And enrichment (abs. 6) And packaging from heavy water reactor (abs. 1) And storage by Zr-V-Fe getter (abs. 10) Efficiency from 17Li83Pb alloy (abs. 3) Release: comparison of PWR’s to BWR’s (abs. 3) Release from CTR solid blanket (abs. 5) Release from lithium oxide (abs. 7) Removal and immobilization from nuclear reactor (abs. 2) Removal from gaseous waste (abs. 12) Removal from room air (abs. 13) Safety considerations in fusion reactors (abs. 8) Safety issues for TFCX (abs. 17) Separation from protium by laser (abs. 5) Surface and gas phase conversion to HTO (abs. 18) Surface contamination (abs. 17) Systems: concepts for next European Torus project (abs. 21) Technology at Karlsruhe (abs. 4) Technology: needs for a fusion demonstration reactor (abs. 8) Technology: research and development at Karlsruhe (abs. 3) Tips on radiation protection (abs. 11) Urine analysis: distillation apparatus Use of metal hydrides for handling (abs. 6) Use of uranium tritide containers (abs. 8) Vane pump development (abs. 12)
414* 576 577 594 576 577 580 593 594 588 576 590 590 587 588 584 574 575 595 592 578 599 379 575 596 581 582 575 583 586 594 594 584 598 580 585 593 408* 589 592 593
Ultra violet light
Absorption peak in solid D-T and H-T (abs. 1) Effect on CR-39 track detector
585 504*
Bulk getter: use for tritium storage (abs. 9) Determination by y-ray spectroscopy Retrieval of tritium (abs. 3) On-line determination by low energy y-ray absorption technique Tritide containers for tritium (abs. 8) “‘U: cost of processing a molten salt reactor blanket (abs. 1) 237Udecay Emission probabilities of y-ray transitions Gamma emission probability by in-growth of 241Am
592 705 597 405* 592 578 117 123
Urea “C labelled.
Optimized production
Subject Index Study of synthesis from “C cyanide
Piezo-electric: effect of tritium exposure (abs. 19)
Tritide: isotope effects and helium retention behaviour (abs. 3)
Walabzann equation
to diffusion columns for tritium enrichment
Gaseous: tritium removal (abs. 12) Solid: tritium recovery (abs. 3)
581 574
Degradation of trichlorethylene and tetrachlorethylene impurities in Determination of oxygen isotopes present Ground: flow pathways in fractured Pu rock Heavy, lithium slurry: merits for tritium breeding (abs. 4) Heavy: tritium extraction monitoring (abs. 4) Hyacinth: iron and cobalt distribution in roots by Miissbauer spectroscopy [“O] H,O production in FN-6 tandem van de Graaf accelerator [I801 target for [‘*F]fluoride production River: treatment and dispersion of pollutants Transmission of low energy y-rays: photon spectra Tritiated Electrolytic cell for decomposition (abs. 4) Environmental levels at Chalk River (abs. 2) Movement in soil Permeability through protective coatings (abs. 4) Recovery and enrichment of. 3H (abs. 6) Surface and gas phase production from tritium (abs. 18) Vapour: rates of adsorption for Zr-V-Fe getter (abs. 10) Vapour, tritiated: removal by adsorption on molecular sieves (abs. 14) Waste: determination of ‘H and deuterium by pulsed NMR (abs. 20)
313* 663 399 579 577 7 425 327* 569* 531 574 599 209 588 575 594 592 582 595
Water gas shift reaction
Application of zeolites (abs. 15) Catalytic reactor for fuel exhaust streams (abs. 16) Xenon 13*Xe ion: annealing X-ray
of tracks in soda glass detector
Fluorescence: use in determination of S in coal Fluorescence: use for ore slurry analysis and particle size control Low dose, whole body exposure: effect on reticulocyte count
382 383 455
1 369 507t
Use to label antibodies
Use in H2 preparation in water gas shift reaction (abs. 15) 4A-neutron damaged: investigation 4A: use in isotope enrichment of ‘%s+, rs3Ba2+and asZn2+
582 291 148*
Determination in ore slurries by XRF 62Zn and 6SZn: use in beam monitoring “Zn*+; selective uptake on zeolite-4A Zirconium-V-Fe
369 657 148*
Recovery and storage of tritium (abs. 10)