\\\tcllli(. \iithout renal failure associate<1 with tubct131.(ielect in potasGrcm excretion, 461 Actinobatillus ;Ictino~~~~trtclr~coniitans endocarditic. 809 AIII)I inogcllwnia at ter rattlrsnake bite, 625 Alllilloacitluria in t~In(ocutaneous candidiasis, 503 .\nipicillin Illcrap\ for .\cti!lobacill~ls ;tctiilotil~cetenlcolllitans endocal-di-
I i4. soit to) tlllollic biliaq
Salnlonella carriers, 236 Amylase, p~cltc~in~l,ountl. cause of hyperamylasemia, 492 Anlyloido’rih. prinlary, nlctabolisrn studies in. 259 Arre~~~ia constitutional aplastic (CPC), 421 pel.tlitiolts, and ir~~munoglobulin dehciency, 340 lefrac tot.\ Gdcroblastic. and chronic monocytic leukeIrlia. 785 ,\ntil)otlic\ and myeloma proteins (E), 837 .\ntitliulcsis. persistent. in hypopituitarism, 653 \ntitlicnctic llormone secretion in central pontine myelillol\Gs, 813 double-outlet right ventricle in A01 tic regurgitation, atllllt rvitll, 818 ,\rte~ ial leGoils in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, 967 Artclioglapllic asbessmcnt of renal vasculature in hy pertwsiorl. 845 Althlitis
ill tlrronic
t hcumatoid and \~stcmic Input er,thematosus, 133 itllmIlnoglol~ulin studies in, 23 Asci1c.s due to Meigs’ syndrome (CPC), 125 Aspergilloma and sarcoidosis, 2-13 Aspergillosis, allergic bronchopulmonary, 306 Atrial flutter in Marfan’s syndrome, 965 .\trial \eptal defect and m~ocardial infarction, 995 Atria1 standstill in family with rnyocardial disease, 775 B. dc trl1.11 :. endocarditis llcl \ou\ Eystcwi complications in, 593 snl)acute. due to Actinobacillun actinomycetemcomitans, 809 Hence Jones protcinemia. closed tetrameric, with IgG mveloma, 978 Biliary Salmonella carriers, treatment of, 236 Blood gases during Cheyne-Stokes respiration, 534 Bone biops) in evaluation of calcium infusion therapy of o\tcoporosis. 17
d\aplasias studied in skin fibroblast cultulcs, 708 Bl-orlchopclllnonary aspergillosis, allergic, SO6 Bullectonl~, cllangcs in puhnonai y function altcl, 916
alclum infusions in treatnlent of osteoporoG\, 7. 17 Cantlidiasis, chronic mucocutaneous, 503 Carcinoma. hepatocellular, hypoglycemia in. 220 Cardiac anomalies, absence of, in congenital corrected tranapos~t~on of great vessels. 986 Cc.11 cultures in study of bone dysplasia\. intlutling Morquio’s syndrome, 708 Central pontinc myelinolysis and inapptopriatc antirliuretic hormone secretion, 813 Ccl-amide, free, excess in Farber’s lipograrrulolltatosis. 869 Cerebral \c’nous and arterial blood gaws during Chcyne-Stokes respiration, 534 Cervical migraine, 141 Cerbital wins, study by translingual ~outc. 392 Chevtre-Stokes respiration, cerebral %cnow alltl a~ terial blood gases during, 534 Chrornosomal abnormalities see XYY syndrome in m~eloprolifcrative disorders, 299 Cirrhosis, multilobular, variform (CPC), 287 Clinicopathologic Conferences A fifty-six year old woman with iauntlitc and pnlmonary hypertension, 287 .%n unusual itnmunoproliferati\e (Iisordc~I~ 946 Constitutional aplastic anemia, 421 Massive ascites due to Meigs’ syndrome. 125 Multiple endocrine atlenomatosis, 608 Coagulation studies in patient with ;~lll,1-i,logrrlclllia after rattlesnake bite, 625 Colloid
goiter, pharmacologic effects 01 excess iodide on, 101 Congenital wrrectetl transposition ot arcat ~c\wlh \vitllout cardiac anomalies, 986 Constitutional aplaatic anemia (CPC), 121 Coronary artcry disease, study of coronas L tirculation and n~yocar(lium in relation to, 27 I Coronary circulation, physiology and pharlnacology of, 274 Corrcctcd transposition of great ww~ls, 986 Corticomedullary adenoma in &shins’? swltlrorne with hypertensive crisis, 635 Corticosteroids in chronic liver disease associated with h~p~rgat~~maglobulinemia, 765 Coxsackievirus as cause of renal diseases. 36 Cronkhite-Canada syndrome, 445
Subject Cryoglobulinemia associated with glomerulonephritis and the nephrotic syndrome, 957 Crystalline deposits in kidneys, 957 Cushing’s syndrome with hypertensive crisis, 635 with paradoxical response to dexamethasone, 619 Cytogenetics in acute myeloproliferative disorder, 299
Dental aspects of fluorosis, 553 Dexamethasone, paradoxical response to, in Cushing’s syndrome, 619 Diabetes, brittle, insulin-induced posthypoglycemic hyperglycemia as cause, 891 Diabetic angiopathy in presence of normal glucose tolerance and plasma insulin response, 487 Diuretics, effects on mate excretion, 564 Dyscrasia, immunocytic, leukemic form of, 60 Dysglobulinemia. with acquired type I hyperlipoproteinemia, systemic lupus erythematosus and heparin resistance, 318
Ectodermal changes in diffuse gastrointestinal polyposis, 445 Editorials Early pump failure of the ischemic heart, 497 Glomerular basement membrane; insights from molecular models, 337 Myeloma proteins and antibodies, 837 Normal pulmonary arterial pressure-flow relationships during exercise, 1 Toxoplasmic myocarditis and pericarditis, 169 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, arterial type, 967 Electrolytes disturbances in central pontine myelinolysis,*813 imbalance in leukemia, 351 Embolism, paradoxical, cause of myocardial infarction, 995 Endocarditis, bacterial due to Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, 809 nervous system complications in, 593 Endocrine adenomatosis, multiple (CPC), 608 Endocrine disorders and candidiasis, 503 Enzyme patterns in erotic aciduria, 332 Epinephrine secretion in pheochromocytoma, 648 Erythromonocytic leukemia, chronic, 785 Ethacrynic acid, effect on urate excretion, 564 Exercise, pulmonary arterial pressure-flow relationships during (E), 1
Familial hyperparathyroidism (CPC), 608 Farber’s lipogranulomatosis, 869 Fluoride intoxication, dental, skeletal, and neurologic aspects of, 553 Fluorosis, endemic, in Punjab (India), 553
Index F-thalassemia, 194 Furosemide, effect on urate excretion,
Ganglioside excess in Farber’s lipogranulomatosis, 869 Gastrointestinal polyposis with protein-losing enteropathy, abnormal skin pigmentation and loss of hair and nails, 445 Glomerular basement membrane; insights from molecular models (E), 337 Glomerulonephritis, paraproteinemia, cryoglobulinemia and nephrotic syndrome, 957 Glucose tolerance in diabetic angiopathy, 487 Glucuronyl transferase deficiency and chronic nonhemolytic unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, 395 Glycoprotein storage disease, a new entity, 135 Glycosaminoglycans, structure and metabolism of, 673 Goiter, iodide, and pharmacologic effects of excess iodide, 101 Gout, renal function in, 575 Granulomatous disease of childhood, leukocyte function in, 473
Hair loss in gastrointestinal polyposis, 445 Halothane anesthesia and hepatic necrosis, 748 Heart, ischemic, early pump failure of (E), 497 Heat stroke in the aged, 251 Hemodialysis, periodic, in treatment of chronic renal failure with crystal-induced inflammation, 450 Hemodynamic assessment of renal vasculature in hy pertension, 845 Hemofiltration, extracorporeal, in treatment of Schistosomiasis japonica, 546 Hemorrhage, intraalveolar (CPC), 421 Heparin resistance in acquired type I hyperlipoproteinemia with systemic lupus erythematosus and dysglobulinemia, 318 Hepatic necrosis associated with halothane anesthesia, 748 Hepatitis, viral, steroid therapy of, 82, 93 Hepatocellular carcinoma, hypoglycemia in, 220 Hereditary hyperphosphatasia, 209 Herpes-like virus infection associated with infectious mononucleosis, 520 Heterogeneity, evidence for, in hyperbilirubinemia with glucuronyl transferase deficiency, 395 Histiocytic medullary reticulosis, 314 Hormone secretion, inappropriate antidiuretic, in central pontine myelinolysis, 813 Hunter syndrome, 691 Hurler syndrome, 691 Hyperacetaldehydemia and pseudoketosis in paraldehyde acidosis, 642 Hyperamylasemia due to protein-bound amylase, 492 Hyperbilirubinemia with glucuronyl transferase deficiency, 395 AMERICAN
Subject f IY~CI.C It~t~~ll~ic-rolleftli~~. poYlhepdrin
tipoprotcill tipase ~Ivf~cicnl. SIX 1IT~~~.~~~t~~~~~~tgtol~ulincll~i;r 111:)1 Lc~l i(:I’C). !J I6 dild ptavnac~lo~is without paraprotein oi osrcotytic t(,\iotr\ iCI’C), 946 \\illl ~ItIonic li\vr tliu,a\c, long-term results of therA,,\ 111.7&i II~p~~~~l\ccnri;r. ill\uliu-ilitluced posthypogt\icenric, cause 01 1))ilttr ttiabeles, 891 11) ~N’II\alrtnia 1, ilhout lc,nal failure associated with 1(.n;lt tubular defect in potassiuln excretion, 461 Ii~t~~~~~tipot~~o’eillc~~ia, acctnired type I, 318 H~t~~~~t~;~~a~I~~roi~tis~n t;illlitiat (CPC). 608 Ilolll,oc;ilc(.tlli( primary, 384 p~itllal.y, and sarcoidosis. 825 H)pck pho\phalasia, hereditary, 209 H)t”.~pla\~ic goilrt, cffrcts of excess iodide on, 101 IIypvt Lc.nGon an11 renal artery stenosis, 175 art~~~iograpliic and hemodyuamic assessment of renal \asculaturc in, 845 ;trsc~iatetl with tnruol-s adjacent to renal arteries, 528 pllllllotl;fr\ ~11111 iau&ice (CPC), 287 clilfc~nlial diagnosis of, 378 in ;I Ilft)-six )ear old woman (CPC), 287 ~(YI;II va\culature in, 845 Icnin \ccletion in, 855 r<‘no\ ascular, renal vein renin in, 860 n,il bout renal failure associated with tubular defect in pot;lAum excretion, 461 Hypcrlcnsi\v cricis in Cushing’s syndrome, 635 I-l)po;~ltlosleroniilli with persistent antidiuresis and sotliunl wasting in hypopituitarism, 653 Hypoglycemia in hepatocellular carcinoma, 220 Hypokalrmia and lysozymuria, 351 lIyponat”mia in central pontine myelinolysis, St 3 Hypopituitarism. persistent antidiuresis in, 6.53 II)-poproteinellli:I in diffuse gastrointestinal polyposis, 11 r,
I gC.’ n1)cloma ‘!
with closed tetrameric Bence Jones proteincmia, 978 IlntrlIlnofluorescent antibody technic in diagnosis of viral infections, 36 Immunoglobulin deficiency and pernicious anemia, 340 Immunoglobulins abnormal, in plasma cell leukemia and multiple myelorna, 60 in primary arnyloidosis, 259 in rheumatoid arthritis, 23 multiple anomalous, in lymphoproliferative disorders, 43 VOI_.
Index Itr~t~r~~nop~otit~rdli~r tli90rder Infa~clion. nl\ocardiat. ttue
(CPC), 9-M+ 10 para(louital
(I!)5 lntt;cllrlllalion. ci\\c;lt-intllltetl, and chronic renal failure tlcate~t \\ith periodic heniotlial\~ih, 150 Ill\cltill~intlucetl p~)sth~t”)gt~ceillic h\pcl glyc-cnli;l, cause of 1,) iI ttc tliabvrc\, 891 Inautin ~sponse in diabetic angiopathv, l87 Inlurmittcirt positi\c p~\lrurc breathing, long-trim cffrt1\ 111 thl-onic obstructive pulmonary dipease. 367 Iocticle goirc.1 and pharmacologic effrcts of extcs> iodide. IO1 Iscticlnic heal-t, catty pump faiturc of (E), ,497 Isop~ot~renol in tl.catmcnt of heat stroke in thr aged, 251
arx.l pullllonary
(CPC), 287
Kidney Coxsackie\irus B antigen in, imll,unofluoresc~tIt IOcaliration at autopsy, 36 cqslalline deposits in, 1157 tliseaae, polyqstic, confused with tuberous sct~l and tttronic renal failure, 163 tr;~rlsptarlt;ltioll, rerutts rvitb cada\cr and rctatect tiving donors, 110
L c,’mmyosarcoma
adjacent to renal artet-its, cause ot hypert.ension, 528 Leukemia chl onic crythromonoc! tic. 785 tymphocytic, versus chronic lynrphosarcon~a tell leukemia, i5 monocytic, and refractory sideroblastic anemia. 7X5 reticutolymphoc~tic, 149 form of immunocytic dyscrasia, 60 lysoqmuria and renal tubular dysfunction in, 351 plasma cell, 60 reticulocndothetiosis, reclassification of, 149 Leukemic blood picture in histiocytic medultary reticulosis, 31-l Leukocyte function in chronic granulomatous disease of childhood, 473 Lipid metabolism, Farber’s lipogranulornatosis as inborn error of, 869 Lipogranulomatosis, Farber’s, 869 Liver see also Hepatic carcinoma. hypoglycemia in, 220 disease with hypergammaglobutinemia, long-tent1 rcsuits of therapy in, 765 necrosis and halothane anesthesia, 718
Subject Lung see also Pulmonary disease, effects of long-term therapy in, 367 Lupus erythematosus systemic, and rheumatoid arthritis, 433 with acquired type I hyperlipoproteinemia, dysglobulinemia and heparin resistance, 318 Lysozymuria and renal tubular dysfunction in leukemia, 351
Marfan’s syndrome, atria1 flutter in, 965 Meigs’ syndrome, massive ascites due to (CPC), 125 6.Mercaptopurine, results of long-term therapy in liver disease with hypergammaglobulinemia, 765 Migraine, cervical, 141 Monocytic leukemia, lysozymuria and renal tubular dysfunction in, 351 Monocytosis, chronic, and refractory sideroblastic anemia, 785 Mononucleosis, infectious, associated with herpes-like virus infection, 520 Morquio’s syndrome, study in skin tibroblast cultures, 708 Mucopolysaccharides biochemistry and biology of, 664 structure and metabolism of, 664, 673 Mucopolysaccharidoses classification based on pattern of mucopolysacchariduria, 721 nosology of, 730 problem of, 673 symposium on, 661-747 Mucopolysacchariduria pattern, classification of mucopolysaccharidoses based on, 721 Myelinolysis, central pontine, with inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, 813 Myeloma IgG, with closed tetrameric Bence Jones proteinemia, 978 multiple, and plasma cell leukemia, 60 proteins and antibodies (E), 837 Myelomonocytic leukemia, lysozymuria and renal tubular dysfunction, 351 Myeloproliferative disorder, acute, changing cytogenetic picture in, 299 Myocardial disease, persistent atria1 standstill in family with, 775 Myocardial infarction due to paradoxical embolism, 995 Myocarditis, toxoplasmic, and pericarditis (E), 169 Myocardium and coronary circulation, physiology and pharmacology of, 274
Nails, loss in gastrointestinal polyposis, 445 Neck vein circulation studied by sublingual venography, 392
Index Necrosis, hepatic, associated with halothane anesthesia, 748 Nephrotic syndrome, paraproteinemia, cryoglobulinemia and glomerulonephritis, 957 Neurologic aspects of fluorosis, 553 Nervous system complications in bacterial endocarditis, 593
Orotic aciduria, differing enzyme patterns in, 332 Osteolytic lesions, absence in marked hypergammaglobulinemia and plasmacytosis (CPC), 946 Osteoporosis, treatment with calcium infusions, 7, 17
Papillary muscle dysfunction, 924 Paraldehyde acidosis, pseudoketosis and hyperacetaldehydemia in, 642 Paralysis, thyrotoxic periodic, 831 Paraproteinemia, cryoglobulinemia, glomerulonephritis and the nephrotic syndrome, 957 Pericarditis and toxoplasmic myocarditis (E), 169 Phenobarbital in hyperbilirubinemia with glucuronyl transferase deficiency, 395 Pheochromocytomas adjacent to renal arteries cause of hypertension, 528 with predominant epinephrine secretion, 648 Plasma cell dyscrasias, 60 Plasma insulin response in diabetic angiopathy, 487 Plasmacytosis (CPC), 946 Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (CPC), 421 Pneumonia, pneumocystis carinii (CPC), 421 Polycystic kidney disease confused with tuberous sclerosis and chronic renal failure, 163 Polyglandular syndrome (CPC), 608 Polyposis, gastrointestinal, with protein-losing enteropathy, abnormal skin pigmentation and loss of hair and nails, 445 Potassium excretion, renal tubular defect in, associated with hyperkalemia, hypertension and systemic acidosis without renal failure, 461 Propylthiouracil in thyrotoxic periodic paralysis, 831 Protein-bound amylase, hyperamylasemia due to, 492 Protein-losing enteropathy with gastrointestinal polyposis, abnormal skin pigmentation and loss of hair and nails, 445 Proteins, myeloma, and antibodies (E), 837 Pseudoketosis and hyperacetaldehydemia in paraldehyde acidosis, 642 Pulmonary arterial pressure-flow relationships during exercise (E), 1 Pulmonary disease chronic obstructive, long-term effect of therapy in, 367 due to Aspergillus, 306 Pulmonary function after bullectomy, 916 AMERICAN
Subject Pulmonary function stutlics in diffcrelttial
of puhnonar\
tension. 3712 Pulmtrnar)- il~pcrtension ditfctcntial diagnosis of, Y78 in hftv-six \ear old \\onian (Cl%), 287 prrh~~onarv function rtutlies in differenlial diagnosis of , .378 Pulmonary sarcoidosis and aspergilloma, 243 Pulmonary thromboembolic disease, respiratoi\ Cutrcrion in. 904 Pyrazinamide, tubular set retion and reabsorption of ul-ir acid bv use of, 575 Pyrazinoic acid set I’\ rarinamitlc. 575
attlesnake bite followed hy afibrinogenemia, 625 Regurgitation, aortic. double-outlet right ventricle in adult with, 818 Renal arteries, tumors adjacent to, associated with h>pertension. 528 Renal artery stenosis and hkpertension, 175 Renal diseases, Coxqackier irus as cause of, 36 Renal failure, chronic and arthritis, 450 and tuhelous sclerosis, 163 pcriotlic hemodialysis and crystal-induced inflanlmation in, ,450 h!,pcrkalemia, hypertension and systemic .tcidosis without, 46l Renal function in gout, 5i.5 Renal homotran~plantation, results with cadaver and related living donors, 410 Renal tubular defect in potassium excretion, 461 Renal tubular dysfunction in leukemia, 351 Renal vasculature in hypertension, arteriographic and hemodvnamic assessment, 845 Renal \ein rrnin in rcnolascular hypertension, 860 Renin activity, lcnal vein, in prognosis of survey for renovascular h\pcrtension, 860 sectl,tion in hvpcrtension. 855 Reno\awular htpcrtension renal \ein renin in. 860 tumor-s in kidney hilum impinging upon renal arter) as cause I 5’% i Respiratory function in pulmonary thrombormbolic tlisea\e, 904 Reticulosis, histiocytic medullary, presenting with leuhcmic blood picture, 314 Rheumatoid arthritis sw \Ithliti\
Salmonella carriers, Sarcoidosis and a$pergilloma, VOL.
of, 226
Sarcoidosis and prinrary hypcrparathyroitlism, 825 Schistosomiasis treated by hemofiltration, 5 I6 Schwannon~a, malignant (CPC), 608 Sclerosis. tuhcrous, and chronic renal failutc. If3 Serum tliyroxine specific activit) test, 5!17 Skeletal aspects of fluorosis. 5,>? Skin fibroblast cultures in stud) of bone dysplasia\. including Morquio’s syndrome, 708 pigmentation, abnormal, in gastl-ointcstinal pol\posis with protein-losing eritcropathy. l-15 Sotliutll \vasting in hypopituitarisnl I\ ittr pcIG\tent :nltitliurcsis and hypoaltlostcronial~~, 653 Somogyi effect in bl ittlc diabetes, 891 Spondylocpiph~scal dysplasias, 708 Stenosis, renal artrr-y, and hypertension, 175 Steroid thcmpy of viral hepatitis, 82. 93 Stroke, heat, in the aged, 251 Sublingual venography, 392 Symposium on Mucopolysaccharitloses, 661.-747 Biochemistry and biology of n,ucopolysaccharidehlaridcs. 664 Bone dyspldsias, including Slorquio’s ayndromc. >.tutlietl in skin fibrohlast cultures, 708 Ciassillcation of the mucopolysaccharictoscs based on pattern of mucopol~saccllariduria, i21 Foreword, 6F1 Hurler and Hunter syndromes, 691 Nosology 01‘ tllc tllucopolysaccharidoses, i30 Structure and metabolism of I11ltcopol~sac.cha~iclrs (glytos;tlllinoglycans) and tile ptoblenr of the ~riucopol\saccharitlosrs, 673
Thalassemia, family studies in, 194 Toxoplasmic myocarditis and pericarditis (I!,), 169 Tubular defect in potassium excretion associated with hyperkalemia, hypertension and systemic acidosis without renal failure, 561 Tubular secretion and reabsorption of uric acid by use of p! razinamide, 575 Tumor see also Adenoma Corticomedullary adenorna Carcinoma adjacent to renal arteries associated with hypertcnsion, 528 T11yroid dysfunction, serum thyroxine in diagnosis of, 797 Thvrotoxic periodic paralysis, 831 Thrroxinc specific activity test, 797
Urate excretion, effects of diuretics on, 564 Uric acid, tubular secretion and reabsorption by use of pyrazinamide, 575 Uridine in treatment of erotic aciduria, 332 Urinary mucopolysaccharide excretion in classification of mucopolysaccharidoses, 721
Subject relation to seronegative and Vasculitis, necrotizing, seropositive rheumatoid arthritis, 23 Venography, sublingual, 392 Ventricle, double-outlet right, in adult with aortic regurgitation, 818 Viral hepatitis see Hepatitis Viral
infections 36
and renal
Index Virus
infection, herpes-like, mononucleosis, 520
loss, a 500 pound,
between, XYY