.hmrnal of the Neurological Sciencea; i (t6 ( 1991 ) 241-242 ~'~ Iq91 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 0022-510X/91/$03.50
Subject Index (Vol. 1061
Acetylcholine. (1116) 2116 Adenosine, (1061 2(16 Alzheimers disease, 11061 511; 11061 11t5; (1061 123; 1106) 135; 11061 221 Alzheimer-type pathology, (106) 142 Amyloid beta protein, 11061 123 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 1106) 199 Angio-Beh~et's syndrome, (1(16) 19 Angiography, (106) 19 Antibody, (106) 96 Autoantibody. (1061 82 Auloimmune disease, (106) 82 Autoimmunity, (106) 9I Autonomic failure, (11161 96 Autophagic vacuole, (106) 60 Autopsy, 1106) 199 Autoradiography, 1106) 206 Axo-axonic neurons, 11061 135 Axonal hyperexcitability, (1061 153 Basket cells, (106) 135 Behqset's syndrome, 111/6) 19 Brain, 11001 179 Brainstem, 111161 179 Calcium antagonist, (11)6) 206 Calcium-binding proteins, 1106) 135 Calcium metabolism, (1(16) 221 Capillaries, 1106) 158 CD4-positive T cell, (1001 60 CDS-positive T cell, (106) 60 Central motor conduction, 11116) 25; 11061 31 Cerebral cortex, 1106) 135 Cerebral infarction, (1061 10 Cerebral ischemia, ( 11161206 Cerebrospinal fluid, (1/16) 96 ('orneal opacity, 1106) 10 ('reutzfelt-Jakob disease, (1061 175 Cylochrome c oxidase, (11t6) 193 Dementia, 1106) 142 EEG, 1106) I EEG spectral analysis. (106) 1 EEG topography, ([00) 1 Endocrinology, (106) 221 Endothelium, (1116) 105 Essential fatty acid, (106) 56 Experimental diabetes, ( 1061 5i5 Facial nerve. 11061 179 Familial hypercholesterolemia, (11/6) 10 Follow-up, (1061 35 Free radical, (1001 10 Geotropic ocular deviation, (1061 175 Gerbil, (106) 206 Glucose metabolism, (106) 128 Growth hormone, ( 11t61 67 Guinea pig. (t(R~) [58
Headache. (106) 75 Hepatolenticular degeneration, (106) 1 Hippocampus. (100) 128; (1(16) 142 Hormonal change, (106) 75 HTLV-I, (106) 41 HTLV-I-associated myelopathy, (100) 41 ; ( 11)6) 186: (106) 199 Hypophysectomy, (106) 67 lmmunocytochemistry, (106) 123 lmmunohistochemistry, (1tl6) 82 Inflammation, (106) 158 Inflammatory myopathy, (106) 60 Insulin, (106) 56 Intercellular adhesion molecule-l, (106) 1(15 Interferon-alpha treatment, (1(16) t86 Ion-exchange chromatography, (106) 88 Isoelectric focusing, (106) 88 Ketanserin, (1{)6) 51) Leukoaraiosis, (106) 123 Leukoencephalopathy, (106) 41 Lewy body, (106) 142 Linoleic acid, (1(16) 56 y-Linolenic acid. (106)56 Lipid peroxide, (106) 10 Locus ceruleus, (1061 96 Lymphocyte function-associated antigen-l, (1061 1{15 Maerophage, (106) 158 Magnetic resonance imaging, (106) 35 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 1106) 19: (106) 41 Magnetic stimulation, (1061 25; (106) 31 MERRF, 11061 193 MHC class I, (106) 60 MHC class II, (106) 60 Mitochondrial DNA mutation, 11061 193 Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, (106) 193 Molecular mimicry, 1106)91 Monocyte, 11[16) 10 Motor evoked potential 11061 25: (106) 31 Motor nerve, 11061 56 Motor neuron disease, 111161 199 Multicenter follow-up study, (1[16) 213 Multiple sclerosis, ([110) 25; (100) 31; (100) 35 Multiple system atrophy. (106) 96 Muscle histopathology, ( 1061 193 Myasthenia gravis, (1/16) 213 Myelopathy, (106) 153 Neural conduction, 11116156 Neuritic plaque, (1061 1115 Neuritis, ( 1061 91 Neuro-Behg.et's syndrome, 11001 19 Neurofibrillary tangles, (106) 142 Neuron, (1061 179 Notexin, (1110l 67 Occlusive panarteritis, (1001 19 Paraneoplastic cerebetlar degeneration, (I061 •2
242 Parkmson's disease, (10i~) 50 Pa,walbumin, (106) 135 Peripheral neumpathy. 111161 17~.~ Perivascular space, (1(16) 158 Phosphate, (106) 22t Polyncuropathy, (106) 10 Positron emission tomography, (106) 128 Preteclal area, (106) 175 Probucol, (106) l0 Prognosis, (106) 213 Rats, (106) 67 Reconstruction, (t06) 128 Regeneration, (106) 67 Roots, (106) 179 Saccade, (106) 175 Satellite cells, (1(116) 67 Secondary pathology, (1(16) 158 Selectively vulnerable areas, (106) 206 Senile demenlia of Lewy body type, (106) 50 Senile plaqt,es, (106) 142 Sensory nerve, (1(16)56
Serotonm. (106) 511 Serotonin receptoL (106) 50 Shingles. (106) 153 Skeletal muscle. 11t161 67 Skew deviation. (106) 175 Spinal cord. (U.~6) 179 Spinal cord disease. (106) 153 Spinal cord trauma, (1061 158 Spontaneous proliferation of peripheral blood lymphocyte. (106 186 Streptozotocim (.106) 56 Surgeps, (100) 213 Syringomyelia-like syndrome. ( 11)6~ 17, Tangier disease, 1106) 179 Temporal lobe. (106) 128 Therapy, 11061 213 Thymidine. (11161 (~7 Transketolasc, ( 1061 88 Tropical spastic paraparesis, 11061 199 Wcrnickc-Korsakoff syndrome. (11/6) NN Wilson'.', disea~.e, ~'1061 1