Subject (II)= Editorial
Index, = Diagnostic
ornina disease, serum lactic dehydrogenase activity in, 643 Acid-base pathways, effect of gas mixture on, 444 Acinic cell carcinoma of parotid gland, 765 Actinomycosis of sigmoid colon, 713 Adenocarcinoma of endometrium and carcinoma of cervix, QQ Adenoidectomy, gastric rupture and massive pneumoperitoneum folIowing, 602 Adenosine-5-monophosphate in chronic nonspecific uIcers of leg, 554 AdrenaIectomy, biIatera1, for breast cancer, 65 I Air-sucker’s gastric rupture syndrome, 602 Alertness and relaxation (E), 619 AmpuIIa of Vater, papilloma of, 865 Aneurysm carotid, use of polyethylene shunt during resection of, Abd
702 congenita1, of jejunum, 859 of sinus of VaIsaIva, 502 ruptured, of aortic sinuses of VaIsaIva, 268 Angiocardiography, appraisal of contrast media empIoyed in, 512 Anorectum and colon, function and disease of, 412 Aortography appraisa1 of contrast media employed in, 512 in diagnosis of renal Iesions causing hypertension, 680 Appendectomy for ruptured appendix, 439 Appendix Kultschitzky-cc11 carcinoma of, with metastasis, 607 ruptured, management of, 439 Arteriography anaIysis of opaque substances for, 5 I 2 renaI, correIation of pathoIogy and, 680 Artery carotid, muscIe cover for, 815 Ioop, innominate, as puIsating mass in neck, 594 occlusion, superficia1 femora1, prosthetic and hornok)gous artery grafts in, 507 retinaI, and carotid artery occlusion, 661 Arthrodesis, partial wrist, for ununited fractures of carpal navicular, 461 Ascites and portacaval shunt, 2~ Atresia, intestinal, management of, 202 AuricuIotemporal syndrome (Frey’s syndrome) after parotid tumor surgery, 777
Volume Corner
IO 2
= Case Analysis
aseball pIayers, shouIder and elbow lesions of, 627 Bladder, urinary, anatomic and functional concepts of, 633 Bleeding caused by gastroduodena1 ulcer, 153 duodena1 ulcer treated by ligation, plyoroplasty and vagotomy, I 58 BIood flow, regiona1, in hemorrhage shock, 224 transfusion incompatibIe, and Iower nephron nephrosis, 542 effect on coronary sinus flow, 657 Bone facial, fibrous dysplasia of, 835 necrosis caused by wringer injuries, 5% BoweI large, cancer of, 66 smaI1, voIvuIus of, 453 Brain cancer, intra-arterial chemotherapy for, 647 Breast cancer bilateral adrenaIectomy for, 65 I mastectomy for, maIignant neoplasms folIowing 312 treatment of, 321 Burns, extensive, comparison
of methods
of treatment,
C alculi
in gaIIbIadder, reIationship stones in cholecystitis, 847
to common
Cancer see also Carcinoma Iymph node biopsy in diagnosis of, 17 of brain, intra-arteria1 chemotherapy for, 647 of breast biIatera1 adrenaIectomy for, 65 I malignant neoplasms following, 3 12 treatment of, 321 of cervical segment of esophagus, 687 of cervix uteri, management of earIy, 304 of Iarge bowel in young aduIt, 66 of palate, plastic repair versus prosthesis for, 803 of stomach, surgery for, 143 of thyroid cervica1 lymph node metastasis of, 388 in chiIdren, 747 of tongue treated by glossectomy and excision floor of mouth, 793
Index Coronary
sinus flow, effect of hemorrhagic hypovolemia and blood transfusions on, 657 Cryobiology, experimenta studies in, 254
Carcinoma see aIs Cancer acinic ceI1, of parotid gland, 765 KuItschitzky-ceI1, of appendix with metastasis, 607 metastatic, of mandibIe, 52 of breast malignant neopIasms foIIowing mastectomy for, 3 I2 therapy for, 321 of cervix uteri, management of early, 304 of epigIottis, statistica evaIuation of, 781 of gaIIbIadder, skin metastasis from, go of head and neck, paIIiation with intra-arterial chemotherapy, 830 of Iung, 217 of ora cavity and throat, 823 of stomach gastrocoIic fistuIa secondary to, 596 surgica1 therapy for, 143 of thyroid, cIassitication and prognosis of, 354 of tongue, pathoIogic study of, 620 of uterus, muItipIe primary, gg piIonida1 sinus, 465 squamous ceI1, of tongue, 42 Cardiac surgery, use of disc oxygentor in, 444 Carotid aneurysm,
use of poIyethyIene
cyst malignant pancreatic, internal drainage of, 470 of Iiver managed by surgery, 710 of thyrogIossa1 duct, radica1 (Sistrunk) operation 494 Cystadenosarcoma
ease, 535 Dermatone, improved simple manual, 576 Diabetes and gaIIstones, 184 Diagnostic corner, 482 DisIocation, IumbosacraI, compIete, 103 Dissection bilateral radica1 neck, performed in stages, 809 radica1 neck, muscIe cover for carotid artery after, 815 Dumping syndrome, observations and surgical treatment of, 38 DuodenaI uIcer, bIeeding, treated by ligation, pIyoroplasty and vagotomy, 158 Dyskinesia, surgical management of, 265 DyspIasia, fibrous, of facial bones, 835
of endometrium, of, 304
815 occlusion with nondiagnostic or misleading pressures on retina1 arteries, 661 Case anaIysis cIinic, 112, 475 Cecum, recurrent voIvuIus of, 105 Cervical esophagectomy and tota Iaryngectomy, 789 esophagus, rotation of esophagea1 and pharyngeat Aaps for reconstruction of, 854 Cervix carcinoma of and adenocarcinoma uteri, carcinoma of, management
acron prostheses for femoral arteria1 grafting, 507 Dermatitis, foIIowing radiation therapy for benign dis-
shunt during resection
470 Cystojejunostomy in nonresectable of pancreas, 470
of, 702 artery muscIe
of pancreas,
E ditoriats Presidential
tion, 133 PresidentiaI address, seventh annua1 meeting, 745 ReIaxation and alertness, 619 SkiII, 353 The eponym probIem, I Treatment of pancreatitis, 493 Elbow Iesions of basebaI1 pIayers, 627 EIectromagnetic nowmeter for determination of regional blood flow, 224 Electronic puIse recordings in assessing patency of peripheral arteria1 tree, 668 Endometrium, adenocarcinoma of, gg Enterocolitis, pseudomembranous (CAC), I I 2 Enzyme activity after ethionine-induced pancreatitis,
Chemotherapy, intra-arterial, for metastatic cancer, 647 Chest waI1, reconstruction of large defect on, 720 ChoIangiography, operative, 191 ChoIecystitis, acute and chronic, incidence of common duct stones in, 847 ChoIedochoIithiasis and common biIe duct (CAC), 475 ChoIeIithiasis and diabetes, 184 Coccygectomy for coccyodynia, 850 Coccyodynia, coccygectomy for, 850 Colitis, uIcerative, surgical treatment of, 176
I96 Epiglottis, carcinoma of, statistical evaluation of, 781 Epithelioma of tongue, 42 and IeukopIakia, 620 Eponym probIem (E), I Esophageal and pharyngea1 flaps for reconstruction of cervical esophagus, 854 disorders, experimentation as aid in management of,
CoIon and anorectum, function and disease of, 412 sigmoid, actinomycosis of, 7 I3 Common biIe duct incidence of stones in, in acute and chronic choIecystitis, 847 obstruction and choIedochoIithiasis (CAC), 475 Contrast media, appraisal of agents-employed as, 512
240 Esophagectomy,
and total
Subject Esophagus cervical,
esophageal and pharyngeal flaps for reconstruction of, 854 cervical segment of, replaced with aortic homograft, 687 disorders of, experimentation of, 240 repIacement of, by reversed
tube procedure,
79 spontaneous rupture of, 428 Ethionine-induced pancreatitis, trypsin inhibitor proteotytic enzyme activity, 196
F .
acra1 bones, librous dyspIasia of, 835 FemoraI arterial grafting procedures, review of, 507 artery occtusion, superficial, prosthetic and homologous artery grafts in, 507 Fistula, gastrocolic, secondary to carcinoma of stomach, 596 Forceps, versatiIe surgical, 480 Fractures, old ununited, of carpa navicular, 460 Frey’s syndrome after parotid tumor surgery, 777
G allbladder calculi,
effect on acid-base
444 Gastrectomy for carcinoma of stomach, 143 Gastric resection in treatment of dumping syndrome, 38 rupture syndrome, air-sucker’s, 602 surgery, doubIe lumen, nasogastric tube, 478 tube greater curvature, for reconstruction after Iaryngectomy and esophagectomy, 789 procedure, reversed, for replacement of esophagus, 79 Gastrocolic fistula secondary 596 Gastroduodenum,
to carcinoma
ulcer of, massive
of stomach,
in superficial
and neck malignancy, simplified technic for regiona perfusion in, 839 Surgeons, papers of the Society of, 745-846 carcinoma of, paIIiated by intra-arterial chemotherapy, 830 surgery, cytoIogic studies of wound washings and IocaI cytotoxic agent in, 818 Heart block, complete, pacemakers in, 293 disease and pulmonary embolism, 19 Heimlick-GavriIu operation to bypass or replace esophagus, 79 Hemangioma, cavernous,
of oral and
798 Hematoma extradura1, of posterior foSSa,524 spontaneous perinephric, secondary
relationship to common duct stones choIecystitis, 847 disease in Ohio, surgery for, 695 skin metastasis from carcinoma of, 90 Gallstones and diabetes, 184 Gamma gIobuIin, experiences with large infusions 548 Gas mixture, ventiIating,
Grafts prosthetic and homoIogous artery, femora1 artery occlusion, 507 Gynecomastia, management of, 395
H ead
as aid in management gastric
‘53 Gastrostomy feedings by means of, 79 temporary, substitute for nasogastric suction, 168 Glossectomy, suprahyoid total, for advanced tongue cancer, 793 GIossotomy, median labiomandibular, 753 Grafting procedures, femora1 arteriat, review of, 507 Grafts bypass, for infected aortic bifircation prosthesis, 583 fuII thickness, following radica1 mastectomy, 532
to renal tumor,
586 Hemobilia, idiopathic massive, 109 Hemogram, declining, in ruptured spleen, 58 Hemorrhage extradura1, in posterior foSSa, 524 massive, from gastroduodena1 ulceration, I 53 of gastrointestina1 tract, log shock, regional bIood flow in, 224 Hemorrhagic hypovolemia, effect on coronary
flow, 657 Hirschsprung’s disease, modification for rectosigmoidectomy in, 48 Homograft as replacement for cervical segment of aortic, esophagus, 687 evaluation of, in superticial femoral artery segmental occlusion, 507 in extensive burns, 231 Homotransplantation of kidney between identical twins, 344 Hormones and gynecomastia, management of, 395 Hypaque for arteriography, 5I2 Hypertension porta1, portacava1 shunt in, 29 renal, correctibIe by surgery, 680 Hypopharynges, cavernous hemangioma of, 798 Hypothermia, procaine amide (Pronestyl) in ventricular fibrillation in intracardiac defects in dogs under, 677 Hypovolemia, hemorrhagic,
influence on coronary
flow, 657 Idiopathic,
megacoton, congenital, rectosigmoidectomy in, 48 Infusions, experiences with, of gamma gIobuIin, $48
Subject Injury, wringer, with osseous invoIvement, 569 IntestinaI tubes, use in intussusception of jejunum, 83 Intestine atresia of, management of, 202 failure of rotation of, associated with recurrent voIvuIus of cecum, 105 obstruction of, caused by persistence of umbilicat vein as transperitonea1 structure, 473 smaI1, experimenta cIosed loop strangulated obstruction of, 560
aundice in obstruction
of common
bile duct, 475
Jaws chondrogenic tumors of, 403 metastatic tumor of, 52 Jejunum congenita1 aneurysm of, 859 intussusception of, 83 multipIe Ieiomyosarcomas of, with inguinal Iymph nodes, 861
L attic
in abdomina1
554 Leiomyosarcomas, muItiple, of jejunum with metastasis to inguina1 Iymph nodes, 861 Lesions inflammatory, parotidectomy for, 769 of shouIder and eIbow in basebaI1 pIayers, 627 LethaI mechanism in stranguIated intestina1 obstruction, 560 Leukocytosis in ruptured spIeen, 58 LeukopIakia in epitheIioma of tongue, 620 Ligation for bleeding duodenal uIcer, 158 Liver, cyst of, managed by surgery, 710 Lung bronchogenic carcinoma of, 52 carcinoma, 2 17
793 cover for dissection,
N asogastric stitute
643 Laryngectomy, total, and cervica1 esophagectomy, 789 Larynx, injury of, in thyroidectomy, 73 Lavage, intermittent peritoneal, 519 Leg ulcers treated with adenosine-5-monophosphate,
Lymph node biopsy in cancer diagnosis, 17 nodes Ieiomyosarcomas inguina1, multipIe with metastatis to, 861 thyroid, cervical metastasis of, 354
Mastectomy maIignant neoplasms folIowing, 3 I2 radicaI fuII thickness grafts and suction folIowing, 532 hand stapter for use in, I 18 role in breast cancer, 321 Median labiomandibular gIossotomy, 753 Megacolon, congential idiopathic, rectosigmoidectomy in, 48 Meniscus, torn, diagnosis of, 573 Metastases, hematogenous, with synoviomas, 455 Metastasis, cervica1 lymph node, of thyroid cancer, 388 MitraI vaIvuIar disease, open correction of, 280 Monitors and cIinica1 judgment, 300 Mouth, excision of floor of, for advanced tongue cancer, MuscIe
twins, 344 Knee joint, internal derangement of, 573 KuItschitzky-ceI1 carcinoma (carcinoid) with metastasis, 607
aIpractice, primer for medica defendants, 732 Mandible, carcinoma of, with primary tumor in Iung, 52
carotid 815
suction, temporary for, 168
Neck and head malignancy, simplified technic for regional perfusion in, 839 carcinoma of, paIIiated by intra-arteria1 chemotherapy, 830 dissection, biIatera1 radical, performed in stages, 809 puIsating mass in, innominate artery loop as, 594 surgery, cytoIogic studies of wound washings and cytotoxic agent in, 818 Necrosis of bone caused by wringer injuries, 569 Neoplasms, maIignant, following mastectomy, 3 I2 Iower nephron, and incompatibIe bIood Nephrosis, Nerves,
transfusion, 542 major periphera1,
tumors of, 724
bstruction intestinat, caused by persistence of unbilical vein as transperitoneal structure, 473 of common biIe duct and choIedochoIithasis, 475 of small intestine strangulated, 560 OphthaImodynamometry in carotid artery occlusion, 661 Oral cavity, carcinoma of, 823 Osseous involvement, wringer injury with, 569 Our surgical heritage Buck, Gurdon, 729 DougIas, James, 124 Fergusson, Sir William, 741 Godman, John Davidson, 488 Liston, Robert, 126 Sims, James Marion, 486 Tait, Robert Lawson, 616 Von Esmarch, Johann Friedrich, 490 YandeII, David W., 614 Ovary, normal, torsion of, 716 Oxygenator disc, effect of ventilating gas mixture acid-base pathways, using, 444
P acemaker
in complete
Index ProteoIytic enzyme pancreatitis,
heart block, 293
Pacific Coast SurgicaI Association, papers of, I 33-350 Palate, cancer of, plastic repair versus prosthesis, 803 Pancreas fatal rupture of, from stomping, 728 malignant cysts of, *7o pseudocyst of, with encapsuIated pancreatic fluid, 94 Pancreatic fluid in ruptured pseudocyst, 94 Pancreatitis ethione-induced, trypsin inhibitor and proteolytic enzyme activity in, 196 treatment of (E), 493 Papilloma of ampulla of Vater, 865 Paralysis of voca1 cords after thyroidectomy, 73 Parotid gland acinic ceI1 carcinoma of, 765 tumor of, 86 Parotidectomy for infIammatory Iesions, 769 in chronic sialadenitis, 760 Parotid tumor surgery folIowed by Frey’s syndrome,
activity 196
Protoscopy, depth perception in, 581 Prothesis evaluation of, in superficia1 femoral artery segmental occlusion, 507 infected aortic bifurcation, bypass graft as rrplacement for, 583 Pseudocyst, ruptured, of pancreas, 94 Pseudomembranous enterocolitis (CAC), I 12 PuImonary embolism and heart disease, 19 Radiation dermatitis folIowing radiation therapy for benign diseases, 535 therapy for epithelioma of tongue, 42 Rectosigmoidectomy in Hirschspring’s disease, 48 Relaxation and alertness (E), 619 Rena1 arteriography in renal hypertension, 680 hypertension correctible by surgery, 680 tumor, spontaneous perinephric hematoma secondary to, 586 Retinal arteries and carotid artery occlusion, 661 Rhinophyma, modern therapy of, 3 Rupture and spontaneous perforation of esophagus, 428 gastric, and massive pneumoperitoneum following tonsiIIectomy and adenoidectomy, 602
777 Peptic ulcer, perforated, surgery for, 136 Perforation of peptic uIcer treated by surgica1 cIosure, 136 spontaneous, and rupture of esophagus, 428 Perfusion, regiona simpIified technic for, 839 PeripheraI arteria1 tree, patency of, assessed by electronic pulse recordings, 668 nerve tumors, 724 PeritoneaI Iavage, intermittent, 5 19 Peritonitis in ruptured appendix, 439 Perphenazine, intramuscuIar, use in control of postoperative vomiting, 120
of appendix, management of, 439 of pancreas from stomping, 728 of pseudocyst of pancreas, 94 syndrome, air-sucker’s gastric, 602 traumatic, of spIeen, 58
S erum
lactic dehydrogenase activity in abdominal disease, 643 Shock, hemorrhagic, regiona bIood flow in, 224 Shoulder Iesions of baseball players, 627 Shunt, poIyethyIene, use during resection of carotid aneurysm, 702
Pharyngeal and esophagea1 flaps for reconstruction of cervical esophagus, 854 Pharynges, ora1, cavernous hemangioma of, 798 Pharyngotomy, Trotter’s median (anterior) transIinguaI, 753 PiIonidaI sinus carcinoma, 465 PIastic dressings for cIinica1 use, I 15 repair versus prosthesis in cancer of paIate, 803 Plyoroplasty for bleeding duodenal uIcer, I 58 Pnemocephalus, traumatic (DC), 4.82 Pneumoperitoneum, massive, and gastric rupture following tonsiIIectomy and adenoidectomy, 602 Polyester fiber suture, experimental study of, 706 PoIyethyIene shunt, use during resection of carotid aneurysm, 702 PortacavaI shunt, pre- and postoperative management
portacaval, management of, 29 Sialadenitis, chronic, parotidectomy in, 760 Sigmoid COIOn, actinomycosis of, 7 13 Sigmoidoscope, new diagnostic, for genera1 use, 578 Sinus aortic, of VaIsaIva in aneurysms of, 268 of thyroglossal duct, radical (Sistrunk) operation for, 494 of uracha1, urologic aspects of, 339 of VaIsaIva, aneurysms of, 502 piIonida1, carcinoma of, 465 Sistrunk operation for thyrogIossa1 duct cysts and sinuses, 494 Skin metastasis from carcinoma of gallbladder, 90 Society of Head and Neck Surgeons, papers of, 745-846 Spermatic cord, intrauterine torsion of, 699 Spleen, traumatic rupture of, 58 StapIer, hand, for use in radica1 mastectomy, I 18
of, 29 fossa, extradura1 hemorrhage in, 524 amide (PronestyI) in ventricuIar fibriIIation during intracardiac defects in dogs under hypothermia, 677 PronestyI in ventricuIar fibriIIation, 677 Prosthesis versus plastic repair in cancer of paIate, 803 Posterior Procaine
Tumors chondrogenic, of jaw, 403 maIignant, of parotid gIand, 86 of Iarge bowe1 in young adults, 66 of parotid gIand, surgica1 remova of, followed by Frey’s syndrome, 777 of major peripheral nerves, 724 primary, in lung, 52 renaI, spontaneous perinephric hematoma secondary to, 586 Twins, identical, homotransptantation of kidney be-
Stomach, carcinoma of gastrocotic IistuIa secondary to, 596 surgicat therapy for, 143 Stomas, inff uence on dumping syndrome, 38 Stomping as cause of fatal rupture of pancreas, 728 Stones, incidence of, in common duct in cholecystitis, 847 Stress incontinence, urinary, in females, 633 Suction following radica1 mastectomy, 532 Surgery court cases, I 28,61 I, 865 for carcinoma of the stomach, 143 for gallbladder disease in Ohio, 695 Surgical dissection versus radiation epithelioma of tongue, 42 Suture, polyester fiber, experimentat Synoviomas, matignant, 455
tween, therapy
hroat, carcinoma of, 823 ThrombophIebitis. acute superficial saphenous, 6g1 ThyrogIossaI duct cysts and sinuses, radical (Sistrunk) operation for, 494
after surgery,
V agotomy
for bIeeding duodenal uIcer, 158 VaIsaIva aortic sinuses of, ruptured aneurysms of, 268 sinus of, aneurysms of, 502 VaIvuIar disease, mitral, open correction of, 280 Vein, umbilica1, intestinal obstruction of, 473 VentricuIar fibriIIation, procaine amide (PronestyI)
Thyroid cancer cervicat Iymph node metastasis of, 388 in children, 747 classification and prognosis of, 354 Thyroidectomy, paraIysis of voca1 cords foIlowing, 73 Tongue cancer treated by suprahyoid tota gIossectomy and excision of Aoor of mouth, 793 epitheIioma of, 42, 620 squamous carcinoma of, 38 TonsiIIectomy, gastric rupture and massive pneumoperitoneum folIowing, 602
753 Trypsin inhibitor activity pancreatitis, 196 Tube, nasogastric, in gastric
UIcerative coIitis, surgica1 treatment of, I 76 Ulcer of duodenum, massive hemorrhage from, 153 of leg treated with adenosine-5-monophosphate, UrachaI sinus, uroIogic aspects of, 339 Urinary stress incontinence in femaIes, 633 Uterus, muItipIe primary cancer of, gg
study of, 706
Torsion intrauterine, of spermatic cord, 699 of norma ovary, 716 Trotter’s median (anterior) transIingua1
677 VocaI cords, paralysis of, 73 v01vu1us primary and secondary, of smaI1 bowel, 453 recurrent, of cecum with faiIure of rotation of intestine, 105 Vomiting, use of intramuscuIar perphenazine in contro1 of, I20 agent in head ound washings and IocaI cytotoxic and neck surgery, 818 Wringer injury with osseous invoIvement, 569 Wrist, arthrodesis, partial, for old ununited fractures of carpa navicuIar, 460
ethioninc-induced 478