Subject index volume 109

Subject index volume 109

Plant Science 109 (1995) 247-249 Subject index Volume 109 (1995) A&yprotoplasts; Guard cell protoplasts; Mesophyll cell Stomata1 aperture; Vicia @a...

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Plant Science 109 (1995) 247-249

Subject index Volume 109 (1995)


Guard cell protoplasts; Mesophyll cell Stomata1 aperture; Vicia @a; Nicotiana glauca 109, 119 Activated oxygen; Rice (Oryza sativa L.); Chilling; Catalase; Ascorbate peroxidase lg9, 105 Agroiber&rm ran@eieas; ocs element; DNA-binding proteins; Potato 109,57 A-a Carbenicillin; Auxin; Cytokinin; Arabidopsis 109, 171 Airlift lumentar; Glycine max; Cell suspension culture; 4Nitrophenol; NMR spectroscopy; Biotransformation 109, 215 AlfaBa; Chalcone reductase; Expression in various organs; UVB; Wounding; Pathogenic interactions 109, 179 Ar&dop& Carbenicillin; Auxin; Cytokinin; Agrobacterium 109, 171 MiBeial see& Sugars; Desiccation tolerance; Synthetic seeds; Somatic embryo; Embryo maturation; Stachyose; Raftinose 109, 191 ASCOC~JW rd& Cicer arietinum; Chickpea blight; Phytotoxin; Solanapyrones; HPLC 109,23 Armorb& paoxiirre; Rice (Oryza sativa L.); Chilling; Activated oxygen; Catalase 109. 105 Aa Carbenicillin; Cytokinin; Agrobacterium; Arabidopsis 109, 171 B. roamrfbrf$ Brassica napus; Interspecific somatic hybridixation; Nuclear and organelle RFLP pattern; Phoma fingam resistance 109,75 Barley; Manganese; Uptakes; EDTA; Complexation 109,23I ~armatkq Glycine mux; Cell suspension culture; 4 Nitrophenol; Airlift fermenter; NMR spectroscopy 109, 215 Brwsiea rqlu; B. tournefortii; Interspecific somatic hybridization; Nuclear and organelle RFLP pattern; Phoma ringam resistance 109,75 Calhn enltwq Cuscuta; Plant regeneration; ?veed 109,95 CarbnMllim, Auxin; Cytokinin; Agrobacterium; sis 109, 171

Parasitic Arabidop-

Catalaq Rice (Oryza sativa L.); Chilling; Activated oxygen; Ascorbate peroxidase 109,105 Cdz+ w Chlorella sp.; Phytochelatins 109, 129 Cell sqemiw cnltnre; Glycine max; CNitrophenol; Airlift fermenter; NMR spectroscopy; Biotransformation 109, 215 cmrk; Microspore culture; Transformation 109, I CIukone e, Alfalfa; Expression in various organs; UVB; Wounding; Pathogenic interactions 109, 179 Cbkkpea (C&r arieriaam L.); Somatic embryogenesis; Grain legume; Picloram; Normal regenerants 109,207 CWckpu; Cicer arietinwn L.; 24-D; Histology; Somatic embryogenesis; 2,4,5-T 109,87 Cbkkpea blight; Ascochyta rabiei; Cicer arietinum;Phytotoxin; Solanapyrones; HPLC 109,23 CbIRiag;Rice (Oryza sativa L.); Activated oxygen; Catalase; Ascorbate peroxidase 109, 105 Ch&reUaqt.; Cd*+ resistant; Phytochelatins 109, 129 Cbbxa&c acL& Nicotiana akbneyi; Radiosensitivity; yIrradiation 109, 139 Cicerorirrinwn,Ascochyta rabiei; Chickpea blight; Phytotoxin; Solanapyrones; HPLC 109,23 C&r erietinnm L.; Chickpea; 24-D; Histology; Somatic embryogenesis; 2,4,5-T 109,87 e&etMg elemeats, Point mutation; Site-directed mutagenesis; Lipoxygenase L-3; Glycine max 10!&67 Cnmpkxatioa; Manganese; Barley; Uptakes; EDTA 109,231 Cotyti, Glyoxylate cycle; Senescence; Peroxisomes; Pumpkin 109, 13 Caseura; Callus culture; Plant regeneration; Parasitic weed 109.95 cytdrfals; Carbenicilhn; Auxin; Agrobacterium; ArabidopSk 109, 171 Cytnki& Nicotiana; Transgenic; ipt; Senescence; Root 109, 153 2,4-D Chickpea; Cicer arietinum L.; Histology; Somatic embryogenesis; 2,4,5-T 109,87 Deaireatba tokaacq Sugars; Synthetic seeds; Artificial seeds; Somatic embryo; Embryo maturation; Stachyose; Raftinose 109, 191

0168~9452/95/SO9.50 0 1995 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved


Subject index /Plant Science 109 (1995) 247-249

Mneeious pIan&; Phytoestrogens; Estradiol; Steroid-responsive transcriptional system; Saccharomyces cerevisiae 109, 31 DNA-biding proteim;Agrobacterium tumefaciens; ocs element; Potato 109, 57 EDTA; Manganese; Barley; Uptakes; Complexation 109,231 Embryo tnatwrtIon; Sugars; Desiccation tolerance; Synthetic seeds; Artifjcial seeds; Somatic embryo; Stachyose; Raftinose 109, 191 Embryo rescue; Interspecific hybrids; Plastome-genome incompatibility; Zanteakschia 109, 199 % imktioo; Okadaic acid; Plant defense response 109, Estrdiol; Phytoestrogens; Dioecious plants; Steroid-responsive transcriptional system; Saccharomyces cerevisiae 109, 3 I

Express& In vprinus qptns; Alfalfa; Chalcone reductase; UVB; Wounding; Pathogenic interactions 109, 179 Fatty acids; Sesame oilseeds; Lipid; Protein; RNA; SDSPAGE 109,237 Flower dwekqnmt; Rice; Regulatory gene; MADS box; GLOBOSA; PISTILLATA 109, 45 Free antse &neIeetrIc foadng (IEF); HPLC; Glycoprotein;

Storage protein

109, 145

@radIatInn; Nicofiana debneyi; Radiosensitivity; Chlorogenic acid 109, 139 GLOBOSA; Flower development; Rice; Regulatory gene; MADS box; PISTILLATA 109, 45 G/y& mar; Cell suspension culture; CNitrophenol; Airlift fermenter; NMR spectroscopy; Biotransformation 109, 215 aye& max; Point mutation; Site-directed mutagenesis; Lipoxygenase L-3; &acting elements 109,67 GlyqrnteIn; Free zone isoelectric focusing (IEF); HPLC; Storage protein 109, 145 GIyoxyIate cycIq Cotyledons; Senescence; Peroxisomes; Pumpkin 109, 13 Grain Iegmne; Somatic embryogenesis; Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.); Picloram; Normal regenerants 109, 207 Guard eeII pr&+sta; Acetylchohnesterase; Mesophyll cell protoplasts; Stomata1 aperture; Vieia faba; Nicotiana glauca 109, 119 Histology;Chickpea; Cicer ariemwn L.; 24-D; Somatic embryogenesis; 2,4,5-T 109,87 HPLC; Ascochyta rabiei; Cicer ariefinum; Chickpea blight; Phytotoxin; Solanapyrones 109,23

HPLC; Free zone isoelectric focusing (IEF); Glycoprotein; Storage protein 109, 145 Ioterspeeif~ hybrids, Embryo rescue; Plastome-genome incompatibility; Zantedeschia 109, 199 InterspeeIfIc snmatk hykridization;Brassica napus; B. tourneforrii; Nuclear and organelle RFLP pattern; Phoma fingam resistance 109,75 ipf; Nicotiana; Transgenic; Cytokinin; Senescence; Root 109, 153

LIgbt; Maize; Nitrate reductase; Nitrite reductase 109, 115 Lipid; Sesame oilseeds; Protein; RNA; Fatty acids; SDSPAGE 109,237 LIpnxygsamae L-3; Point mutation; Site-directed mutagenesis; Glycine max; cis-acting elements 109,67 MADS box; Flower development; Rice; Regulatory gene; GLOBOSA; PISTILLATA 109,45 Ma&e; Light; Nitrate reductase; Nitrite reductase 109, 115 N; Barley; Uptakes; EDTA; Complexation 109,231 Meanphyll eeII protopluts; Acetylcholinesterase; Guard cell protoplasts; Stomata1 aperture; Vicia faba; Nicoriana glauca 109, 119 Miemqwe euIture; Cereals; Transformation 109, 1 Nicotiana; Transgenic; Cytokinin; ipr; Senescence; Root 109, 153 NiEotiena debneyi; Radiosensitivity; Chlorogenic acid; yIrradiation 109, 139 Nicotiumgknca; Acetylcholinesterase; Guard cell protoplasts; Mesophyll cell protoplasts; Stomata1 aperture; Vicia faba

109, 119

Nitrate rednebw?;Light; Maize; Nitrite reductase 109, I15 Nitrite reductae; Light; Maize; Nitrate reductase 109, 115 4-Nltrnpbeaol; Glycine max; Cell suspension culture; Airlift fermenter; NMR spectroscopy; Biotransformation 109, 215 NMR !qdmscopy; Glycine max; Cell suspension culture; 4Nitrophenol; Airlift fermenter; Biotransformation 109,

215 NormaI regeneranta; Somatic embryogenesis; Grain legume; Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.); Picloram 109,207 N&ear d organ& RFLP Pattern; Brassica napus; B. tournefortii; Interspecific somatic hybridization; Phoma lingam resistance 109,75 ocs element; Agrobacferium rumefaciens; DNA-binding teins; Potato 109,57


Okad& acid; Enzyme induction; Plant defense response 165


Par&R wd, Cuscuta; Callus culture; Plant regeneration 109,95 Patbagenie InteraetInns; Alfalfa; Chalcone reductase; Expression in various organs; UV-B; Wounding 109, 179 PeroxIsamsq Cotyledons; Glyoxylate cycle; Senescence; Pumpkin 109, 13 Phoma Iingam resiutuoce; Brassica napus; B. tourneforrii; Interspecific somatic hybridization; Nuclear and organelle RFLP pattern 109,75 PhytoebeIatIm; Chlorella sp.; Cd2+ resistant 109, 129 PII-; Dioecious plants; Estradiol; Steroid-responsive transcriptional system; Saccharomyces cerevisiae 109, 3 1 wytoplrsmp; Witches-broom disease; Withania somnifera; Tetracycline; Transmission 109,225 Wytotoxin;Ascochyta rabiei; Cicer arietinum; Chickpea blight; Solanapyrones; HPLC 109,23


Subject index/Plant Science 109 (1995) 247-249 PlekrrpI; Somatic embryogenesis; Grain legume; Chickpea (Cfcer arierinnm L.); Normal regenerants 109,207 PISTILLATA; Flower development; Rice; Regulatory gene; MADS box; GLOBOSA 10!3,45 PIant d&me mapnase; Okadaic acid; Enzyme induction 109, 165 Phnt ragenwatkiq Cuscuta; Callus culture; Parasitic weed 109,95 d IoeempatibiIIty; Embryo rescue; Interspecific hybrids; Zantedeschia 109,199 Point rnmtntiq Site-directed mutagenesis; Lipoxygenase L-3; Glycine max; &acting elements 109,67 Potato; Agrobacterium twneficiens; ocs element; DNA-binding proteins 109, 57 protein, Sesame oilseeds; Lipid; RNA, Fatty acids; SDSPAGE 109,237 Pm&@ Cotyledons; Glyoxylate cycle; Senescence; Peroxisomes 109, 13 hdbadtlvity;

Nicotiana debneyi; Chlorogenic acid; yIrradiation 109, 139 w Sugars; Desiccation tolerance; Synthetic seeds; Artificial seeds; Somatic embryo; Embryo maturation; Stachyose 109, 191 Regnhtory gene; Flower development; Rice; MADS box; GLOBOSA; PISTILLATA 109,45 Rice ((kyzo &vu L.); Chilling; Activated oxygen; Catalase; Ascorbate peroxidase 109, 105 Rice; Flower development; Regufatory gene; MADS box; GLOBOSA; PISTILLATA 109,45 RNA; Sesame oilseeds; Lipid; Protein; Fatty acids; SDSPAGE 109,237 Rent; Nicotiana; Transgenic; Cytokinin; ipt; Senescence 109, 153

Suechuromyees mrrisipr; Phytoe-strogens; Dioecious plants; Estradiol; Steroid-responsive transcriptional system 109, 31 SDSPAGE; Sesame oilseeds; Lipid; Protein; RNA; Fatty acids 109,237 %namemq Cotyledons; Glyoxylate cycle; Peroxisomes; Pumpkin 109, 13 Senmmnm; Nicotiana; Transgenic; Cytokinin; ipt; Root 109, 153 Sesame oBseeds; Lipid; Protein; RNA; Fatty acids; SDSPAGE 109,237 SItuBr&ed mnmgen&; Point mutation; Lipoxygenase L-3; G~ycinenrax; c&cting elements 109, 67 w; Ascochyta rabiei; Cicer arietinum; Chickpea blight; Phytotoxin; HPLC 109,23 SomarIe embryo; Sugars; Desiccation tolerance; Synthetic

seeds; Artificial seeds; Embryo maturation; Stachyose; Raflinose 109, 191 Somatk emInyogenm&; Chickpea; Cicer arietinum L.; 2.4-D; Histology; 2,4,5-T 109,87 SomatIe embryegene&.; Grain legume; Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.); Picloram; Normal regenerants 109, 207 Staehyose; Sugars; Desiccation tolerance; Synthetic seeds; Artiticial seeds; Somatic embryo; Embryo maturation; RafBnose 109,191 Svve banacrIptInnal system; Phytoestrogens; Dioecious plants; Estradiol; Saccharomyces cerevisiae 109, 31 Stomatai apertme; Acetylcholinesterase; Guard cell protoplasts; Mesophyll cell protoplasts; Vicia jdq Nicotiana glauca 109, 119 Storage protein, Free zone isoelectric focusing (IEF); HPLC; Glycoprotein 109, 145 Sugars; Desiccation tolerance; Synthetic seeds; Artificial seeds; Somatic embryo; Embryo maturation; Stachyose; Raftinose 109, 191 SyntbetR sue& Sugars; Desiccation tolerance; Artificial seeds; Somatic embryo; Embryo maturation; Stachyose; RafIinose 109, 191 2,4$-T Chickpea; Cicer arietinum L.; 24-D; Histology; Somatic embryogenesis 189, 87 Tetracycti, Witches-broom disease; Phytoplasma; Withania somnifera; Transmission 109,225 Tramfernmtfolr; Cereals; Microspore culture 109, 1 Traru@e; Nicotiana; Cytokinin; ipt; Senescence; Root 109, 153 Tmru&&m Witches-broom disease; Phytoplasma; Withania somnifea; Tetracycline 109, 225 Uptakes; Manganese; Barley; EDTA; Complexation 109,231 UV-B, Alfalfa; Chalcone reductase; Expression in various organs; Wounding; Pathogenic interactions 109, I79 K&r/e Acetylcholinesterase; Guard cell protoplasts; Mesophyll cell protoplasts; Stomata1 aperture; Nicotiana glauca 109, 119 Witdu&mom dIseasq Phytoplasma; Withania somnifera; Tetracycline; Transmission 109,225 IFirsontm~ru; Witches-broom disease; Phytoplasma; Tetracycline; Transmission 109,225 Wumd& Alfalfa; Chalcone reductase; Expression in various organs; UV-B; Pathogenic interactions 109, 179 Zamte&schia;Embryo rescue; Interspecific hybrids; Plastome-

genome incompatibility

109, 199