Journal of Electrocardiology 40 (2007) S205 – S206
Subject Index: Volume 40 Number 6S November/December 2007 [Ca2+]i transients and contractions, S192 Acetylcholine, S66 ACS, S145 Acute coronary syndrome, S15 Afterdepolarizations, S8 Alternans, S51, S70 Ambulatory, S160 AMI, S145 Antiarrhythmic therapy, S8 Arrhythmia mechanisms, S66 Arrhythmia, S26, S42, S47, S150, S187 Arrhythmias, S37, S142, S169 Arrhythmogenesis, S75 Atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia, S88 Automated QT measurement, S103 Autonomic nervous system, S66 Autonomous, S165 BAN, S165 Beat-to-beat variability of repolarization, S8 Bipolar, S97 Body surface map, S15 Cardiac electrophysiology, S75 Cardiac ion channel mutation, S47 Cardiac tachyarrhythmias, S123 Cell culture, S62 Computer simulation, S136 Computer simulations, S75 CRT, S174 Cryoablation children, S88 Defibrillation, S62 Detection, S123 Devices, S118 Diastolic potential, S21 Differential diagnosis, S145 Differentiation, S199 Dispersion of repolarization, S66, S142 Dispersion, S169 Dynamics, S70 0022-0736/$ – see front matter doi:10.1016/S0022-0736(07)00882-5
ECG, S145, S160 Electrical heterogeneity, S199 Electrical propagation, S136 Electrocardiogram, S15, S145 Electrocardiographic imaging, S111, S169, S174 Electrocardiography, S179 Electrode, S97, S160 Electrogram, S21 Electrophysiology, S142 Emergency department, S15, S145 Epicardial mapping, S150 Epicardium, S66 Excitation-contraction coupling, S192 Fibrillation, S26, S51, S62, S70, S97 Fourier transform, S56 Fractionation, S21 Gene therapy, S187, S197 Global, S118 HCN channels, S197 Heart failure, S174 hERG, S42 Heterogeneity, S51 Human embryonic stem cells-derived cardiomyocytes, S192 ICDs, S123 Inflammatory response, S91 Integration, S165 Intraoperative mapping, S169 Ischemia, S26, S37, S150, S179 Karhunen-Loeve ,S145 KChIP, S42 KCNE, S42 KCNQ1, S42 Kvbeta, S42 LBBB, S174 Left ventricular pacing, S111 LQT3, S66 LV activation mapping, S174
Mapping, S169 Mesenchymal stem cells, S197 Metabolism, S37 Microsystem, S165 MiRP, S42 Monitor, S160 Monitoring, physiologic, S15 Monitoring, S179 Mutation, S66 Mutual information, S56 Myocardial infarction, S21, S145, S187 Myocardial ischemia, S15, S91 Na+ channel blockers, S47 Neonatal ECG monitoring, S103 Noncontact endocardial mapping, S111 Non-STEMI, S145 Not inducible, S88 Optical mapping, S62, S75 Oxidative stress, S37 Parasympathetic nervous system, S66 Patient monitoring, S103 Pharmacology, S142 Phase singularities, S75 Potassium channel, S42, S187 Potential, S97 Preconditioning, S150 QT-interval, S103 QT/RR hysteresis, S91 QT-interval adaptation, S91 Reentry, S62, S70 Remodeling, S8 Repolarization, S97, S169 Restitution, S51, S70 RF ablation, S88 Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release, S192 SCN5A, S66
Sensing, S123 Simulation, S97 Spatial organization of VF, S56 SR Ca2+ release, S8 ST segment, S150 Statistical representation, S145
Subject Index / Journal of Electrocardiology 40 (2007) S205 – S206
Stem cell, S199 ST-segment depression, S91 Sudden cardiac death, S26, S118
Ventricular fibrillation (VF), S56 Ventricular heterogeneity, S66 Ventricular tachycardia, S26, S187
Time-frequency domain analysis, S56 Time-lag cross-correlation, S56
Wavebreak locations, S56 Wireless, S165