Subject Index Volume 70 (1992) Ammo acid concentration, 225 Apple ]ulce clanflcatlon, 257 AsymmetrIc membranes, 17
Ion-exchange reaction, Iron oxide, 41
Liquid bridge, 217 Liquid emulsion membrane, 225 Liquid membranes, 277,283,289 Liquid membrane stablhty, 65 Liquid permeablhty and separations, Liquid surfactant membranes, 65 Lithium, 267
Batteries, 267 Benzyl alcohol, 249 Bipolar membranes, 153 Bovine serum albumme, 177 Carrier, 31 Cation-exchange membrane, 267 Cationic extractant, 225 Ceramic membranes, 41 Charged membranes, 153 Composite membranes, 75,143 Computer slmulatlon, 237 Conducting polymers, 9 Coupled faclhtated transport, 277 Current discharge, 267 Demulslficatlon, 225 D1(2-ethylhexyl)dlthlophosphorlc Dlffuslon, 143,283,289 Electra-osmosis, 1 Electrochemical technique, Electrochemistry, 9 Enzyme electrode, 237 Ethanol removal, 119 Extraction, 119
acid, 31
Hydrolytic polymer, 41 Hydrophobic membranes,
Membrane extraction, 31 Membrane potentials, 277 Membrane preparation and structure, 17,53,85 Membrane reactor, 129 Membrane separation, 163 Membrane stability, 225 Metal extraction, 65 Mlcroflbnls, 217 Mlcroflltratlon, 85,257 Mlcroporous hollow fiber membranes, 217 Mlcroporous and porous membranes, 53 Mlcroporous membranes, 177 Mineral membranes, 257 Modelhng, 129 Modelhng and extraction, 65 Non-porous
Organic separations, 9 Oxygen transport, 207
Faclhtated transport, 283,289 Fermentation, 119 Fiber membranes, 17,85, 143 Gas separations, 17,143 Gas membranes, 119 Gas and vapour permeation, Glycol, 1 Goethlte, 41
Permeate flux enhancement, 257 Permeate flux resistance, 177 Permeation, 65 Pervaporatlon, 75,105,163, 193,249 Polydlmethylslloxane membrane, 249 Polyethersulfone, 17 Pore flow mechanism, 163 Porous support, 75 Protem concentration, 177 Pulsating flow, 257
Immoblhzed glucose oxldase, 237 Inorganic membranes, 41 Interpenetrating polymer network tinuous ) ,193 Ion selectivity, 153
Reaction- dlffuslon system, 237 Response charactenstlcs, 237 Reverse osmosis, 153 (Island and sea/cocon-
Selectivity, 129 Separation of ethanol-water mixtures, Series catalytic reactions, 129
Solublhty and partltlonmg, 9 Solvent treatment, 217 Supported hquld membranes, 31 Surface tension, 217 Surface analysis, 53 Theory, 105,289 Thermodynamics, 277 Tltanmm oxide membrane, 1
Transport equations, 163 Transport model, 249 Ultrafiltration, 177 Wastewater treatment, 31 Water treatment, 283 X-ray mduced degradation, 53