Subject (E) = EditoriaI
Index, (DC)
= Diagnostic
194 aneurysms
of, resection
and grafting
for, 97:
573 Acinic cell adenocarcinoma of parotid gIand, IOO: 639 AcromiaI process, excision of, for dislocation of shoulder, 100: 91 AcromiocIavicuIar joint, dislocations of, 98: 423 Adenocarcinoma acinic ceI1, of parotid gIand, IOO: 639 of smaII intestine, 96: 54 perforated, of appendix, IOO: 630 AdenoIyphoma, g5 : 923 * Numbers
folIowed by a coIon indicate
97: 374 Adhesive tape, non-irritating, multipurpose, IOO: 789 AdrenaI glands, tumors of, 95: 353 tumors, 95: gr4 Adrenakctomy and ovariectomy for metastatic cancer of breast, 96: 492
270 aortic aneurysms, intact and ruptured, IOO: 176 grafts, faiIure and repIacement of, 96: 202 injuries, nonpenetrating, 100: 22 waII, tissue defects of, repaired with plastic prosthesis, 97: 629 traumatic hernia of, 97: 340 Aberrant subclavian artery, management of division of (CAC), 100: 137 Abortions, incomplete, 95: 938 Abscess in right groin and mucoceIe of appendix, 96: 716 pericoIic, and pseudodiverticulum of colonic mucosa with inflammation, 97: 246 right subphrenic, secondary to perforated peptic ulcer (DC), 97: 800 subdiaphragmatic, 95: 455 Accident prevention, symposium on, 95: 707-727 Accidents and sagacity (E), 98: 649 motor vehicIe, among Armed Forces personnel, 98:
= Case Analysis
Adenoma biIe duct, of Iiver, 96: I 18 gastric, cIinicopathoIogic study of, 98: 223 oxyphilic granuIar ceI1, of parotid, 97: 333 renaI, 95: 862 viIIous, and eIectroIyte depletion (CAC), 98: 772 of rectosigmoid, hyponatremia due to, 98: gg Adenylic acid suppositories for subacute thrombophIebitis and varicose ulcers, g5 : 434 Adhesions and mid-smaI1 boweI obstruction (DC),
Abdomen acute probIem of, in eIderly male (CAC), 98: 637 and thorax, athIetic injuries to, 98: 447 hernias of anterior wal1 of, 95: 87 pilonidal disease of wail of, 95: 142 syhoviaI sarcoma in anterior wall of, 97: I20 trauma to, 97: 575 tumor of, caused by imperforate hymen, g5: 487 j uncontrolled cancer of, 96: 281 AbdominaI and pelvic procedures, muItipIe, Monilia AIbicans fungemia following, 100: 470 and perineal resection of rectum for carcinoma, IOO: aorta,
AerosoI pancreatic
in postoperative
44.7 spray, for open treatment of burns, 97: 21 I povidone-iodine, in surgey, 97: 4g Aged choIecystostomy in, IOO: 544 postoperative psychosis in, IOO: 38 Ainhum (dactyIoIysis spontanea) review of the Iiterature and report of a case, IOO: 480 Air bubbles, elimination of, in bubbIe-type oxygenator, 96: 696 expired, ventitator, 97: 407 Airway in surgery for goiter, preservation of, IOO: 85 AIar cartilage defects, management of, 95 : 33 I AIcohoI d-pantotheny1, for postoperative discomfort, 97: 75 pantothenyl, for Zeus, 97: rgI 70% vs. absoIute, as homograft preservative, 97: 98 Aldosteronism, primary, IOO: 158 AIIopIastic repair of defects in chest waI1, 96: 670 AIveoIar ceI1 carcinoma of lung, 97: 368 AmbuIance speeding, 95.: 507 transportation of injured in, 98: 530 AmeIobIastomas, new treatment of, 98: 839 American Association for Surgery of Trauma objectives (E), 97: 379 votumes;
all other numbers
and its
Three American
Year Subject
on injury
sports, 98: 325 Amphotericin B for MoniIia albicans fungemia foIIowing muItipIe pelvic and abdomina1 procedures, 100: 470 Amputation in periphera1 vascular disease, Iower extremity, 100: 682 incision for, of index finger and its metacarpaI,97: 33 I IeveI of, in third finger, 97: 477 stumps, IocaI treatment of, with activated whoIe pancreas, 96: 545 Syme, 95: 688 AmyIase determinations, vaIue of, in obscure upper abdomina1 disorders, 96: 61 serum, rapid screening test for, IOO: 5 Amyloidosis of gastrointestina1 tract simulating gastric carcinoma, 96: 713 secondary, in injuries to spina cord, 95: 843 Anastomosis congenital portacaval, with cirrhosis of liver, 95 : 163 ileorectal, for ulcerative coIitis, 96: 684 of gastrointestina1 tract, clamp for, 98: 728 subclavian-pulmonary, for tetraIogy of FaIIot, 96: 234 Anatomy of female genita1 tract, 95: 425, 793 of septal artery in dogs’ hearts, 97: 279 surgical, and technic of parotidectomy, 95: 885 Anemia and persistent occuIt bIood in stoo1, diagnostic significance of, 96: 54 sickIe cell, spIenectomy for, 95: 150 Anesthesia and use of Iight cooIing, 96: 137 emotional reactions of surgical patients to, 96: 646 IocaI, for inguinal herniorrhaphy, IOO: 782 meperidine-IevaIIorphan in, 95: 787 physioIogic basis for cardiac arrest during, 100: 354 sensitivity to, in patient with myasthenia gravis, 96: 102 Aneurysm abdominal aortic, 97: 270 intact and ruptured, IOO: 176 acute dissecting aortic, 96: 102 atheroscIerotic, impending rupture of, 97: 98 false, in femora1 arteria1 homograft, 98: 753 ruptured, of spIenic artery, 96: 18 traumatic, deIayed postgastrectomy hemorrhage from, 96: 115 Angiography, intracranial, danger from thorotrast for, 95 : 469 Angiolipoma, benign renai, 96: 5go AnkIe abduction-externa1 rotation fractures of, 97: 488 fractures, and disIocations treated by open reduction, 98: 136 and Iigament injuries, 98: 477
AnomaIies arteria1, of aortic arch, 96: 228 congenital, discovered in neonata1 period, 96: 396 Anorectum, anatomy of, IOO: 666 Anorganic bone grafting, experiences with heterografts processed by ethyIenediamine extraction, 100: 12 Anoscope, rotatable, lighted, for anorecta1 evaluation, 98: 730 Antibiotics, evaIuation
of suture materiaIs
98: 695 intestina1 obstruction comAnticoaguIant therapy, pIicated by, 97: 787 Antrum and upper jaw, squamous ceI1 carcinoma of, 100: 401 Anus and rectum, fistuIas of, 95: 818 basal ceI1 carcinoma of, 95: 822, IOI I congenital maIformations of, 96: 343 posterior trianguIar space of, 96: 530 Aorta abdominaI, aneurysms of, 97: 270 absence of arch of, 98: 265 acute dissecting aneurysm of, 96: I 02 coarctation of (DC), IOO: 656 termmal, thrombosis of, 95: 990 thoracic, fatal perforation of, by gastric ulcer, 95: 878 upper thoracic, experimental repIacement of segments of, 98: 617 valve of, apparatus for determination of gradients across, 98: 9 Aortic and arteria1 segments, use of teffon in repIacement of, IOO: 389 aneurysms, abdomina1, intact and ruptured, IOO: 176 arch, arterial anomaIies of, 96: 228 grafts, abdomina1, repIacement of, 96: zoz ApopIexy, pancreatic, treated by partial pancreatectomy, 97: 789 Appendectomy McBurney, intraperitonea1 landmarks in, 96: 96 remova of peritonea1 “mouse” during, 96: 588 Appendicitis acute, 95: 849 analysis of downward trend of, 98: 702 and cecal carcinoma, 95: 998 benign ceca1 lesions associated with, 98: 598 due to gaIIstones, IOO: 120 simulated by diverticuIitis of cecum, 95: 1002 Appendix epiploica, gangrenous, and peritonea1 “mouse,”
588 mucocele of, presenting as recurring abscess in right groin, 96: 716 perforated adenocarcinoma of, 100: 630 tissue committee and smaI1 hospita1, 96: 693 Argentafine tumorbf jejunum with perforation, 97: 784 Arm, postmastectomy Iymphedematous, Iymphangiosarcoma in, 96: 576
Year Subject
Arterial and aortic segments, use of teflon in reptacement of, IOO: 389 blood pH, indication for measurement of, 100: 352 reconstruction by endarterectomy, IOO: 165 occIusive disease, arterial grafting for, g5 : 25 prostheses, IOO: 690 Arteries cerebral, cIip for temporary occlusion of, 100: 587 renal hypertension caused by fibromuscular hyperplasia of, IOO: 183 Arteriography, femoraI, showing vascular changes in dogs. 97: 494 Arteriomesenteric duodenal compression, IOO: 262 Arteriosclerosis obliterans clinical, 95 : 45 1 muscIe blood fiow in, 96: 193 Artery, aberrant subclavian, division of (CAC), IOO: 137 anomalies of, causing trachea1 and esophageal constriction, 96: 228 axiIIary, injury to, foIIowing anterior distocation of shouIder, 95: 524 hypogastric, bilateral Iigation of, 98: 34 inferior mesenteric, acute occIusion of, 98: 27 I major gastroduodena1, injury to, producing traumatic aneurysm, 96: 115 peripheral, experimenta embolism in, 96: 663 popIitea1, surgica1 approaches to, 96: 213 septaI, anatomy of, in dogs’ hearts, 97: 279 splenic, ruptured aneurysm of, 96: 18 subclavian-pulmonary, anastomosis of, for tetraIogy of FaIIot, 96: 234 surgery of, and regiona heparinization, 96: 12 rupture of after disIocation of thoracoacromia1, shoulder, 97: 782 Arthritis, degenerative, of Iumbar intervertebral joints, 100: 313 Arthrodesis mid-tarsa1, with tibia1 key graft, 96: 81 triple, followed by osteomyelitis of OS caIcis, 96: 708 ArthropIasty, cartiIage bIock, for correction of temporomandibuIar joint disturbances, 98: 787 Ascites and hydrothorax with maIignant ovarian tumor, 95: J.&J chyIous, and coincident biIatera1 chyIothorax, 96: 438 Aspiration biopsy in diagnosis of thyroid tumors, 95: 40 needIe, of peritoneal cavity, 96: 718 AteIectasis postoperative, pancreatic dornase aeroso1 in, IOO: 447 rebreathing tube for, 98: 20 AthIetes, posterior disIocation of elbow joint in, 96: 393 AthIetic injuries muscIe function in, 98: 353 to abdomen and thorax, 98: 447 to eIbow, forearm, wrist and hand, 98: 432 to face, 98: 390 to genitourinary tract, 98: 457
AthIetic injuries to head and neck, initial management of, 98: 379 to pelvis, hip and thigh, 98: 451 to shoulder, mechanics of, 98: 394 region, 98: 401 Athletics and nutrition, 98: 343 and organized medicine, 98: 325 modern, pIace of trainer in, 98: 337 Atomic bomb exposure, origina signs and symptoms in patients surviving five years after, 98: I 2 Atonia, gastric, after vagotomy, 98: 612 Atresia congenita1 of posterior choana, 96: 802 of sigmoid coIon, 96: 580 AutomobiIe accidents neurological, neurosurgica1 and psychiatric considerations in prevention and treatment of, 98: 577 responsibiIity of medica profession to victims of, 98: 526 Automotive crash injuries to spina and femoral linkages, 95: 908 Autotransplantation of spleen foIIowing traumatic rupture, 100: 693
ack pain, IOO cases of, 97: 383 Bacteria1 flora of the gastric stump, IOO: 663 Basal ceI1 carcinoma in children, 96: 445 BasebaIl players, elbow and shoulder lesions of, 98: 484 Bile duct adenoma of Iiver, surgica1 importance of, 96: I 18 common, and gaIIbIadder, operations upon, 95: 845 carcinoma of, 96: 126 drainage of, 97: 137 injuries to, 96: 287 massive hemorrhage from, IOO: 623 retained stones in, 97: 173 BiIiary surgery, symposium on, 97: 131-183 system, extraheptatic, tumors of, 97: 141 tract, immediate and delayed rupture of the extrahepatic, following bIunt abdomina1 trauma, 100: 107 non-penetrating trauma to, 97: I13 surgery of, 97: 3 Billroth I gastric resection for chronic duodenal uIcer, 100: 251 Biopsy aspiration, in diagnosis of thyroid tumors, 95: 40 prescalene Iymph node, 96: 372 scalene node, 96: 5 I I with deIayed radical mastectomy for carcinoma of breast, 98: 184 BIadder, neurofibroma of, 97: 108 Bleeding and emergency portacava1 shunt, acute varical, 96: 183 diverticuIa of coIon, management of, 100: 217
Year Subject
BIood Aow, muscIe, in arteriosclerosis obIiterans, 96: rg3 persistent occuIt, in stool, diagnostic significance of, 96: 54 pH, arterial, indications for measurement of, IOO: 346 Bone defects, plaster of paris to fiI1, 97: 31 I ethyrenediamine-treated, for crania1 reconstruction, 97: 721 formation, heterotopic, and hernia foIlowing gastrectomy, 95: 154 fractured and diseased, use of polyurethane polymer in. 47: 442 cassette holder for use during reduction of, 95: 854 giant ceI1 tumor of, 96: 479 graft anorganic, 100: 12 for dishface deformity, 95: 323 homogenouq in mandibular reconstruction, 96: 755 growth, stimulation of, 95: 125 invoIvement in maxillofacial cancer, 98: 898 Iong, necrosis of, from deep burns, with evidence of regeneration, 95: 679 repIacement of shaft defect of, 95: 752 marrow embolism, fata1, foIIowing thoracotomy, g5 : g4 plates, Kirschner wire fixation of, in craniotomies, 96: 7~1 Book reviews A PracticaI Handbook of Midwifery and Gynaecology (Haultain and Kennedy), E. & S. Livingstone Ltd., 96: 131 A Review of the Ciba Foundation CoIIoquia on EndocrinoIogy, vo1. II (WoIstenhoIme and MiIIar), Little, Brown & Co., 97: 130 A Short Practice of Surgery (Bailey and Love), J. B. Lippincott Co., 99: 3gr A Synopsis of Anesthesia (Lee), WrIIiams & Wilkins co., 100: 152 A Synopsis of SurgicaI Anatomy (McGregor), Williams & WiIkins Co., gg: 392 Aids to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of ChiIdren (AIIen), BaiIIiere, TindaII & Cox, 97: r3o An AtIas of Normal Radiographic Anatomy (Mechan and Farrer-Meshan), W. B. Saunders Co., 100: 152 An Introduction to Chest Surgery (FIaveII), Oxford University Press, 96: 474 An Introduction to Surgery (Patey), Year Book PubIishers, gg: 129 AnnaIs of the New York Academy of Sciences. Surgical ConvaIescence (St. WhiteIock), New York Academy of Sciences, 99: 130 ArteriaI EmboIism in the Limbs (Jacobs), Williams & Wilkins Co., IOO: 660 Atomic Energy in Medicine (Halnan), PhiIosophicaI Library, 97: 81 I Bronchopulmonary Diseases. Basic Aspects, Diagnosis and Treatment (NacIerio), PauI B. Hoeber,
9.5: 334
1Book reviews Callander’s SurgicaI Anatomy (Anson and Maddock), W. B. Saunders Co., 99: 129 Chemistry and BioIogy of MucopoIysaccharicIes, Ciba Foundation Symposium (WoIstenholme and O’Connor), LittIe, Brown & Co., 96: 131 Ciba Foundation Symposium on Carcinogenesis: Mechanisms of Action. Edited by G. E. W. WoIstenhoIme. Little, Brown & Co., IOO: 152 CoId Injury, Ground Type (Whayne and De Bakey), Dept. of the Army, gg: r2g Cortisone Therapy (GIyn), PhiIosophicaI Library, 96: 132 Diseases of the Esophagus (TerracoI and Sweet), W. B. Saunders Co., 98: 938 Doctor Squibb (Blochman), Simon & Schuster, gg: 131 Emergency War Surgery, NATO Handbook. U. S. Government Printing Office, 97: 81 I Endocrine Aspects of Breast Cancer (Currie), E. & S. Livingstone Ltd., 96: 475 Eye Surgery (StaIIard), WiIIiams Bi Wilkins Co., gg: r3o Functiona Bracing of the Upper Extremieies (Anderson), Charles C Thomas, gg: 608 Genera1 Diagnosis and Therapy of Skin Diseases (Siemens), Universrty of Chicago Press, 97: 810 GynecoIogic Surgery and UroIogy (BaII), C. V. Mosby, 95: 882 Handbook of Physiology, Section I. Neurophysiology, voIume I, Editor in chief, John Fields. WiIIiam Bi Wilkins Co., IOO: 660 Head Injuries. Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Management (Gurdjian and Webster), Little, Brown & Co., gg: 130 IdeaIs in Medicine (Edmunds), The Tyndale Press, 98: 132 InsuIin CrystaIs. ChemicaI and BioIogicaI Studies on InsuIin CrystaIs and InsuIin Zinc Suspensions (SchichtkruII), Ejnar Munksgaard PubIishers, 99: 391 Introduction to UroIogy (Hamm and Weinberg), University of State of N. Y., Downstate MedicaI Center, 99: 131 Lumbar Disc Lesions (Armstrong), Williams 8 WiIkins Co., gg: 264 Management of CompIications in Eye Surgery (FasaneIIa), W. B. Saunders Co., 96: 474 Martius’ GynecoIogicaI Operations. With Emphasis on Topographic Anatomy (McCall and BoIten), LittIe Brown & Co., 95: 334 MedicaI Electrica Equipment (MoIIoy), Philosophical Library, 97: 812 Memoirs of a G. P. (Marshall), Vantage Press, 97: 250 NeuroIogicaI Basis of Behavior (Wolstenholme and O’Connor), Little, Brown & Co., 99: 264
Year Subject
Book reviews Operative Surgery, voI. VI, Hand, Amputations, Plastic Surgery, GynaecoIogy and Obstetrics (Rob and Smith), Butterworth & Co., Ltd., 97: 250 Operative Surgery, vo1. VI, Orthopedic Surgery (Rob), Butterworth & Co., Ltd., 98: 782 Operative Surgery, vol. VIII (Rob and Smith), Butterworth & Co., Ltd., gg: 3go PathophysioIogy in Surgery (Hardy), WiIIiams & Wilkins Co., 97: 812 PhysicaI Diagnosis: The History and Examination of the Patient (Prior and SiIbertstein), C. V. Mosby Co., gg: 131 PhysicaI Methods in Physiology (Catton), PhiIosophica1 Library, 96: 476 PrincipIes of Pathology (Hopps), Appleton-CenturyCrofts, Inc., gg: 391 Roentgen Diagnosis of AbdominaI Tumors in ChiIdren (Nice, Ma&is and RigIer), Charles C Thomas, 96: 132 Surface and RadioIogicaI Anatomy for Students and Genera1 Practitioners (HamiIton and Simon), WiIIiams & WiIkins, gg: 392 Surgery in Infancy and Childhooa (White and Dennison), E. & S. Livingstone Ltd., 97: 81 I Surgery in World War II. OphthaImology and OtoIaryngoIogy. U. S. Government Printing Office, 96: 476 Surgery of the Chest (Johnson), Year Book Publishers, Inc., 98: 132 Surgery of the Ear (Shambaugh), W. B. Saunders co., 100: 660 Surgery of the Head and Neck. A Handbook of Operative Surgery (Wise and Baker), Year Book Publishers, 99: 132 Symposium on Diseases and Surgery of the Lens (Haik and McFetridge), C. V. Mosby. 96: 132 Synopsis of Treatment of AnorectaI Diseases (Ross), C. V. Mosby Co., gg: 3go Textbook of GynecoIogy (Brewer), Williams & WiIkins Co., 96: 734 The ABC of Acid-Base Chemistry (Davenport), University of Chicago Press, 96: 475 The Acute Abdomen (Requarth), The Year Book Publishers, 97: 810 The Atlas of Technics in Surgery (Madden), AppIeton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 98: 782 The ChemicaI Dynamics of Bone MineraI (W. F. Newman and M. W. Newman), University of Chicago Press, 97: 250 The Diagnosis and Treatment of Infections (James), CharIes C Thomas, 96: 474 The Early Diagnosis of the Acute Abdomen (Cope), 96: 734 The Essence of Surgery (WeIch and Powers), W. B. Saunders Co., 97: 812 The Hand: Its Anatomy and Diseases (Byrne), Charles C Thomas, 99: 391
Book reviews The Healing of Wounds (WiIIiamson), McGraw-Hill Book Co., 96: 476 The Management of Abdominal Operations (Maingot), MacmiIIan Company, 95: 882 The PathoIogy and Management of PortaI Hypertension (Walker), Edward ArnoId PubIishers Ltd., 99: 3go The Pharmacologic PrincipIes of Medical Practice (Krantz and Carr), Williams & WiIkins Co., 96: 474 PhysioIogy and PathoIogy of the CerebeIIum (Dow and Moruzzi), University of Minnesota Press, 97: 810 The RooseveIt HospitaI 1871-1957. Committee on History of RooseveIt HospitaI, 98: 132 The Truth about Your Eyes (Vail), Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, IOO: 660 TheYear BookofCancer, 1g56-1g57Series (CIarkand CumIey), The Year Book Publishers, 96: 859 The Year Book of Cancer, 1957-1958 (CIark), The Year Book PubIishers, 99: 392 The Year Book of General Surgery (De Bakey), The Year Book PubIishers, 97: 130 Tracheotomy: A CIinicaI and Experimenta Study (NeIson), WiIIiams & Wilkins Co., 98: 938 Transactions of the International Society of PIastic Surgeons. WiIIiams & WiIkins Co., 96: 131 Transactions of the Pacific Coast Obstetrical and GynecoIogicaI Society, voI. 24, Western JournaI of Surgery PubIishing Co., 96: 475 Treatment of Cancer and AlIied Diseases, vol. I (Pack and Ariel), PauI B. Hoeber, gg: 608 Tumors and Tumorous Conditions of the Bones and Joints (Jaffe), Lea & Febiger, gg: 392 UIcerative CoIitis (Bacon), J. B. Lippincott Co., 96: The
734 UroIogic Injuries in GynecoIogy. IncIuding Vesicovagina1 Fistula, Stress Incontinence and Ureteral Injuries (FaIk), F. A. Davis Co., 95: 334 Water and EIectroIyte MetaboIism in ReIation to Age and Sex (WoIstenholme and O’Connor), 99: 131 Bowel management after hemorrhoidectomy, g5 : 826 smaI1, non-specific ulceration of, 96: 679 obstruction of, after partia1 gastrectomy, 96: 309 reticulum ceI1 carcinoma of, IOO: 602 spontaneous perforation of, in newborn, IOO: 54 steribzation of, in infants and chiIdren, 98: 603 Boxing injuries, 98: 5og BrachiaI pIexus bIock, 95: 953 paraIysis foIIowing administration toxin, 95: 668 Brain experimentaI injury to, and effect 98: 704 regi0na.I hypothermia
of tetanus
of hypothermia,
of, and its effect,
IOO: 43
Year Subject
Cancer of rectum
Breast cancer of, in femaIe patients, in Rockford,
97: 31
98: 653
carcinoma of (E), 97: I and hamartomatous hypothaImic 100: 606 biopsy with deIayed
184 diagnosis from frozen section
for, 98:
in Iesions of (E),
661 granuIar cell myobIastoma of, IOO: g8 malignant meIanoma of, 97: 232 metastatic cancer of, 96: 492 Paget’s disease of, in man, 98: 623 Bricker operation in uroIogy, 96: 254 Bronchiogenic cyst, paraesophageal, 96: 107 Bronchus, suction of, 96: 552 Brooks, Dr. Barney, 98: 706 BubbIe-type oxygenator, elimination of air bubbIes
spot, meIanoma
from a,
I29 Calculus, primary vesica1, suggesting hyperparathyroidism, 97: 117 Cancer abdomina1, uncontroIIed, 96: 281 deposition and retention of tetracycIine in, IOO: 384 detection with systemic tetracycIines and uItravioIet, 96: 415 intraoral, surgical management of, 98: 844 Iong deIayed, of cervical stump, 97: 54 maxiIIofaciaI, bone invoIvement in, 98: 898 metastatic, of breast, 96: 482 of breast in Rockford, IIIinois, 98: 653 surviva1 of female patients with, 97: 31 of head and neck, 98: 915 of&e diagnosis of, 97: 300 treated with betatron electron beam, 98: 847 of ovary, 95: 336
and coIon, improvement
of end resuIts in,
96: 331 of testis, Iymphadenectomy via transperitonea1 approach for, 97: 756 of thyroid, a twenty-year foIIow-up of, 98: rgo ora1, in women, 98: 869 quackery, IOO: 808 surgery for, chemotherapy as adjuvant to (E), 97: 685 tripIe primary, 97: 241 uncontroIIed abdominal or peIvic, second operations for, 96: 281 Carcinolytic effect of thio-TEPA on malignant meIanoma, 95: 994 Carcinoma aIveoIar &I, of Iung, 97: 368 arising in minor salivary gIand ducts of Iower Iip, 97:
96: 696 BuccaI mucosa, squamous ceII carcinoma of, 100: 539 Burn deep, and necrosis of skuI1 and long bones, g5 : 679 deformity of hand, management of (CAC), IOO: 802 wound, microbia1 growth in, 95: 3og Burns acute thermal, of face, 98: 923 chart for recording data in treatment of, 98: 693 chemical, 98: gz8 eIectricaI, of mouth, 98: 921 etiology and mortaIity, at a genera1 hospital, IOO: 381 IocaI care of, 100: 68 of hand, 97: 421 open method treatment of, with aeroso1 spray, 97: 21 I treated with activated whoIe pancreas, 96: 545 severe, control of infection in, 95: 684 third degree, of dorsum of hand, 96: 535 Bursa, infrapatellar, gas gangrene of, 97: 350
C af&au-Iait
79 basa1 cell, of anus, ted, and extensive,
in chiIdren, 96: 445 95: 822, IOI I acute appendicitis, 95: gg8 paIIiative subtota1 esophagectomy
38 foIIowing urinary diversion, IOO: 133 gastric, occurring in a gastrostomy, 96: 430 simulated by amyIoidosis of gastrointestinal
for, 96:
96: 713 gastrointestina1, and eosinophils, 97: 195 in branchiogenic cyst, 96: 776 metastatic, and simiIarity of biIe duct adenoma, 96: 118 of breast and hemartomatous hypothalamic maIformation, 100: 606 biopsy with deIayed radical mastectomy for, 98: 184 confusion in treatment of (E), 97: I of cervical stump, 96: 360 of coIon and rectum in young peopIe, 96: 47 of common biIe duct, 96: 126 of duodenum, 95: 946 of hypopharynx, one-stage reconstruction for, 97: 217 of ileum in area of regiona enteritis, 97: 336 of Iung and appIication of scaIene node biopsy, gh: 5 I I of palate, 100: 530 Carcinoma, of prostate causing rectal obstruction, 96: 319 of rectum, combined abdomina1 and perinea1 resection for, 100: 194 of smaI1 intestine, 96: 54 of thyroid, 95: 45 surgery for, 96: 272 papiIIary, of thyroid gIand in children, 96: 27 persistent, IOO: 620 primary, of gaIIbIadder, IOO: 365 renal, and soIitary cyst of kidney, 95: 138 squamous ceII, of anterior part of tongue, 98: 677 of bucca1 mucosa, IOO: 539 of upper jaw and antrum, IOO: 401 uIcerogenic non-beta ceI1 pancreatic isret, loo: 48
Three Year Subject Index
Carcinosarcoma of uterus, 100: 522 Cardiac arrest, cIinica1 experience with, 96: 15 I during anesthesia, physioIogic basis for, IOO: 354 output in dogs during cardiac massage, IOO: 64 resuscitation, open versus closed chest, 97: 739 surgery, open, use of potassium arrest in, 96: 22 I Cardiopulmonary bypass (E), 96: 477 Cardiorespiratory resuscitation (E), 95: 729 CardiovascuIar disease, hypertensive, and intrarena1 arteriovenous IistuIa, 96: 3 Carotid body and allied tumors, 95: 371 CarpaI tunnel syndrome, 97: 466 Cartilage, aIar, defects of, 95: 331 Case analysis cIinics, 96: 469,604, 729; 97: 804; 98: 126, 637, 772, 775; 99: 118, 120, 123, 251, 253, 374. 3779964,966; roe: 137, r4o,4go. 495.6439646, 648, 802 Cassette hoIder for operative cholangiography, 96: 426 for reduction of fractured bones, 95: 854 Catheters, bronchial suction, 96: 552 CausaIgias, minor and major, 95: 545 Cecostomy and colostomy in acute obstruction of left colon, 96: 324 acute voIvuIus of, 95: 798 benign lesions of, associated with appendicitis, 98: 598 carcinoma of, and acute appendicitis, 95 : 998 diverticulitis of, simuIating appendicitis, 95: 1002 invoIved by stranguIated partial enteroceIe, 95: 1004 perforation of, complicating adynamic iIeus, 96: 718 spontaneous perforation of, 96: 448 subhepatic, compticated by voIvuIus of right coIon, ~ohuhs
97: 793 of, 96: 41 I; 98: 175 nervous system, fluid replacement and cerebra1 edema in management of surgical lesions of,
100: 303 Cerebral arteries, clip for temporary occIusion of, IOO: 587 edema and fluid replacement in management of surgical Iesions of centra1 nervous system, 100: 303 CervicaI spine, hyperextension injury to, 96: 618 Cervix carcinoma of stump of, 96: 360 Iong deIayed cancer of stump of, 97: 54 Cesarean section foIlowed by overdistention and spontaneous rupture of cecum, 96: 448 management of pIacenta in, 98: 41 postmortem, 98: 758 ChemicaI burns, 98: 928 Chemodectoma, IOO: 747 Chemotherapy appraisa1 of, as adjuvant to cancer surgery (E), 97: 685 for granuIocytic
g5 : g7o
Chest cIosed, comphcations of trauma to, 97: 563 open versus cIosed, cardiac resuscitation, 97: 739 penetrating injuries to, 100: 709 severe nonpenetrating injuries to, 100: 715 waI1, and repair with stainless steel wire mesh, wide block excision of desmoid tumors of, IOO: 126 defects, aIIopIastic repair of, 96: 670 demand-Aow respirator for Iarge defect-of, 97: 307 tissue defects of, repaired with pIastic:prosthesis, 97: 629 Children and infants, Thiersch’s operation for rectal prolapse in, 100: 457 mandibuIar condyloid process fracture in, IOO: 835 polyps of the colon and rectum in, IOO: 55 I Chin and nose, plastic surgery of, 95: 231 ChlorophyIIin and inhibition of cIotting, 95: 967 sodium-copper, causing inhibition of coaguIase of Staph. aureus, 97: 321 ChIorpromazine jaundice (CAC), 100: 495 Choana, posterior, congenita1 atresia of, 96: 802 ChoIangiography, operative cassette hoIder for, 96: 426 simplified technic of, 96: g4 ChoIecystectomy technic, 95: 988; 97: 151 Cholecystitis acute, 96: 729; 97: 156 emphysematous, 96: 66 in a municipa1 charity hospita1, 98: 283 emphysematous (DC), 97: 126 in chiIdren, 95: 1013 acute non-caIcuIous, 100: 103 ChoIecystostomy in the aged, IOO: 544 ChoIedochocoIic listula, g5 : 866 ChoIestasis, intrahepatic, 97: 132 Chondromalacia of fabella, 98: 760 Chondrosarcoma in a phaIanx, IOO: 751 Chorionepithelioma of stomach, 100: 224 Chvostek sign, presence of, 96: 33 Chylothorav coincident bilateral, and chylous ascites, 96: 438 postoperative, IOO: 8 Cinelluorography in study of degIutition and phonation, IOO: 864 Cirrhosis of liver and congenita1 portacava1 anastomosis, 95: 163 CIeft lip, early cIosure of, IOO: 869 CIitoris, doubIe, 96: 596 Closure of cleft lip and paIate, earIy, 100: 869 Clotting, inhibition of, by chIorophyIIin, 95: 967 Coagulase, inhibition of Staph. aurecs by sodiumcopper chIorophyIIin, 97: 321 Coarctation absent aortic arch and other variants of, 98: 265 of aorta (DC), IOO: 656 CoIitis, uIcerative i1eorects.I anastomosis for, 96: 684
Three Colitis, uIcerative surgica1 treatment
Year Subject
Cutaneous of, 98: 165
Colon and rectum in children, poIyps of, IOO: 55 I ascending, acute diverticuIitis of, IOO: 744 Ieiomyosarcoma of, 95 : I007 volvuIus of, 98: 175 bIeeding diverticuli of, loo: 217 cancer of, improvement of end results in, 96: 331 carcinoma of, in young peopIe, 96: 47 diverticuIosis of, g5 : 8 I 3 endometriosis of, loo: 381 esophagea1 repIacement of, IOO: 71 hemorrhage of, loo: 600 left, acute obstruction of, 96: 324 right, intermittent voIvuIus of, 97: 316 voIvuIus of, complicating subhepatic cecum, 97: 793 segmenta diIation of, 97: 734 sigmoid, congenital atresia of, 96: 580 surgery of diverticuIitis of, loo: 206 submucous Iipoma of, 95 : 47 I transverse, voIvuIus of, 96: 122 CoIoproctectomy, singIe-stage, compared with other procedures for treating uIcerative colitis, 98: 165 Colostomy and cecostomy
in acute obstruction
of left coIon, 96:
324 case, norms and deviations, 96: 522 in congenital atresia of sigmoid coIon, 96: 580 Coma, hepatic, in surgica1 patients, 96: 172 Commissurotomy, observations on mitra1 valvular,
512 Common duct, indications for expIoration of, 98: 606 Compression and fracture healing with specia1 pIate, 95: 761 Contracture, Dupuytren’s surgery for, 95: rg7 Contusion of left kidney (DC), 98: 764 Cooper, Sir AstIey Paston, 97: 8og Cordotomy, dorsa1, 96: 698 Cornea, tattooing of, 95: 246 Coronary heart disease, 95: 743 Court cases, surgery, 96: 472, 611, 732, 857; 97:
244. 372, 798; 98: 120, 635, 762; 99: 108, 255, 380, 968; loo: 143,498, 651, 789 Craniocerebral injuries morbidity and mortality of, 96: 615 neuroIogica1 evaluation of, 98: 918 Craniotomies, fixation of bone pIates in, 96: 701 reconstruction of, with ethyIenediamineCranium, treated bone, 97: 721 Cross-Ieg ffap in traumatic surgery, 97: 434 Cryofibrinogen, pancreatic neopIasm and phlegmasia ceruIea dolens, 97: 104 Curare anesthesia, sensitivity to, in patient with myasthenia gravis, 96: 102 Cushing’s syndrome, surgica1 management of (CAC), 98: 775
.. . xxx111
Index and intestinal
loo: 761
cyst branchiogenic, carcinoma in, 96: 776 epidermoid, of the spIeen, loo: 475 paraesophageal bronchiogenic, 96: 107 solitary, of kidney and renaI carcinoma, 95: r38 Cystadenoma Iymphomatosum, papiIIary, 95: 923 papillary, of accessory saIivary grand, 96: 749 Cystic duct and gaIIbIadder, congenitaI absence of, 96: 724 remnant, 98: 296 Cystogastrostomy, pancreatic, technic and merits
97: 718 cysts congenita1 splenic, 96: 302 dermoid and bilateral, of ovaries, 98: 739 intradiaphragmatic, remova of, 98: g5 paraesophageaI ciIiated, of mediastinum, 96: 420 piIonida1, primary cIosure of, with wire-button retention, 97: 328 primary retroperitoneal pscudomucinous, 98: 750
acron in bIood vessels, study of, 95: 3, 16 DactyIoIysis spontanea (ainhum), loo: 480 DaIIas tornado disaster, 95: 501 Debricin ficus protease, indications for and appIication of, 98: 685 D&ridement enzymatic, with activated whoIe pancreas, 96: 545 with bovine fibrinolysin, 98: 4 with papain-urea-chIorophyIIin ointment, 95: 828 use of Debricin ficus protease for, 98: 685 Decubitus uIcers, IocaI treatment of, with activated whoIe pancreas, 96: 545 Deformity of a hand, burn (CAC), loo: 802 Degenerative disease simuIated by Iipoma of spinal cord, 96: 462 DegIutition, cineffuorographic studies of, 100: 864 Dermatome Brown-Berger, for skin grafting, g5 : 986 simpIe manua1, 97: go Dermoid, ruptured intracranial, loo: 723 Desmoid tumors of the chest wall, loo: 126 DeWaII-LiIIehei oxygenator, eIimination of air bubbtes in, 96: 696 Dextran as pIasma expander, 97: 593 Diagnosis of cancer with systemic tetracycIines and uItravioIet, 96: 415 of cervica1 disIocation, 95: 636 of hepatic coma in surgical patients, 96: 172 of thyroid tumors, aspiration biopsy in, 95: 40 of tumors of testis, 95: 341 sigmoidoscopic, of regional enteritis, 95: 144 Diagnostic corner, 96: 465, 600, 726, 860; 97: 126, 374, 800; 98: 122, 642, 764; 99: IIO, 114, 260, 384, 970; 100: 148, 500, 656, 798 Diaphragm, removal of cyst within, 98: g$
Year Subject
Diet for athIetes, 98: 343 DipIopia and eye muscIe imbaIance in orbita and zygomatic fractures, 96: 735 traumatic, 97: 5 18 Disc protruded Iumbar intervertebral, 97: 388 protrusions, Iumbar, IOO: 434 removal, intervertebra1, and spine fusion, 96: 624 subtotal anterior Iumbar, excision of, and vertebra1 body fusion, 97: 649 ruptured cervica1, vertebral body fusion for, 98: 722 Disease, concomitant, and occurrence of trauma, 95: 897 Dishface deformity, bone grafts for, 95: 323 DisIocation and fracture of a&e, open reduction of, 98: 136 anterior, of shouIder, and injury to axillary artery, 95: 524 cervical, diagnosis of, 95: 636 chronic, of shouIder, excision of acromiaI process for, 100: gr forward, of carpaI Iunate bone (DC), 98: 642 fracture, key graft fixation in, 96: 81 of acromiocIavicuIar joint, 98: 423 of shouIder, recurrent, IOO: 423 repair of thoracoacromia1 artery rupture after, 97: 782 posterior, of elbow joint in athtetes, 96: 393 voIuntary bilateral posterior, of shouIder joint,
777 Diverticuli, of colon, management of bIeeding, IOO : 2 I 7 DiverticuIitis of ascending colon, acute, 100: 744 of cecum simuIating appendicitis, g5 : I 002 of sigmoid coton, IOO: 206 DiverticuIosis of coIon, massive hemorrhage from, 95: 813 DiverticuIum giant pharyngoesophagea1, MeckeI’s, with obliterated 97: 225 solitary jejunal, Dornase aeroso1, sis, 100: Dorsum of hand, Doyen intestimd Drainage of common biIe
97: 222 omphaIomesenteric
hemorrhage from, IOO: 597 pancreatic, in postoperative ateIecta447 third degree burns of, 96: 535 cIamp, 95: 983 duct in subacute
and chronic jaundice,
97: ‘37 of pleura1 space, physiologic principIes of, 96: 246 Drape, new transparent plastic surgicaI, IOO: 5go Driver education program in Flint, Michigan, 98: 550 DuctIess gIands, symposium on surgery of, 95: 335-403 Ductus choIedochus, surgica1 expIoration of, IOO: 94 DuodenaI and gastric uIcers. spontaneous perforations of, 97: 796 compression, arteriomesenteric, IOO: 262 uIcer, perforated, in infant with survival,
for duodenal
therapy, 95: 659 Dysphagia and esophagea1 defect caused by ruptured anterior nucIeus puIposus, 98: 631 Dystrophy, post-traumatic sympathetic, pathogenesis of, 97: 454
Ear congenitaI deformities of, 95: 185 middIe, reconstruction of, IOO: 823 Ecchymosis, postoperative, 96: 75 I Ectopic presacral kidney, IOO: 148 Edema cerebral, and Auid repIacement in surgical lesions of centra1 nervous system, 100: 303 Iymphatic, surgery for, 95: 216 EditoriaIs Accidents and sagacity, 98: 649 AIternate metabohc pathways, 96: 351 American Association for Surgery of Trauma and its objectives, 97: 379 AppraisaI of chemotherapy as adjuvant to surgery for cancer, 97: 685 Autogenous skin bank, 95: 883 Cardiopulmonary bypass, 96: 477 Cardiorespiratory resuscitation, g5 : 729 ChaIIenge of emergency clinics, 96: I Confusion in treatment of carcinoma of breast, 97: I Conservative treatment of fractures, 97: 253 Diagnosis from frozen section in Iesions of the breast, 100: 661 HoIes in rubber gIoves, IOO: 363 Intensive nursing care, 100: I introduction to symposium on maxilIofaciaI surgery, 98: 783 Introduction to symposium on medica aspects of traIIic safety and reIated injuries, 98: 517 Introduction to symposium on sports injuries, 98: 3 15 Introduction to symposium on biliary surgery, 97: I 3 I Introduction to symposium on surgery of ductiess Nursing
97: 346
in gastric
95: 781 Duodenum carcinoma of, 95: 946 hematoma of, 95: 484 mobihzation of, in gastrectomy, 98: 713 stenosis of, with omphalocete, 97: 229 traumatic intramura1 hematoma of, 96: 568 uIcer of, gastric resection for, 95: 781 surgery for in community hospitals, 96: 369 survey of eIective operations for, 96: 365 Dupuytren’s contracture, radical fasciectomy for, 100: 372 surgery for, 95: 197 Dynamics, vascuIar, during hemorrhagic shock
&nds, 95: 335 education and shortage of nurses (President&I Address, Pacific Coast SurgicaI Association), 96: 133
Year Subject
Editorials PaIIiative surgery for advanced malignancy, 100: 5 I I ProbIems in management of perforated peptic ulcer, 98: I PuImonary hypertension and cardiac surgery, 98: 65 1 Recognition of hyperparathyroidism, 96: 613 Recovery room, 97: z5 I Responsibility (PresidentiaI Address, Pacific Coast Surgical Association), 98: 133 Robert M. Zollinger, M.D., Editor, 95: I SurgicaI technic, 98: 3 To Sir HaroId GiIIies, 95: 167 Trauma-twenty years and after, 95 : 489 UtiIization of medicomiIitary history, 97: 687 Education medical, in total war, 95: 493 nursing, and shortage of nurses, 96: 133 Elbow and shoulder, Iesions of, in basebaIl pIayers, 98: 484 forearm, wrist and hand, athIetic injuries to, 98: 432 joint, posterior dislocation of, in athIetes, 96: 393 EIectroIyte and A&d baIance folIowing injuries to head, 97: 205 EIephantiasis of Iower extremity, 96: 84 Embolism, fat, and a fat center, IOO: 676 fata bone marrow, foIIowing thoracotomy, 95: 94 puImonary, 97: 274 periphera1 arteria1, 96: 663 Emergency clinics, chaIIenge of (E), 96: I room experience in community hospital, 97: 663 requirements for, 98: 544 service, need for active teaching program in, 97: 400 Emotions of surgical patients regarding hospitaIization, anesthesia and surgery, 96: 646 Emphysematous choIecystitis, acute, 96: 66 Enchondroma of sternum, 96: 559 Endarterectomy, arteriaI reconstruction by, 100: 165 Endocrine disease and gastroduodena1 ulcers, 97: 17 tumors, peptic uIceration with, IOO: 764 Endometriosis enigma of, 100: 122 of coIon, IOO: 381 Enteritis, regionaI carcinoma of iIeum in area of, 97: 336 diagnosed by sigmoidoscopy, 95 : 144 EnteroceIe, stranguIated partia1, invoIving cecum in femora1 hernia, 95: 1004 Enterostomy, temporary, 96: 90 Enterotomy-coIotomy decompressor for intestinal obstruction, 96: 428 Environment and congenitaI anomalies, 96: 396 Enzymatic ditbridement with papain-urea-chIorophyIIin ointment, 95: 828 Enzymes, debridement of ulcerating wounds with, 98: 4 EosinophiI and gastrointestinal carcinoma, 97: 195 Epidermoid cyst of spIeen, IOO: 475
EsophageaI atresia of, and imperforate anus (CAC), IOO: 140 repIacement with right and transverse colon, IOO: 71 resection and fata perforation of thoracic aorta, 95: 878 Esophagectomy, paIIiative subtota1, for carcinoma, 96: 38 Esophagitis and stricture caused by nasogastric tube, 98: I 16 refIux, compIicated by hemorrhage, 98: 657 EsophagopuImonary fistuIa, acquired benign, 96: 705 Esophagus acute bIeeding from, 97: I IO congenital segmenta stenosis of, 97: 772 constriction of, due to arterial anomaIies of aortic arch, 96: 228 Iower, spontaneous perforation of, 96: 465 Iye stricture of, 100: 71 repIacement of, IOO: 278 thoracic, restoration of, with aortic homograft, 96: 38 EthyIenediamine extraction and anorganic bone grafting, 100: 12 EthyIenediamine-treated bone, crania1 reconstruction with, 97: 721 Eventration in newborn, conservative management of, 97: 769 Excision, multipIe and occasional Z-pIasty for disabilities of exposed surfaces, 95: 173 Iimitations of, 95: 237 Extensor pollicis Iongus tendon, rupture of, after blunt trauma, 96: 434 ExtracorporeaI circuIation with heat exchanging filming oxygenator, IOO: 338 Extremity amputations in periphera1 vascular disease Iower, IOO: 682 Iower, and chronic Iymphedema, Iymphangiosarcoma, IOO: 617 Extremities, skin grafting of, 96: 550 Eye injuries to, 98: 384 muscle imbaIance and dipIopia in orbita matic fractures, 96: 735
and zygo-
FabeIIa, chondromaIacia of, 98: 760 Face acute therma burns of, 98: 923 doubIe tubed pedicIe graft for Iarge defects of, 95 : 194 injuries to, in sports, 98: 390 osteogenic sarcoma of bones of, 96: 496 psychoIogIcaI impact of deformities of, 96: 745 FaIIot, tetraIogy of, in oIder persons up to fifth decade, 96: 234 Fasciectomy for Dupuytren’s contracture, IOO: 372 Fat emboIism and a fat center, IOO: 676 intravenous, as supportive therapy after severe injuries, 95: 651 Feeding, jejunogastrostomy for, 95 : 157
Year Subject
FeIIea vesica divisa (bilobed gaIlbladder), 96: 584 Femoral and spina linkages, crash injuries to, 95: 908 hernia, 95: 1004 Femur fractures of neck of, 95: 132 intertrochanteric fracture of, 96: 660; 97: 634 primary reticuIum ceI1 sarcoma of, 100: 753 supracondyIar fracture of, in aged persons, 97: 499 Fibrinolysin, bovine, enzymatic d&ridement with, 98: 4 Fibroids, uterine, sarcomas in, IOO: 416 FibromuscuIar hyperpIasia of renaI arteries and hypertension, 100: 183 Fibromyxochondrosarcoma of mandibIe, 96: 780 Fibrosarcoma of tongue, 96: 71 I Finger index, incision for amputation of, 97: 331 metastasis to phaIanx of, 97: 236 third, IeveI of amputation in, 97: 477 FistuIa acquired benign esophagopuImonary, closure of, 96: 705 external pancreatic, 96: 689 gastrojejunocoIic, with isIet cell tumors of pancreas, 96: g8 internal, of nasopharynx, 96: 571 intrarena1 arteriovenous, with hypertensive cardiovascular disease, 96: 3 of parotid, 96: 763 partia1 pancreatic, after gastrectomy, 97: 260 recurrent racheoesophagea1, IOO: I IO FistuIas about anus and rectum, fistuIotomy and fistuIectomy for, 95: 818 choIedochocoIic, 95: 866 externa1 postoperative feca1, 95: 3 I renoduodena1, g5 : 462 FIaps cross-leg, in traumatic surgery, 97: 434 doubIe retated pedicIe, for closure of large nasal defects, 95: 2gg posterior pharyngeal, for repair of cIeft palate, 95: 304 FIuid and electrolyte baIance foIIowing injuries to head, 97: 205 peritoneal, from StranguIated
96: 387 replacement in surgica1 Iesions of centraI nervous system, 100: 303 Fluorescence in malignant Iesions of various types, 96: 415 FootbaII equipment, protective, 98: 363 Forceps for repairs of tendons and nerves, 97: 87 Forearm, elbow, wrist and hand, athIetic injuries to, 98: 432 Foreign bodies in maxiIIofacia1 surgery, 96: 840 in stomach, 97: 342 Iocation and rem0va.I of, 95 : 108
Fracture abduction-externaI acute intracapsular,
rotation, of ankIe, 97: 488 Moore prosthetic repIacement
95: 577 CoIIes’, gangrene foIIowing, 100: 124 cornminuted, of Iower end of radius, g5 : 74 of OS calcis and chronic osteomyelitis, 96: 708 compIex mandibular, 97: 283 conservative treatment of (E), 97: 253 disIocations, mandibuIar, IOO: 850 mid-tar&, key graft fixation in, 96: 81 heaIing and compression, 95: 761 intertrochanteric, of femur, 96: 660; 97: 634 mandibuIar condyIoid process, in chiIdren, IOO: 835 immobilization of, IOO: 845 subcondyIar, immobilization of, 100: 845 metastatic, treated with interna fixation, 97: 484 muItipIe, earIy care of, 97: 43 occult, of smaIIer eIements of cervical vertebrae, 97: 530 of bone, use of poIyurethane poIymer in, 97: ~2 of facia1 bones and dipIopia, 97: 518 of hip, earIy management of, 97: 660 mortality survey, 95: 581 osteotomy for compIications of, 97: 644 of intercondylar eminence of tibia, 95: 593 of leg, open vs. cIosed methods of treating, g5 : 5gg of neck of femur in chiIdren, 95: 132 of 0s caIcis, 95: 555 of rib, simpIe, 97: 569 of shaft of tibia, 97: 543 open, of tibiaI shaft, 95: 415 orbita and zygomatic, diplopia and eye muscIe imbalance in, 96: 735 simuItaneous leg, g5 : 6 I 7 supracondylar, of femur in aged persons, 97: 499 Fractures and dislocations of ankle, open reduction of, 98: 136 and ligament injuries of a&e, 98: 477 of tibiaI shaft, conservative treatment of, 98: 593 Frozen section in Iesions of the breast, diagnosis from (E), 100: 661 FuII-thickness skin grafts, peda1, repair of contractures of hand with, IOO: 412 Fungemia, MoniIia aIbicans, folIowing pelvic and abdomina1 procedures, IOO: 470
of, for reducing inffammation,
31 GaIIbIadder and common bile duct, operations upon, g5 : 845 . .. appendlcrtls due to stones of, IOO: 120 biIobed (feIIea visica divisa), 96: 584 congenital absence of, 96: 723 disease, acute, 97: 156 effect of pancreatic secretions on, in absence of bile, 98: 2go macroscopicatly nonpathoIogic, 98: 276 perforation of, 100: 407
Three Gallbladder primary carcinoma of, IOO: 365 so-caIIed papiIIomas of, 96: 296 GaIIstone ileus diagnosis of, 96: 726 recurrent, 96: 379 Gangrene foIIowing compound CoIIes’ fracture,
Year Subject
IOO: 124
95: I54 unusua1 type of interna hernia, 96: 129 hemorrhage after, 95: 41 I after, from ruptured traumatic aneurysm, 96: I 15 partial, foIIowed by stoma1 or smaI1 bowe1 obstruction, 96: 309 pancreatic fistula after, 97: 260 Gastric adenomas, cIinicopathoIogic study of, 98: 223 and duodena1 ulcers, spontaneous perforations of, 97: 796 heterotopia, IOO: 396 re-resection, 95: 869 resection for chronic duodenal ulcer, 100: 25 I for duodena1 uIcer, duodenostomy in, 95: 78 I stump, bacteria1 flora of, IOO: 663 surgery for uICer and neophSm, 95 : 772 ulcer, intrathoracic perforation of, on greater curvature, 96: 562 perforating thoracic aorta, 95: 878 Gastritis, giant hypertrophic, 98: 584 GastroduodenaI ulcers, postmortem anaIysis of, 97: 17 GastrointestinaI carcinoma and the eosinophil, 97: 195 hemorrhage in aged, IOO: 258 tract, primary amyloidosis of, 96: 713 Gastroschisis, repair of, 96: 675 Gastrostomy carcinoma occurring in, 96: 430 temporary, 96: go Genital tract, femaIe, anatomy of, 95: 425, 793; 96: 76 Genitalia, femaIe external, incompIete duplication of,
96: 596
813 Giant ceI1 tumor of bone, 96: 479 GiIIies, Sir Harold, 95: 167, 255 GIoves, rubber, hoIes in (E), 100: 363 Goiter in chiIdren, 96: 27 substerna and intrathoracic, preservation way in surgery for, IOO: 85
Graft abdomina1 aortic, 96: 202 anorganic bone, experiences with heterografts processed by ethylenediamine extraction, IOO: 12 bone, for dishface deformity, 95: 323 double tubed pedicle, for Iarge facial defects, 95: 194 fixation, key, in mid-tarsa fracture dislocation, 96: 81 homogeneous bone, in manidbuIar reconstruction,
gas, 97: 582 of infrapateIIar bursa, 97: 350 Gas gangrene clinical inferences from experimental data, 97: 582 of infrapatellar bursa, 97: 350 Gastrectomy duodena1 mobiIization in, 98: 713 folIowed by heterotopic bone formation and hernia,
Genitourinary tract, sports injuries to, 98: 457 Geriatric patients with head and neck probIems,
of the air-
96: 755 nerve, with toe-to-thumb transplant, 95 -3 15 preparation of, in microdermagrafting, 96: 557 repair of contractures of the hand with peda1 fuIIthickness skin, IOO: 412 spIit-thickness, for third degree burns of dorsum of hand, 96: 535 tube, for repair of paIata1 defect, 95: 301 Grafting arterial, for arteria1 occIusive disease, 95: 25 as treatment of aneurysm of abdomina1 aorta, 97: 270 of skin of extremities, device for, 96: 550 skin, with Brown-Berger dermatome, 95: 986 GranuIar ceI1 myobIastoma of the breast, IOO: 98 Groin hernias of, IOO: 462 recurring abscess in, and mucoceIe of appendix,
allux varus, congenita1, 95: 274 Hamartomatous hypothalmic maIformation and carcinoma of breast, IOO: 606 Hand bIunt trauma to soft tissues of, 96: 434 burn deformity of (CAC), IOO: 802 burns of, 97: 421 deformities of, 95: 189 elbow, forearm and wrist, athIetic injuries to, 98: 432 injuries to, from homemade rockets, 97: 471 repair of contractures of, with pedal fuII-thickness skin grafts, IOO: 412 surgery, emergency, tray for, 95: g8o third degree burns of dorsum of, 96: 535 tumors of, 100: 293 HareIip, singIe, radical rotation, 95: 318 Head and neck athIetic injuries to, 98: 379 cancer of, 98: 915 treated with betatron eIectron beam, 98: 847 maIignancies of, neurosurgery for contro1 of pain in, 98: 800 maIignant tumors of, 98: 858 problems in geriatric patients, IOO: 813 surgery in hospitaIs with four-year residency training, 96: 24 Head cancer of, ofice diagnosis of, 97: 300 injuries to, 96: 615 fluid and electrolyte baIance after, 97: 205 sweIIings of, treated with trypsin, 96: 787
Three Year Subject Index
Headgear, protective, engineering research on, 98: 368 Heart disease, coronary, 95: 743 perforating wound of two chambers of, with surviva1, 97: 344 revascularization of, 100: 572 HemangioendotheIioma, infantile,
of parotid
gland, 96:
784 Hemangioma, of striated muscIe, cavernous, IOO: 593 Hemangiopericytoma, 96: 640 of Iigamentum teres of liver, 100: 740 Hematoma compression of mediastinum by, 98: 735 of duodenum, surgicaIIy proved, 95: 484 subcapsuIar encysted, of spIeen (DC), 98: 768 traumatic intramuraI, of duodenum, 96: 568 Hemobilia, too: 623 Hemoperitoneum, in newborn, IOO: I 17 Hemorrhage and reffux esophagitis, 98: 657 coIonic, approach to, IOO: 600 deIayed postgastrectomy, from ruptured traumatic aneurysm,g6: 115 from esophagea1 varices, 96: I IO from jejunal diverticuIum, IOO: 597 from Iiver, 95: 106 gastrointestinal, in aged, xoo: 258 in gastric Iipoma, 96: 453 in pIastic and maxiIIofaciaI surgery, agents for Iessening of, 96: 846 massive, from common biIe duct to T tube, IOO: 623 from diverticuIosis of coIon, 95: 813 puImonary (CAC), 100: 490 postgastrectomy, 95 : 411 Hemorrhagic shock, vascuIar dynamics during, 95 : 659 Hemorrhoidectomy, management of bowe1 after, 95 : 826 Hemorrhoids, interna1, oflice Iigation of, 96: 401 Hemostasis in retropubic prostatectomy, 100: 465 Hemostatic agent, surgica1 absorbable, 100: 439 Heparinization, intra-arteria1, 96: 12 Hepatic coma in surgica1 patients, 96: 172 Hepatitis, with jaundice, 97: 137 Hepatobiiiary disease, accuracy of liver function tests in, 97: 702 Hepatorenal syndrome, IOO: 431 Heredity and congenita1 anomaIies, 96: 396 Hernia and heterotopic bone formation foIIowing gastrectomy, 95: I54 congenitaI internaI, 97: 201 femoraI, 95: 1004 hiataI (DC), IOO: 798 with carcinoma of transverse coIon, 98: 758 with gastric 0ccIusion and intrathoracic perforation of gastric uIcer on greater curvature, 96: 562 indirect inguinal, 976
with quiIting
Hernia inguinal, and hydroceIe, biIateraJ herniotomy for, in infancy and chiIdhood, 97: 255 internal, following gastrectomy, 96: 129 of anterior abdomina1 waI1, stainIess stee1 ring chain net for, 95: 87 of groin, new treatment, of, IOO: 462 preperitonea1 repair of, 100: 234 sciatic, 95 : 974 spigelian, log: 515 traumatic, of abdominaI waI1, 97: 340 umbiIica1, observations on imbrication for repair of, 98: 236 Herniorrhaphy in advanced age group, 97: 6g inguinaI, IocaI anesthesia for, IOO: 782 simpIified, in infants and young chiIdren, Herniotomy, biIatera1, CeIe, 97: 255 Heterotopia, gastric, Hiatus hernia (DC),
for inguinal
96: 88 and hydro-
IOO: 396 IOO: 798
Hip fractures of, 95: 581 compIications of, osteotomy for, 97: 644 earIy management of, 97: 660 peIvis and thigh, athIetic injuries to, 98: 45 I Hirschsprung’s disease with extensive agangIionic segments, 98: 248 “Hacker” vaIve used in tracheotomy tubes, 98: 733 Homograft abdomina1 aortic, rupture of, 98: 746 aortic, as repIacement for portion of thoracic esophagus, 96: 38 experimentA skin, 95: 267 femoral arteriaI, faIse aneurysm in, 98: 753 for repIacement after resection of atheroscIerotic aneurysm, 97: 98 skin, from postmortem sources, 97: 418 Homohemotherapy and sun&J homografts, 95: 267
of experimenta
HomotranspIants, mammaIian, of skin, 98: 217 HospitaIization, emotiona reactions of surgica1 tients to, 96: 646
and inguina1 hernia, biIateraI herniotomy for, in infancy and chiIdhood, 97: 255 Hydrothorax and ascites with maIignant ovarian tumor, Hymen,
95: 480 imperforate,
as cause of “abdomina1
95 : 487 HyperinsuIinism and gastrojejunocolic fIstuIa with isIet ceI1 tumors of pancreas, 96: 98 Hypernephroma, nephrectomy for, foIIowed by disappearance of puImonary metastases, 96: 703 Hyperparathyroidism and intrathyroid parathyroid
gland, 100: 757
primary. 95: 395 recognition of (E), 96: 613 suggested by primary vesical caIcuIus, 97: I 17
Year Subject
Hypertension caused by fibromuscuIar hyperpIasia of renal arteries, 100: 183 intrarenal arteriovenous fistuIa of traumatic origin, 96: 3 puImonary, and cardiac surgery (E), 98: 651 Hypertrophy congenital orthopedic aspects of, 96: 654 prostatic, and obstructive uropathy (CAC), IOO: 643 Hypnosis, medica1, in maxiIIofacia1 and pIastic surgery, 98: 826 Elyponatremia due to viIIous adenoma of rectosigmoid, 98: 99 Hypopharynx, carcinoma of, 97: 217 HypopIasia of right hepatic lobe, 98: 628 Hypospadias, repair of, 95: 279 Hypotension and hypothermia for intracrania1 surgery during pregnancy, IOO: 633 HypothaIamic maIformation and carcinoma of breast, 100: 606 Hypothermia and hypotension for intracrania1 surgery during pregnancy, IOO: 633 deep, for intracardiac surgery, 100: 332 effect of, on experimenta injury to brain, 98: 704 eIective, during extracorporeaJ circuIation with heat exchanging fiIming oxygenator, IOO: 338 in thoracic and thoracoabdomina1 surgery, 96: 137 regional, its effect on the brain, IOO: 43 Hysterectomy tota1, importance of, 96: 360 vs. subtota1, 97: 54 vaginaI, simpIified technic of, 98: 25
II eocolic
intussusception (DC), IOO: 500 IIeorectaI anastomosis for ulcerative colitis, 96: 684 Ileum, carcinoma of, in area of regional enteritis, 97: 336 IIeus adynamic, compIicated by perforation of cecum, 96: 718 gaIlstone, 96: 726 postpartum and postoperative, 97: rgr recurrent gaIIstone, 96: 379 Impartial medical testimony, 97: 672, 675 Impartial pane1 of medical examiners, 97: 680 Imperforate anus and esophageal atresia and (CAC), 100: I40 ImpIant reconstruction of orbit, IOO: 818 Incision for amputation of index finger and itsImetacarpaI,g7: 331 muscIe-splitting, for dorsa1 cordotomy, 96: 698 Incontinence, stress urinary, in female, 96: 264 Infants and children, Thiersch’s operation for recta1 proIapse in, 100: 457 Infection in severeIy burned patient, 95: 684 IocaI treatment of, with activated whole pancreas, 96: 545
Infection of biIiary duct with jaundice, 97: 137 simuIated by metastasis to phaIanx of finger, 97: 236 soft tissue, treated by streptomycin
963 Inflammation, evaluation of new agent for reduction of, 98: 31 Inguinal hernia, indirect, repaired with quilting stitch, 95 : 976 herniorrhaphy, IocaI anesthesia for, IOO: 782 Injuries acute, tetanus antitoxin in, 95: 664 and deaths, automobiIe, medical and civic responsibiIities of physician in preventing, 98: 52 I and Iitigation, unethica1 medica and IegaI practices in, 95: 695 anorectaI birth, 95: 425 athIetic, in adoIescents, 98: 332 muscIe function in, 98: 353 to abdomen and thorax, 98: 447 to eIbow, forearm, wrist and hand, 98: 432 to genitourinary tract, 98: 457 to head and neck, 98: 379 to peIvis, hip and thigh, 98: 451 to shoulder region, 98: 401 automotive crash, to spina and femoral Iinkages, g5
908 birth, to perineum, 95: 793 craniocerebra1, neuroIogica1 evaIuation of,‘g8: gr8 facial, in sports, 98: 3go from boxing, 98: 5og Iigament, and fractures of ankle, 98: 477 multipIe, earIy care of, 97: 43 severe, intravenous fat as supportive therapy after, 95: 651 skiing, 98: 493 mechanisms invoIved in, 97: 667 sports, frequency and nature of, 98: 316 symposium on, 98: 315-516 to brain, experimenta1, effect of hypothermia
on, 98:
704 to eye, 98: 384 to head, fluid and eIectroIyte baIance after, 97: 205 to knee, 98: 463 to shoulder in sports, 98: 394 to spinal cord, secondary amyIoidosis in, 95 : 843 uretera and renaI, comparison of, 97: 558 Injury hyperextension, to cervica1 spine, 96: 618 to common biIe duct, primary treatment of, g6::287 to hand from homemade rockets, 97: 471 to head, 96: 615 whiplash, faIIacy of term, 97: 522 Interatria defects, repair of, through right anteroIateraI thoracotomy, IOO: 455 Intestinal cIamp, Doyen, 95: 983 decompression tubes, siIiconizing, IOO: 584 neurofibromatosis, IOO: 761
Three Year Subject Index Intestinal obstruction and mucoviscidosis, IOO: I 13 poIyposis with oral pigmentation, 95: 873 Intestine obstruction of, as complication of anticoagulant therapy, 97: 787 due to MeckeI’s diverticuIum
and persistent
97 : 225 enterotomy-colotomy decompressor for, 96: 428 smaI1, adenocarcinoma of, 96: 54 nonspecitic uIceration of, 96: 679 strangulated obstruction of, 96: 387 Intracardiac surgery, hypothermia in, 100: 332 IntracraniaI dermoid, ruptured, IOO: 723 surgery during pregnancy, IOO: 633 Intussusception, iIeocoIic (DC), IOO: 500 Ischemia, VoIkmann’s, impending, IOO: 635 IsIet ceI1 tumors of pancreas with gastrojejunocohc fistuIa, 96: g8 Ivalon sponge in blood vesseIs, study of, 95: 3, 16
aundice apparent obstructive, 96: 469 chIorpromazine (CAC), IOO: 495 subacute and chronic, Iiver decompression in, 97: 137 Jaws and facial bones, osteogenic sarcoma of, 96: 496 squamous ceI1 carcinoma of, 100: 401 JejunaI diverticuIum, soIitary, hemorrhage from, I 00:
583 lumbar
casualties, mass, 95: 617 fractures of, open vs. closed methods oftreating, 95: 599 LegaI compIications of vasectomy, 97: 84 Legal-medica liaison, 96: 841 Leiomyosarcoma of ascending coIon with muItipIe poIyposis, g5 : 1007 of rectum, 98: 105 of stomach, 95: 477 Lesions of eIbow and shouIder in basebalI pIayers, 98: 484 of odontoid, 95: 641 Osgood-SchIatter, 95: 73 I vascular, effect of vitamin A, niacin and riboflavin on, 95 : 483 Leukemia, granuIocytic, chemotherapy of, 95 : g7o Ligaments injury to and fracture of ankle, 98: 477 torn, experimental investigation of repair of, 98: 373 Ligamenturn teres of liver, hemangiopericytoma of, IOO:
597 Jejunogastrostomy for feeding, 95: 157 Jejunum argentafine tumor of, with perforation, 97: 784 proxima1, traumatic rupture of, 100: 731 Joint Action Committee and accident prevention,
98: of,
Kidney benign angioIipoma of, 96: 5go congenita1 uniIatera1 cystic, 95: 856 ectopic presacra1, IOO: 148 horseshoe, 95: ggo injuries to, 97: 558 soIitary cyst of, and renaI carcinoma, 95: I 38 Kirschner wire fixation of bone pIates in craniotomies, 96: 701 Knee, injuries to, 98: 463 through and through, of superior vena L aceration, cava, 96: 458 in rat, microscopic Laparatomy wound, “standardized” variabIes in, 97: 749 LaryngoceIes, coexisting internal and external, 96: 810 Larynx, trauma to, and its complications. 97: 5 13
740 Ligation, of&e, of internaI hemorrhoids, 96: 401 Lip cleft, earIy closure of, 100: 869 management of, 95: 204 ectopic mixed saIivary tumors of, 96: 506 lower, carcinoma arising in minor salivary gland ducts of, 97: 79 medica cIefts of, 96: 815 mucocutaneous angIe deformity and recessive upper, correction of, 97: 297 prevention of secondary deformities of, 95: 932 uniIatera1 cIeft, design for repair of, 95: 223 Lipoma of spina cord simuIating degenerative disease, 96: 462 of stomach, 96: 453 submucous, of coIon, 95: 471 Litigation, persona1 injury, 95: 695 Liver biIe duct adenoma of, 96: I 18 bIeeding from, causing hemoperitoneum in newborn, 100: 117 cirrhosis of, and congenita1 portacava1 anastomosis, 95: 163 decompression by drainage of common biIe duct in subacute and chronic jaundice, 97: 137 effect on, in rabbits from ligation of hepatic artery, 98: 44 excisiona procedures on, 97: 148 function tests, vaIue of, 97: 702 hemangiopericytoma of Iigamentum teres of, 100: 740 hemorrhage from, 95: 106 hypoplasia of right hepatic lobe of, 98: 628 Lobectomy, hepatic, 97: 148 Lumbar disc excision and vertebral body fusion, 97: 649 protrusions, operations for, 100: 434 intervertebra disc, protrusion of, 97: 388 intervertebra joints, degenerative arthritis of, I 00 : 3 I3
Year Subject
Lung aIveoIar ceI1 carcinoma of, 97: 368 carcinoma of, and appIication of scalene node biopsy,
96: 511 Lye stricture of esophagus,
teric duct, 97: 225 Mediastinum compression of, by hematoma, 98: 735 paraesophagea1 ciliated cysts of, 96: 420 MedicaI-IegaI considerations, 98: 875 liaison, 96: 841 Medicomilitary history, utiIization of (E), 97: 687 Meek-WaII microdermatome for microdermagrafting,
IOO: 71
Lymph flow, measurement
of, from right duct in dog, 98: 21 I node biopsies, prescalene, 96: 372 Lymphadenectomy, transperitoneal approach to, for cancer of testis, 97: 756 Lymphangioma, mesenteric and retroperitoneal, 97: 363 Lymphangiosarcoma in postmastectomy Iymphedematous arm, 96: 576 of lower extremity and Iymphedema, IOO: 617 Lymphedema chronic, and Iymphangiosarcoma of Iower extremity, IOO, 617 Iong-standing, and Iymphangiosarcoma, 96: 576
M alignancy
of head and neck, neurosurgery for contro1 of pain in, 98: 800 paIIiative surgery for (E), IOO: 5 I I Mandible compIex fracture of, 97: 283 condyIoid process fracture in children, IOO: 835 fibromyxochondrosarcoma of, 96: 780 osteogenic sarcoma of, IOO: 613 osteroradionecrosis of, 98: 887 prognathism of, corrected by ostectomy of ramus, 98: 830 corrected by osteotomies of rami, 98: 894 reconstruction of, with homogenous bone grafts, 96: 755 subcondyIar fractures, immobilization of, IOO: 845 transected, VitaIIium implant for, 96: 768 MandibuIar asymmetry, management of, IOO: 825 condyIar fracture disIocations, IOO: 850 fracture disIocations, traumatic, effect of on growth, IOO: 850 fractures, immobilization of, IOO: 845 Mastectomy delayed radica1, with biopsy, for carcinoma of breast, 98: 184 Iymphedematous arm after, 96: 576 MaxiIIa, necrotizing states of, 96: 848 MaxiIIary arch, earIy expansion of, in cleft paIate, 96: 823 lMaxiIIofacia1 and pIastic surgery, medica hypnosis in, 98: 826 cancer, bone involvement in, 98: 898 growth abnormaIities and cleft paIate, 96: 820 surgery, antihemorrhagic agents in, 96: 846 foreign bodies in, 96: 840 symposium on, 96: 735-856; 98: 783-937; IOO: trauma
805-873 and fronta
sinus, 98: 796
in, 96: 96 Meckel’s diverticulum
with obliterated
96: 557 Meigs’ syndrome, 95: 480 MeIanoma developing from caf&au-Iait spot, IOO: 129 maIignant, of breast, 97: 232 thio-TEPA for, 95: 994 of eye, with cancer of nose and rectum, 97: 241 MeIena, massive, surgery for, 96: 515 Meningioma, extracrania1, presenting as a tumor of the neck, IOO: 486 Meperidine-Ievallorphan in anesthesia, 95: 787 Mesenteric and retroperitoneal Iymphangioma, 97: 363 vascular occIusion, 96: 565 Mesentery, acute occlusion of inferior
of, 98:
271 Mesotheliomas, pIeura1, 97: 360 MetaboIic pathways, aIternate (E), 96: 35 I MetacarpaI of index finger, incision for amputation
97: 33 1 MetaIIic prostheses for repIacement of shaft defects of Iong bones, 95: 752 MetaIs, surgica1, standards for, 97: 415 Metastasis spontaneous disappearance of, after pulmonary, nephrectomy for hypernephroma, 96: 703 to phaIanx simuIating infection in finger, 97: 236 Metastatic fractures, treatment of, with interna fixation, 97: 484 Mice, peritoneal, 96: 588 MicrobiaI growth in burn wound, 95: 309 Microdermagrafting using Meek-Wall microdermatome, 96: 557 MiIIer-Abbott tube intubation, technic and indications for, 98: 160 MineraIocorticoid excess, syndrome of, IOO: 158 MoniIia aIbicans fungemia and foIIowing peIvic abdomina1 procedures, IOO: 470 Monteggia fracture-disIocation (DC), 98: 122 Moore prosthesis for acute intracapsular fractures, 95 : 577 MortaIity from burns at a genera1 hospital, IOO: 375 Motor vehicIe accidents in Armed Forces, 98: 573 Mouth, eIectrica1 burns of, 98: 921 MucoceIe of appendix presenting as recurring abscess in right groin, 96: 716 Mucosa, bucca1, disorders of, 98: 805
Year Subject
Mucous membrane, ora1, etioIogy of Iesions of, 98: 8og Mucoviscidosis compIicated by intestina1 obstruction, 100: 113 MuscIe adenyIic acid, preoperative use of, in phlebitis and uIcers, 97: 696 bIood flow in arterioscIerosis obIiterans, 96: 193 function in athIetic injury, 98: 353 spIitting incision for do& cordotomy, 96: 698 striated, cavernous hemangioma of, IOO: 593 MuscuIoskeIetaJ cripples, as drivers, and reIation to traffic accidents, 98: 569 Myasthenia gravis foIIowing surgery for dissecting aortic aneurysm under nitrous oxide, pentothal-curare anesthesia, 96: 102 present status of thymectomy in, 98: 196 MyeIography in presumed degenerative spinaI cord disease, 96: 462 MyobIastoma of the breast, granuIar ceI1, IOO: g8
asopharynx, inter& fistuIa of, 96: 571 Neck biIateraI radica1 dissection of, 98: 85 I cancer of, ofice diagnosis of, 97: 300 sweIIings of, treated with trypsin, 96: 787 tumor of the, extracra.niaI, meningioma presenting as a, IOO: 486 Neck and head athletic injuries to, 98: 379 cancer of, 98: 915 malignancies of, neurosurgery for control of pain in, 98: 800 malignant tumors of, 98: 858 problems in geriatric patients, IOO: 813 surgery in hospitaIs with four year residency training, 96: 24 Necrosis of maxiIIa, 96: 848 of skuI1 and long bones from deep burns, with evidence of regeneration, 95: 679 Needle hoIder, modified, 96: 425 metaLtipped pIastic intravenous, 95: 853 NeonataI period, congenitaI anomaIies discovered in, 96: 396 Neoplasms benign, of stomach, IOO: 561 gastric surgery for, 95: 772 of saIivary gIands, pathoIogic features of, 98: go7 regression of, by limitation of vascular supply, 96: 771 Nephrectomy for hypernephroma foIIowed by disappearance of puImonary metastases, 96: 703 Nerve graft with toe-to-thumb transpIant, 95: 315 Nerves and tendons, forceps for repair of, 97: 87 Nervous system, centA, Auid repIacement and cerebra1 edema in surgicaI Iesions of, IOO: 303
Neurofibroma of bIadder, of rectum
97: 108 and von
474 Neurofibromatosis, cutaneous and intestinaI, IOO: 761 Neurosurgery for contro1 of pain in maIignancies of head and neck, 98: 800 Newborn hemoperitoneum in, IOO: I 17 spontaneous perforation of bowe1 in, IOO: 54 Niacin, effect of, on vascuIar Iesions, 95: 438 Nitrous oxide-oxygen-thiopenta1 anesthesia, 95 : 787 Non-beta ceI1 pancreatic isIet carcinoma, uIcerogenic, IOO: 48 Nose and chin, pIastic surgery of, 95: 231 deformities of tip of, 96: 808 Iarge defects of, cIosed with doubIe rotated pedicIe flaps, 95: 299 partial reconstruction of, 98: 784 NucIeus puIposus, ruptured anterior, causing esophagea1 defect and dysphagia, 98: 631 Nurses, shortage of, 96: 133 Nursing care, intensive (E), IOO: I Nutrition and athletics, 98: 343 Nylon in blood vesseIs.Tstudy of, 95: 3, 16
bstruction intestinal, complicating mucoviscidosis, IOO: I 13 maIignant stomaI, after subtotal gastric resection, 97:
326 mid-small bowe1, and adhesions (DC), 97: 374 OccIusion of cerebral arteries, clip for, 100: 587 Odontoid, Iesions of, 95: 641 OmphaIoceIe with duodena1 stenosis, 97: 229 OmphaIomesenteric duct, persistent obliterated, with MeckeI’s diverticuIum, 97: 225 Orbit, impIant reconstruction of, 100: 818 OrbitaI and zygomatic fractures, dipIopia and eye muscIe imbaIance in, 96: 735 OrIon in bIood vessels, study of, 95: 3, 16 Orthopedic aspects of congenita1 hypertrophy, 96: 654 OS caIcis fractures of, 95 : 555 OsteomyeIitis of, following tripIe arthrodesis, 96: 708 Osgood-SchIatter Iesion, g5 : 73I Ostectomy of ramus to correct mandibular prognathism, 98: 830 Osteoarthritis of spine, 98: 683 Osteogenic sarcoma of jaws and facial bones, 96: 496 OsteomyeIitis of OS caIcis foIIowing tripIe arthrodesis, 96: 708 Osteoradionecrosis of mandibIe, 98: 887 Osteotomy of ramus for correction of mandibular prognathism, 98: 894 peIvic support, 644
for fracture
of hip, 97:
Three Our surgicaI
Year Subject
97: 807; 98: 128, 130, 646, 648,
779, 781; 99: 127, 128, 257,259, 386,388,974> 976; IOO: 145, 147,505, 507, 653, 655, 797 Output, cardiac, during cardiac massage, IOO: 64 Ovariectomy and adrenaIectomy for metastatic cancer of breast, 96: 492 Ovaries, biIatera1 dermoid cysts of, 98: 739 Ovary malignant tumor of, with ascites and hydrothorax simulating Meigs’ syndrome, 95: 480 tumors of, 95: 336 Oxygenator bubble-type, eIimination of air bubbles in, 96: 696 for hypothermia during extracorporea1 circulation, IOO: 338 in hypothermia for intracardiac
P a&c
100: 332
Coast SurgicaI Association, papers of, 96: 13335o;g8: 133-314; 100: 153-362 disease of maIe breast, 98: 623
Paget’s Pain absence
or insignificance of, in severe pancreatitis, 96: 61 in shouIder with reference to caIcific tendinitis and frozen shoulder, 95: 527 low back, 97: 383 postoperative, reduction of with muscle-splitting incision, 96: 698 Palate carcinoma of the, IOO: 530 cleft, and maxiIIofaciaI growth abnormalities, 96: 820 bone-flap method in surgery for, 98: 81 I early closure of, IOO: 869 early expansion of maxiIIary arch in, 96: 823 management of, 95: 204 repair of, 95: 304 vomar Aap technic for correction of, 98: 821 defect of, 95: 301 Pancreas activated whoIe, for enzymatic daridement, 96: 545 apopIexy of, treated by partia1 pancreatectomy, 97: 789 external fistuIa of, 96: 689 isIet ceII tumors of, 96: g8 pseudocyst of, 95: 160; IOO: 30 &erogenic tumors of, 95: 359; 97: 92 Pancreatectomy, partial, for pancreatic apoplexy, 789
Pancreatic cystogastrostomy, technic and merits of, 97: 718 dornase aeroso1 in ateIectasis, IOO: 447 fistuIa, 97: 260 islet carcinoma, &erogenic, IOO: 48 neopIasm, cryofibrinogen and phIegmasia ceruIea doIens, 97: 104 Pancreatitis acute, atypica1 symptom-sign compIex of, 96: 61 surgical care of, 96: 604
Pancreatitis chronic, surgica1 management of, 98: 304 d-PantothenyI aIcoho1, effect of, upon postoperative discomfort, 97: 75 PantothenyI aIcoho1 for ileus, 97: 191 Papain-chIorophyII-urea ointment in surgery, g5 : I 02 Papain-urea-chIorophyIIin ointment for enzymatic dkbridement, g5 : 828 PapilIomas, so-caIIed, of gaIIbIadder, 96: 296 ParaIysis, brachia1 pIexus, foIlowing administration of tetanus antitoxin, 95 : 668 ParapIegia and hyperextension injury to cervica1 spine, 96: 618 Parathyroid gIands and hyperparathyroidism, IOO: 757 tumors of, 95: 395 Parotid gland, acinic ceII adenocarcinoma of, IOO: 639 biIateraI mixed tumors of, 97: 698 fistuIas of, 96: 763 infantiIe hemangioendotheIioma of, 96: 784 oxyphilic granuIar ceI1 adenoma of, 97: 333 tumors, IOO: 805 of deep Iobe of, 100: 323 Parotidectomy, technic of, 95: 885 Pectus excavatum, 98: 664 PedaI full-thickness skin grafts for contractures of hand, 100: 412 PeIvic and abdominal procedures and Monilia aIbicans fungemia, 100: 470 PeIvis hip and thigh, athletic injuries to, 98: 45 I uncontroIIed cancer of, 96: 281 PeniciIIin and streptomycin, influence of in rabbits after Iigation of hepatic artery, 98: 44 Peptic uIcer and endocrine tumors, IOO: 764 and gastrojejunocoIic fistula, 96: g8 as surgical probIem, 95: 404 muItipIe simuItaneous complications of, 97: 184 observations on surgical treatment of, 97: 7og perforated, and right subphrenic abscess (DC), 97: 800 problems in management of (E), 98: I Perforation of duodenaI uIcer in infant with survival, 97: 346 of two chambers of heart with survival, 97: 344 spontaneous, of bowe1 in the newborn, 100: 54 PericostaI steeI wire retention sutures, post-thoracotomy rupture of, 96: 43 PerineaI and abdominal resection, synchronous, of the rectum for carcinoma, 100: 194 PerineopIasty for lacerated perineum of long-standing, 96: 76 Perineum birth injuries to, 95: 793 Iacerated, of Iong-standing, surgery for, 96: 76 Peripheral vascular disease, lower extremity amputation in. IOO: 682
Three PeritoneaI Auid from
Year Subject
387 96: 588 caused by surgicaI glove starch powder, treated with steroids, 98: I I I pH of arteriaI bIood, indication for measurement of, IOO: “mice,” Peritonitis,
352 Phalanx chondrosarcoma in, I 00: 75 I metastasis to, simulating infection in finger, 97: 236 PharyngeaI Aap posterior, for repair of cIeft pslate, 95: 304 staphyIorrhaphy and speech aid for avoidance of maxiIIofaciaI growth abnormaIities in cIeft paIate, 96: 820 Pharyngoesophageal diverticulum, 97: 222 PhiItrum and cutaneous upsweep surgica1 formation of, 95 : 227 and uIcers, muscle adenylic acid as preoperative adjunct to surgery for, 97: 696 PhIegmasia ceruIea doIens, 95: 429; 97: 104 Phonation, cinefluorographic studies of, IOO: 864 Phosphorus, radioactive, uptake of, in gastric carcinoma, 96: 430 Phrenic nerves, studies on, and diaphragm of dog, 97: Phlebitis
744 PhysicaI fitness for sports, 98: 328 Physicians and worId’s hidden crisis, 95: 21 I Physick, Philip Syng, 97: 807 PhysioIogic basis of cardiac arrest during anesthesia, 100: 354 Pigmentation, oral, and intestinal polyposis, 95: 873 PiIonidaI cysts and/or sinuses, primary closure of, 97: 328 disease of abdominal waI1, 95: 142 treated by excision and primary cIosure, 96: 405 PIacenta, management of, in cesarean section, 98: 41 Plastic and maxiIIofacia1 surgery, medicaI hypnosis in, 98: 826 surgery, antihemorrhagic
agents in, 96: 846
PIasma expander, status of dextran as, 97: 593 pasteurized human, 97: 597 Plaster of paris to fiI1 Iarge bone defects, 97: 31 I PIastic surgery contributions of, to other fieIds of surgery, 95: 180 future of, 95 : 3 I2 of nose and chin, g5 : 23 I reconstructive, for advanced
96: 792
vaginaI, 95: 425, 793; 96: 76 PIethysmographs, eIectronic segmenta and used in arteriaI surgery, 98: 257 Pleura, mesotheliomas of, 97: 360 PIeuraI space, drainage of, 96: 246 Pneumatosis cystoides intestinaIis, 96: 860 PneumochoIecystitis (DC), 97: 126 Pneumothorax (CAC), 98: 126
Polyposis intestinal, with oral pigmentation, 95: 873 muItipIe, and Ieiomyosarcoma of ascending coIon, g5 : 1007 PoIyps of the coIon and rectum in children, IOO: 551 PoIyurethane poIymer, use of, in fractured and diseased bones, 97: 442 PortacavaI shunt, emergency, 96: 183 Posterior trianguIar space, troublemaker of anus, 96: 530 Postoperative complications, IOO: 358 Postpartum and postoperative iIeus, 97: rgx Potassium arrest in open cardiac surgery, 96: 221 Povidone-iodine aeroso1 spray in surgery, 97: 4g Practitioner and prevention, 95: 71 I Pregnancy abdomina1, at term, 98: 625 intracrania1 surgery during, IOO: 633 PrescaIene lymph node biopsies, 96: 372 Presidential address American Association for Surgery of Trauma, 97: Pacific Coast Surgical Association, 96: 133; 98: 100: 153 Prevention, accident, symposium on, 95: 707-727 Prognathism in edentuIous patients, surgery for, 96: 833 mandibuIar, corrected by ostectomy of ramus, 98: corrected by osteotomies of rami, 98: 894 surgery for, prevention of functiona deformities 96: 827 ProIapse compIete rectaI, 96: 338 rectaI, Thiersch’s operation for, IOO: 457 Prostate, carcinoma of, causing recta1 obstruction,
379 133;
830 in,
319 Prostatectomy retropubic, hemostatis in, IOO: 465 vesicocapsuIar, I oo : 672 Prostatic hypertrophy and obstructive uropathy (CAC), IOO: 643 Prostheses arterial, IOO: 6go importance of porosity in, loo: 557 pIastic, for tissue defects of chest and abdomina1 waII, 97: 629 vascuIar, synthetic materials as, 95: 3, 16 Pseudocyst of pancreas, 95: 160; IOO: 30 pancreatic, cystogastrostomy for drainage of, 97: 718 postpancreatic, in adolescence, 95 : 147 Pseudodiverticulum of colonic mucosa with inff ammation and pericolic abscess, 97: 246 Pseudomyxoma peritonaei, 98: 229 Psychiatry on a children’s surgical service, 95 : 64 PsychoIogicaI impact of facial deformities, 96: 745 Psychosis, postoperative, in the aged, IOO: 38 PuImonary disease and biopsy of prescalene lymph node, 96: 372 emboIism, fataI, 97: 274
Three PuImonary hemorrhage, massive, IOO: 49 Iesions, possibIe maIignant, scalene
Year Subject
Resection of atheroscIerotic node biopsy
96: 511 spontaneous disappearance of, after metastases, nephrectomy for hypernephroma, 96: 703 resection and &sure of benign esophagopulmonary fistula, 96: 705 sequestration, 95: 3 I PyIoropIasty and vagotomy for acute perforated duodenal uIcer, IOO: 245
of, 95: 626
R adiation
therapy for treatment of tumors of salivary gIand, 98: 912 Radius, comminuted fractures of lower end of, 95 : 74 Ramus, ostectomy of, to correct mandibular prognathism, 98: 830 Recklinghausen’s disease with urinary manifestations, 97: 108 Reconstruction implant, of orbit, IOO: 818 of middle ear, IOO: 823 Record, Iet’s Iook at the (E), IOO: 4 Recovery room (E), 97: 251 Recta1 prolapse in infants and children, Thiersch’s operation for, 100: 457 Rectosigmoid, viIIous adenoma of, with hyponatremia, 98: 99 Rectum and anus, fistuIas of, 95: 818 and co1011 in children, poIyps of, IOO: 551 cancer of, improvement of end results in, 96: 33 I carcinoid tumors of, 98: 243 carcinoma of, in young peopIe, 96: 47 combined abdomina1 and perineal resection for carcinoma of, 100: 194 complete prolapse of, 96: 338 congenita1 maIformations of, 96: 343 Ieiomyosarcoma of, 98: 105 neurofibroma of, and von Recklinghausen’s disease, 95: 474 obstruction of, by carcinoma of prostate, 96: 319 Regeneration, evidence of, after necrosis of skuI1 and Iong bones, 95: 679 RehabiIitation after coIostomy, 96: 522 Rena1 adenoma, 95: 862 arteries, fibromuscuIar hyperpIasia of, IOO: 183 carcinoma and soIitary cyst of kidney, 95: 138 RenoduodenaI fistuIa, 95: 462 Re-resection, gastric, 95 : 869 Resection esophageal, and fatal perforation of thoracic aorta, 95: 878 gastric, for duodena1 ulcer, 95: 781 of aneurysm of abdomina1 aorta, 97: 270
in poor-risk
98 of dupIication of stomach, 96: 721 of intrathoracic trachea for tracheal tumor, 97: 354 pulmonary, and closure of benign esophagopulmo nary fistuIa, 96: 705 subtota1 gastric, foIIowed by maIignant stoma1 obstruction, 97: 326 Respirator, demand-flow, for Iarge defect of chest waI1, 97: 307 Resuscitation cardiac, open versus cIosed chest, 97: 739 cardiorespiratory (E), 95: 729 ReticuIum ceI1 sarcoma of smaI1 bowel, IOO: 602 primary, of femur, 100: 753 Retractor, serf retaining spermatic cord, IOO: 589 Retroperitoneal and mesenteric Iymphangioma, 97: 363 Retroperitoneum, primary pseudomucinous cyst of, 98: 750 Rhinophyma, advanced, pIastic reconstructive surgery for, 96: 792 Rib fracture, simpIe-a simpIe injury?, 97: 569 Riboflavin, effect of, on vascuIar lesions, 95: 438 Rockets, homemade, injuries to hand from, 97: 471 management of patient with abdomina1 injury from, 98: 91 Roux principIe in internal drainage for postpancreatic pseudocyst, 95: 147 Rubber gIoves, hoIes in (E), IOO: 363 Rupture extrahepatic biIiary tract foIIowing trauma, IOO: 107 of abdomina1 aortic homograft, 98: 746 of cervical discs, vertebraI body fusion for, 98: 722 quadriceps tendon, 95: 626 thoracoacromial artery after anterior disIocation of shoulder, 97: 782 traumatic, of proxima1 jejunum, 100: 731
acrococcygeal Safety CounciI,
teratoma, NationaI,
95: 1015 its poIicies and program,
715 Salivary gIand accessory, papiIIary cystadenoma of, 96: 749 ducts of Iower lip, carcinoma arising in, 97: 79 major, tumors of, 98: 904 mixed tumors of, 96: 506 neoplasms of, 98: 907 tumors of, treated with radiation therapy, 98: 912 Sarcoidosis and biopsy of prescaIene lymph node, 96: 372 Sarcoma in uterine fibroids, IOO: 416 of stomach, 97: 36 osteogenic, of jaws and facial bones, 96: 496 of mandibIe, IOO: 613
Three Year Subject Index Sarcoma primary reticuIum ceI1, of femur, 100: 753 reticuIum ceI1, of smaII bowel, IOO: 602 synovia1, in anterior abdominaI waII, 97: IZO ScaIene node biopsy, cIinica1 appIication of, 96: 5 I I Sciatic hernia, 95: 974 Senna, standardized, and wetting agent preparation for bowel after hemorrhoidectomy, 95: 826 Sepsis and shock, 96: 158 SeptaI artery, anatomy of, in dogs’ hearts, 97: 279 Serum amyIase, screening test for, 100: 5 Shock hemorrhagic, vascular dynamics during, 95: 659 in sepsis, 96: 158 ShouIder and eIbow, Iesions of, in baseball players, 98: 484 anterior disIocation of, foIlowed by injury to axilIary artery, 95: 524 dislocation, excision of acromiaI process for, IOO: g’ repair of thoracoacromial artery rupture after, 97: 782 injuries to, in sports, 98: 394 joint, voluntary biIateraI posterior
of, 97:
777 painfuI and frozen, 95: 527 recurrent disIocation of, 100: 423 region, athIetic injuries to, 98: 401 SickIe ceI1 anemia, spIenectomy for, 95: 150 Sigmoid colon congenita1 atresia of, 96: 580 diverticulitis of, IOO: 206 Sigmoidoscopy in diagnosis of regional enteritis,
I44 SiIiconizing intestina1 decompression tubes, 100: 584 Sinus frontal, and maxilIofaciaI trauma, 98: 796 pilonidal, primary cIosure of, with wire-button retention, 97: 328 Situs inversus totaIis, 98: 107 Ski injuries, 98: 4g3 mechanisms invoIved in, 97: 667 Skin avutsed pedicled, management of, 97: 447 bank,autogenous (E),g5:883 diving, rules of behavior for, 98: 506 exchanges, fuI1 thickness, between parents and their children, g5 : 239 grafting of extremities, device for, 96: 550 repair of contractures of hand with, IOO: 412 with Brown-Berger dermatome, 95: 986 homografts, experimenta1, 95: 267 from postmortem sources, 97: 418 mammalian homotransplants of, g8 : 2 I 7 repIacement, contiguous, and rotation pedicIe, 95: 294 suture marks, 96: 631 SkulI, necrosis of, from deep burns, with evidence of regeneration, g5 : 679 Sodium-copper chIorophyIIin, inhibition of coagulase of Staph. aureus by, 97: 321
aid and pharyngeaI ffap StaphyIorrhaphy for avoidance of maxiIIofaciaI growth abnormalities in cIeft parate, 96: 820 Spermatic cord retractor, seIf-retaining, 100: 589 torsion of (CAC), roe: 648 SpigeIian hernia, 100: 515 Spinal and femoral linkages, crash injuries to, g5 : go8 cord, injuries to, 95: 843 Iipoma of, simuIating degenerative disease, 96: 462 Spine cervicaI, hyperextension injury to, 96: 618 hypermobiIity of, in chiIdren, 95: 636 fusion and intervertebraI disc removal, 96: 624 osteoarthritis of, 98: 683 Spleen autotransptantation of, following rupture, IOO: 693 congenitaI cysts of, 96: 302 epidermoid cyst of, IOO: 475 SpIenectomy for sickIe cel1 anemia, 95: I50 Splint, onlay-inlay, for mandibuIar fractures, IOO: 845 SpondyIoIysis and trauma, 95: 466 traumatic, IOO: 698 sports injuries, frequency and nature of, 98: 316 symposium on, g8 : 3 I 5-5 I 6 physical fitness for, 98: 328 Squamous ceI1 carcinoma of buccal mucosa, IOO: 539 of upper jaw and antrum, IOO: 401 Stainless steeI internal fixation units, deficiencies of, 95: 518 ring chain net for hernia of anterior abdominaI waII, 95: 87 StaphyIococcaI infections in a Iarge generaI hospitaI, 100: 534 StaphyIococcus aureus, inhibition of coagulase of, by sodium-copper chIorophylIin, 97: 321 StaphyIorrhaphy, &aryngeaI flap, and speech aid for avoidance of maxillofaciaI growth abnormalities in cleft palate, g6: 820 Stasis, IocaI treatment of, with activated whoIe pancreas, 96: 545 SteeI wire retention sutures, post-thoracotomy rupture of, 96: 43 Stenosis congenitaI esophageal, pathologic studies after resection for, 97: 772 duodenaI, with ompha.IoceIe, 97: 229 Sternotomy, median, with a transverse submammary skin incision, 100: 779 Sternum, enchondroma of, 96: 559 Steroids, treatment of peritonitis with, 98: I I I Stomach benign neopIasms of, IOO: 561 carcinoma of, simuIated by amyIoidosis of gastrointestinal tract, g6: 713
Year Subject
Stomach chorionepithehoma of, IOO: 224 dupIication of, 96: 721; IOO: 5g foreign bodies in, 97: 342 intact human, detection of carcinoma in, 96: 430 Ieiomyosarcoma of, 95 : 477 Iipomas of, 96: 453 occIusion of, with hiataI hernia and intrathoracic perforation of gastric ulcer on greater curvature, 96: 562 organoaxial voIvuIus of, 96: 600 sarcoma of, 97: 36 Stoma1 obstruction, malignant, after subtotal gastric resection, 97: 326 or small bowel obstruction after partia1 gastrectomy, 96: 309 Stones, retained, in common duct, 97: 173 Streptomycin and peniciIIin, influence of, in rabbits after ligation of hepatic artery, 98: 44 pantothenate for soft tissue infections, 95: 963 Striated muscIe, cavernous hemangioma of, IOO: 593 SubcIavian artery, aberrant, division of (CAC), IOO: I37 Submaxillary duct, penetration of, by broken thermometer buIb, 98: 743 Suction catheters, bronchia1, 96: 552 high ffow-high vacuum, in drainage of pIeura1 space, 96: 246 Suppositories, adenyIic acid, for subacute thrombophIebitis and varicose uIcers, 95: 434 Supracondylar fracture of femur in aged persons, 97: 499 Surgery and cardiac arrest, 96: 15 I and the thymus, 95: 366 arteria1, and use of eIectronic segmenta and digital plethysmographs, 98: 257 biliary, symposium on, 97: 131-183 cardiac, and puImonary hypertension (E), 98: 651 cholangiography during, 96: g4 using cassette holder, 96: 426 compIicated by voIvuIus of cecum, 96: 41 I complications after, in eIderIy patients, 97: 713 Surgery,
cases, 96: 472, 611, 732, 857; 97:
244, 372, 798; 98: 120, 635, 762; 99: 108, 255, 380,968; loo: 143,498,65r, 789 determination of pressure gradients across aortic vaIve during, 98: g discomfort after, d-pantotheny1 aIcoho1 for, 97: 75 ecchymosis foIIowing, 96: 75 I eIective, for duodena1 ulcer, 96: 365 emotiona reactions of patients to, 96: 646 for biIe duct adenoma of Iiver, 96: I 18 for cancer, chemotherapy as adjuvant to (E), 97: 685 for carcinoma
of thyroid,
96: 272
Surgery for chronic pancreatitis, 98: 304 for cIeft muscuIar veIopharynx, 98: 816 paIate, bone-flap method in, 98: 81 I for congenita1 deformities of ears, 95: 185 for dissecting aortic aneurysm using nitrous oxide, pentothal-curare anesthesia, 96: 102 for duodena1 uIcer in community hospitaIs, 96: 369 for Dupuytren’s contracture, g5 : 197 for edentulous prognathic patients, 96: 833 for eIephantiasis of Iower extremity, 96: 84 for formation of phiItrum and cutaneous upsweep, 95: 227 intradiaphragmatic cyst, 98: g5 intraora1 cancer, 98: 844 lacerated perineum of Iong-standing, 96: 76 massive melena, 96: 515 peptic uIcer, 95: 404 piIonida1 disease, 96: 405 prognathism, prevention of functiona deformities in, 96: 827 for protruded Iumbar intervertebra disc, 97: 388 gastric, for ulcer and neoplasm, 95: 772 iIeus after, 97: rgI in rocket era, 98: gr in treatment of Iymphatic edema, 95: 216 maxiIIofacial and pIastic, medica hypnosis in, 98: 826 foreign bodies in, 96: 840 symposium on, 96: 735-856; 98: 783-937; IOO:
for for for for for for for
805-873 biIiary tract, current problems in, 97: 3 ductless gIands, symposium on, 95: 335-403 gaIIbIadder and common biIe duct, 95: 845 hand, emergency, tray for, 95: g8o head and neck in hospitaIs with four year residency training, 96: 24 of popIitea1 artery, approaches for, 96: 213 of temporomandibular joint, 95: 263 open cardiac, use of potassium arrest in, 96: 22 I papain-chIorophyII-urea ointment in, g5 : I 02 pIastic and maxiIIofacia1, antihemorrhagic agents in, 96: 846 and other fieIds of surgery, 95: 180 future of, 95: 312 of nose and chin, 95: 231 reconstructive, for advanced rhinophyma, 96: 792 preparation of skin for, 97: 49 proving hematoma of duodenum, g5 : 484 second operations for uncontroIIed abdominal or peIvic cancer, 96: 281 technic of (E), 98: 3 thoracic and thoracoabdomina1, hypothermia in, 96:
of of of of of
137 traumatic, cross-Ieg %ap in, 97: 434 treatment of peptic uIcer with, 97: 7og vagina1 plastic, 95: 425, 793 wounds from, routine cuIture of, 98: 152 Surgical anatomy and technic of parotidectomy, g5
: 885
Year Subject
SurgicaI patients, hepatic coma in, 96: 172 wounds, new concepts in treatment of, 97: 429 Suture for trauma, 95: 512 marks of skin, 96: 631 materiaIs treated with antibiotics, evaIuation of, 98: 695 pericostal stee1 wire retention, post-thoracotomy rupture of, 96: 43 Syme amputation, 95: 688 Symposia on accident prevention, 95: 707-727 on biIiary surgery, 97: 131-183 on impartiaI medica testimony pIan, 97: 672-684 on maxillofacial surgery, 98: 783-937 on medicaI aspects of traffic safety and reIated injuries, 98: 517-583 on sports injuries, 98: 315-516 on surgery of ductless gIands, g5 : 335-403 Symptom-sign complex, atypical, of acute pancreatitis, g6: 61 Synovial sarcoma in anterior abdomina1 waI1, 97: 120
causing massive hemorrhage from common biIe duct, IOO: 623 TactiIe pad of thumb, repair for Ioss of, 97: 238 Tape,*non-irritating, muItipurpose surgica1 adhesive, IOO: 789 Tattooing the cornea, g5 : 246 Teff on in bIood vesseIs, study of, 95: 3, 16 in repIacement of aortic and arteria1 segments, 100: 3%
TemporomandibuIar Tendinitis, caMic,
joint, surgery of, 95: 263 and painful shoulders, g5 : 527
Tendon extensor poIIicis Iongus, deIayed spontaneous
of, 96: 434 quadriceps, rupture of, 95 : 626 Tendons and nerves, forceps for repair of, 97: 87 Teratoma, sacrococcygea1, g5 : I 015 Test for serum amyIase, simple, rapid screening, 100: 5 TesticIe, tumors of, 95: 445 Testis cancer of, treated by Iymphadenectomy via transperitoneal approach, 97: 756 tumors of, 95: 341 Tetanus antitoxin in acute injuries, 95: 664 postoperative, 100: 737 Tetracycline in cancer, the deposition and retention of, IOO: 384 and uItravioIet in cancer Tetracyclines, systemic, Texas
detection, 96: 415 City disaster, follow-up
604 Thiersch’s operation
for rectal proIapse,
Thigh, peIvis and hip, athIetic injuries to, 98: 451 Thoracic esophagus, restoration of, with aortic homograft,
of, 97:
100: 457
38 surgery, hypothermia in, 96: 137 ThoracoabdominaI surgery, hypothermia in, 96: 137 Thoracotomy compIicated by rupture of stainIess steel retention sutures, 96: 43 folIowed by fata bone marrow emboIism, 95: g4 right anteroIateraI, in repair of interatria defects, IOO: 455 Thorax and abdomen, athIetic injuries to, 98: 447 Thorotrast, danger from, in intracranial angiography, 95: 469 ThrombophIebitis,
and varicose
434 Thrombosis of termina1 aorta and horseshoe kidney, 95: 990 Thumb loss of tactiIe pad of, 97: 238 reconstruction of, 95 : 168 Thymectomy in myasthenia gravis, 98: rg6 Thymomas, current concepts of, 98: 202 Thymus and surgery, 95: 366 Thyroid cancer of, 98: Igo carcinoma of, 95: 45; 96: 272 papiIIary carcinoma of, in children, 96: 27 patients, young, presence of Chvostek sign in, 96: 33 tumors of, 95: 40, 385 Tibia fractures, of intercondyrar eminence of, 95: 593 of shaft of, 97: 543 open fractures of shaft of, 95: 415 shaft of, conservative treatment of fractures of, 98: Tic
593 douIoureaux relieved measures, 95: 81
Tissue committee, appendix and smaI1 hospita1, 96: 693 defects, pIastic prosthesis for repair of, 97: 629 transplantation of, 98: 55 Toe-to-thumb transpIant with nerve graft, 95 : 3 15 Tongue anterior part of, squamous ceI1 carcinoma of, 98: 677 fibrosarcoma of, 96: 71 I Tornado disaster, DaIIas, 95: 501 Torsion of the spermatic cord (CAC), 100: 648 Trachea constriction of, due to arterial anomalies of aortic arch, 96: 228 intrathoracic, resection of, 97: 354 TracheoesophageaI fistula, recurrent, IOO: I IO Tracheomediastinotomy, 97: 324 Tracheostomy, elective, in infants and children, 98: 880 Trafiic accidents, first-aid equipment for, 97: 627 casualties, preIiminary management of, 98: 539
Year Subject
Trafic safety and reIated injuries, symposium on, 98: 5 I 7-583 promotion of, by automobiIe industry, 98: 555 Trainer, pIace of, in modern athIetics, 98: 337 Transplant of tissues, 98: 55 Transportation of injured, 98: 534 Trauma and concomitant disease, 95 : 897 and joint action, 98: 583 and society, need for accident prevention programs for, 98: 559 and spondyIoIysis, 95: 466 bIunt, and detayed spontaneous rupture of extensor poIIicis Iongus tendon, 96: 434 cIosed chest, compIications of, 97: 563 in the aged, 97: 63 laryngeal, and its complications, 97: 513 maxiIlofacia1, and frontal sinus, 98: 796 nonpenetrating, to biIiary tract, 97: I 13 prevention of, g5 : 718 sutures for, 95 : 5 12 teaching of, in medica schools, 98: 566 intramura1 hematoma of to abdomen causing duodenum, 96: 568 diagnostic and prognostic factors in, 97: 575 to abdominal waII causing hernia, 97: 340 to major gastroduodenal artery producing aneurysm, 96: 115 to superior vena cava by stabbing, 96: 458 treatment of, need for resident training in, 98: 519 twenty years and after (E), 95: 489 Triethylenethiophosphoramide for maIignant meIanoma, 95: 994 Trypsin for sweIIings of head and neck, 96: 787 Tube graft for repair of paIata1 defect, 95: 301 pedicIe graft, unusua1 aspects of, 95: 287 Tumor abdominal, caused by imperforate hymen, 95: 487 adrenal, 95: 914 maIignant ovarian, with ascites and hydrothorax simuIating Meigs’ syndrome, 95 : 480 of adrenat gIands, 95: 353 of carotid body, 95: 371 of neck and extracrania meningioma, IOO: 486 of parathyroid gIands, 95 : 395 of testicle in chiIdhood, 95: 445 of testis, 95: 341 of thyroid, 95 : 385 diagnosis of, 95: 40 ovarian, 95: 336 ulcerogenic, of pancreas, 95: 359 Tumors argentafline, of jejunum with perforation, 97: 784 biIatera1 mixed, of parotid gIand, 97: 698 carcinoid, of rectum, 98: 243 ectopic mixed saIivary, of Iips, 96: 506 endocrine, and peptic uIceration, IOO: 764 giant ceI1, of bone, 96: 479
Tumors isIet cell, of pancreas with gastrojujunocoIic fistula, 96: g8 malignant, of head and neck, 98: 858 of chest waII, repair of, IOO: 126 of deep Iobe of parotid gIand, IOO: 323 of extrahepatic biliary system, 97: 141 of hand, IOO: 293 of major saLvary glands, 98: go4 of saIivary gIand, radiation therapy for, 98: gr 2 parotid, roe: 805 removaI of, 96: 771 Tumors, tested for fluorescence, 96: 415 tracheal, resection of intrathoracic trachea for, 97: 354 uIcerogenic,
of pancreas,
97: 92
Ulcer acute
perforated duodena1, vagotomy and pyIoropIaSty for, 100: 245 and phIebitis, muscle adenyIic acid as preoperative adjunct to surgery for, 97: 696 chronic duodenal, BiIIroth I gastric resection for, IOO: 251 gastric and duodena1, spontaneous
of, 97:
796 obstructing, gastric atonia and deIayed gastric emptying after vagotomy for, 98: 612 peptic, observations on surgical treatment of, 97: 7og with endocrine tumors, IOO: 764 perforated duodena1, in infant with survival, 97: 346 peptic, and right subphrenic abscess (DC), 97: 800 probIems in management of (E), 98: I UIceration of mucous membrane in gastric Iipoma, 96: 453 Ulcerogenic non-beta ceI1 pancreatic isIet carcinoma, IOO: 48 tumors of pancreas, 95: 359 UItravioIet and systemic tetracycIines in cancer detection, 96: 415 UmbiIicus hernia of, repaired by imbrication, 98: 236 preservation of dimpIe of, after hernia1 repair, g8 : 236 Ureter, injuries to, 97: 558 Urinary bIadder, neurofibroma of, 97: 108 diversion, regression of vesicaI carcinoma after, IOO: 133 incontinence, stress, in femaIe, 96: 264 UroIogy, Bricker operation in, 96: 254 obstructive, and prostatic hypertrophy Uropathy, (CAC), IOO: 643 Uterine fibroids, sarcoma developing in, IOO: 416 Uterus, carcinosarcoma of, 100: 522
V agina hysterectomy through, 98: 25 pIastic surgery of, 95: 425, 793; 96: 76
Three Vagotomy and pyIoropIasty
for perforated
Year Subject
duodenal ulcer,
245 obstructing ulcer, gastric atonia and deIayed gastric emptying after, 98: 612 Varices, esophagea1, hemorrhage from, 96: I IO Varicose uIcers and subacute thrombophIebitis, g5 : 434 VascuIar changes after operative destruction of capsuIar and periosteaJ hip vesseIs, 97: 494 dynamics during hemorrhagic shock and therapy, 95: for
659 Iesions, effect of vitamin
A, niacin and riboffavin
95 : 438 prostheses, importance of porosity in, IOO: 557 suppIy, controIIed limitation of, for regression neopIasms, 96: 771 Vasectomist, perits and pitfaIIs of, 97: 84 Vein, mesenteric, occIusion of, 96: 565 Veins, major, injuries to, 100: 171 VeIopharynx, cIeft muscuIar, surgical management 98: 816 Vena cava, superior, obstruction of, 96: 353 through and through Iaceration of, 96: 458 VentiIator, Vertebrae cervicat,
of smaIIer elements
VoIkmann’s ischemia, impending, 100: 635 v01vu1us acute, of cecum, 95: 798 intermittent, of right coIon, 97: 316 of cecum, 96: 41 I or ascending colon, 98: 175 of right coIon complicating subhepatic cecum, 97: 793 of transverse colon, 96: 122 organoaxiaI, of stomach, 96: 600 von ReckIinghausen’s disease and neurofibroma of rectum, 95: 474 Vulvectomy, indications for, 97: 6go
on, w
expired air, 97: 407 0ccuIt
of, 97:
530 fusion of bodies of, for ruptured cervical discs, 98: 722 upper cervical, anterotateral approach to, 97: 766 VesicoureteraI refIux, significance of, 100: 527 VitaIIium imptant for transected portion of mandibIe, 96: 768 Vitamin A, effect of, on vascular Iesions, 95: 438
AIbert G., 19th century pioneer in trauma surgery, 97: 624 War, tota1, medical education in, 95: 493 WhipIash injury, faIIacy of term, 97: 522 Wire-button retention technic, primary closure of piIonida1 cysts and/or sinuses with, 97: 328 Wire fixation, Kirschner, of bone pIates in craniotomies, 96: 701 Wound perforating, of two chambers of heart with survival, 97: 344 surgica1, treatment of, 97: 429 routine cuIture of, 98: 152 Wringer injury (CAC), too: 646 Wrist, elbow, forearm and hand, athletic
injuries to, 98:
432 z enker’s diverticuIum, 97: 222 Z-ptasty and muItipIe excision for disabiIities surfaces, 95 : 173 Zygoma and orbit, fractures of, 96: 735
of exposed