Submission of papers for publication in the British H0moeopathic Journal Papers must be typewritten, double spaced and on one side of the paper only, preferably on A4 white bond paper, with a margin of about 4 cm at the left, and 2.5 cm at the right. Paragraphs are indented, except for the first one of any paper or chapter. Pages should be numbered consecutively, with the title given on a separate page which also bears the author's name and degrees, and, at the bottom of the page, the author's address. References. In accordance with the recommendations of the International Steering Committee of Medical Editors, references should be listed as follows: References must be numbered consecutively, in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. The form of references should be that adopted by the US National Library of Medicine and used in the Index Medicus. The sequence is as follows: Journals: Name of author(s) followed by initial (if more than six authors, give only the first three and add et al.). Full title of the paper. Abbreviated title of the journal, in the case of the BRrnSH HOMOEOPATHICJOURNAL, Br Horn J (no comma or full stop) year of publication; volume number; page number(s). Books: Name of author(s) followed by initials (if more than six, as above). Full title of the book. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication. Below are two examples of references given in the approved style: Priestman KO. Adolescent depression. Br Horn J 1978; 67: 248. 2 Almond DC, Wh/tten DGA. Rocks, Minerals, and Crystals, p. 76. London: Hamlyn, 1976.
Graphs, tables and illustrations must be on separate pages. Legends should be included for all of these, typed on a separate sheet of paper. Particular spelling rules. The binominal system is used where applicable for homoeopathic remedies, e.g. Natrum tour., Betula alba. Nelson's List of Homwopathic Remedies is a good spelling guide. Homceopathic potencies are indicated as follows: 6x, 30c, IM, 10M. Further information may be obtained from the Editor and the Assistant Editor.
Copy for the July 1981 issue of the Journal should reach the Hon. Editor (for address, see back cover) by 17 March 1981. The final date for short, last-minute items is Thursday, 2 April 1981. Volume 70, Number 1, January 1981