Summer school on charged interfaces, fundamental aspects and applications

Summer school on charged interfaces, fundamental aspects and applications

Electroanalytical Chemistry ,c_>Elsevier Sequoia and Interfacial %A., Lausanne Electrochemistry, - Printed 62 (1975) 454 in The Netherlands ...

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and Interfacial

%A., Lausanne


- Printed

62 (1975)


in The Netherlands

ANNOUNCEMENT Summer school on charged interfaces, fundamental aspects and applications

This summer school will be organized from the 1st to the 12th September 1975 near Montpellier (France) under the auspices of primarily the French section of the International Society of Electrochemistry (I.S.E.). Papers will be given and discussions held in French: The number of participants will be limited to 50. Morning sessions will be devoted to papers on fundamental aspects: the different modern approaches to the double layer at metallic electrodes and semiconductors will be treated. This will be followed by the extension to other types ofinterfaces(membranes, ionic crystal, liquid-liquid and liquid-air). In the afternoon following on seminars on experimental methods, round table discussions will be held on applied subjects of interest to the participants related to those treated in the morning. For further information those interested are invited to write to Dr. D. Schuhmann, Physico-Chimie des Interfaces, C.N.R.S., B.P. 5051, 34033 Montpellier cedex, France.