SUPERFLUIDITY OF NEUTRON (I). Singlet pairing L. AMUNDSEN Fysisk Institutt,
i Trondheim,
7055 Dragvoll,
Received 15 June 1984 (Revised 2 November 1984) Abstract: The possibility of neutron or proton singlet pairing and superfluidity in neutron star matter is investigated, and the energy gap and corresponding critical temperature is calculated or estimated as a function of Fermi momentum or density. The calculations are performed for three different potentials: a “one-pion-exchange gaussian” (OPEC) potential, an “effective” OPEC potential, and an effective Reid soft-core potential obtained by a method of “lowest-order constrained variation”. The results indicate that neutron superfluidity, corresponding specifically to ‘&-state pairing, may exist in a low-density shell in the nuclear-matter region in neutron stars, i.e. for densities 4.6 x IO” g/cm3 < p < 1.6 x lOI g/cm3, and the maximum self-consistent energy gap is A( k;) = 2-5 MeV for a neutron Fermi momentum k;= 0.7-l .O fm-‘. Superfluidity or superconductivity corresponding to ‘$,-state pairing for the proton subsystem is quite likely at higher densities, i.e. for 2.4 x lOI g/cm3 < p (7.8 x lOI g/cm3, and the maximum energy gap for the OPEC potential is A( kfL) f 0.3-0.6 MeV for a proton Fermi momentum kF 5 0.7 fm-‘. The estimated critical temperatures seem to be higher than expected temperatures inside neutron stars.
1. Introduction Migdal ‘) first suggested the possibility of superfluid states in neutron star matter. The effective interaction between two neutrons (or protons) is a combination of very strong repulsive short-range interactions and weaker attractive long-range interactions. In neutron matter at low densities, when the interparticle distance is much larger than the range of the repulsive interactions, we should expect the neutrons to “condense” into a superfluid state because of an effective attractive pairing interaction. According to the BCS theory for S-wave pairing we get Cooper pairs ‘) and an energy gap A - 5 exp [-l/N(O)
at the Fermi surface, where 5 defines an energy interval corresponding to the attractive neutron-neutron interaction, U corresponds to this effective BCS interaction, and N(0) is the density of states at the Fermi energy for a given spin system. In neutron stars we probably get N(O)U< and we should
expect good conditions
for superfluid 487
(1.2) states in certain
density regions.
L. Amundsen,
E. Osrgaard
/ Superfluidity
In addition to superfluid neutrons we should also expect superfluid protons. The proton density is probably approximately two magnitudes smaller than the neutron density, and we should expect superconductive protons in certain density regions. Superfluid electrons, however, are not likely, since the critical temperature for superconductivity according to BCS theory ‘) is
( 1.3)
where N(0) =p2/27r%‘c,
i.e. pc corresponds to the Fermi temperature for relativistic essentially equal to zero, and the electrons are “normal”.
( 1.4)
T, becomes
2. General theory Bardeen et al. ‘) (BCS) created the concept electron states by introducing the pair creation p: = C&&,
of Cooper pairing 2, of one-body and annihilation operators =
C-kICkt ,
for particles having momenta k or -k and spins “up” (t) or “down” (J). In the BCS theory there is a probability amplitude uk(O< k