Surgical Anatomy of the Head and Neck

Surgical Anatomy of the Head and Neck

BOOK NOTICES 560 -hence tapping before application-in order that the posterior half of the eyeball may be reached. Lids must be carefully protected...

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-hence tapping before application-in order that the posterior half of the eyeball may be reached. Lids must be carefully protected. This is best done with malleable flat retractors about 1 centimeter broad. The thermophore is useful in just such cases as is electrocoagulation, but is a more exact method of applying heat, and with a suitable contact surface can be very conveniently used. It is a method well worth trying. Lawrence T. Post.

ROOK NOTICES ZUR THERAPIE DER EMBOLIE DER ZENTRALARTERIE DER RETINA (Treatment of embolism of the central retinal artery). By Dr. Ernst Johansson, Riga. Paper covers, 86 pages, no 'illustrations. Published by S. Karger, Berlin, 1937. Price 8.95 Swiss francs. After discussing the possibility of differentiating between an embolism and a spasm of the central artery, the author discusses the sources of embolism and the recorded cases of spontaneous cure. Operative treatment includes iridectomy, sclerotomy, paracentesis and puncture, and direct massage of the optic nerve. Cases are cited to illustrate these forms of treatment, and also the effect of bleeding, digitalis, strychnine, pilocarpine, preparations of choline, angioxyl, and padutin, retrobulbar injections of atropine, electrotherapy, injections of corrosive sublimate, and nitrites. Among the various methods employed in 103 cases for which cure or improvement was claimed, massage was effective in 30; operative treatment in 27 (16 of paracentesis or puncture) ; bleeding, digitalis, angioxyl, atropine, and electricity in 4 each i choline in 7; amyl nitrite in 2; and

strychnine and trinitrite in one each. Sixteen cases recovered spontaneously. W. H. Crisp SURGICAL ANATOMY OF THE HEAD AND NECK. By John Finch Barnhill, M.D., LL.D. Quarto, 934 pages,431 illustrations, including many color plates. Baltimore, Wrn. Wood and Co., 1937. Price $20.00. This volume, dedicated to the Research Study Club of Los Angeles, California, is of interest to the ophthalmologist as well as to the otolaryngologist; and to others who are awake to the present movements in graduate medical education. Instead of chapters, it is divided into 35 "Periods." Of especial interest to the ophthalmologist are periods ix to xx inclusive. These deal with the sella turcica and environment, Gasserian ganglion, facial and viii nerve, sphenoidal sinus, ethmoidal cells, frontal sinus, the meninges, brain, structures of the orbit, and orbital contents. The interest of ophthalmic medicine, of course, extends to many of the other "periods." Illustrations in other parts of the book will help the ophthalmologist to recall his knowledge of the anatomy of the orbit and neighboring parts. Most of the illustrations are massed, with their legends, in the last 450 pages, where they serve, cooperatively, for ready reference. This book represents an enormous amount of work on the part of Dr. Barnhill and those who have assisted in its preparation. The introduction is written by Dr. Paul S. McKibben, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Southern California, School of Medicine. As the accumulation of scientific facts goes on increasing with ever greater rapidity, books like this, which assemble, illustrate, arrange, classify, and index the important facts, become more and more essential to the expanding practice of medicine. Edward Jackson.