induced atnal Cbrtllawn (AF) a( ~mdmcharge. Both groupswere comparabte age. pend6f. heef! dlaease. LVEF. dmwwon ol tha len amum andprevmuaeplsodesolAF. Rrlsum:aeetable CMchMn. We conclude Ihat tha m@ementatmn al an 6cw WI sub concemmg
peaorslcanIn~deRbn~~vsclwda~lrfICD~10~ nm 6hOch
and lim arsrgv
(Qf 6mal c6rdlovenm.
(102@115~ ltmacoumeofLoRAtrbtThlwws andaovere :cebmsb tn the Ftmt Nins Months
R.L McMmam, S. Sew. S wrner, 8a4emre~UsA mmw -T-v lenatnalmrombus(-m)arKlsavrnsaomc~
K Wu. L Wlnnar, J.A.C. Lna
lwmesophagcal Echocardiography in Stroke and Wpheral Embolism
Sunday. March 29.1998.5:OO p.m.-7:OO p.m. Georgia Wortd Congress Center. West Exhibit Hall Level Presentation Now 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. 1020-113
surgkw cklsureof ~te!nl~!
B. Cutec R. Mamr-a.D.H. Johnmn. C. Volt. Lhrrversilyol m sas&aRxn. Canads Backgaaduptoso%olpaIlents ~6OyrsoklmmstmkehavepaMll fotarnen OMIT (PFO). fhe retabve and altnbuMM nsk ol PFO tar recurrent ami@atelet. wadann. m dmrapy and s&rcal do& ol PFO: hMnnts: Follow-upwas obtained on a rehlspeclnre cohortstudyd90 pahents ~6OyrswhohadaTEEpedormedfoMwqacembral&mnnc event. 52 pahents had a PFO and 36 pabents had IY) PFO. flrg~blapatrents did not have any other car&c. hematokqc or vascular cause ot stmke. All recunent cerebral ischemk events were confmnod by a neurologst. Results: Tha rectmanca mte (TlA and CVA) was GFWpt-yf m the PFO group and SWpt-yr IIIIhecontrol group (crude mcunence rate rat10= 2.39. 9%&l p = 0.03) during an average follow-upof 2 years. Independent pradtctors (p c 0.01) of neumlqc recurrence m a @II* regmssmn model were: PFO (OR = 5.64). anhplatelet or no therapy compared lo warfarm (OR = 6.3). mlgrame htstory (OR = 6.6). hypertenson (OR = 4.4) and older age (OR = 1.1). 14 of 52 PFO p& had surgtcaldosure of PFO and no recurrent events occurred during a mean follow-upot 23 months. Conclusions: Patients wilh PFO have a signifkantly higher rate of recurrent neumlogic events than those without PFO. Surgical PFO closure prevented any recunences. Wartann was better than antiplateletor no Iherapy m preventing recurrences.
[email protected]
pe&rmedTEEwcmtnsavendayxarxtagammnemonthsafterahmtshoke m 31 (70%) paeents (mean age 56.9% m atnal iibnllahon). Followup TEE wss~perMneddu!atoratusal(Il)ordaam(2) m 9i31(29%) mntatiy:619 recewed armcoagtResutts:Ttlwas~ Mon. Dn )ollowup TEE. TH was tound m 4 01 thou3 palmnts (4?*) and m 4(1BO.)ofmePwho~rmmctlanyhaveTH.A~fano(Mepaaantsw1M newly idant~I~&TH had bee0 takmg aspinn. SAA. defined as greater than 4mm.waskrundnl5(16%)paDenrsmrMuy.onloAovypTEE.SAAwas ~m4(80$~)a(masa5pa~sndmone(4X)addbmcllpstlsnt carchanns:Leftahalfhmmbrcanbaperaqscl(. trwsrcory,~~rrem mtherirslrwnemonthraf?erstrohe.lnamWast.sevara~amarmrclsros~ vanashtiiemlhrsbmepenod. InW
VeS-Ho No-m NO-NO
Cardiac Sources of Embolism: Value of lhThee-dimensbnel Echucafdbgraphy In Therapeutk Declston-msktng
S. Muller.T Bartel. H.C. Dmner. A Dekkef. R Erbel lJn~~%‘mfy Es%?n. afmanv Badqmur& The aim of me study was fo assess fhe use of hvo- and Ihmedm?ensnr=I (2D ar. ?r)) transasophagealKhoGardtography (TEE) tOfttM!fapeurn fffa3~pn6nt n potenhalcardiac 3nd aorfrc soumesofemborwrnam hfenrc&: Patients ti hansr?ory ~schemtc attack (TIA) and r.chennc stroke (IS) were screened for the presence of potential cardiac and a0mc SOUSES of embohsm uslnq ~tandardued 2D EE. In 22 mndomlzedpatias 3D TEE was ernptoyezladdihonally. &sum: Eighty-sm3-t po&nlmi.9wct501embolism could be deteded in 55 (MY’.) md~&aii: patent foramen tile (PFO) (n = 15). amal sePml aneurysms (n = 11). atnal septal de%% (n = 3). left amal Clots(n = 6). lefl