Surgical treatment of cleft lip, palate and alveolar process

Surgical treatment of cleft lip, palate and alveolar process

Surgical Roundtable Clinics therapeutic(surgicaland medical) management.These selecteden&es involveboth boneandsoft tissuesof the headandneck. Catego...

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Surgical Roundtable Clinics

therapeutic(surgicaland medical) management.These selecteden&es involveboth boneandsoft tissuesof the headandneck. Categoriesofentlties to be did includeodontogenietuutors aid cpb, benignhlcbmxlont~c turnon, mucoaal’&eaee,&&ted systemicdiseasesinvolvingthe heird.,andnridr, sahvaryglandneoplasms. . ofand Dttmssmn odontogeniccystsand ,+umorswill include the JurgIcalmanagementof the ameloblastoma, c.&&hg epithelhtl odontogenictumor, and odontogenit keratoeyst.A brief description of the clinical and I&features‘aswell as a brief literature review will be provided in addition to surgical management. Stugicalmnanhgement will be discussedincludingevaluation and diagno@icimaging of the patient as well as treatmentplannifrgandsurgicalprocedures. Entities from th c&w of mucosaldiseaseindude erosivelichen planus and cicatricial pemphigoid.Clinical and microscopicfeatureswill be discussedaswell as a therapeuticapproachto management. Other areasof discussionindude salivarygland neoplaamssuchasthe polymorphouslow gradeadenocarcinoma,aswell asthe patientwith a massin the neck. References Reqezi, LA., Sciubba, J.J.: Oral Pathology: Cliiical-Pathologic Cmre~ttonr. Pbiladelphih SaundersCo, 1989 Wi%k, T.P.: The Ameleblnstamaaad calolfyng EpithelialGdontoSet& Tumor. Selectedreadings in oral and maxillofacialsutgcty. The Guild for Scientific Advancement in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,SanFrancisco,CA (acceptedfor publication) Williams,T.P.: Surgical Management of the odontogenic keratocyst. Grat M&lofac SungUin North Am. (acceptedfor publication)

We will discussthe conceptsof a one stagepalate repair versusthat of a stagedrepair and the use of an obturator. We will in addition discussvelo pharyngeal incompetenciesaswell asthe otologyaspectof the child with a cleft palate. The final part of the discussionwill bebonegraftingof the alveolusin a child with a cleft. We will discussthe timing and techniques.

SRC 157 Future Dimctionsin OdandlCBsriilEgfbcial surgdryEdr;rationd-g Daniel M. La&in, DDS, MS, Richmond, VA

The currently expandingscopeof oral and maxillofacial surgerybringswith it the potential needfor changes in the educationalbaseaswell as meansfor increasing the breadthof surgicalexperiencefor both the trainee and practitioner. This presentation will explore the following areasand issues. 1. The historical basis of oral and maxillofacial surgery. 2. Factors influencing scope of practice. 3. Evolution of the educational base.

4. The double-degreecontroversy. 5. Methodsfor expandingclinical training. 6. The future role of the single-anddouble-degree oral andmaxillofacialsurgeon. Opportunity will be providedfor audienceparticipation in the discussion. References



Surgsoalhmtment of C&l Lip, Pahateand Aitwdarm JamesE. Bert& DDS, MD, Scottsdale,AZ

McCallum, CA.: The future of oral and maxillofacial surgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 4736%615,1989 La&in. D.M.: A second look at the double dearee. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 47533,1989 Groshen, G.J., Sinn, D.P., Teenier, T.J.: Integration of the medical degree in oral and maxillofacial surgery: A survey of the American Association of Oral and Maxiflofacial Surgeons membership. J Oral Maxiliofac Surg 4&1211,1990

The ed&ryoIogy discussionwill be aimed at the developmentof the facef&m the maxillaryand mandibular @rcessaswell asthe palatal shelvesandthe frontal SRC 158 nasalprocess. I~~and-fw~surgeryof In the etiological aspectsof the facial clefts we will Joiti cover heredity, environment,and positional aspectsof the Tiwrqwm-h the fetus in utero. Robert B. Madntosh, DDS, Detroit, MI For surgicalcareof the unilateral cleft we will discuss the use of the Millard Advancement Rotation with Undesirable sequelae of temporomandibular joint variousmodification that haveoccurredsincethis work surgery havebecomeincreasinglyevident over the past wasfirst publishedby Millard. few years, and the management of patients with postThe bilateral cleft lip will demonstrateanddiscussthe surgicaljoint dysfunctionhasbecomea growingfocusof Millard Advancement Rotation Repair for both the surgicalattention. This presentationoffers a classificabilateral completeandincompletecleft lips. tion of the various difficulties, and suggests protocols MOMS
