CODceDuate OD theophyUiDe therapy
So.""lay"'.@Oral Uq.'d (aminophylline, Fisons)
DESCRIPTION: Each 5 ml (teaspoonful)contains aminophylline105 mg (equivalentto 90 mg theophyllinebase) in a palatable base. Each 15 ml (tablespoonful)contains aminophylline 315 mg (equivalentto 270 mg theophylline base): NONALCOHOLIC SUGAR-FREE AcnONS: The prindpal pharmacologicalactions of aminophyllineare to relaxsmooth muscle, notably bronchial muscle,stimulatethe central nervous system, act on the kidneyto produce diuresis,and to stimulatecardiac muscle. INDICAUONS: For the symptomaticreliefof bronchialasthma, pulmonary emphysema, chronic bronchitisand other pulmonary diseases with bronchospasm. CONT8AINDICAUONS: SomophyUlne Oral Uquid (amlnophyl1lne) is contraindicatedin those patients who have shown hypersensitivity to itor to other theophyllinederivatives. WAIININGS AND PRECAUTIONS: Use with caution Inthe presence of severe hypertension. and In infantsand young chlJdren. Other formulations containingtheophyllineor itsderivativesshould not be administered concomitandy.Metabolismof aminophyllinemay be Impaired(leadingto the possibility of toxicblood levelson flx~d dosage regimens) in patients with severe pulmonary or cardiovasculardisease; or associated liver dysfunction. NOTE: The metabolismof theophylline is a major factorInthe observed interpatientserum level variability. Ideally,all Individuals should have serum theophyllinelevelsmeasured and a theophylline half-life calculatedwhichwould enable doses and dosing regimensto be tailoredto each patient to maintain a therapeutic level,and insure optimal clinical response and avoid toxidty. ADVEllSE IlEAcnONS: Toxidty of theophyllineand Itsderivatives(e.g., aminophylline)may manifest as nausea. vomiting,peripheral vascular collapse, reactivationof peptic ulcers,Intestinal bleeding, albuminuria, palpitation,nervousness, and Insomnia. DOSAGE AND ADJllNlSTllAUON: Severe BronchospasticAttack:Adults;Four or ftveteaspoonfuls. Children; over the age of four years, the Initial dose.of1 teaspoonful per 40 pounds (18 kg.) of body weight is recommended. Dosage can be Increased'1 mg./2.2Ibs./dose (1 mg./1 kg./dose) each week depending upon clinicaIimprovemenl ChlJdrenunder 4 years of age, dosage at the directionof physician;lowerlnitialdosages (mg./kg.) may be required. (Preferably take dosage priorto meals witha glass of water.) JlAlNTENANCE 24-80011 THERAPY: Adults; two or three teaspoonfuls before breakfastand to be repeated at six (6) hour intervalsas required. Dosage should be adjusted to reflecttherapeutic serum levelsof approximately 10 IJ.g./ml. Children over the age of four, the recommended Initial dose is between 2.3 and 2.7 mg./lb. (5 and 6 mg./kg.)and is reflectedin the table below.
~ W~t
r:=:ryIBa:.e In mg.
Oral ~. (af!'lnophyllne) InTeaspoonfuls
90 mg.
1 teaspoonful
60 79
27 36
135 mg. 180 mg.
1~ teaspoonfuls 2 teaspoonfuls
270 mg.
3 teaspoonfuls
HOW SUPPUED: Bottlesof 8 ft. oz. NOC 10585-1218-80 CAUDON: Federal law prohibitsdisp£nsing without prescription.0Asons Corporation '76 All RightsReserved.
Two Preston Court, Bedford, Mass. 01730
THE BOOKSHELF LECTURE NOTES ON RESPIRATORY DISEASE. By R. A. L. BREWIS. Oxford, England, Blackwell Scientific Publications, and Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1975, 241 pp, 74 ilIus, $13.00. This little paperback of slightly over 200 pages would not be the subject of review were it not for the fact that it serves a very practical function in today's medical milieu of self-assessment, recertification, and peer-review examinations. Here in these few pages in crisp and superb conciseness is a summary of the entire field of respiratory diseases. Obviously, much has been omitted. But the amount that Brewis has been able to include, especially in the very refreshing and original diagrammatic summaries, is evidence of a very experienced and skillful teacher. The emphasis throughout is on information which is useful and relevant to everyday clinical medicine. For example, in reviewing pulmonary physiology and the assessment of pulmonary function, all unnecessary complexities, symbols, and equations have been avoided; and attention has been focused on concepts and investigations which are in everyday use. The author presents his material with the express purpose of offering the medical student an alternative to attending lectures, the board candidate with his basic minimum requirements in the respiratory field, and the more mature general medical reader with a painless refresher course. We might add to these the teacher of pulmonary diseases who is looking for an excellent framework for his own presentations. Theodore H. Noehren, M.D., F.C.C.P. Salt Lake City
SURGICAL TREATMENT OF CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE (2nd ed). By GRADY L. ·HALLMAN and DENTON A. COOLEY. Philadelphia, Lea and Febiger, 1975,204 pp, $18.50. This edition consists of 204 pages compiled in essentially the same format as the first edition dealing with the surgical care of patients with congenital heart disease; however, this edition does include the surgical treabnent of additional anomalies not included in the first edition. These include the surgical management of cor triatriatum, parachute mitral valves, the scimitar syndrome, congenital coronary abnormalities, and the use of porcine heterograft conduits for reconstruction of the right ventricular
outflow tract. While each of the 11 chapters attempts to describe briefly the anatomy, history, embryologic development, pertinent diagnostic features, and indications for operation, the major emphasis of the book is on technical aspects of the operative management of the more common congenital defects. The drawings are clear, and the explanations of the operative pro~edures are concise. Each of the chapters is liberally illustrated, and the pertinent angiographic materials for most lesions are shown; "however, description and discussion of the significant hemodynamic data pertaining to the more complex lesions are lacking. The book· is well indexed, and there are approximately 15 references at the end of each chapter; however, except for those with historic significance, several are somewhat outdated. The section on the principles and techniques of cardiopulmonary bypass is somewhat incomplete, and there is no discussion on the use of profound hypothermia when dealing with the extremely small infant with congenital heart disease. The major value of this book is that it puts together in one volume a well-illustrated series of operative techniques which have been performed successfully on a large number of patients. This will be a popular book to that segment of the medical community who enjoyed and used the first edition. This volume will be of particular value to internists, cardiologists, general surgeons, and house officers. Nurses and technicians involved in the care of patients with congenital heart disease will also find the book informative. Cardiovascular surgeons involved in the day-to-day surgical management of congenital heart disease will find this volume interesting and one which they will probably like to have in their collections. Richard]. Cleveland, M.D., F.C.C.P.
Boston VIRUSES CAUSING COMMON RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS IN MAN: STUDIES IN INFECTIOUS DISEASE RESEARCH (General Editor, EDWARD H. Ksss ). By GEORGE G. JACKSON and ROBERT L. MULDOON. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1975,248 pp, $17.95. This monograph, prepared by Drs. Jackson and Muldoon, is the first in a series of proposed volumes that will involve selected topics in infectious diseases, with the entire series being under the general editorship of Dr. Kass. As has been characteristic of past contributions by these individuals, this monograph is comprehensive, well written, and a scholarly work. The series of volumes will represent a col-
lection of contributions to be published serially in the Journal of Infectious Diseases. The overall goal of the series is to present a synthesis of existing knowledge and develop a stimulus to the acquisition of new knowledge. Many new viruses that have been associated with respiratory diseases in man have been isolated over the past two decades. This monograph, which is presented in outline structure, represents an efficient and useful reference to review what is known about these viruses. The objective, as stated by the contributors, is a compilation and uniform presentation of characteristics, certain data, and laboratory techniques related to new viruses and nonbacterial microbes that cause common respiratory illnesses in man." The format is one of presenting information on each individual virus, with marginal topic notations keyed to the outline. Thus, the contribution serves as a manual for rapid reference and a source of specific information. The bibliographies are rather extensive for those desiring additional information and, interestingly, are arranged in chronologie sequence at the end of each section, with alphabetic arrangement of authors within each year. This provides an added asset of presenting the development of information in a historical context. Although the authors state that the monograph and the respective bibliographies are not intended to be a complete bibliography on each virus, the information provided is probably far in excess of that needed for anyone except someone devoted to research exclusively in these areas. A brief visual separation of the references chronologically by year with perhaps some notation in the margin, would be helpful to the reader. For the practicing chest physician, this monograph will provide an updated and easily accessible source of information for viral infections of the respiratory tract. One major criticism is that there is no index, although extensive outlines presented at the beginning of each section significantly, but not completely, compensate for this deficit. From the standpoint of the clinician, the sections on chemotherapy may be somewhat incomplete for some agents in some sections, and there may be an overabundance of rather basic information on isolating viruses, culture characteristics, and related technical information. Occasionally, the information may not be discriminatory enough; however, overall, this is an excellent monograph for those who want a reference source of information on viral infections of the respiratory tract. CC• • •
Gary L. Huber, M.D., F.C.C.P.