Suspended organic matter

Suspended organic matter

Oceanographic Abstracts 619 PARKER F. L., 1964. Foraminifera from the experimental Mohole drilling near Guadalupe Island, Mexico. J. Paleont., 38 (4...

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Oceanographic Abstracts


PARKER F. L., 1964. Foraminifera from the experimental Mohole drilling near Guadalupe Island, Mexico. J. Paleont., 38 (4): 617-636. Thirty-four planktonic and 132 benthonic species of Foraminifera from the cored section of the Experimental Mohole drilling near Guadalupe Island, off Baja California, are listed. The benthonic species represent a deep-water fauna from deeper than I000 m. The sampled section is believed to be Miocene and Pliocene. The Miocene section is correlated tentatively, in part, with the Luisian and Mohnian stages of California; the lower portion shows some affinity with the Globorotaliafohsi zone of the Caribbean region. Two new species are described : Bolivina guadalupae and Melonis


PARKER ROBERT H., 1964. Zoogeography and ecology of macro-invertebrates of Gulf of California and continental slope of western Mexico. In : Marine geology of the Gulf of California, a symposium, Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol., Memoir. (Edited by T. ANDEL, VAN and GEORGE G. SHOR JR.), 3: 331-376. Based on a reconnaissance study of the zoogeography and ecology of benthic invertebrates in the Gulf of California, eleven faunal assemblages have been established which characterize various environments--(I) intertidal rocky shores; (lI) intertidal beaches and sand flats to 10 m ; (lII) lowsalinity lagoons and mangrove mud flats; (1V) nearshore shelf, sand bottom, 11-26 m; (V) intermediate shelf, clayey sand and sandy clay bottom, 27-65 m; (VI) outer shelf, clay bottom, southern Gulf, 66-120 m; (VII) outer shelf, sand bottom, northern Gulf, 66-120 m; (VIII) northern Gulf basins and troughs, 230-1500m; (IX) upper slope, central and southern Gulf, 121-730m; (X) middle slope, 731-1799 m; (XI) abyssal southern borderland basins and lower slope, 1800-4122 m. Compared with benthic communities elsewhere in the world, the diversity of shallow-water species in the Gulf of California is striking. No single species is dominant. The distribution of shell remains with depth provides indications for former low stands of sea level. Shells of shallow-water species at 110-115 m were dated by radiocarbon method at 17,000 to 19,000 years B.P. Shells belonging to the California shelf province are found in abundance in deposits of the northern Gulf basins and in deep water in the southern end of the Gulf. The occurrence of these cold-water species implies that during the Pleistocene, migration southward of more than 700 miles was possible. Comparisons between the macro-invertebrate assemblages of the Gulf of California and those of the Gulf of Mexico and other parts of the world demonstrate that great similarities, generally at the subgeneric level, exist in similar environments throughout the subtropical and tropical regions of the world. PARSONS T. R., 1963. A new method for the microdetermination of chlorophyll c in sea water.

J. Mar. Res., 21 (3): 164-171.

A method developed for the microdetermination of chlorophyll c by conversion of chlorophyll c to pheophytin c is described. This m e t h o d i s found to be more sensitive and specific than previously reported methods for the determination of this pigment and is suitable for open-ocean samples of only a few litres in volume. PARSONS T. R. 1963. Suspended organic matter. Progress in Oceanography, (Edited by SEARS M.), Pergamon Press, Lond., 1 : 203-239. The distribution and composition of the living and dead components of the particulate organic matter in sea water are discussed. Methods for estimating the particulate organic matter in sea water are reviewed and the significance of the results obtained with the available methods is interpreted with respect to the utilization of particulate organic matter by secondary producers. PARSONS T. R. and J. D. I-L Sa'RICKLAND, 1963. Discussion of spectrophotometric determination of marine-plant pigments, with revised equations for ascertaining chlorophylls and carotenoids. J. Mar. Res., 21 (3): 155-163. A number of discrepancies in the spectrophotometric determination o f plant pigments with the Richards with Thompson method have been reported. A revised set of equations for the determination of plant chlorophylls and a new equation for the approximate estimation of plant carotenoids are presented. PELUCHON G., 1963. La couche superficielle de la M6diterranre au large des crtes proven~;ales durant les mois d'rt6 (R6sumr). Rapp. Proc. Verb. Rdunions, Comm. Int., Exp. Sci., Met Mdd., Monaco, 17 (3). Le Bureau d'l~tudes ocranographiques a 6tudi6 systrmatiquement un secteur allant de Marseille/t Menton sur une largeur d'une quarantaine de milles en juillet 1960 (soixante-douze stations), juillet 1961 (quatre-vingt-neuf stations) et septembre 1961 (quatre-vingt-neuf stations). Ces mesures ont permis de determiner les courants et transports grostrophiques, la rrpartition de la densit6 et de la stabilit6 duns la couche superficielle, les caractrristiques moyennes de la temprrature et de la salinit6 en surface, en mrme temps que les conditions climatologiques moyennes/t l'intrrieur de chacun de ces mois. D u r a n t ces trois mois, on met en 6vidence la permanence remarquable des caractrristiques dynamiques. Le courant c6tier ouest a un debit voisin d'un million de mrtres cubes par seconde,