Vol. 11, No. 8, Page 6
unprotected with the message as the recipient will have no way of verifying that the public key corresponds to the claimed creator’s secret key. This problem is solved by using a third party known as the Certification Authority (CA) who creates ‘certificates’ that associate a user’s name with the user’s public key. The certificates are also produced with the aid of the digital signature, this time using the trusted CA’s secret key. Because a large number of users will subscribe to a particular CA only one public key belonging to the CA has to be known in advance. This key can be obtained from the CA when the certificates are produced. Telecom Australia Research Laboratories’ have also written the software to perform the CA functions. In the mailing system the creator’s certificate is sent along with the message. Each subscriber user has his or her own copy of the CA’s public key to verify that the certificate is authentic. Once a certificate is verified, the public key contained in the certificate can be used to verify the creator of the mail message. The secure mail services are based on the current IS0 and CCllT electronic mail recommendations and Telecom Australia is studying the application of the security function to its EDI service ‘Tradelink’. Frank Rees Acknowledgements to Telecom Australia’s Research Laboratories.
enables Watchdog’s primary memory requirement to be reduced by about two thirds Three new user additions have been added: restricted access to the floppy drive; restricted access to the communication ports; restricted access to the printer ports. The first two in particular increase protection from viruses. A new utility program can be used to run Watchdog utilities. They can now be activated from a utility menu or from the DOS command line. The new release costs US$295 but current users can upgrade at a cost of US$30 a copy. An OS/2 release of Watchdog is to be released in the summer. More information from Fischer International Systems Corporation, 4073 Merchantile Avenue, Naples, Florida 33942, USA or telephone (800) 237-4510.
In an effort to advertise the Data Protection Act in the UK, one national newspaper carried an advert with the slogan, “Even the police have to help you with your enquiries”. Above the slogan is a huge photograph of a suspicious looking police officer. Hardly likely to build confidence among a public ever ready to fear abuse of power by law enforcement agencies.
WATCHDOG PASSWORD Version 5.2 of Watchdog, the PC security software product, has been released by Fischer International Systems of Naples, Florida in the USA. It can be used on the IBM PC XT, AT and all PS/2 models as well as on Zenith, Compaq and IBM PC compatibles. Memory support has been expanded to include the LIM expanded memory specifications (version 3.2 or higher). This
A start-up company based in Cheshire, UK, Manor Park Systems, has refined a product called MPS Privacy which controls access to VME services on ICL mainframes. One market it is addressing concerns the new local tax system in the UK, the ‘poll tax’, which many local authorities intend to run on such systems holding confidential information about members of the public.
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