Syllabus of Lectures for the Diploma Examination

Syllabus of Lectures for the Diploma Examination

SYLLABUS OF LECTURES FOR THE DIPLOMA EXAMINATION W e believe all theatre nurses should be aware of the following course of studies which is considerab...

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SYLLABUS OF LECTURES FOR THE DIPLOMA EXAMINATION W e believe all theatre nurses should be aware of the following course of studies which is considerably more advanced than that mentimed in the M.O.H. circular, ‘The Training of Theatre Attendants’. This circular will be discussed at our 1966 Congress in Brighton.


Names and definitions ( a ) Anatomy

( b ) Physiology Adult skeleton. No. of bones, function. Classification of bones, long, short, etc. Explanation of terms, articulation, foramen, etc. Parts of Skeleton, grouping of bones, shoulder, pelvic girdle, the head. Body cavities and their content; skull, thorax, etc. Lecture 2.

Bone structure, periosteum, compact and cancellous tissue. Names and positions of bones ( a ) shoulder girdle and upper limb

( b ) pelvic girdle (c) skull ( d ) vertebral column (e) thorax Joints-Fixed, slightly movable, freely movable. Main joints of the body. Muscles of ( 1) head and neck

(2) eye (3) shoulder girdle

(4) trunk (5) abdomen ( 6 ) pelvic floor

(7) lower extremity

Sept-Oct 1966

Lecture 3. Cardio-vascular (1) arteries (2) veins (3) capilliaries (4) heart (structure) Circulatory system (1) systemic circulation ( 2 ) cardiac circulation ( 3 ) portal circulation Cardiac CycleCoronary circulation Pulmonary circulation The Pulse The Blood Pressure Composition of Blood Lecture 4 . Respiratory system; nose, lungs. External Respiration Internal Respiration Explanation of Terminology, i.e. Anoxia, Hypoxia, Cyanosis, Dyspnoea, etc. Lecture 5. Viscera of Thorax Boundaries of the Thorax Positions and relations of Thoracic cont-nt. Lecture 6. Alimentary tract (1) The mouth (teeth, tongue and salivary gland) (2) Pharynx (3) Oesophagus (4) Stomach (5) Small intestine (Duodenum, jejunum, ileum) (6) Large intestine


Lecture 7 . Accessory organs of digestion; liver, pancreas, gall bladder. Outline of the process of digestion-proteins, fats, carbohydrates Viscera of abdomen Boundaries of abdominal cavity

Lecture 4. Optical instruments, magnetism, magnetic effect of electric current.

Lecture 8. The Urinary System Renal organs-kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra. Urine-formation and excretion.

Lecture 6. Composition of steels, chemical and physical properties.

Lecture 9. Female reproductive Organs ( a ) external organs (b) internal organs (c) breasts Male reproductive organs (a) internal organs (b) external organs Lecture 10. Central nervous system Peripheral nervous system Autonomic nervous system Lecture 11. Examination

Lecture 5. Current resistance, induced currents, static electricity.

Lecture 7. Hardness of steels, stainless and others, tempering, hardening and annealing. Lecture 8. Electrolysis affecting the constituent substances in steel and interaction between different metals. Lecture 9. Alloys, with spmial reference to Vinertia, silver, platinum, and tantalum. Their application for surgioal uses. Lecture 10. Cutting edges and cutting ,steels. Methods of sharpening and effects on properties of steel.

Lecture 12. Review of examination answers

Lecture 11. Examination.


Lecture 12. Review of examination answers.

AND METALLURGY Lecture 1. Fundamental units -force, mass, weight, moments work, power and machines. Lecture 2. Heat and temperature, expansion, quantity of heat, specific heat. Lecture 3. Evaporation, boiling, vapour pressure, humidity.



TRANSFUSIONS Lecture 1. The history of Bacteriology including the introduction of the sulpha-drugs and antibiotics. The mode of action of sulphonamides and antibiotics and the development of drug resistance.

AORN journal

Demonstration:The inhibition, on blood agar, by antibiotics. Broth cultures showing growth. Broth cultures showing absence of growth e.g. with penicillin added. Lecture 2. The characteristics; morphology and growth of some of the common aerobic and anaerobic pathogens. This lecture should be supplemented with a strip film to show morphological differences, and a diagram showing a bacterium in longitudinal section Lecture 3. The body defences, Natural and acquired immunity. Antigen antibody reaction. Demonstration :Tube agglutin'ation (e.g. Widal) Lecture 4. The importance of isotonicity and freedom from pyrogen in preparing crystalloid solutions. Demonstration:The haemolysis when erythrocytes are added to water and the effect of salt (0.85%)

Lecture 5. The prevention and control of cross infection. Bacterial survival during transit. Lecture 6. Sterilising Procedures 1. Moist Heat a. Under Pressure b. Free Steam Demonstration:Controls (Chemical and bacterial) Lecture 7 . Sterilisation 1. By ionising radiation 2. By Filtnation Demonstration:Porcelain & Asbestos filters

Sept-Oct 1966

Lecture 8. Sterilisation 1. Dry Heat 2. Chemical Lecture 9. The ABC and Rhesus blood group systems Demonstration:Compatability on slides:Microscopic examination Lecture 10. Principles of Blood Tnansfusion a. Whole Blood b. Packed cells c. Washed cells d. Plasma Demonstration:Visit to the Blood Bank Lecture 11. Examination Lecture 12. Review of examination answers ANAESTHESIA FOR THEATRE TECHNICIANS Lectures 1 & 2. Anaesthetic Equipment Description of different types of anaesthetic machines including dental machines. Basic princkple of any anaesthetic machine. Gas cylinders. Types, colour codes, testing and marking. Physical characteristics of contents. Methods of estimating contents. Types of valves e.g. pin-index. Reducing valves. Types, principles of action, reasons for using them. Fl'owmeters. Types, principles of action, limitations of accuracy. Vaporisers, Basic principles and some types. Anaesthetic circuits. Open, closed and variations. T-piece principle. Ruben's valve and others.


Soda-lime. Children’s circuits. Accessory equipment. Masks, airways, endotracheal tubes, connections, endobronchial tubes, laryngoscopes, bronchoscopes, laryngeal sprays, Ambu bag, Magill forceps etc.

Lecture 3. Measuring equipment and practical aspects of intravenous infusions. Respinatory system - Anenometers, gas meters, spirometers, peak flow meters, pressure gauge, 0 2 and COz estimation. Nervous system-E.E.G., nerve stimulators. Cardiovascular system-E.C.G. (oscilloscopes and direct-writers), difibrillators, pulse meters, cardio-tachometers, sphygmornanometers, oscillotonometers, blood loss measurements. Intravenous infusions-apparatus required, teohnique, sites, cut-downs, pumps, checking of blood. Lecture 4. Automatic ventilators and explosions Methods of artificial ventilation, types of apparatus, trigger assistors, humidification. Explosions. Agents at risk, ignition sources, prevention. Lecture 5. Pharmacology I Inhalational anaesthetics, local an,algesics, general analgesics. Narcotics, hypnotics, sedatives, tranquillizers and neuroleptics. Lecture 6. Pharmacology 11 Antidotes, antagonists and analeptics. Muscle relaxants. Anticholinesterases. Anti-sialogogues. Cardiovascular drugs. Anti-coagulants. Hormones. Antibiotics. (In lectures 5 & 6 it is suggested that only the broad principles of action of each drug group need be touched on.)


Lecture 7 & 8. Principles of general anaesthesia. Premedication, surgical anaesthesia, postmedication. Local techniques, general techniques. Triad of analgesia, relaxation and narcosis. Artificial ventilation and intubation. Special techniques-hypotension, hypothermia, cardio-pulmonary bypass. Lecture 9. Stripping of anaesthetic machines. Lecture 10. Resuscitation. Mouth-to-mouth respiration. Self-inflating bags. External cardiac massage. Defibrillation. Care of the unconscious patient. Lecture 11. Examination Lecture 12. Review of examination answers

GENERAL SURGERY Lecture 1. History of surgery Explanation of surgical terms Pressure points Use of diathermy Lecture 2. Operating on head and neck, e.g. Thyroidectomy, branchial cyst tracheostomy Sub-mandibular calcolus Lecture 3. Cervical sympathectomy Mastectomy-radical and localfrozen section-lipoma

AORN Journal

Lecture 4. Abdominal surgery Cholecystectomy, choledochotomy, pancreatectomy Vagotomy and pyloroplasty

Lecture 8. Types of colectomys Colostomy, ileostomy Abdominal perineal excision of rectum Fissure in ano, pelvic abscess

Lecture 5. Operations on the stomach Gastrectomy, Gastroenterostomy Diagnostic - gastroscopy -barium meal Emergency operations - perforated ulcer. Gastrostom y

Lecture 9. Types of hernia

Lecture 6. Genito urinary Nephrectomy, nephrostomy, nephro-uretectomy Diagnostic pylograms Lecture 7. Cystoscopes-various types and use Prostatectomy, cystectomy, cystodiathermy Transplant of ureters

Sept-Oct 1966

direct and indirect Methods of repair femoral, inguinal, ventral hiatus Lecture 10. Vascular surgery Varicose veins Aortic aneurysm Portal shunt, by-pass graft Lecture 1I. Examination Lecture 12. Review of examination answers