Announcement Royal Postgraduate Medical School in collaboration with The Medical Department of Glaxo Group Research
Symposia in basic science in gastroenterology Fifth symposium of the series 'Gastrointestinal secretion - - mechanisms and disorders' Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London, U.K. 19th April, 1983
Organisers: J.M. Polak, S.R. Bloom, N.A. Wright and A.G. Butler lnvited speakers: J.H. Baron, London, U.K.; A. Garner, Macclesfield, U.K.; M.J. Berridge, Cambridge, U.K.; J.L. Boyer, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.; M. Chase, Manchester, U.K.; E.P. Di Magno, Rochester, MN, U.S.A.; L.A. Turnberg, Salford, U.K.; V.S. Chadwick, London, U.K. Subjects include: - - Pharmacology of acid secretion Alkaline and mucous secretion Secretion of the alimentary tract Bile secretion Mechanisms of pancreatic secretion Diseases of the pancreas Ion transport and small intestinal secretion Small intestinal secretion in disease -
The fee will be £10 including lunch, tea and coffee For further enquiries contact: Dr. A.G. Butler, Glaxo Group Research Ltd., Ware, Herts, SG12 0D J, United Kingdom.