an invited review on the first results from Japan’s ASTRO C satellite. On the final afternoon a round-table discussion will take place to highlight the important issues to be addressed in the future. A room will be set aside for impromp~ workshops and discussions. Abstracts of contributed papers (not to exceed 200 words) should be sent to the Chairman of the SOC to arrive no later than 30th April 1987. (Address: Dr. N. E. White, as above). The SOC will screen these abstracts and will inform by telex those authors who have been chosen to give an oral presentation. (No later than 15th June 1987.) It is important to make the Abstracts as concise as possible. These will be given as a booklet to each participant on arrival. Schedule December 1986 March 1987 30th April 1987 15th May 1987 12 July 1987
First ~ouncement Second Announcement Deadline for abstracts Notification of oral contributions Arrival in Sofia
Local Or~un~z~f~o~, Traveland Acco~~odff~ion The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) is: Prof. Dr 3. Bonev and Dr. L. Filipov (CLSR) Co-Chairmen: Prof. N. Nikolov (Astron. Dept. of Sofia University) Members: V. Colev (Astron. Dept. of Sofia U~versi~) 2. Tzvetanov (Astronomical Dept. of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) V. Markov (Central Laboratory for Space Research: CLSR) M. Gerdjikova (CLSR) Tz. Sariisky (CLSR) M. Mutafchieva (CLSR-co-ordinator) Details regarding travel, visas, hotel accommodation, registration fees, etc. are given in the 1st circular, which can be obtained from Dr. White.
Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 9-21 August 1987 This is one of the 20 Interdisciplinary Symposia which are organized in connection with the XIX General Assembly of IUGG. The principal objective of this Symposium is to review the major worldwide con~butio~ during the fast four years in our ~derst~d~g on the radiation, (‘)Extract from the ITJGGChronicle No. 181 of September 1986.
the energetics, the chemistry and the dynamics of the middle atmosphere (altitude range lo-110 km) and their mutual interactions in determining the structure and the composition of this portion of the terrestrial atmosphere. Because of a great variety of research and a great number of expected contributions, this Symposium consists only of invited talks. Contributed papers are to be submitted to the Middle Atmosphere Aeronomy and Electrodynamics Symposium sponsored by IAGA or to the Middle Atmosphere Dynamics Symposium sponsored by IAMAP. The Conveners are Dr. P. C. Simon (IAGA), Prof. I. Hirota (IAMAP), Prof. G. Rostoker (IAGA).
Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 9-21 August 1987 This Symposium is one of the 20 Interdisciplinary Symposia to be held during the XIX General Assembly of IUGG. It is sponsored by IAPSO and IAGA and will last three half-days. The conveners are Prof. Dr. D. Olbers and Dr. J. L. Sarmiento. This Symposium will consider long period (years or more) changes in ocean conditions and in ocean-atmosphere exchanges, and assessment of the significance of such changes for climate problems.
Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 13-14 August 1987 This Symposium is one of the 20 Interdisciplinary Symposia to be held during the XIX General Assembly of IUGG. The scope of the Symposium can be described as follows: The tropical regions cover half the Earth’s surface, receive most of the solar radiation, and provide more than half of the water evaporated into the atmosphere. The large interest in a similar Symposium at the XVIII IUGG General Assembly in 1983 at Hamburg reflected the world-wide recognition that improved understanding of the dynamics and thermodynamics of low latitude coupled ocean-atmosphere processes benefit everyone. This Symposium will encompass observational and theoretical studies of the tropical oceans and atmospheres, emphasizing connections between the two fluids. Tutorial lectures, review papers, and contributed papers will document advances made since the 1983 Symposium. At that time, many (‘)Extract from the IUGG Chronicle No. 181 of September 1986.