Book reviews/Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1427-1443
and regulation, while providing the student with basic financial concepts, including basic pricing and functions of financial instruments, The topic is international finance, and it includes the international aspects of domestic markets such as banking and securities activities involving cross-border transactions, as well as cross border transactions extending beyond traditional activities and in most recent financial instruments (securitization, futures and options, cross-border investments in emerging markets by foreign institutional investors). The presentation is concentrated on the major domestic markets in the world, namely the American, the Japanese, and the European markets. Particular attention is devoted to the creation of a single market in financial services in Europe, and to the presentation of the problems of the European Monetary Union. Another aspect of international finance is related to offshore markets. The book focuses on Eurobond and Global Bonds, Eurodollar deposits and Syndicated Loans, and swaps. The effect of asset freezes when national policies extend to offshore markets is also analyzed. A whole section is devoted to the problems of international financial infrastructure. considering major areas such as capital adequacy for commercial banks and protection for credit risk, capital adequacy for securities operations, the payment system, clearance and settlement and finally, the problem of stock market competition.
Symposium Proceedings International Symposium on Banking and Payment Services (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, DC, 1994) pp, 250 This book contains the proceeding of a symposium sponsored by the FED on international payments systems, the promotion of efficient settlement practices and the management of foreign exchange settlement risk in cross-border and multi-currency financial transactions. The issues covered are: global change in payment systems and financial markets; risk and risk management in banking; developments in banking and payment systems in key currencies; cross-border and multi-currency settlement: clearance and settlement in over-the-counter markets.
M. Dewatripont and J. Tirole, The Prudential Regulation of Banks (The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1994) pp. 262 This book builds upon a previous work (Dewatripont and Tirole Efficient Governance Structures: lmplications fi)r Banking Regulation, in: C. Mayer and X. Vives, eds., Capital Markets and Financial Intermediation, Cambridge University Press, 1993). It contributes to the theoretical developments in financial intermediation, and in particular to the analysis of the foundations of prudential regulation of financial intermediaries (banks, insurance companies, pension funds and securities