Synthesis of eggshell cobalt catalysts by molten salt impregnation techniques

Synthesis of eggshell cobalt catalysts by molten salt impregnation techniques

02 Liquid fuels (transport, refining, quality, storage) 96/02451 Experlemtnal study of the front-end selective hydrogenation of steam-cracking C2-C3...

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Liquid fuels (transport, refining, quality, storage)

96/02451 Experlemtnal study of the front-end selective hydrogenation of steam-cracking C2-C3 mixture

Godinez, C. et al., Chemica l Engineering & Processing, OCI. 1995, 34, (5), 459-468. Selective hydrogenation of stea m-cracking cuts is the industrial process used to eliminate most of the alkynes, dienes and similar troublesome compounds in olefinic streams . The purpose of this paper is to present a kinetic study of the selective hydrogenation of a C -C) mixture over two palladium/alumina catalysts with front-end variant. ~xperiments have been carried out to monitor the effect of temperature, hydrogen con tent in the feed, hydroca rbon volumetric flow and carbon monoxide content on the corresponding activity and se lectivity .

96/02452 Filtering aviation fuels Jackso n, K. Petroleum Review, Jan. 1996, SO, (588) , 24-29 . The author discusses the handling of aviation fuel at airports which is one of the most demanding opera tions in the oil marketing business with large volumes of fuel having 10 be delivered quickly and safely to aircraft of varying sizes whilst meeting exacting quality standards.

96/02453 Fuelling aircraft at Schlphol Jackson, K. Petroleum Review, Jan. 1996, 50, (588) , 22-23. A report on a visit to Sch iphol airport one of the fourth largest airports in Europe.

96/02454 Infrared study of the Interaction of acetone with pure and metal-containing carbons Zawadzki, J. Carbon, 1995, 33, (11) , 1541-1546 . Infrared spectroscopy has been used to study interactions between acetone and the carbon surface be fore and after the sor ption of cations. Acetone has been used as a probe for the detection of Lewis acidic sites on the surface of carbon suppo rted catalysts. Infrared spectra of aceto ne adsorbed on oxidized carbon films show that this molecule can both physisorb and chemisorb on the surface.

96/02455 Internally elrculatlnq fluidized bed for continuous adsorption and desorption Reichhold, A. and Hofba uer, H. Chemica l Engineering & Processing, Dec. 1995, 34, (6), 521-527. Describes an internall y circulating fluidized bed which has been developed for continuous adsorption and desorption. This system can be used more generally for many other reaction/regener ation opera tions. It helps to separate and to recovery gaseous pollutants and reusable compounds (e.g. CO2, 502, organic solvent vapours, along with other gases).

96/02456 KinetIc analys Is of the Flscher-Tropsch synthesis In a fixed-bed reactor Skala, D. et al., Hem. Ind., 1995, 49, (6), 257-264. The paper discusses a study of the kinetics of Fischer-Tropsch reaction in a fixed-bed reac tor, using 100 Fe/5Cu/4.2K!zSi0 2 (z=O and 100) catalysts. The aim of the study was to show and explain influe nces of the production (light and heavy hydrocarbons) flow rate on external and internal mass and heat transport resistances inside reactor analyzing reaction rate cons tant (K FTS) as a function of catalyst particle size and reaction mixture space velocity.

96/02457 A kinetic study of the complete oxidation of ethene, propane and their mixtures on a Pd/AI203 catalyst Van de Beld, L et al., Chemic al Engineering & Processi ng, Oct. 1995, 34, (5), 469-478. The complete oxidation of ethe ne and prop ane as individual hydrocarbons and of their mixtures on a Pd/Al p ) catalyst has been studied using an internal recycle reactor. The pressure was varied from 1.6-5 bar and the temperature from 180-220"C for ethene oxidation and from 280-330"C for propane oxidation. The maximum hydrocarbon concentration was ca. 3000 ppm or 0.3 vol.%.

96/02458 Looking at log istics Jackson, K. Petroleum Review, Dec. 1995, 49, (587), 546-55 1. Discusses how over recent years, the drive by the oil industry to improve operatio nal efficie ncies and cut costs whilst sust aining high levels of safely has gathered pace , partic ularly in the areas of primary supply, storage and handling and road distribution. Reports on nine papers presented during a day-long confere nce held in Octob er 1995 organis ed by the Institute of Petroleum on the topic 'S afe Logistics in a Changi ng World'.

96/02460 Method of refining cracked gasoline and crude benzene by liqUid-phase cok ing dist illation method with clays Zhang, Z. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu Pat. CN.J,102,S24, May 1995.

96/02461 Model predictive control of a delayed coking unit with [DMC): Development Issues Houk , B. G. et al., Chem. Technol. Eu r., 1995, 2, (1), 20-24. Describes how the multivariable, predictive control has significantly improved the operation of a delayed coking unit at Chevron's EI Segundo refinery in California. Proven benefits include higher thro ughputs, better product quality, lower fuel costs and less downt ime.

96/02462 Non-Isothermal crystallization kinetics of binary mixtures of n-alkanes: Ideal eutectic and Isomorphous systems Hammami, A. and Mehrotra, A. K. Fuel, Mar. 1996 ,75, (4), 550-508 . The liquid-solid phase behaviour and thermal characteristics of n.C~sH ~; + n-c;sHss and n-C..H90 + n-CsoH102 binary systems have been studied usmg different ial scanning calorimetry .

96/02463 Oil-soluble catalysts for the hydrocracklng of Athabasca bitumen Strausz, O. P. et al., Prepr-A m. Chem . Soc., Div. Pe t. Chem., 1995,40, (4), 741·742. Discusses hydrocracking of oil sand bitumen under mild conditions nickel carboxylate which gives slightly higher liquid yields than nickel naphthen ate or acetylacetonate, and the liquid product properties are some what inferior to those obtained with the naphthenate or acetylace tonate.

96/02464 An organometallic approach to catalytic CO hydro· genatlon : Deoxygenatlve reduction of model compounds by hydrosllanes Akita, M. and Moro-oka, Y. Stud. Surf Sci. Catal., 1995, 92, 137-142. A review of deoxygen ative reduction steps of acyl [C(=O)-R] and CO intermediates in cataly tic reactions, in particular, catalytic CO hydrogenation, which are modelled by conducting reduction of discrete orga nometallic model compounds employing hydrosilan e as a H,-equivalenl.

96/02465 Production of light alkenes from syngas over Fe· MnO catalyst supported on IIA metal oxide Xu, 1. Y. et al., s. Nat . Gas Chem., 1995, 4, (4), 365-373.

The C2.,· alkene selecti vity of CO hydrogen ation over Fe-MnO catalysts is improved using a Group IlA metal oxide as a support . Furthermo re, better catalytic perfor mance of Fe-MnO/MgO catalyst s can be achieved by the addition of IA metal as a promoter. The selectivity was insensitive to temperature, but was somewhat sensitive to synthesis gas space velocity.

96/02466 catalysts

Study of Pt-promoted cobalt CO hydrogenation

Schanke, D. et al., J. Catal., 1995, 156, (I ), 85-95 . The influence of small amount s of Pt on supported CO catal ysts was investigated by several methods.

96/02467 Synthesis of eggshell cobalt catalysts by molten salt impregnation techniques Soled. S. L et al., Stu d. Surf Sci . Catal., 1995, 91,989-997. Fischer-Tro psch synthesis catalysts with the active coba lt component preferentially located near the outer surface of support pellets were prepared by impregnation with molten cobalt nitrate. This synthes is procedu re and the slow reduct ion of the impregnated nitrate to Co metalled to relatively high metal dispersion s at high Co concentrations present within the shell region. The resulting eggshell catalysts introduc e intermediate levels of transport restrictions, which lead to optimum C s< yield s in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.

96/02468 Synthesis of light alkenes from syngas on sillcallte-t supported cobalt and cobalt-manganese catalysts Das, D. et al., Appl. Catal . A , 1995, 131, (2), 335-345. Reports on the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of lower hydroc arbons (especially C,., -olefins) on silicalite- I- supporte d Co and Co-Ma catalysts.

96/02469 Tank to r stor ing coal-water slurry with preventing solids trom sedimentat ion Oomur a, T. et al., (Assigned to] Nitsuki KK; Nippon Kogyo Senjo KK, lA P. Pat. lP.07,216,369 , Aug. 1965.

96/02459 slurry

Manufacture of high-concentration coal water

Takeuchi, K. and Kinos hita, M. (As signed to) Mitsubishi Hea vy Ind. Ltd., l AP. Pat. lP.07,228,8 77, Aug. J995. Describes the manufacture of high-concentration coal water slurry which is carried out by multi-stage crushing coal, dry grading the medium and/or final crushed coal to obtain grade d coarse particles for recycl ing back to crushing. The crushed coal without coarse particles is then feed to a wet mill.

176 Fuel and Energy Abstracts May 1996


Tank tests keep TLP on triangular course

Cottrill, A. Offshore Engineer, Dec. 1995, p. 10. Reports that the shape of future TLPs (or at least some of them) remains well on course to change following a satisfacto ry conclusion of recent model tests in Trondh eim 's wave tank. A thorough workout of a 1:100 scale example of the triangular tension leg platform being evolved by Aker Engineer ing and Saga Petroleum has provided valuable confirmation of work already completed on this novel variation on the TLP theme.