PergemonJournele To Use Softstrip
USING TEE SOITSTPIP PPOCXSS PDP PWLISHINC SO%TWAEE AHD DATA II PEXCAMOI JOURRALS BeSienin& in 1986, PerSemon Journele begen uein~ Softstrip Syetam technolow fomet in selected publlcetione. This new, petent-pendinSlymtem and print* lhove reeders to eutometicellylcen end enter dete (or ComPuter eoftvere) directly from the printed pe#ee of publicetione.into811 populer Persons1 computers,qiickly, lutoeuticelly,end error-free. Dete stripe will be lppeerw in l vide reriety of publicetioneend they MY 811 be ecenned by u8i.n~s Lou-cost Softstrip reeder vhich ten be obteined from Peraemon Journele, Inc., l4exvellHouse, Pefrriev Perk, Elmsford, NY 10523. Pergemon Jouraele vi11 brain by offering the Teblee of Contents of selected computer- releted journala 08 dete stripe in 1987. This vi11 ~llov subscribers to quickly ead eeeil~ 88~s eech issue*8 Teble of Centente in l persons1 or 1erSer dete bees. The dete bees vi11 help reedere by limplifyin~ uticle, luthor or topics1 informetionleerchee. Journele will 8180 begia to convert detr end software provided by contributor8into dete rtrip foraet. These dete stripe vi11 be printed in our journele vith the contributor'slrticle. By publishingdete in the Softstrip formet, ve vi11 provide reedere vith greeter utility end conrenlence. It vi11 8180 provide contributorsvith en enhenced publishinSmedium vhere publishinS meteriele rolenat to use vith persons1 computers ie simplified. Persemoa
CORTEIBUTOP'SIiM2UCTIOIS SubmIttinS Articlee for Publicetion Coatributbra should follov ltandmd muwocript mabmimlon procedures es published in the journel. Upon lcceptence by the Editor, you vi11 be leked to submit 8 diskette in eccordeacevfth Items 1-3 belov.
SubmittinSSoftwere/Detefor Publicetion Contributorsare asked to submit their mrteriele on cerefully peckeged meSnetic diskettes. The diskettes muat be "unprotected.* Eech dlekette mumt be eccompenledby e leperete letter vhich claerly indicetee the follovfng informetion:
The type of computer uxl len6ue;e from (end for) which the loftvare end/or data is meant to be used. NOTE: Inltielly,Pergemon Jouxnele will support
only three cleeeee of mechines; the IBM PC end competiblee,the Apple II Series of computers,end the Apple Hecintoeh. (Other computers vi11 be ldded duri.nSthe year aa demend for them is determined.) of the file(e) on the disk end the type of file(e). Piles asp be proSrem in BASIC, Assembly LenSueSe, or Object Code. Alternetirely, files mey be Lotus l-2-3 vorkeherte or templetee,tut files, or simple ASCII dete files. Piles for IBM PCe end competibleeshould nm under PCDOS or MSDOSend those for Apple II Series computers should rue under DOS 3.3 or ProDOS.
121 The neme
inetuctione on the use of lech proSrem or dete file expl8inin&hov to run the proSrem or hov to lcceee the dete.
131 Brief
All loftvere proStems end dete teblee should be submitted only in conjunction vith the erticlee for vhich they lre intended, both in herd copy form end The publishervi11 determinehow the strip will be presented. dlekette. Diskette eemot be returned. Contributorsere 8ncoureSedto use this nev mediu to supplmant or enhence their lrticles, eepeciell~where the lrticlee coatein loftvere progru listings or dete teblee vhich reedere uy vieh to use vith computers. Initially,to meke it possible for Percemon Journele to convert uteriel into dete stripe, ve vi11 support only ccrtein computer8end loftvere 1eruueSes. For additional informscion on the Softstrip System in PerSemon publfcetfone, pleeee vrite to Directpr of Publishing,Per6emon Joumle, Hexvell House, Fairriev Perk, Elmsford, NY 10523.