Tayloria rudimenta (Musci, Splachnaceae), a new species from Ningxia Huizu Autonomous Region of China

Tayloria rudimenta (Musci, Splachnaceae), a new species from Ningxia Huizu Autonomous Region of China

Cryptogamie, Bryol., 2000, 21 (1): 3-5 3 0 2000 Adackditions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. TOW droits reserves S1290079600001073/FLA Tay...

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Cryptogamie, Bryol., 2000, 21 (1): 3-5


0 2000 Adackditions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. TOW droits reserves S1290079600001073/FLA

Tayloriu rudimenta (Musci, Splachnaceae), a new species from Ningxia Huizu Autonomous Region of China Xue-Liang BAP* & Benito C. TANb a Department of Biology, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Province 010021, China b Department of Biological Sciences,National University of Singapore, Singapore 119260 (Received 15 May 1999, accepted 26 July 1999)

Abstract - TayloriarudimentaX.-L. Bai & B. C. Tan is described and illustrated as a new species based on a recent collection made from Helan Shan (Mt.), Ningxia Huizu Autonomous Region, China. The new species is characterized by the absence or with only rudimentary peristome, among the Chinese congeners. 0 2000 Adac / Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS

We found recently a new speciesof Tayloria from Suyuchou, Helan Shan (Mt.), Ningxia Huizu Autonomous Region of China. The specimenis unique in having capsules without peristome or with only rudimentary teeth. This unique feature prompted us to describe it as a new species.Its full description is as follows: Tayloria serratae afinis, sed dtrert dioicus, cap&a none peristoma vel interdum rudimentum. Plants in soft pale green, loose tufts. Stems simple, sparsely foliated, 3-5 mm tall. Leaves soft, erect when fresh, oblong to obovate, lower leaves smaller,upper leaves l-l.5 mm long and 0.5-0.8 mm wide, acute, margins bluntly serrate in the upper half; costa ending several cells below the apex; upper cells large, pale, hexagonal or oblong-hexagonal, 29-61 x 26-40 pm, thin-walled; lower cells oblong or rectangular. Dioecious. Paraphysesof perigonia ending in two enlargedglobosecells. Setae5-10 mm long, slenderand somewhatflexuose when dry, orange yellow. Capsuleserect, symmetrical, the urn oblong-ovate and about 1.2-l .3 mm long, gradually narrowed to a somewhat darker apophysis about 0.5-0.6 mm long; annulus none; operculum bluntly conic; peristome lacking or sometimes rudimentary. Spores 15-19 pm, brownish-yellow, smooth. Calyptra not seen. Holotypus: China, Ningxia Huizu Autonomous Region, south slope of Mt. Helan, Suyuchou (38”48’ N, 105”54’ E), 2 050 m elev., on soil rich in old goat dungsover boulder in Ulmus glaucescens forest, 21 July 1996, X.-L. Bai 130 [Herb. HIMC]. Figs l-10. According to Koponen (1982), the genus Tayloria Hook. is distinguishedfromthe other generain the family primarily by its non-hairy calyptra and peristomatecapsule without a well developedhypophysis. The new species,with only rudimentary peristome, posesa problem in the generic and subgenericplacementsbecausethe current system of classification for the group is based on peristomial structural differences (Koponen, * Correspondence and reprints

X.L. Bai & B.C. Tan



. 60/44m lmm

7 ’ L-i-10 -








.6nm l



2 mm

Figs l-10. Taylon’a rudimenta Bai & Tan: 1. Plant with sporophyte; 2. Sterile plants; 3. Antheridium and paraphysis; 4. Capsules; 5. Spores; 6. Rudimentary peristome; 7. Leaves; 8. Apical leaf cells; 9. Upper marginal leaf cells; 10. Median marginal leaf cells.

Tayloria rudimenta a new species from China


1982). In the absenceof better evidence we have treated the specimen as a Tuyloria becauseits plant habit and leaf areolationare closestto Tuyloria serrutu (Hedw.) B., S. & G. However, the new speciescan be distinguished from the latter by the presenceof only rudimentary, and often the lack of, peristometeeth. In Tuyloria serrutu, a typical member of the subgenusTuyloriu, the peristome teeth are invariably well developed and long (Crum & Anderson, 1981; Ireland, 1982; Koponen, 1977; Noguchi, 1988; Nyholm, 1956; Smith, 1978). Compared to the new species,the average plant size of 7: serrutu is also larger and with more narrowly obovate leaves. Contrastingly, the spore size of T rudimentu is larger than those of T serrutu which measures9-12 pm (Crum & Anderson, 1981; Nyholm, 1956). The genus Tuyloriu has 11 speciesreported from China (Redfeam et al., 1996) and only the new specieshas rudimentary peristome or eperistomatecapsules. Acknowledgements. Figureswerepreparedby MS H. Tian and Mr Choy M.-S., with helpfrom the first authorfrom Inner MongoliaUniversity.


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