TCT-490: Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Abciximab-Coated Stent in a Porcine Coronary Restenosis Model

TCT-490: Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Abciximab-Coated Stent in a Porcine Coronary Restenosis Model TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2009, 8:00AM - 10:00AM distal to the stent implants were sampled circumferentially in the...

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TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2009, 8:00AM - 10:00AM

distal to the stent implants were sampled circumferentially in the distribution of the major coronary arteries to include the anterior, lateral, posterior, and septal wall at three levels (basal-mid-apical). In addition, the right ventricle ZHUHVDPSOHGDWWKHPLGDQGDSLFDOOHYHOV)LQDOO\WZRVHFWLRQVZHUHWDNHQ around the each of the two stent implants. Preliminary Results: 1) There was no difference in the amount of natural SODWHOHW¿EULQ SDUWLFXODWHLQGXFHGE\D&\SKHUYV%$3/$HOXWLQJVWHQWDORQH or in combination. 2) Not all particulate material induces microscopic myocardial ischemia, as characterized by granulation tissue. 3) The amount of myocardial ischemia induced by particulate material is very small, totaling less than 1% of myocardial area in all groups. Additional histology results to be presented. TCT-489 Effect of Dual Coating Stent with Abciximab and Alpha-Lipoic Acid in a Porcine Coronary Restenosis Model


Jung Ha Kim, Kyung Seob Lim, Young Joon Hong, Myung Ho Jeong, Doo Sun Sim, Jum Suk Ko, Min Goo Lee, Keun Ho Park, Ju Han Kim, Youngkeun Ahn, Jeong Gwan Cho, Jong Chun Park, Jung Chaee Kang Heart Center of Chonnam National University Hospital, Gwangju, Republic of Korea Background: %HVLGHV EORFNLQJ HIIHFW IRU SODWHOHW DJJUHJDWLRQ DEFL[LPDE LQKLELWVLQÀDPPDWRU\UHDFWLRQDQGSUROLIHUDWLRQRIYDVFXODUVPRRWKPXVFOH cell. Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a potent anti-oxidant and has an antiproliferative effect. Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the anti-proliferative and DQWLLQÀDPPDWRU\HIIHFWVRIGXDOFRDWLQJVWHQWZLWKDEFL[LPDE RXWHUOD\HU  and ALA (inner layer) in a porcine coronary overstretch restenosis model. Methods: Pigs were randomized into two groups in which the coronary arteries (10 pigs, 10 coronaries in each group) had either dual coating stent or control MAC stent (AMG, Munich, Germany). Stents were deployed with oversizing (stent/artery ratio 1.3:1) in porcine coronary arteries, and histopathologic analysis was assessed at 28 days after stenting. Results:7KHUHZDVQRVLJQL¿FDQWGLIIHUHQFHLQWKHLQMXU\VFRUHEHWZHHQWKH two groups (1.44±0.59 in dual coating stent group vs. 1.33±0.66 in control stent JURXSS  ,QQHRLQWLPDPRVWLQÀDPPDWRU\FHOOVZHUHO\PSKRKLVWLRF\WHV LQERWKJURXSV,QQHRLQWLPDO\PSKRKLVWLRF\WHFRXQWZDVVLJQL¿FDQWO\ORZHU in dual coating stent group compared with control stent group (120±85 cells YV“FHOOVS  7KHUHZDVQRVLJQL¿FDQWGLIIHUHQFHLQ¿EULQVFRUH between the two groups (0.16±0.34 in dual coating stent group vs. 0.25±0.48 in FRQWUROVWHQWJURXSS  $OWKRXJKQHRLQWLPDDUHDZDVQRWVLJQL¿FDQWO\ different between both groups (1.55±0.82 mm2 in dual coating stent group vs. 1.40±0.86 mm2 in control stent group, p=0.447), percent area stenosis was VLJQL¿FDQWO\KLJKHULQGXDOFRDWLQJVWHQWJURXSFRPSDUHGZLWKFRQWUROVWHQW group (40.7±15.6% vs. 30.9±14.7%, p=0.006). Conclusions: Although dual coating stent with abciximab and ALA showed PRUH QHRLQWLPDO K\SHUSODVLD LW ZDV DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK OHVV LQÀDPPDWRU\ reaction without any difference in arterial healing compared with control stent in a porcine coronary restenosis model. TCT-490 $QWL,QÀDPPDWRU\(IIHFWRI$EFL[LPDE&RDWHG6WHQWLQD3RUFLQH Coronary Restenosis Model Kyung Seob Lim, Jung Ha Kim, Young Joon Hong, Myung Ho Jeong, Doo Sun Sim, Ju Han Kim, Youngkeun Ahn, Jeong Gwan Cho, Jong Chun Park, Jung Chaee Kang Heart Center of Chonnam National University Hospital, Gwangju, Republic of Korea

and ten paclitaxel-eluting stents (PES) were deployed with oversizing (stent/ artery ratio 1.3:1) in porcine coronary arteries, and histopathologic analysis was assessed at 28 days after stenting. Results: 7KHUH ZHUH QR VLJQL¿FDQW GLIIHUHQFHV LQ WKH QHRLQWLPD DUHD QRUPDOL]HG WR LQMXU\ VFRUH DQG LQÀDPPDWLRQ VFRUH DPRQJ WKH WKUHH VWHQW groups (1.58±0.43 mm2, 1.57±0.39 mm2 in abciximab-coated stent group vs. 1.69±0.57 mm2, 1.72±0.49 mm2 in SES group vs. 1.92±0.86 mm2, 1.79±0.87 mm2LQ3(6JURXSUHVSHFWLYHO\ ,QQHRLQWLPDPRVWLQÀDPPDWRU\FHOOVZHUH O\PSKRKLVWLRF\WHV6LJQL¿FDQWSRVLWLYHFRUUHODWLRQVZHUHIRXQGEHWZHHQWKH H[WHQWRILQÀDPPDWRU\UHDFWLRQDQGWKHQHRLQWLPDDUHD r=0.567, p<0.001) and percent area stenosis (r=0.587, p 6LJQL¿FDQWFRUUHODWLRQVZHUHIRXQG between the injury score and neointimal area (r=0.645, p<0.001), between the LQMXU\VFRUHDQGWKHLQÀDPPDWLRQVFRUH r=0.837, p<0.001), and between the LQÀDPPDWLRQ VFRUH DQG QHRLQWLPDO DUHD r=0.536, p=0.001). There was no VLJQL¿FDQWGLIIHUHQFHLQWKHLQÀDPPDWRU\FHOOFRXQWVQRUPDOL]HGWRLQMXU\ score among the three stent groups (75.5±23.1/mm3 in abciximab-coated stent group vs. 78.8±33.2/mm3 in SES group vs. 130.3±46.9/mm3 in PES group). Conclusions: Abciximab-coated stent showed comparable inhibition of LQÀDPPDWRU\ FHOO LQ¿OWUDWLRQ DQG QHRLQWLPDO K\SHUSODVLD ZLWK RWKHU GUXJ eluting stents in a porcine coronary restenosis model. TCT-491 Superiority of Polymer-free Cerivastatin-eluting Stent Over Polymer-based Paclitaxel-eluting Stent for Neointimal Inhibition and Vasomotor Function Preservation in Rabbit Iliac Arteries Lakshmana Pendyala, Jinsheng Li, Xinhua Yin, Traci Goodchild, Sara Geva, Jack P. Chen, Anna Venegoni, Kenneth Colley, Nicolas Chronos, Dongming Hou SJTRI/SJHA, Atlanta, GA Objectives: The present study was designed to evaluate and compare endothelial function and vascular biological responses following implantation of a novel, non-polymeric cerivastatin-eluting stent (CES) versus polymerbased paclitaxel-eluting stent (PES) in a rabbit iliac artery model. Methods: In vitro, human aortic and coronary smooth muscle cells (hASMC & hCSMC), as well as aortic and coronary endothelial cells (hAEC & hCEC), were cultured; and IC50 curves were determined for cerivastatin (CER). In vivo PES (n=6), CES (n=12), and polymer-free sol-gel only (sol-gel, n=12) stents were implanted in 15 rabbits. Vasomotor function was investigated at 28 days by infusion of acetylcholine (Ach) and nitroglycerin (NTG). Animals were terminated for histopathological analyses. Results: CER was cytotoxic to hASMC and hCSMC (IC50s of 10-6 M and 10-5 M, respectively), although such cytotoxic effects were not observed for hAEC and hCEC at maximal study dose. PES-associated vasodilation UHVSRQVHWRHQGRWKHOLDOGHSHQGHQW$FKZDVVLJQL¿FDQWO\VXSSUHVVHGDWERWK proximal and distal adjacent arterial segments, as compared to CES and solgel. Furthermore, microscopically, the percent area stenosis was higher for PES (25±3%) compared to both CES and sol-gel (15±6% and 16±7%, p < 0.05, respectively). Medial area was lower for PES (0.3±0.04 mm2) than CES and sol-gel (0.5±0.03 and 0.4±0.04 mm2, p < 0.001, respectively). Additionally, re-endothelialization scores were comparable among groups (P=NS); but SURIRXQG¿EULQGHSRVLWLRQZDVFOHDUO\HYLGHQFHGLQ3(6 p < 0.05 vs. others). Conclusions: CER elicits a differential effect on hSMC compared to hEC in vitro. In contrast to PES, a novel bioabsorbable sol-gel coated CES demonstrated superior neointimal inhibition and less vessel toxicity, as well as preservation of vasomotor function in the rabbit iliac model.

Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the DQWLLQÀDPPDWRU\ HIIHFW RI DEFL[LPDEFRDWHG VWHQW LQ D SRUFLQH FRURQDU\ overstretch restenosis model. Methods: Ten abciximab-coated stents, ten sirolimus-eluting stents (SES),


The American Journal of Cardiology® |

September 21-25, 2009


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