of interest, as ~=il of washout parameters coded display of the
substraction 8%X is thus analysis with color coded as well as quantfteve th therefore pr foe objective is
perfusion contrast
hofti. Dan tz Walter Center and
in the clinical echocardiography
as automatic scanning for the entire image desired parameter.
capable display
and with The
of on-line automatic of the perfusion image erfusinn analysis and with a clinical tooll al perfusion.
oloniecki, Cardiological School, Lonr’on,
Simple “on-0fP while dourly
driven control
C~IIEU. Department of Hospital Medical
etrospectdve ~~v@st~~at~ons of s @t high rdsk of multivariate Bets ardiac complications need to e of clinical data recorded in large patient populations. In order to serve inch evaluation, a computer package has been developed which calculates the Receive’ Operator s for various aubaets of tke Characteristic (ROC) eu package inputs the values of stratification factors. stratifications factors all patients in the analysed ‘posfc.ive’ population and the specification of the patients who suffered cardiac complications. In an interthe user of the package then aelects difactive mode, ferent combinations of stratification factors &;ad for the ROC curve is computed. The each such combination,
working xnechm.
hrek Hellk, A. John Scierlces. SC. George’s England
N factors
y and specificity for each apferent values of sensfti Based on these pairs of aensieiv proximation. the ROC curve ir eosputed. specificity values, algorithmical features reduce the comp~t~tiona plexity of varying the limits mi and NiI but the computacontinuous factors on tion of the curve for several scale can take several hours. t high risk of complicain studies stratifying patients tions after myocardial infarction.