Temperature Variation in Battery Brooders as Related to Experimental Design1

Temperature Variation in Battery Brooders as Related to Experimental Design1

BROODER TEMPERATURE VARIATION AND EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN components of same glycoproteins. Hirosaki Med. J. 3:207-12. Lineweaver, H., and C. Murray, 1947...

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BROODER TEMPERATURE VARIATION AND EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN components of same glycoproteins. Hirosaki Med. J. 3:207-12. Lineweaver, H., and C. Murray, 1947. Identification of the trypsin inhibitor of egg white with ovomucoid. J. Biol. Chem. 171: 565-581. Needham, J., 1931. Chemical Embryology Vol. II. Cambridge University Press, p. 1007. Needham, J., 1927.'On ovomucoid. Biochem. J. 21: 733-738. Rhodes, A. J., and C. E. Van Rooyen, 1953. Textbook of Virology. The Williams & Wilkins Co. Baltimore, pp. 55. Romanoff, A. L., and A. S. Romanoff, 1933. Gross


assimilation of yolk and albumin in the development of the egg of Gallus Domesticus. Anat. Rec. 54-55: 271-278. Schwert, G. W., H. Neurath, S. Kaufman and J. E. Snoke, 1948. The specific esterase activity of trypsin. J. Biol. Chem. 172: 221-239. Stacey, M., and J. M. Wooley, 1942. The nature of the carbohydrate residue in ovomucoid—Part II. J. Chem. Soc. 550-555. Van Rooyen, C. E., and A. J. Rhodes, 1948. Virus Disease in Man, Thomas Nelson and Sons, New York. p. 128.



The Pennsylvania Slate University, Universty Park, Pa. (Received for publication June 28, 1954)


IFFERENCES in brooding temperature are known to affect growth of chicks and poults. The manner in which the temperature varies, both within batteries and between batteries, should therefore be of interest in the design of experiments to be conducted in battery brooders. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE

Temperature readings were recorded twice daily for each deck of battery brooders located in theoretically inferior and superior battery rooms during a oneweek experiment with White Holland poults. One room was an old, drafty, steam-heated building 30'X30' in size, having three cold walls. Large room temperature variations had been known to 1 Authorized for publication on March 8, 1954 as paper No. 1863 in the Journal series of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station. 2 Graduate Fellow in Poultry Husbandry, Agricultural Experiment Station Statistician and Professor of Poultry Husbandry, respectively.

occur. The second room was a remodeled pen, 20'X20' in size, in a well-constructed building formerly used for layers. This room had but one cold wall and was equipped with a thermostatically controlled steam radiator and similarly controlled exhaust fan to provide careful regulation of temperature and ventilation. Three Shenandoah "brooderette" batteries of 4 decks each were used in the old building. Two Hawkins "Million Dollar Hen" batteries of 5 decks each were used in the new location. Each deck in each battery was divided longitudinally into two equal halves. The batteries were electrically heated. A thermometer was located in a rear corner of the heated portion of each section of each battery deck at a point one inch above the wire floor of the deck. Every reasonable attempt was made to operate all batteries at the same constant temperature. The temperature data obtained for each battery room were treated by analysis of

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Temperature Variation in Battery Brooders as Related to Experimental Design1




This procedure of estimating variance components is only as valid as the data are adequate. Estimates based on single experiments have relatively large errors themselves.

Time TimeXbattery Deck DeckXbattery TimeXdeck TimeXdeckXbattery

2.43 0.28 3.87 3.36 0.75 2.73

* Significant at the 2% level.

13 26 3 6 39 78

3.27 0.64 3.62 0.80 0.94 1.21

13 13 4 4 52 52

1.8 5.2* 1.1 17.6* 1.6 5.1*

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variance and a mean square was com- TABLE 1.—Average temperature values by deck and battery found in the old room puted for each effect. The effects were battery, time, deck and their interacBattery Deck tions. The mean squares were broken 1 2 3 X down into various components so that °V °T? °K each effect could be considered inde1 91.6 89.4 99.2 93.4 pendently. For instance, the mean square 2 87.5 96.8 97.3 93.8 for effect of deck contained not only the 3 83.6 90.6 93.2 89.1 4 86.6 85.5 89.4 87.2 effect of deck, but also a component of deck X battery* interaction and a com* 87.3 90.6 9 5 . 8 90.9 ponent of the error term. 3 Since the numbers of batteries and num- TABLE 2.—Average temperature values by deck and battery found in the new room bers of decks differed between experiments, values for the old building were Battery adjusted to the same basis as for the new Deck location. After all other components but 1 2 the one under specific consideration had °T7 °T7 been removed, the square root of the cor1 90.6 90.V 90.6 2 88.1 85.8 86.9 rected mean square was divided by the 3 85.5 83.8 84.7 mean value and multiplied by 100 to give 4 84.1 84.1 84.1 5 82.2 82.1 82.1 a coefficient of variation for the effect. Coefficients of variation for the two bat86.1 85.3 85.8 tery rooms were then compared by dividing the larger by the smaller. Upon each effect F is the square of the ratio of squaring this value in accordance with the two coefficients of variation for the standard statistical procedure, a fair esti- effect. mate of the variance ratio F was obThe coefficients of variation and F tained. Ratios of squared coefficients of values obtained are interpreted in order variation were in this case approximately of complexity as follows: equal to corresponding ratios of variances. (1) Time X deck X battery is a measure of random variation in temperature RESULTS AND DISCUSSION among the individual battery decks. Average temperature values for the Significantly more random variation was one-week period are given in Tables 1 and shown in the old than in the new room. 2. Decks are numbered from top to botTABLE 3.—Coefficients of variation for temperature tom. effects and F values for differences between correspondThe coefficient of variation computed ing coefficients in both rooms for each of the several effects and the F Location value that tests the significance of the difOld D.F. New D.F. F. ference between each effect in the old and % % new rooms are presented in Table 3. For Battery 3.24 2 0.48 1 45.6



In a one-week experiment with turkey poults in three Shenandoah battery brooders in one room, and in two Hawkins battery brooders in another room, less variation in temperature in batteries, in deck X battery, and in time X deck X battery occurred in the second room. This room was a newly remodeled pen, thermostatically controlled for temperature and ventilation, whereas the first room was an old, drafty building with inadequate control of room temperature, and no special facilities for ventilation. The results indicate that different de-

signs for battery experiments should be used in the two locations. To minimize the effects of temperature in the old building on both experimental error and bias, the design should include numerous treatment replicates so arranged that treatments are not confounded with effects of battery, deck, or battery X deck. Since variation among individual battery decks was found to be relatively large, efficiency would be increased more rapidly by adding more individual battery decks than by using more birds per individual battery deck. Of course, in applying this principle, there are limits of practical consideration such as the desirability of a certain number of birds per individual battery deck and the increasing cost of a large number of individual decks. However, within such limits, a given number of birds should be divided into as large a number of small replicate deck groups as possible. In the new and better controlled location, fewer replicate individual battery decks of each treatment should be necessary, but treatments should be arranged so they are not confounded with effect of deck. The experimental design could be simplified in this location since the effects of battery and battery X deck were found to be small enough to be disregarded. Since the variation between individual decks should be relatively small, a larger number of birds in each individual deck than in the old location would be desirable. Thus, a given number of birds need be divided into only a small number of moderately large replicate deck groups. It is suggested on the basis of the experiment reported that investigations utilizing battery brooders should be so designed that effects of temperature variation in battery room, in batteries as a

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(2) Time X deck is a measure of lack of uniformity in temperature differentials among decks at different times. The coefficients of variation are both small, and the F value is not significant. Therefore, the decks responded much the same at different times. (3) Deck X battery is a measure of lack of uniformity in temperature differentials among decks in the different batteries. The decks were significantly more uniform from battery to battery in the new than in the old room. (4) The coefficients of variation for decks are essentially the same in both rooms. Thus, in this experiment, differences in temperature among decks were as great in one room as in the other. (5) The time X battery interaction is a measure of lack of uniformity in temperature differentials among batteries at different times. This effect was small at either location. (6) The effect of time, which like deck was insignificant, has little meaning here since it simply reflects the changes in room temperature. These changes were largely due to cycles of the heating system.




whole, and in decks or portions of decks of batteries are given adequate consideration to reduce the possibility that the effects noted may result in inaccurate or inadequate data and erroneous conclusions.


This investigation was supported in part by a research fellowship from the Cooperative Grange League Federation Exchange, Incorporated, Ithaca, New York.

The Niacin Requirement of Chickens from 6 to 11 Weeks M. L. SUNDE Poultry Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin


RIGGS, Mills, Elvehjem and Hart (1942) demonstrated that although the young chick could synthesize niacin (Dann and Handler, 1941; Snell and Quarles, 1941) the rate of synthesis was too slow to meet the optimum requirement. They found that the entire mouth cavity, the upper portion of the esophagus and the crop became inflamed with a deep red color. In their experiments the minimal level of niacin needed was 1.8 mgs. per 100 grams of diet. Briggs, Luckey, Teply, Elvehjem and Hart (1943a) presented data to confirm the previous work. Since that time, Childs, Carrick and Hauge (1952) have reported that the niacin requirement for rapid growth was adequately met with a dietary level of 2.8 mgs. of niacin per 100 gms. of feed. They also concluded that the chicken is dependent upon a dietary supply of niacin until at least 8 weeks of age. Using the data at hand the National Research Council has recommended 2.64 mgs. of niacin per 100 gms. of feed as the requirement

Published with the approval of the Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, Madison, Wisconsin. The gelatin used in this study was supplied through the courtesy of Wilson and Company, Chicago, Illinois.

for the chick 0-8 weeks of age. No requirement has been established for older chicks. Experiments along this line have been conducted recognizing some of the factors that will influence the response of the young chickens to various levels of niacin. Briggs (1945) has shown that tryptophan may replace niacin in a purified diet. He also observed that gelatin in the diet increased the requirement of the chick for niacin. Childs el al. (1952), have reported that excess tryptophan could spare niacin to a slight extent, but could not compensate entirely for a partial niacin deficiency when fed with a cornsoybean-gelatin type diet. Nelson and Scott (1953) using a casein-gelatin type ration similar to the one employed in these experiments reported that neither aureomycin nor penicillin accentuated or alleviated niacin deficiency symptoms. The chicks grew equally well on the sucrose or dextrin basal. In their experiments, both antibiotics increased chick growth when the diets contained adequate or slightly suboptimal levels of the vitamin. Henderson et al, (1953) have reported that excess lysine or threonine causes a niacin deficiency. Pepper, Slinger and Motzok (1953) concluded that the niacin requirement for young chicks was in excess of 1.8 mgs. per pound of diet.

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(Received for publication Tune 28, 1954)