Temporal lobe structure angulation in first-episode schizophrenia

Temporal lobe structure angulation in first-episode schizophrenia

Abstracts 1l10L IlSYCHrATRY 1996;39:S00-&M These findings provtdc further evidence for conlinuity between childhood onset and later onset schizophr...

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These findings provtdc further evidence for conlinuity between childhood onset and later onset schizophrenia and support olher studies showing white maller sparing in lhe context of decreased cortical volume'

67. ALTERED SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION IN FIBROBLASTS FROM FIRST-EPISODE SCHIZOPHRENIC PATIENTS S.P. Mahadikl.2 , R.E. Scheffer3, S. Mukherjee l •2, & E.E. Correnti 3 IMedical Collcge of Georgia. Augusta. GA 30912; 2Velerans Affairs Medical Cenler. Augusta. GA; ~Dwight David Eisenhower Anny Medical Center. Fort Gordon, GA A specific functional consequencc of lhe lower levels of plasma membrane phospholipids and their esterified polyunsaturated essential fatly acids (EPUFAs) rc-P'Orted in red blood cells, brain and in cultured skin fibroblasts from schizophrenic patients is unclear. It is well establishetlthat the melllbolie products (e.g.. diacylglycerol. arachidonic tlcid. and inositol phosphatcs) of phospholipids generated following membrnne receptor-mediated processes contribute to cell signal transduction, which is suggested to be altered in schizophrenia. Since cullurcd skin fibroblasts from schizophrenic patienls contain lower levels of membrane phospholipids and lheir esterificd EPUFAs. and Iheyexpress receptors to several neurotrnnsmiltc:rs, we studied the release of phospholipid-arachidonic acid induced by muscarinic agonist Fibroblasts from 5 patients at the lirst·cpisode of psychosis and 5 matched nOl1l1nl controls were grown in log phasc. and phospholipids were prclnbcled wilh 1_14C-AA by continuing growth for 24 hrs. Labeled cells wcn~ washed with medium containing futty acid free albumin, suspended in phosphate buffered saline containing fatl)' odd free lIlburnln and with or without 5 uM carbacol for 5 minules. Mcdium was collecled. centrifuged llnd radioactivlly was detennined. There was n signifietlnlly lowcr level of AA rclctlscd from fibroblnsts of patients LIS compared with thnt released from normal controls (92,8 ::t 25.0 vs IS 1.2 :!: 13.8 pmoles AA reletlsedlhr/mg cell protein. rcspcctively; P <0,01, Mann-Whitney Test). Thesll studies indicate that fibroblasts may be suitable for investigaling lhe mechanisms of possible altered neurotrnnsmilter receptor mcdiatcd signal transduction in schizophrenia.


68. TEMPORAL LOBE STRUCTURE ANGULATION IN FIRST-EPISODE SCHIZOPHRENIA H. Wu. RoM. BUder, & lA. Lieberman Hillside Hospital of Long Island Jcwish Medical Center Tempoml lobe structures (including sylvian fissure, ~upcrior tempoml gyrus, mcsiolemporal lobe and temporal hom, etc.) changes in volume and asymmetry have been reportcd associated wilh schizophrenia. To have a close look of the issue, we performed II pilot stud)' to investigale the relationships between the angulation and the volume, and asymmetry of these ~Irnctures. We choose len patients and len conlrols from our Hillside First.Episode Schizophrenia Study sample, half of the cases in both group had largest nsymmetry index. while Ihe other .half were from the other eltlrcme. With reronnallctl MR images, we mea.~urcd directly


on the parasngillal plane Ihe oogles of sylvhm fissure (posterior :and anterior sections), the superior temporal sul<:us, hippocampus·temporal hom from both sidesof the brolin. relative 10 the AC·PC line, lind comparison between groups and within group were mnde. We also checked the correlations of these angles with the asymmetry index and the different pari of cortex volumcs. The mOSI striking finding is a sex-group intemclion all lhe right superior temporal sulcus angles and right mesiotempoml lobe lIngles. Funher study with a larger sample is needed.


Y. Hirayasu I, M.E. Shenton I. C.C. Dickey', D.F. Salisbury2. LA. Fischer', A.R. Sherwood2 , D.A. Yurgelull-Todd 2• M. Tohen 2• & R. W. McCarley l IClinical Neuroscience Division. Labol1Llory of Neuroscience, Brocktoll VAMC; 2Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory. McLean Hospital, Department of Psychiatry. Harvard Medical School Volume measurement of MRI has revealed structural abnormalities in chronic schizophrenics. In this study, MR scans were obtained from 17 patients with first-episode psychosis and 12 age.gender matched nonnal controls. Nine patients Wllre diugnosed with probable lIrfcctivc disorder and 8 were diagnosed with probable schilOphrenia (follow up will be used for final diagnosis). The MR scans were obtained on a 1.5 Tesla mOlgnet using an axial spin-ccho acquisition, Voxel dimensions were 0.9 by 0.9 by 3.0: dala were stored as 50-54 double echo 3·mm sliccs. Automated 5cgmenlation methods, 3D slice editing techniques which allowed rcfonnnuing of slices in three differenl planes, and 3D surface rendering techniques were then applied 10 these data sets to create 3D represenlations of the tOlal volume of intracranial space (lCS). 8ray malter, white mailer. laleral ventricles, lempo....11 horns. and cerebrospinal nuid (CSF). There were no significant differences for the volumes in tOl,,1 JeS, gray mailer or white mailer nmonS three groups, CSF in schizophrenia was larger than in affective disorder and conlrols [F(2.26)=4.332, p=0.023). Left (12.40=6.13 ml) > right (9.B3::5.60) a.c;ymmctry WllS also nOled in lateral ventricles of schizophrenics [group x side; F(2,26)=:::!.9&6. p=O.0680) (left. 9.50±3.3l: right, 9.62±4.73 in affcctivc disorder: left, 8.19±5.07; righi, 8.61 ±4.60 in controls). Both left (0.572::!:0.232) and right (0.669::!:0,255) temporal horns in schizophrenia were larger than lho.~e in affective disorder (left, 0.334::0.148: right. 0.392±0.IS6) ami controls (Icfl. O.38S±O.l57; right, O.360±O, 197) [F(2.26)=6, II B. p"'0.OO66]. No asymmctry was observed in thc temporal horns among three groups, These findings suggest thai some structural abnormalitics in schizophrenia nrc prescnt at curly stages or the illness.

70. BASELINE AND FOLLOW~UP MESIOTEMPORAL VOLUMES IN FIRST EPISODE SCHIZOPHRENICS R.D. Straus, J, Schenkler, M. Ashtari, R.M. Bilder, & J.A. Lieberman Hillside Hospital/Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Olcn Oaks. NY 11004 Structural abnormalhies of the mesiOlempoml (MT) lobe have been proposed LIS l\ probable neurOOevelopmenlal abnormality in schizophrc-