Test of superconducting radio-frequency cavity bombarded by protons

Test of superconducting radio-frequency cavity bombarded by protons

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A314 (1992) 409-4111 North-Holland est O s ercU ct ra i - e e c cavity r J.M. O'Donnell, B...

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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A314 (1992) 409-4111 North-Holland

est O s



ra i - e

e c cavity


J.M. O'Donnell, B.J. McCloud, C. L. Morris, J.B. McClelland, . usna an Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA

r .A.


J .L. Langenbrunner

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 111N 55455, USA

Received 15 October 1991

A beam of 2 x 10 1 " protons/s was focused onto a small area on the high-field iris of a superconducting cavity operating at the resonance frequency. The input, reflected, and stored power were monitored. The cavity remained in steady state during this test . We conclude that such superconducting cavities will remain viable in the high-proton-flux environments proposed in the design of a superconducting accelerator for pions (PILAC).

1. Introduction

A proposed superconducting accelerator for pions (PILAC) at the Clinton P. Anderson Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF) would accept and accelerate 10") pions/s. In the reference design for PILAC [1,2], injection of optimum-energy pions into the superconducting linear accelerator is achieved by extracting a portion of the pions produced using magnetic focusing and bending elements . Protons (as well as muons, positrons, and electrons) with momenta equal to that of the selected pion momenta will be transported into the superconducting cavities . After injection into PILAC, only the pion particles will be accelerated. Contaminants with velocity different than the pion velocity will not be in phase with the accelerating rf field. It is expected that the transport system of the pion linac has a very broad momentum acceptance and will transport most of these contaminants to the end of the linac with roughly the same momentum as at injection . They will be eliminated in the output beamlines. However, some of the contaminants will bombard the walls of the superconnnvi.,ty ~ ciIJU~.n0lillg VCiV1Cy, , a..%. 1Vi 1111J 1VClJl~11 YY\r ll,.Jl\.ll C1 ~.Cl~ll7 1V1 its response to a focused proton beam incident on a portion o¬ its conducting surface . 2. Exueri


The experiment was performed at the low energy pion channel (LEP) at LAMPF. The relevant beam parameters were proton current of 2 x 10"' particles/s,

pion current of 4 x 108 particles/s, and protons energy equal to 68 MeV. This beam corresponds to the largest proton beam flux available at LEP. The proton-beam spot size at the position where the beam intersected the high-field iris of the cavity was calculated to be 1 .5 cm (vertical) and 7 cm (horizontal) by the code TRANSPORT [3]. The code is expected to be a fair approximation of the true spot size in the cavity because it gives qualitative agreement with the spot size at a position 0.78 m away, as determined with photographic film . The total power deposited by the beam was about 220 mW . The power per unit area deposited on the high-field area normal to the beam direction was about 20 mW/cm` . A schematic of the superconducting cavity is shown in fig. 1 . The figure shows the resonant cavity (resonant frequency equal to 402.5 MHz), the adjustible coupler, the rf pickup, and the pieces of vacuum beamline required to couple the cavity to the LEP beamline . The beamline runs at room temperature, while the superconducting niobium section runs at liquid helium temperature . Further details of the cavity are presented in

efs. [z,5]. The cavity was positioned at the end of the LEP beamline which enabled us to steer the beam into the high-field iris . The beam was incident on the same position of the cavity for the duration of this test . The 30 W power supply for the cavity was configured such that we could monitor the forward power (Pg ) fed int the coupler, and also the power reflected back (P,) from the coupler. The coupler was adjusted such that the quality factor of the cavity (Q,,) with no beam was

0168-9002/92/$05 .00 © 1992 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V . All rights reserved

J.M. O'Donncll et al. / Test of supcrroaulucting if ruvity


Table 1 The measured power levels, the field gradient in the cavity, and the quality factor for the cavity are given for the conditions with both beam on and beam off l'r [w]

Fig. 1 . Schematic drawing (shown to scale) of the superconducting cavity used in this test . The position of the center of the beam spot (as calculated by the code TRANSPORT (ref. [31) for the LEP channel) is shown intersecting the high-field iris of the superconducting cavity .

equal to the quality factor (Qc.,a) of the coupler and power supply with an estimated accuracy of 1%. Under these critically coupled conditions, there should be no steady-state reflected power . The power transmitted through the cavity (P, ) was monitored via an rf pickup .  The cavity and power supply were included in a feedback circuit which maintained the cavity power at a constant value, determined by the operator . Variations in Qcav will then be apparent as the feedback circuit changes the feedback power. For sufficiently large drops in Qcav, the circuit will be undercoupled, and the reflected power will rise . In previous tests, the decay constant for the voltage in the cavity was measured to be 0.6 s from which we determined that Qca,, varied from 3 x 109 at low fieldgradient settings to 2 x 10`' at 6 MV/m. This variation is assumed to be due to increased temperature associated with high power levels needed for high fields . The field gradient in the cavity is given by _ )1 1/2 /1' g = [2Qcavn(Pi Pr (1) where .f1 is the shunt impedance of the cavity and l is the length of the cavity . Also g = k,(Pcav)



where k g is a constant which can be determined if Qcav is known. Qc:,v can be monitored using eqs . (1) and (2) for each gradient and for beam on and beam off. The total field energy stored in the cavity during these tests was about 23 J. The results of these tests are shown in table I which lists the measured power levels, the field gradient in the cavity, and the deduced quality factor. The lower Qca,, in these measurements is a consequence of a cavity quench in the initial stages of this test. No change in the quality factor was observed between beam-on and beam-off conditions. For each of the three beam-on tests, the beam was tuned onto the

2(1.6 20 .6 22 .9 22.9 23 .6 23 .6

Pr [W]

Pr ;w [w]


Qc ;t% [ x 10"]

Beam condition

(1 .(194 () .096 0.142 (1 .142 0.177 0.178

(1 .126 (1 .126 0.136 0.136 0.139 0.139

5.6 5.6 5.8 5 .8 5.9 5.9

1 .40 1.40 1 .36 1 .36 1 .35 1.35

off on off on olt on

cavity iris for about 5 min . Because of the short duration of the tests, no attempt was made to deduce the differential consumption of liquid helium with and without beam, however, the effect is expected to be small since the total power of the beam is a small fraction of the static heat load (~ 5 W) and the forward power (= 20 W). 3. Conciusion The performance characteristics of an rf superconducting cavity have been monitored under extreme conditions of beam particles incident on a section of the superconducting surface of the cavity. No degradation of the cavity performance was seen. The tests were performed to study the effects of contaminant particles in a pion beam being accelerated in a series of superconducting cavities (e.g. PILAC) . Most contaminant particles will be transmitted through the accelerator but a few may impinge on various regions of the cavities . Conditions in such incidences are not expected to be as extreme as we used in the current tests, so the contaminants are not considered to be a problem in secondary beam accelerators such as PILAC. eferences [1] H.A . Thiessen, Los Alamos National Laboratory, unpub-

lished report (PILAC Technical Note no . 13) LA-UR-9i869 (1991) . [2] 1-1.A. Thiessen, Los Alamos National Laboratory, unpublished report (PILAC Technical Note no . 27) LA-UR-912022 (1991). [3] K.L . Brown, D.C. Cary, Ch . Iselin and F. Rothkacher, TRANSPORT, SLAC-91 (1977) ; NAL-91 (1977); and CERN 80-04 (1980) . [4] J.D. Zumbro, H.A . Thiessen, C.L. Morris and J .A . McGill, Nucl . Instr. and Meth . B40/41 (1989) 896. [5] J.M . O'Donnell, J . Davis, R.A . DeHaven, R. Johnson, R .E . Lomax et al ., submitted to Nucl . Instr. and Methods .