To the Editor
SiR,-For over 33 years Dr. E. R. Fothergill has THE first meeting of the new commission was been prominent in British Medical Association affairs, held on Wednesday at the headquarters of the and there are few members of the Association who British Hospitals Association with Lord Sankey are better known to those who take an interest in it. It will be remembered that the appointpresiding. First in Wandsworth, then in Brighton, he has been ment of such a commission was resolved at the an indefatigable local worker. For 22 years he annual conference of the B.H.A., held at has been a member of the representative body, for in June, 1935, with the instruction to consider the 25 years on the council, and for 22 years a reprepresent position of the voluntary hospitals and to sentative on the panel conferenceinquire whether recent legislative and social developIt is impossible in the limits of this letter to detail ments had made it desirable to take steps whether the extent and importance of Dr. Fothergill’s to promote their interests, to develop their policy, voluntary services to the medical profession through or to safeguard their future. The commission the Association, but his work on the Insurance Acts consists of the following ten members : Lord CozensCommittee and on the body which preceded it, and Hardy ; Alderman Miss H. Bartleet, J.P.; Sir Henry also on the Hospitals and Medico-Political Committees Brackenbury, M.D.; Alderman Alan Davies, J.P. ; stands out pre-eminently. It was he who suggested Prof. L. S. Dudgeon, F.R.C.P.; Mr. H. L. H. Hill; and promoted the first conference of local medical Colonel D. J. Mackintosh, M.B.; Miss E. M. Musson, and panel committees at Brighton in 1913, which R.R.C. ; Sir Reginald Poole; Prof. A. W. Sheen, led to the adoption by these committees of the British F.R.C.S. It will be seen to be of a highly repreMedical Association as the body to which they should sentative character, including experts on nursing, look for central organisation and support. His accountancy, and legal procedure, besides men and fertility of ideas, his persistence, and his loyalty to women who know the technique of hospital adminisprinciple and to the interests of the Association have tration inside and out and who have been in touch justly given him a unique position in it which was with problems of amalgamation and association. recognised in 1931 by his election as a vice-president. Lord Cozens-Hardy has already done for Liverpool His advocacy at all times of the dignity and the rights hospitals what it is now proposed to do for the of the medical practitioner is well known. hospitals of the country ; he found twenty different In recent years he has been compelled by reasons hospitals with similar interests, but with no single of health to give up general practice, and this has body authorised to speak on behalf of them all; severely strained his resources. This seems to us and the matter has been put right. The problems therefore an appropriate time to give to the members have been well stated by Sir Charles Harris in the of the profession an opportunity to mark in a tanNineteenth Century and After for May, 1935. In the gible way their appreciation of Dr. Fothergill’s work, general stocktaking of the position which is now and of the sacrifices he has made in doing that work. necessary he instanced (1) the working relations We hope for a prompt and generous response to which should exist between different units and this appeal, not only from individuals but from local especially the proper functions of the cottage hospital ; medical and panel committees. Subscriptions should (2) the question of modifying the time-honoured be sent to the treasurer, Fothergill Testimonial Fund, principle of unpaid visiting staffs ; (3) economy in B.M.A. House, Tavistock-square, W.C.I. hospital administration and better team-work in general. If the voluntary principle is to hold its We are, Sir, yours faithfully, ground it is necessary, he said, for its adherents to DAWSON OF PENN HELEN BOYLE (Hove) demonstrate that in these as in national matters A. C. GEMMELL (Hove), (London), the intelligent cooperation of free men can achieve J. D’EWART (Manchester), DONALD HALL (Hove), better results than bureaucracy or any form of W. MCADAM ECCLES H. NETHERSOLE FLETCHER The conundrum of to-day is to create dictatorship. (London), (Hove), C. E. S. FLEMMING L. A. PARRY (Hove), voluntarily a machinery for effective combined J. ARMSTRONG (Ballymena, action before it is too late ; for, as Prof. W. Blair(Bradford-on-Avon), N. BISHOP HARMAN Bell pointed out in the September issue of the same Antrim), J. W. BIGGER (Dublin), (London), journal, the extraordinarily rapid march of State C. O. HAWTHORNE R. A. BOLAM (Newcastleservice in five years leaves no doubt of the urgency (London), on-Tyne), of the matter. Any person or body desiring to give E. KAYE LE FLEMING J. W. BONE (Luton), evidence before the commission should communicate H. B. BRACKENBURY (Wimborne), with the secretary, Mr. R. H. P. Orde, at 12, GrosvenorEWEN MACLEAN (Cardiff), (Hendon), HUMPHRY ROLLESTON R. C. BUIST (Dundee), crescent, London, S.W. 1. -
(Manchester), ALFRED Cox (London), H. G. DAIN (Birmingham),
(Haslemere), H. S. SOUTTAR (London), W. E. THOMAS (Ystrad-
Jan. 13th.
IRELAND.—At a meeting of theBelfast and County Antrim branch of this society on Jan. 8th a unanimous resolution was
passed expressing thanks
to Dr. V. G. L. Fielden for his
invaluable services as honorary secretary and treasurer for the past 28 years. Dr. Robert Marshall was appointed Dr. Fielden’s successor, and future subscriptions should be sent to him at 9, College-gardens, Belfast.
IT is stated that the Ministry of Home Affairs for Northern Ireland has issued a circular to local authorities intimating that medical practitioners who in future seek positions as dispensary medical officers in Northern Ireland must be of British parentage, and must have at least five years’ residential qualification in Great Britain or Northern