Journal of Econometrics 80 (1997) 241-268
esting of unitroot and other no in macroeconomic
Recently proposed tests for unit root and other nonstationarity of Robinson (1994a) are applied to an extended version of the data set used by Nelson and Plosser (N32). Unusually, the tests are efficient (against appropriate parametric alternatives), the null can be any member of the I(d) class, and the null limit distribution is &i-squared. The conclusions vary substantially across the 14 series, and across different models for the disturbances (which, also unusually, include the Bloomfield spectral model). Overall, the consumer price index and money stock seem the most nonstationary, while industrial production and unemployment rate seem the closest to stationarity. @ 1997 Elsevier Science S.A. Keywords: Nonstationarity; Macroeconomic time series; Fractional integration JEL class$cation:
Specialized members of the I(d) class of stochastic processes play a considerable role in modelling macroeconomic behaviour. For the purpose of the present paper, an I(0) process q, t = 0, -f-1, . . . , is a covariance stationary process with spectral density which is positive and finite at zero frequency. Then an I(d) process, xt, t = 0, f 1, ._. , is defined by (1 -L)ax,=U~,
1,2, . . . ,
* Corresponding author. This article is based ORresearch Fundedby the Economicand Social Research Council (ES referencenumber ROUO235892. We wish to thank Herman Bierens for providing the data. 03Q4-4Q76/97/$17.000 1997 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved PI1 SO304-4076(97)00038-9
L.A. GiZ-Alaiia, P.M. Robinson / Journal of Econometrics 80 (1947) 241-268
where E is the lag operator. The macroeconometric literature stresses the cases d = 0 and d = 1, and we define (1 - I$ for all real d by the expansion (1 - Ly
F(d + I)( - L)j j-k l)T(j+ 1)’
T(d -
Much controversy in macroeconomics has revolved around the question of the suitability of I(l) models, also termed unit root or difference-stationary models, for describing raw time series. These models are in the class of the so-called nonstationary stochastic trend models, which typically imply that the mean and variance increase without bound over time, the precision of the forecast error is unbounded, and the effect of shocks persists. Another approach to modelling nonstationarity consists of the so-called trend-stationary models, where the raw series is described as an I(0) process plus a deterministic trend (often a linear function of time). Here, the mean of the series is described by the trend function, the variance of the forecast errors remains finite, and shocks have only a transitory effect. The issue of stochastic versus deterministic trend models has considerable implications for our understanding of the economy, and economic planning. In particular, real GNP having a unit root or stochastic trend supports the real business cycle hypothesis, since it is widely accepted that shocks that result in permanent increases in the level of real GNP can only plausibly be interpreted as permanent productivity improvements. In the context of stochastic trends, any shock to the economic system will have a permanent effect, so a policy action will be required to bring the variable back to its original long-term projection. On the other hand, in trend-stationary models, fluctuations will be transitory and therefore there exists less need for policy action, since the series will in any case return to its trend sometime in the future. Unit roots, and linear time trends, each constitute extremely specialized models for nonstationarity, but each has the advantage of conceptual and computational simplicity, and they are naturally thought of as rival modeis because a unit root without or with a drift implies a constant or linear trend function, the distinction then being in the disturbance terms. The appropriate treatment of trends in economic time series is important. There is evidence that removal of estimated (typically linear) deterministic trend from time series that are in fact integrated can lead to spurious cyclical behaviour in the detrended series. Chan et al. (1977) studied both inappropriate detrending of integrated series and inappropriate diflerencing of trending series, and showed that the former produced spurious variation in the detrended series, while the latter produced spurious variation in the differenced series at high frequencies. These results have been amplified by Nelson and Kang (1981,1984) and Durlauf and Phillips (1988), Despite the interest aroused in unit-root models by Box and Jenkins (1970) and Dickey and Fuller (1979), the deterministic trend approach tended to
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prevail in macroeconomics until Nelson and Plosser (1982) reported strong evidence of unit roots in US historical annual time series. They considered 14 macroeconomic series, starting from 1860 to 1909 and ending in 1970, analyskrg the logged series in all but one of these cases. Let yt, t = I, 2, go. be the series to be studied. The unit-root model tested by Nelson and Plosser (1982) was essentially (I-L)y,=a+u,,
where 4(L)& = Et, t = 1, 2, .*. ,
in which 4 is a kth. degree polynomial, all of whose zeroes lie outside the unit circle, L is the lag operator, and ct is a white noise sequence. In the terminology of Box and Jenkins (1970), (4) and (5) constitute an AWlMA(k, 1, 0) model, with drift when a # 0. Nelson and Plosser (1982) nested (4) in l=1,2,....
Thus (4) corresponds to the null hypothesis Ho:
p= 1 and
in (6), whereas 1~1< 1 corresponds to a (linear) trend-stationary model. We can impose the same initial condition on y. in (4) and (6), on taking a = p + y. For various k in (S), Nelson and Plosser (1982) tested for a unit root, using tests of Dickey and Fuller (1979), Fuller (1976). These tests, based on t-ratios, are not approximately b-distributed under the nulf, but Dickey and Fuller tabulated the null distribution. The tests failed to reject the unit root null (4) in all series except unempfoyment rate. The paper of Nelson and Plosser (1982) has led to much subsequent research. Some of it has involved applying simik methodology to Nelson and Plosser’s (1982) to other macroeconomic series, for example non-US series, and some to criticism of their methodology and application of modified or alternative approaches. We attempt only a brief and partial summary of this literature. Starting with the same model as Nelson and Plosser (19821, Stock (1991) provided asymptotic confidence intervals for the largest autoregressive root when this root is close to one, motivated by concern that reporting only test outcomes or point estimates fails to convey adequate information about sample uncertainty or the range of models consistent with the data. When appkd to the Nelson and Plosser (1982) data set, his main conclusion was that the confidence intervals were typically wide, containing p = 1 for all series except unemployment and bond yield, but typically atso values significantly different from one. Another theme has involved the replacement of (5) by alternative or more general models for the stationary disturbance uI. The tests used by Nelson and Plosser (1982) lose validity if zdtis not autoregressive (AR), as remarked by
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ofEconometrics 80 (1997) 241-268
Schwert (1987), who found that Dickey-Fuller critical values can be misleading even for large sample sizes in case of a mixed ARIMA process. He applied tests of Said and Dickey (1984, 1985) to monthly and quarterly series based on a mixed autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model for ue with positive moving average order. (These tests approximate the ARMA by an AR.) Also Schwert (1987), Stock and Watson (1986) and Perron (1988) employed tests of Phillips (1987), Phillips and Perron (1988) which, more generally, are valid in case of nonparametric autocorrelation; these tests employ a nonparametric estimate of the spectral density of II, at zero frequency, for example a weighted autocovariance estimate. All these authors obtained results very similar to those obtained by Nelson and Plosser (1982). Choi (1990) dealt with disturbance autocorrelation using feasible generalized least squares, coming to rather different conclusions. Kwiatkowski et al. (1992) observed that taking the null hypothesis to be I(l), rather than I(O), might itself have led to a bias in favour of the unit-root hypothesis; they proposed an I(0) test which formulates the null as a zero variance in a random walk, and applied it to the Nelson and Plosser (1982) data. They concluded that for many of these series the hypothesis of trend-stationarity could not be rejected. In the same line, Leybourne and McCabe (1994) proposed a similar test for a unit root, where the null was an AR(k) process and the alternative was an integrated ARMA (ARIMA) model with AR order k and unit MA order. Their test differs from that of Kwiatkowski et al. (1992) in its treatment of autocorrelation under the null hypothesis, its critical values appearing more robust to certain forms of autocorrelation. Campbell and Mankiw (1987) and Cochrane (1988) studied the problem in terms of measures of persistence in macroeconomic series. Campbell and Mankiw (1987) considered the sum of the Wold decomposition weights for the differenced series, which will be zero under trend-stationarity, and estimated this using ARIMA models and nonparametric spectral methods. Their analysis suggested that shocks in US GNP are largely permanent, consistent with the stochastic differencing advocated by Nelson and Plosser (1982).Cochrane (1988) proposed a nonparametric variance ratio statistic and came to empirically different conclusions. Other measures of persistence suggested also by Cochrane (1987, 1988) are based on the spectral density of the differenced series at zero frequency, but Quah (1992) argued that such measures did not identify the magnitude of the permanent component, unless this is a random walk. Related work has been done by Christian0 and Eichenbaum (1990). The tests referred to so far are motivated by their asymptotic statistical properties, but Bhargava (1990) applied tests of Bhargava (1986)with finite sample optimality properties to test for a unit root in quarterly US GNP, finding that it is the inability to capture the complex deterministic trend component that can cause nom-ejection. Bayesian procedures have also been employed. Sims (1988) and Sims and Whlig (1991) used Bayesian arguments to criticize classical unit-root
L.A. Gil-Ala&a, PM. Robinson / Jowd
of EGo?¶ome~~Gs 80
testing methodology in abstract. Also DeJong and Whiteman (1989, for example) conducted empirical research with flat-prior Bayesian techniques and challenged unit-root findings in many cases, including Nelson and Plosser’s (1982) series. Schotman and Van Dijk (1991) analyzed from a Bayesian viewpoint the random-walk hypothesis for real exchange rates, and came to different conclusions from those reached by the classical tests. However Phillips (199B), using objective ignorance priors rather than flat priors, obtained results closely related to those obtained by the classical methods: seven of Nelson and Plosser’s (1982) series showed evidence of stochastic trends. Phillips found that flat priors on the AR coefficients were informative, contrary to their apparent intent, and unit and explosive roots were downweighted in the posterior distribution. Among other authors working with Bayesian procedures, DeJong (1992) and Zivot and Phillips (1994) showed, respectively, the importance ofchoice of prior in distinguishing between difference- and trend-stationary, and trend determination with the possibility of structural breaks. In fact, the implications of structural change on unit-root tests which take no account of this possibility has itself been a major focus of attention since Perron (1989,1993) found that the 1929 crash and the 1973 oil price shock are a cause of nonrejection of the unit-root hypothesis, and that when these are taken into account, a deterministic trend model is preferable. This question has been pursued by authors such as Christian0 (19921, Krol (19921, Serletis (19921, Demery and Duck (1992), Mills (1994) and Ben-David and Papell (19941,the first author arguing that the date of the break should be treated as unknown, and suggesting that tests for a structural break are themselves biased in favour of nonrejection, and by means of tests based on bootstrap critical values, coming to different conclusions from Perron (1989). Zivot and Andrews (1992) allowed the structural break to be endogenous, finding less conclusive evidence against unit roots than did Perron (1989). Stock (1994) applied a Bayesian procedure that consistently classifies the stochastic component of a time series as I(1) or I&& applying it to Nelson and Plosser’s (1982)data with both linear detrending and piecewise linear detrending, supporting their conclusions in the former, but not the latter, case. There has been a growing literature which studies the source of nonstation;Phity in macroeconomic series in terms of fractionally differenced time series. We can replace the alternative (6) by (1 - L)" yt = p + yt + ldt, t = 1, 2, . . . ,
(4) results when d = 1, y = 0. On the other hand, if p = y = 0, if ar,is an I(Q) series, and if 0 < B < 4, then J+ is a covariance stationary I(d) series, having autocovariances which decay much more slowly than those of an ARIMA process, in fact so slowly as to be nonsummable; thus, if we first-difference yt, the unit root null corresponds to d = 0, but the close alternatives are very different from those in (6). Models such as (8) provide a type of flexibility in modelling
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low-frequency dynamics not achieved by nonfractional ARIMA models, and stationary fractional models have been shown by Granger (1980), Robinson (1978) to arise from aggregation of ARMA series with randomly varying coefficients. In empirical applications, Diebold and Rudebusch (1989), Haubrich and Lo (1989) and Sowell (1992) obtained estimates and tests using nonparametric and parametric methods based on differenced quarterly data, while Cheung and Lai (1992) appear to have estimated d from undifferenced data. Sowell’s model nested both a deterministic trend and a unit root with drift, neither being rejected as a model for postwar US quarterly real GNP. Hauser et al. (1992) and Mills (1992) have discussed the relevance of fractional models in measuring persistence, while Koop (1991) proposed a Bayesian fractional approach. Conspicuous features of many of the methods used in the empirical work described above, and of the bulk of all available methods for testing for unit roots (for a review see Diebold and Nerlove, 1989)are the nonstandard nature of the null asymptotic distributions which are involved, and the absence of Pitman efficiency theory. Many of these tests can be viewed as resulting from implementation of the Wald, likelihood ratio (LR), or Lagrange multiplier (LM) rules. Such rules are frequently motivated by the desirable properties of a null chi-squared asymptotic distribution, and Pitman efficiency, but such properties are not automatic, rather depending on what might be called a degree of ‘smoothness’ in the model across parameters of interest, in the sense that limit distributions do not change in an abrupt way with small changes in the parameters. They do not hold in case of unit-root tests against autoregressive (AR) alternatives such as (6) - as the work of Dickey and Fuller (1979) and numerous subsequent authors indicates, the null asymptotic distribution is nonstandard, and while local alternatives can be considered this does not seem to lead here to a neat optimality theory (though Elliott et al. (1994) show how the tests can be improved). This is associated with the radically variable long-run properties of AR processes around the unit root. Under (6), with, for simplicity, p - y = 0 and ut Gaussian white noise, for 1~1> 1 uI is explosive, for Ip/ < 1 u, is covariance and strictly stationary and is I(0) (indeed strongly mixing with exponentially decaying mixing numbers), and for p = 1 it is nonstationary but nonexplosive. Some of the other procedures that have been used in unit-root testing are not derived by the Wald, LR, or LM rules, but many of these seem, therefore, if anything more ad hoc. The present paper applies to an extended version of the data set used by Nelson and Plosser (1982), tests for unit root and other nonstationarity that do possess the standard properties of efficiency and have a null asymptotic chi-squared distribution. This is due to the fact that they are directed against fractional alternatives, which turn out to be a ‘smoother’ class than the AR ones. The tests were originally proposed and theoretically justified by Robinson (1994a), extending tests for white noise against fractional alternatives of Robinson (1991) (who also introduced a fractionally integrated GARCH model
and tested the hypotheses of no-GARCH against it). While Robinson (1 contained an application to data of Box and Jenkins (8970), and a Monte Carlo experiment, ours is the first econometric empirical study. Salient fatttrcs of the tests are described in the following section, the empirical work is in Section 3, and Section 4 contains some concluding comments. A diskette containing the FORTRAN code for the tests is available from the authors on request.
Despite the extent to which it has been stressed in the literature, the AR dynamics in (6) is merely one out of any number of ways of nesting the unit root (4). The literature on long memory or fractional processes, which is of quite long standing and has become rather extensive of late (for a review see Robinson, 1994b), suggests a rival leading class of alternatives, the I(d) class with fractional A, as defined in (1) and (2). Following discussions of Bhargava (1986), Schmidt and Phillips (1992) of parameterization of unit-root models, let us first take: y, =
B’z,+ x,, t = 1, 2, . . .
where z, is a q x 1 vector of regressors, for example z, = 1 or z, = (1, t)‘, and P = t/4, -* . . . B,)‘, while, following Robinson (1994a), X, is an I(d) process given as in (19,(2). (1) can be compared to the AR class ??
(1 - pL)x, = Ut, t = 1,2, . . , ??
advocated by Bhargava (1986) and others in the regression setting (9) Trivially, (1) and (10) give an I(0) xt when d = 0 and p = 0, respectively, while the T(l), or unit-root, hypothesis corresponds to Ho:
in (1) and
in (10). Fractional and AR departures from (11) and (12) have very different longrun implications. In (19,X~is nonstationary brat non-ex lssivc for all d B f . As d increases beyond f and through 1, u, can be viewed as becoming ‘more nonstationary’, (in the sense, for example, that the variance of partial sums increases in magnitude) but it does so gradually, unlike in case of (10) around (12). The dramatic long-run change in (10) around p = 1 has the attractive implication that rejection of (12) can be interpreted as evidence of either stationarity or explosivity, However, rejection of the null does not necessarily warrant acceptance of any particular alternative, and even when unit root tests are derived by either the Wald, LR or LM criteria against AR alternatives, they
L.A. Gil-Alaiin, P.M. Robinson / Journal of Econameriics 30 (1997) 241-268
can still be expected to be consistent against many of the numerous other possible types of departure (see Robinson, 1993).Tests against (1 l), proposed by Robinson (8994a), can at the very least be regarded as a useful diagnostic tool to supplement tests directed against such alternatives as AR ones. There is also interest in other hypotheses within the class (I) such as d = 2, (which is also in the class of tests against AR alternatives, in this case AR(2) ones, see e.g. Johansen, 1992). Robinson’s (1994a) approach to deriving tests (via the LM criterion) against (11) applies equally to any real null hypothesized value of d, azld the same, standard, null and local limit distribution theory obtains. (The B(d)class comprises many stationary, nonstationary, invertible and noninvertible processes.) This is in sharp contrast to asymptotic theory for statistics directed against AR alternatives, where, for example, different null theory obtains for I(2) than for I(1). often when we construct a test of a nonstationary hypothesis against AR alternatives we have to contemplate the possible occurrence of a somewhat new, nonstandard, null limit distribution, the approximation of which may require a new piece of numerical work. As Mdi 2s any integer, the null d can be fractional, for exa.mple d = 3, which is of interest in that it represents the boundary between stationarity and nonstationarity in the I(d) class. It may be that the immense economrtric stress on so specialized a form of nonstationarity as unit-root behaviour owes something to the even more longstanding popularity of stationary AR models, and that this behaviour deserves to be less at the forefront when other classes of model are contemplated. Thus, in the present paper we report also tests of other hypothesized values of d. We could also test for null stationary d values, indeed Robinson (1931) earlier proposed analogous tests of d = 0. We now describe the testing procedure proposed by Robinson (1994a). We observe {(yt, zf); t = 1, 2, . . . , n}. It is supposed that the I(O) U, in (1) has parametric autocorrelation, such that ut has spectral density f, which is a given function of frequency and of unknown parameters, specifically
where the positive scalar f12 and the k x 1 vector z are unknown, but g is of known form. For example, in the AR case, if o2 = F/(&Jwe have
s(k 7) = I#C+W2,
with 4 as defined after (S), so that the AR coefficients are functions of T. More generally, g has to be a reasonably smooth function, implying that the ut is in I(Q),and thus does not have long memory. In general, we wish to test the null hypothesis
for a given real number do. When 2, is nonempty, form w, = (1 - IL)%,, taking
Based on the null differenced model, the least-squares estimate of #?and residuals are
When there are no regressors, the B’w, term does not appear. The periodogram of St is 1’. P(A) = 1(2nn)-“2 f: u,ei” t=1
Unless g is a completely known function (e.g. g = 1, as when M,is white noise) we have to estimate the nuisance parameter vector T. The estimate must be a Gaussian one, that is it must have the same limit distribution as the maximum likelihood estimate based on the assumption that ul, . . . or, is Gaussian. One such estimate, which fits naturally into our frequency-domain setting, is ? = arg min 02(2), r
where the minimization is carried out over a suitable subset of RR, and c?(r) = 2n l’h(z)ln, where h(z) is the (n - l)-dimensional column vector with j th element P(&)/g(&; r), 1 is the (n - I) x 1 vector of I’s and Aj = 2zj/n. In view of the preceding remarks and the n”2+zonsistency of (17) under suitable regularity conditions, any estimate differing from (17) by o,(K’/~) will produce a test with the classical large-sample properties. Now form 2 2n a”= - N m%(3), b = ;; (mkl - m’M(M’M)- I Mh), in which m is the (n - 1) x 1 vector with jth element log12sin(A#i (n - 1) x q matrix with jth row (a/az)log g(Aj; 12).Write
and M is the
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P.M. Robinson / Journal of Econometrics 80 (1997) 241-268
where Z2 = a2(?). Under the null hypothesis (14), Robinson (1994a) established under regularity conditions that &,N(O,l)asrz+
The conditions on t8t in (20) are far more general than Gaussianity, with a moment condition only of order 2 required. An approximate one-sided lOOa%-level test of (14) against alternatives HI: d>do
is given by the rule: Reject HO if 5 > z,,
where the probability that a standard normal variate exceeds z, is do.Conversely, an approximate one sided lOQa%-level test of (14) against alternatives H,:d
is given by the rule: Reject HO if B< - z,.
As these rules indicate, we are in a classical large sample testing situation for reasons described by Robinson (1994a), who also showed that the above tests are efficient, in the Pitman sense that against local alternatives HI: d = do + ,%I- u2 for 6 # 0, 2 has an asymptotic normal distribution with variance 1 and mean which cannot (when u, is Gaussian) be exceeded in absolute value by that of any rival regular statistic. Of course, this efficiency property holds only in respect of fractional alternatives, and not AR alternatives, for example. We believe that as in other standard large-sample testing situations, Wald and LR test statistics against fractional alternatives will have the same null and local limit theory as our LM tests (unlike in case of AR alternatives). Sowell (1992) employed essentially such a Wald testing procedure. Wald and LR tests require an efficient estimate of d, and while such estimates can be obtained, no closed-form formulae are available and so the LM tests seem computationally more attractive. As usual, the LM, Wald and LR tests will have differing finite sample properties. As already pointed OUC,unlike Robinson’s (1994a) tests, tests against AR alternatives typically entail nonstandard null limit distributions, lack of Pitman efficiency theory, and variability in limit theory with respect to the null hypothesis. A few observations serve to further distinguish Robinson’s (1994a) tests from some of the commonly used unit-root tests. The first shows the former tests in an unfavourable light. Phillips (1987) showed that the tests of Dickey and Fuller (1979), Fuller (1976) against AR alternatives can be robustified with respect to nonparametric autocorrelation, and such tests have been used in analysing the data of Nelson and Plosser (1982).
As explained by Robinson (1994a) this cannot be done in his tests, or at least ifit were done it would affect rates of convergence and thus a practical viewpoint, the distinction between nonparamet and the parametric autocorrelation (of a quite general form) which we tit may not be very great because the nonparametric estimate (of th density of te, at zero frequency) requires choice of a functional fom inch a bandwidth number, and the verdict of a test can be aEected by such a choice in any given, finite-sample, testing problem. Another feature of Robinson’s (1994a) tests is that 5 depends on the residuals yt - pzt only through their null hypothesized differences. By contrast this is not the case for unit-root L&l, Wald and LR statistics derived against AR ahernatives. Indeed, testing the random-walk hypothesis by examining the significance of the lag-one autocorrelation of the first differences is known not to be very powerful against AR departures from the unit-root hypothesis on the und& ferenced data. A further notable aspect of the tests is that the scaling with respect to 6 given by (18) can be replaced by any other scaling with the same probability limit, as is the case with LM tests in other standard situations. In fact, in case g is known (e.g. g = 1, as when tr, is white noise) we can replace $ by IC-1 JR (log12sin(A/Z)1)2 & = n2/6. By contrast, in LM (and indeed LR and Wald$esting of a unit root against AR alternatives, such modifications typicahy lead to a change in the null limit distribution (see Robinson, 1994a). Finally, we stress that the null N(0, 1) distribution of i holds across a broad class of exogenous regressors zt including z, = 1 and z, = (1, t)‘, as is the case in other standard large-sample tests. On the other hand, in unit-root tests against AR alternatives (see, e.g. Schmidt and Phillips, 1992Xthe null limit distribution can vary with features of the regressors.
The extended version of the annual data set of fourteen US macroeconomic variables analysed by Nelson and Plosser (1982) ends in 1988; as with their data, the starting date is 1860 for cons~rr~~~price index and industrial production; 1869 for velocity; 1871 for stock prices; 1889 for GNP deflator and money stock; 1890 for employment and unemployment rate; 1900 for bond yield, real wages and wages; and 1909 for nominal and real GNP and GNP per capita. As in Nelson and Plosser (19821,all the series except the bond yield are transformed to natural logarithms. The first 14 sample autocorrelations for each series are plotted in Table 1, while the autocorrelations of the first differences are plotted in Table 2. Qualitatively, these results are similar to those in Tables 2 and 3 of Nelson and Plosser (1982):in Table 1, except for unemployment the autocorrelations start at around 0.96 and then decay slowly, which could be consistent even
0.96 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.96 0.75 0.96 0,96 0.96 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.95 0.96
80 $0 $0 129 99 99 100 129 $9 89 100 120 89 118
Real GNP Nominal GNP Real p* cap GNP Ind. production Employment Unemployment r. GNP deflator Cons. prices Wages Real wages Money stock Velocity Bond yield c. stock prices
Q92 0.91 0.92 0.94 0.92 0.46 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.95 0.93 0.91 0.89 0.92
0.89 0.87 0.87 0.92 0.88 0.31 0.89 0.88 0.89 0.92 0.89 0.88 0.84 0.88
0.85 0.83 0.84 0.89 0.84 0.17 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.89 0.86 0.84 0.77 0.85
0.82 0.79 0.80 0.87 0.80 0.04 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.86 0.82 0.81 0.68 0.82
0.78 0.75 0.77 0.84 0.76 0.00 0.77 0.78 0.77 0.84 0.79 0.79 0.62 0.80
0.75 0.70 0.73 0*82 0.73 - 0.04 0.73 0.74 0.74 0.81 0.76 0.76 0.55 0.77
0.68 0.62 0.66 0.77 0.65 - 0.21 0.65 0.67 0.66 0.75 0.69 0.69 0.41 0.72
0.71 0.66 0.69 0.80 0.69 - 0.15 0.69 0.71 0.70 0.78 0.72 0.73 0.47 0.74 0.64 0.59 0.63 0.75 0.62 - 0.22 0.61 0.64 0.62 0.72 0.65 0.66 0.37 0.69
0.61 0.55 0.59 0.72 0.58 - 0.26 0.57 0.61 0.58 0.69 0.62 0.62 0.33 0.67
0.58 0.52 0.56 0.70 0.55 - 0*29 0.54 0.58 0.55 0.66 0.59 0.58 0.29 0.64
0.54 0.49 OS3 0.68 0.53 - 0428 0.50 0.55 0.51 0.62 0.56 0.55 0,25 0.62
0.51 0.45 0.50 0.66 0.50 - 0.25 0.47 0.53 0.48 0.59 0.53 O.Sl 0.20 0.59
The natural logs of all the data are used except for the bond yield, n is the sample size and ri is the ith order sample autocorrelation, The large sample standard error under the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation is l/x n or roughly 0.10 for series of length considered here. Real p.cap GNP is real per capita GNP; Unemployment r. is unemployment rate; Cons, prices is consumer prices index; and Cstock prices is common stock prices.
Table 1 Sample autocorrelations of the raw extended Nelson and Plosser data
1 I
1 I
L.A. Gil-Alaiia, P.M. Robinson / Journal of Econometrics 80 (1997) 243-268
with the simple random-walk hypothesis, whereas in Table 2 we still see significant autocorrelations, especially at lag 1, with also some apparent slow decay and/or oscillation in some cases, which could be indicative of fractional integration of greater than or less than a unit root. Denoting any of the series y,, we employ throughout the model (l), (2), (9) with z, = (1, t)‘, t 2 1, 2, = (0,O)’otherwise, so Yt=B1 f/M+&,
t= 1,2, ..*,
(1 -QdXt=&
t= 1,2, ..*,
treating separately the cases fil = & = 0 a priori, /?I unknown and pz = 0 a priori, and (PI, &) unknown. We will model the I(0) process u1 to be both white noise and to have parametric autocorrelation. Our findings can be briefly summarized as follows, When ut is white noise, the unit-root null is seldom rejected, but a greater degree of integration, d, is sometimes more plausible. When U, is AR, the tests are suggestive of smaller 8s. When ut follows the Bloomfield (1973) exponential model (see (30) below) the range of plausible d-values tends to be narrowed for any given series, though the plausibility region varies significantly across series, We start with the assumption that ut in (26) is white noise. Thus when d = 1, for example, the diflferences(1 - L)y, behave, for t > 1, like a random walk when p2 = 0, and a random walk with drift when # 0. However, we report test statistics not merely for the null do = 1 in (14) but for do = 0.50 (0.25) 2.25, thus including also a test for stationarity (a0 = 0.5) and for I(2) (do = 2), as well as other possibilities. The test statistic reported in Table 3 (and also Tables 7-10) is the one-sided one given by (19), so that significantly positive values of this, see (22), are consistent with (21), whereas significantly negative ones, see (24), are consistent with (23). A notable feature of Table 3(i), in which ut is taken to be white noise (when the form of j: significantly simplifies) and fll = fiz = 0 a priori, is the fact that we cannot reject the unit-root hypothesis in any of them, while in three (real GNP, real wages and money stock) we cannot reject d = 0.5 or d = 0.75. However, in each of these three series, and in the GNP deflator and wages, we observe also some lack of monotonic decrease of i as do increases, for the smaller values of do. Such monotonicity is a characteristic of any reasonable statistic, given correct specification and adequate sample size, because, for example, we would wish that if d = 0.75 is rejected against d > 0.75, an even more significant result in this direction would be obtained when ci = 0.5 is tested. However in the event of misspecification (which in this specialized model can be due to a departure from white noise in Mu,to y, having a drift, or to both) monotonicity is not necessarily to be expected: frequently misspecification inflates both numerator and denominator of 2, to varying degrees, and thus affects Z in a complicated way. Computing B for a range of do values is thus useful in revealing possible
Table 3 S in (25) and (26) with white noise nt 5
1.87’ 2.12 2.67 2.45 3.56 3.62 2.19 4.87 1.98 1.89 1.01’ 9.55 6.14 3.56
2.08 2.18 0.87’ 2.80 1.26’ 2.30 4.71 2.13 1.93’ 1.35’ 3.46 3.46 2.88
0.43 0.42’ 0.45 0.84Y 0.41’ 0.78’ 0.47’ 0.39 - 0.44’ - 0.53 0.66’ - 0.73 0.19 9.02
- 2.20 - 2.23 - 2.23 - 2.36 - 2.43 - 2.07 - 2.44 - 2.46 - 2.32 - 2.32 - 1.55 - 2.79 -1.60’ - 2.09
- 3.19 - 3.21 - 3.21 - 3.46 - 3.50 - 2.88 -3.51 - 3.88 - 3.34 - 3.32 - 3.01 - 3.84 - 2.61 - 3.31
- 3.78 - 3.79 - 3.79 -4.17 - 4.13 - 3.41 -4.13 - 4.63 - 3.94 - 3.92 - 3.83 - 4.45 - 3.28 - 4-03
-4.15 -4.16 -4.16 - 4.67 - 4.53 - 3.78 - 4.53 - 5.08 - 4.33 -4.31 - 4.33 - 4.85 - 3.78 - 4.49
- 4.41 -4.41 - 4.42 - 5.02 -4.81 - 4.05 -4.81 - 5.38 -4.60 - 4.58 - 4.66 - 5.14 - 4.17 -4.81
1.37 0.77 1.46’ 3.46 1.w 2.86 0.89 0.54’ 0.63 2.23 0.88 3.04 2.51 2.62
- 2.30 - 1.85 - 2.37 -4.17 - 2.58 -3.40 - 2.39 - 1.05 - 1.84’ - 3.05 - 0.89 - 3.83 - 3.20 - 3.36
- 3.00 -2.64 - 3.05 - 4.66 - 3.25 - 3.78 - 3.34 - 2.12 - 2.69 - 3.60 -2.13 - 4.40 - 3.65 - 3.90
- 3.54 - 3.24 - 3.57 - 5-01 - 3.74 - 4.07 - 3.97 - 2.a9 - 3.29 -4.90 - 2.98 - 4.82 - 3.97 -4.39
1.39 0.78 1.46’ 3.50 1.67 2.86 0.86’ 0.56’ 0.59 2.23 0.91’ 3.09 2.51 2.60
- 3.01 - 2.65 - 3.05 -4.66 - 3.25 - 3.77 - 3.35 -2.12 - 2.69 - 3.56 - 2.07 - 4.41 - 3.65 - 3.87
- 3.54 - 3.24 - 3.57 - 5-01 - 3.74 - 4.05 - 3.97 - 2.83 - 3.30 - 3.98 -294 -4&l - 3.97 - 4.27
(i) With no regressors Real GNP Nominal GNP Real per capita GNP Industrial production Employment Unemployment rate GNP deflator Consumer prices Waaes Real wages Money stock Velocity Road yield Common stock prices (ii} Wirh m
Real GNP Nominal GNP Real per capita GNP Industrial production Employment Unemployment rate GNP deflator Consumer prices Wages Real wages Money stock Velocity Bond yield Common stock prices
7.33 7.27 7.72 7.93 6.10 294 10.46 15.81 7.99 9.14 7.25 8.61 10.38 10.49
2.62 3.24 3.25 1.11’ 1.87’ 0.71’ 6.66 II.50 3.65 3.62 2.49 3.75 4.65 3.96
1.10’ 2.12 1.23 - 0.83 1.11’ - 0.93 4.48 7.41 2.62 1.12 2.82 0.33 0.71’ 0.35
- 0.20’ 0.w - 0.28 - 2.39 - 0.32 - 2.08 1.46* 3.21 1.04’ - 0.93’ 2.78 - 1.83’ - 1.36 - 1.52’
5.95 10.74 5.84 5.33 6.93 2.95 14.32 20.72 11.13 9.11 12.03 13.85 10.37 9.52
3.46 6.69 3.42 1.42 3.84 0.71’ 10.37 15.13 7.43 4.86 9.36 5.41 4.52 3.79
1.39 3.23 1.33’ - l.OO’ 1.37’ - 9.93 5.75 8.42 3.95 1.26’ 6.30 0.35 0.71’ 0.37
-0.18 0.81’ - 0.26 - 251 - o/I@ - 2.08 1.77 3.43 1.26’ - 0.95 3.34 - 1.w - 1.35’ - 1.48
(iii) WifR a linear time tretd Real GNP Nominal GNP Real per capita GNP Industrial production Employment Unemployment rate GNP deflator Consumer prices Wages Real wages Money stock Velocity Bond yield Common stock prices
‘: Nonrejection values for the nwll hypothesis at 95% significance kvel. All the series are transformed to natural logarithms except bond yield.
231 1.87 237 4.18 2.58 3.39 2.40 1.1 I’ 1.83 3.02 0.84’ 3.85 3.24) 3.34
L.A. Gil-Ah%, P.M. Robinson / Journal
ofEconometrics 80 (1997) 241-2Qq
misspecification, though monotonicity is by no means necessarily strong evidence of correct specification. Looking at the nine series where there is monotonicity in !$in Table 3(i), industrial production and unemployment rate are consistent with d = 0.75, while bond yield is the only one in which we cannot reject d = 1.25. The departures from monotonicity in Table 3(i) are nowhere so great as to result in contradictory verdicts of tests. Tables 3(ii) and (iii) give results with, respectively, #?z= 0 a priori (no time trend in the undifferenced regression), and both /.$ and #&unrestricted, still with white noise u,. In every case in both tables, 3 is monotonic, and moreover, while there are sometimes large differences in the values of g across Tables 3(ii) and (iii) for the same series& combination, the conclusions suggested by both seem very similar, that on the whole the extreme nonstochastic trends are inappropriate. The most nonstationary series seem to be the consumer price index and money stock, where d > 1.5 is suggested and d = 1 is rejected. We also reject the unit root hypothesis in the GNP deflator, nominal GNP and wage series, against more nonstationary alternatives. Notice that these five series are a subset of the ones in which the lag-l autocorrelation was significant in Table 2, so the lack of allowance for even I(0) autocorrelation in u, could be the cause of rejection. The other results could all be consistent with a unit root. The results here are in line with those of DcJong et al. (1992), who did not reject the unit-root hypothesis in most series when ignoring the possibility of disturbance autocorrelation. In our case, most of the series could also be fractionally integrated for some d > 1, except for industrial production and unemployment rate; these are the only series in which we cannot reject d = 0.75 (throughout Table 3). The bond yield is the only unlogged series (as in Nelson and Plosser, 1982), but we also computed 6 for the logged bond yield, and there was no qualitative change; in both cases (and across Tables 3((i)-(iii)) there was similar evidence of somewhat greater than unit-root integration. In Table 4 we report sample autocorrelations of estimates of the X~in (25), (26), obtained by selecting, for each series, the value of & which produces the most insignificant g in Table 3(iii), and using the OLS estimate of p1 and p2 based on that differenced model. While the autocorrelations are generally lower than those of Table 1, and indicate a somewhat faster rate of decay, they are again significant and persistent. In Table 5 we report sample autocorrelations pj of the do differences of the estimated xt used in Table 4. Notice that for nine of the series the Q’S are smaller in Table 5 than in Table 2, often much smaller, while four are the same; for r 13, seven are smaller and six are the same. In view of Tables 3(ii) and (iii) there is some interest in a joint test for No: d = do and /3z = 0.
This possibility is not addressed by Robinson (1994a), but we can derive an LlM test of (27) against the alternatives,
0.75 0.85 0.74 0.66 0.76 0.47 0.92 0.95 0.86 0.92 0.92 0.88 0.87 0.79
0.59 0.75 0.59 0.53 0.63 0.33 0.88 0.93 0.77 0.87 0.87 0.82 0.82 0,69
ri is the ith order autocorrelation coefficient.
0.90 0.94 0.90 0.84 0.91 0.75 0.96 0.98 0.94 0.96 0.97 0.94 0.94 0.91
0.47 0.65 0.46 0.40 0.51 0.18 0.83 0.89 0.67 0.83 0.81 0.78 0.74 0,62
0.38 0.58 0.38 0.30 0.42 0.05 0.79 0.85 6.58 0.80 0.76 0.74 0.65 0.56
0.33 0.51 0.33 0.28 0.37 O*Ol 0.74 0.81 0.49 0.77 0.70 0.71 0.60 0.54
0.29 0.43 0.28 0.25 0.31 - 0.03 0.69 0.78 0.40 0.74 0.65 0.67 0.54 0.53
0.22 0.33 0.21 0.18 0.23 - 0.14 0,65 0.74 0.30 0.70 0.61 0.63 0.48 0.50
0.16 0.23 0.14 0.12 0.15 - 0.20 0.60 0.70 0.20 0,66 0.56 0.58 0.44 0.47
0.13 0.13 0.11 0.12 0.10 - 0.21 0.56 0.66 0.11 0.62 0.51 0.53 0.41 0.42
0.15 0.05 0.11 0.12 0.08 - 0.25 0.52 0.63 0.03 0.60 0.47 0.48 0.37 0.36
0.16 - 0.02 0.12 0.09 0.06 - 0.28 0.48 0.59 - 0.03 0.57 0,43 0.43 0.32 0.29
0.21 -0.12 0.17 0.07 0.06 -0.24 0.40 0.52
0.19 - 0.08 0.15 0.10 0.06 - 0.27 0.44 0.56 - 0.07 0.54 0.40 040 0.27 0.24
2F 2 $
i’ \ $
1.25 1.50 1.25 1.00 1.25 0.75 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.25 1.75 1.00 1.00 1.00
GNP Nominal GNP Real p. cap GNP Ind. production Employment Unemployment r. GNP deflator Cons. prices Wages Real Wages Money Stock Velocity Bond Yield c. stock prices
9 ? & .$’
Table 4 Sample autocorrelations of the y, - j$ - %t, where PI and Pa are OLS estimates from the dth differenced (26), using the ‘best’choice for d in each series from Table 3(iii)
LA. Gil-Alaiia, P.M. Robinson / Journal of Econometrics 80 (1997) 241-268
LA. Gil-Ala&t, P.M. Robinsma / 3ournul of &xmmePPics $0 (1997) 241-268
as follows. To be slightly more general, consider the regression model (9) the vector partitions 2, = (zk, r’z;P,)‘, /3 = @)A, j3B)‘, and we want to test d = do and /IB= flBO.Then an! EM statistic may be shown to be n
with (w&, w&)’= wt given by (15),
-2 =
n-l xy ii,”and i2 calculated as described in Section 2 but defined. If the dimension of zBtis qB, then we would compare (2 tail of the x f +4edistribution. Hncase of testing (27) against (28) have qB = 1, zAt= 1, zgt = t for t 3 1. In Table 6 we present th the same do values as before. In each series except industrial p the test picks up an effect not immediately noticeable from Tables 3(ii) a we find nonrejection values of l;bO. These are similar to those i (iii), but with a narrowing-down effect (so far as number of concerned) in some of the series, but even the reverse effect (pass the loss of power due to the extra degree of freedom) in a cou Table 6 Joint test of (27) against (28) in model (25) with white noise u,
do OS0 Real GNP Nominal GNP Real p. cap. GNP Ind. production Employment Unemployment rate GNP deflator Consumer prices Wages Real wages Money stock Vetocity Bond yield c. stock prices ‘: Nonrejection
123.47 124.15 114.77 180.50 123.29 8.68 89.28 19.17 143.97 158.31 147.86 119.75 127.76 181.33
56.27 68.39 37.92 82.66 62.94 0.52’ 102.58 175.01 78.63 61.83 92.02 29.69 28.46 45.69
17.86 31.86 7.70 21.30 19.65 0.88’ 43.13 69.35 37.49 14.09 63.05 2.40’ 1.65’ 5.58’
2.87 6.47 0.92 8.18 3.02’ 4.35 5.59’ 13.46 7.46 2.64’ 24.79 3.85 1.98 2.89
2.35’ 1.64’ 2.23’ 12.28 3.09 8.24 0.86 1.24’ 1.47 5.45 4.55 9.65 6.33 6.94
5.43’ 3.74’ 5.63’ !I7.47 6.73 HI.66 5.77 1.39’ 3.80 9.75 2.46’ 15.20 10.26 11.36
9.12 7.20 9.34 21.78 10.59 14+46 11.27 4.51’ 7.54 13.5i3 6-03 19.88 13.35 15.29
12.59 IO.68 f 2.77 25.18 14.01 16.77 a 5.84 8.62 11.10 16.73 10.42 23.68 15.82 18.67
values for the null hypothesis at 95% significance level.
L.A. Gil-Aiaiia, P.M. Robinson / Journal of Econometrks 80 (1997) 241-268
unemployment rate, a relatively attractive model in view of Tables 3 and 6, has /& = 0 and d = 0.75, whereas this hypothesis is rejected in all the other series. We do not reject d = I, when paired with the hypothesis /?z = 0, in less than half the cases in which it was rejected in Tables 3(ii) and (iii), suggesting the importance of the trend term in a number of these cases. Notice that even for d 3 2 the hypothesis is less strongly rejected than for small d; this accords with the similarity in the corresponding statistics between Tables 3(ii) and (iii). It could also relate to the fact that whereas (1 - L)dt tends to zero for d > I as t increases, it continues to trend with f for d e 1 (whereas (1 - Qdtd tends to a nonzero constant for all d). Except in the one case of industrial production, the conclusion seems to be that when an appropriate differencing order is used, the time trend is unimportant. Following work of Perron (1988) and other authors mentioned in Section 1, we were concerned by the effect that a possible structural break may have had on the above results, in particular one due to World War 2. Table 7 corresponds to Table 3, based only on post-war data. There are numerous nonrejections in Table 7(i) for the lower &-values, and some lack of monotonicity of s^in do. In Tables 7fii) and (iii) we again find significant & even for d = 2.25 in case of the GNP deflator and consumer prices, while in few of the series d = 0.5 is not rejected in one or both these tables. Wowever, the greater amount of nonrejections could be largely due to the smaller sample size, and, qualitatively, we see that as in Table 3 industrial production and unemployment rate are the least nonstationary series, whereas consumer prices, GNP deflator, wages and money stock are the most nonstationary ones, and in nine series in both Tables 3(iii) and 7(iii) (albeit not entirely the same ones) d = 1 is not rejected. There do not seem to be strong grounds for focussing on only the post-war data in the rest of the analysis, especially as we will be fitting richer models. In connection with the power properties of Robinson’s (1994a) tests, it must be stressed that it is only in a local sense that they are optimal, and doubtless they could be bettered against nonlocal departures of interest by some point optimal procedure. In view of this there is some satisfaction in the fact that d 3 2 and d = 0.5 are always decisively rejected in Tables 3(ii) and (iii). 0n the other hand, these significant results might be due in large part to unaccounted-for I(0) autocorrelation in ts,, even bearing in mind the monotonicity of $ in do achieved in Tables 3(ii) and (iii). Thus, we also fitted AR&) models to ut, as anticipated in Section 2 (see (13)),for the same do values as before and with k = 1, . . ,5, in the latter respect following the practice of Nelson and Plosser (1982). There is an unsurprising tendency for the number of rejections to fall as k increases, and in some cases there are no rejections when k = 5, though often a fairly good degree of stability was found for the smaller k. Presentation of all the results (560 test statistics) would take up a lot of space, so we present only a subset of them, in Table 8, with a single k for each series across all dO. An alternative approach would be to pick a k for each series/do combination, on some basis. This is what ??
LA. Gii-Ala&z, P.M. Robinson / Journal
of Ecumme~*cs
80 (1997) 241-268
Table 7 3 in (25) and (26) with white noise u, forthe extended NelSoIl and PIoser data
startingin 1946
4l 0.50
1.20’ 1.2u 1.43’ 0.91’ 1.52 0.40’ 1.07 1.23 1.15 1.28 0.85 0.27’ 1.38 0.52
1.00’ 1.02’ 1.07’ 0.99’ l.l(r - 0.33 1.01’ 1.27’ l.o[r 0.97 0.80 O.&Y 0.65’ 0.61’
- 0.59
- 1.86’
- 0.56’ 0.45’ 0.58 1.47 0.49’ 052’ 0.56’ 0.68 0.63 0.01’ - 0.32’ - 0.89’
- 1.83 - 1.87’ - 1.74’ - 1.86’ - 2.24 - 1.78 -1.99 - 1.83 - 1.93 - 1.86’ - 1.6fy - 1.21’ - 2.24
3.33 4.04 3.43 2.77 4.21 0.99 4.90 5.58 3.86 4.55 5.33 1.68’ 4.92 2.60
0.54’ 1.22 OH -0.17’ 1.34 -0.6(y 2.49 2.92 1.16’ 2.91 2.79 0.40’ 1.83’ 0.75’
- 0.29’ 0.20 - 0.63 - 1.21’ - 0.2w - L.49
2.42 0.53’ 1.99’ 1.71’ - 0.29 0.08’ -0.32
3.23 9.15 1.63’ 1.58’ 4.17 0.32’ 11.26 11.06 9.08 9.24 11.06 4*05 2.76 4.75
0.80’ 5.56 0.14 - 0.48 1.41’ - 0.6Y 9.51 8.69 6.66 5.91 10.43 1.99 1.45 1.68’
- 0.77 1.55 - 0.99 - 1.68 - 0.50’ - 1.49’ 6.54 5.57 3.75 2.19 8.28 - 0.28’ 0.06’ -0.53
3.06 3.05 3.06 2.99 3.05 3.03 3.01 3.32 3.04 3.09 3.05 3.12 2.40 3.33
- 3.36 - 3.34 - 3.34 -3.30 - 3.35 - 3.25 - 3,32 - 3.65 - 3.34 - 3.37 - 3.34 - 3.43 - 2.80 - 3.54
- 3.56 - 3.55 - 3.56 - 3.51 - 3.55 - 3.42 - 3.53 - 3.87 - 3.55 - 3.57 - 3.54 - 3.64 -3.11 - 3.69
- 3.12 - 3.03 - 3.17 - 3.16 - 2.85 - 3.09 - 1.2(Y - 1.36’ -2.30 - 2.54 -2.20 - 3.28 - 2.72 - 2.92
- 3.40 - 3.30 - 3.42 - 3.33 - 3.09 - 3.28 - 1.61’ - 1.78 -2.74 - 2.84 - 2.50 - 3.46 - 2.9% - 3.10
- 3.09 - 3.30 -3.10 - 3.19 - 2.85 - 3.09 - 0.52 - 1.37 - 2.64 -2.44 - 1.83 - 3.38 - 2.73 - 2.99
(i) With no regressors Real GNP No,-haI GNP Real per capita GNP Industrial production EmpIoyment Unemployment rate GNP deflator Consumer prices Wages Real wages Money stock Velocity Bond yield Common stock prices
-O&W -
- 2.61 - 2.59 - 2.61 -2.51 -2.60 - 2.71 - 2.55 - 2.82 - 2.59 - 2.65 - 2.60 - 2.60 - 1.89’ - 2.96
(ii) With an intercept Real GNP Nominal GNP Real per capita GNP Industrial production Employment UnempIoyment rate GNP deflator Consumer prices Wages Real wages Money stock Velocity Bond yield Common stock prices
2.07 - 2.71 1.81’ - 2.59 2.32 - 2.82
1.13 0.68 1.60’ 2.01 1.w 2.09 1.37’ 1.67’ 0.43’ 0.01’ 0.68 - 1.62’ - 1.07 - 1.56’
2.57 -214 - 2.53 0.34 0.33 - 0.44’ - 1.35 - 0.72 - 2.51 - 1.86’ - 2.30
- 2.78 - 2.96 - 2.79 - 3.00 - 2.58 -;r?4 0.24’ - 0.68 - 1.91’ - 2.03 - 1.16’ - 3.16 - 2.38 - 2.70
2.92 2.56 2.84 0.58 0.7u 1.57 2.10 1.70’ 3.00 2.37 2.69
(iii) With a linear time trend Real GNP Nominal GNP Real per capita GNP Industrial production Employment Unemployment rate GNP deflator Consumer prices Wages Real wages Money stock Velocity Bond yield Common stock prices
1.76’ 1.08’ 1.82’ 2.35 1.59 2.09 3.39 2.58 1.08 0,25 4.20 1.88 1.08 1.7u
2.38 2.36 2.40 2.75 2.20 2.53 1.27 0.S - 0.79’ - 1.44’ 0.54 - 2.75 - 1.87 -2.31
‘: Nonrcjcction values for the null hypothesis at 95% significance level. All the series are transformed to natural logarithms except bond yield.
3.35 3.51 3.36 3.36 3.08 3.28 1.28 1.8Y 3.13 2.78 2.23 3.51 2.98 3.19
L.A. Gil-Alaiia, P.M. Robinson / Jownal of Econometrics 80 (1997) 241-268
Table 8 i in (25) and (26) with AR(k) uI for a particular choice of k
do k Real GNP: Nominal GNP: Real per capita GNP: Indust. production: Employment: WnempIoyment rate: GNP deflator: Consumer prices: Wages: Real wages: Money stock: Velocity: Bond yield: C. stock prices:
3 2 3 4 4 2 1 5 1 1 1 3 1 2
-0.92’ - 1.41’ 0.03’ --0.80’ -0.96’ - 1.43’ - 0.66’ - 1.70 -0.99’ - 1.12’ -0.77’ -0.87’ 1.11’ - 1.02’ 10.44 -0.96’ 1.41’ -0.14 -0.11’ -0.22 3.47 1.32 1.96 1.53’ 0.06 0.05 1.37’ -0.21’
- 1.97 - 1.46’ - 1.94’ - 2.66 - 1.65’ - 1.16’ - 1.21’ - 1.33’ - 1.62’ - 1.26’ - 1.07’ -0.73’ - 1.31’ - 1.41’
-2.43 -2.18 - 2.38 - 3.33 - 2.25 - 1.58’ - 1.07’ - 1.37’ - 2.06 - 2.16 - 2.06 - 2.54 - 2.39 - 2.17
-2.76 -2.69 - 2.72 - 3.73 - 2.78 -2.04 - 1.75’ - 1.70’ -2.49 - 2.73 -2.22 - 3.38 - 3.16 -2.61
-3.00 -2.95 -2.97 - 3.93 - 3.22 -2.48 - 2.35 -2.19 - 2.86 - 3.06 - 2.53 -3.59 - 3.67 -2.85
-3.17 - 3.05 - 3.13 - 4.06 - 3.55 -2.90 -2.86 -2.71 - 3.17 - 3.3 1 -2.91 - 3.68 - 4.02 - 3.00
-3.27 - 3.06 - 3.24 -4.14 - 3.77 - 3.28 - 3.30 -2.92 -3.44 - 3.57 - 3.29 -3.76 - 4.29 -3.17
‘: Non-rejection values for the null hypothesis at 95% significance level.
Nelson and Plosser (1982) did, but they considered only a single do. We have preferred to choose the k for each series which produces the smallest value of ISI, across do. This enables better comparison with Table 3 and indicates the strongest support for any one hypothesis, while also having a tendency to be accompanied by relatively small Ii\ throughout, thereby providing an impression of relatively lower power. Looking at Table 8, we see that k = I or 2 in eight cases, whereas k = 5 in only one. It is striking that in many of the series the nonrejection do’s tend, in Table 8, to be smaller by about 0.5-0.75 than those in Table 3(iii), indicating how the AR model is somewhat confounded with the fractional one in finite samples, and the delicacy of modelling in this situation. (We used Yule-Walker estimates of the AR coefficient, which entail AR roots that are automatically less than one in absolute value, but can be arbitraril!f close to one.) We fmd that now d 2 1.75 is rejected in all series, and there are numerous rejections of d = 1.25 and 1.5. The strongest evidence of nonstationarity is found in the GNP deflator and consumer prices, The unit-root hypothesis is now rejected only in case of real GNP and industrial production; they are series in which it was not rejected in Table 3(iii), S there being positive in these cases, whereas it is negative throughout the unit root column in Table 8. Moreover, d = 0.75 is now never rejected, and d = 0.5 only rejected in cases of consumer prices, money stock and velocity, while i is even negative for several of the other series. AR modelling of L(O)processes is very conventional, but there exist many other types of I(0) process, including ones outside the stationary and invertible
ARMA class. One that seems especially relevant and convenient in the context of the present tests is that proposed by Bloomfield (1973), in which 9 is
* g(R; 2) = exp 2 i TjCOSfj;l) W) I 1 j=O Like the stationary AR(k), this has exponentially decaying autocorrelations. Formulae for Newton-type iterations for estimating the rj are very simple (involving no matrix inversion), updating formulae when k is increased are simple, and we can replace 6 in (18) by the population quantity c &+,j_’ = x2/6 - xi= 1iS2, which indeed is constant with respect to the rj (unlike what happens in the AR case). Wsing (30), the zj in ft were estimated by a Gauss-Newton iteration, convergence being achieved within about seven iterative steps throughout. We again tried k = 1, . . _ ,5 for each series/& combination. Overall, there is a somewhat larger proportion of rejections of the higher do than for white noise or AR u,. As a much more striking comparison with the AR case, d = 0.5 is now rejected in the great proportion of series, and d = 0.75 in around half. Perhaps this is due to the stationarity of the Bloomfield process for all real values of 7j, so that it may be less inclined to try to model the nonstationary part than the AR process. Again, we do not report all the results, but first present, in Table 9, ones for the same k values as in Table 8, to facilitate comparison between the two T(0) models represented by (13) and (30). The results are indicative of a somewhat greater degree of nonstationarity, and are
Table 9 3 in (25) and (26) with Bloomfield exponential U,and the same value of k as in Table 8
do k
Real GNP: Nominal GNP: Real per capita GNP Ind. production: Employment: Wrtemploymentrate: GNP deflator: Consumer prices: Wages: Real wages: Money stock: Velocity: Rand ;kId: c. strii;kprices:
3 3.20 2 8.88 3 3.07 4 1.14’ 4 2.79 2 0.56 1 10.79 5 57.09 1 8.03 1 3.73 1 11.77 3 11.15 1 4.95 2 5.85
-0.14’ -2.33 2.65 - 0.38 -0.16’ -2.27 - 2.18 - 4.01 - 0.38’ - 2.68 - 0.7ty - 1.68’ 4.05 0.86 18.96 5.13 2.94 0.32 1.02 - 0.77 5.58 1.80 3.01 - 0.95’ 1.18 -0.91’ 0.87’ 1.57
1.25 -
3.72 2.06 3.65 5.24 4.28 2.71 0.58’ 0.03 1.14 2.09 0.20’ 3.92 2.41 3.08
1.50 -
4.70 3.14 4.66 6.17 5.56 3.87 1.72 2.08 2.17 3.06 1.41’ 5.88 3.58 4.17
‘: Nonrejection values for the null hypothesis at 95% significance level.
- 5.52 - 3.92 - 5.51 - 6.95 - 6.73 - 5.09 -2.70 - 3.56 - 2.99 - 3.76 --2.32 -6.80 - 4.47 - 4.95
- 6.34 - 4.56 - 6.36 - 7.86 - 8.00 - 6.40 -3.61 - 5.53 - 3*71 - 4.36 -3-12 - 7.62 - 5.17 - 5.50
- 7.24 - 5.16 - 7.30 - 9.12 -9.36 - 7.67 -4.45 - 7.24 -4.35 - 4.97 -3.89 - 8.76 - 577 -6.03
LA. Gil-Aiaiia, P.M. Robinson /Journal of Economehics 80 (1997) 241-268
Table 10 i in 625) and (26) with Bloomfield exponential U, for a particular choice of k
&I Real GNP: Nominal GNP: Real per capita GNP Ind. production: Employment: Unemployment rate: GNP deflator: Consumer prices: Wages: Real wages: Money stock: Velocity: Bond yield: C. stock prices:
1 3 4 5 3 1 4 5 1 4 1 4 1 1
2.01 11.71 3.94 3.52 3.50 -0.13’ 24.7; 57.09 8.03 7.75 11.77 13.30 4.95 4.21
- 0.14’ - 1.33’ 0.01’ 4.04 0.10’ -2.38 0.40’ - 1.64’ 0.15’ - 1.91’ - 1.47’ - 2.56 9.83 2.62 5.13 18.96 0.32’ 2.94 2.41 - 0.56 5.58 1.80 3.73 0.29’ 1.18’ -0.91’ 0.29’ - 1.70’
-2.03 -2.46 -4.12 -3.61 - 3.25 -3.52 -0.23’ 0.03’ - 1.14’ - 2.54 -0.20’ -3.32 -2.41 -2.94
- 2.55 -4.18 -5.51 -5.36 -4.29 -4.35 - 1.68’ - 2.08 - 2.17 -4.26 - 1.41’ - 6.71 - 3.58 - 3.83
1.75 - 3.05 - 5.42 -6.73 -6.18 - 5.25 - 5.06 - 2.50 -3.56 - 2.99 - 5.30 - 2.32 - 8.17 - 4.47 - 4.52
- 3.57 -4.12 - 6.39 - 7.24 -7.97 -9.30 -7.67 -6.66 - 6.27 - 7.37 - 5.65 -6.15 - 3.61 - 5.41 - 5.53 -7.24 - 3.71 -4.35 - 5.55 - 5.97 - 3.89 -3.12 - 9.10 - 10.60 - 5.17 - 5.77 - 5.08 - 5.61
‘: Nonrejection values for the null hypothesis at 95% significance level.
definitely less ambiguous, than those just discussed, in all but two cases the nonrejection do’s forming a proper subset of those in Table 8; the exceptional time series are money stock, where there is one extra nonrejection value in Table 9, and wages, where there is one fewer but they are 1 and 1.25 rather than OS, 0.75 and 1. Moreover, in seven of the series only one do is not rejected; these &-values are quite variable across the series, being OS for industrial production, 0.75 for real GNP, real per capita GNP and employment, 1 for nominal GNP and velocity, and 1.25 for consumer prices. These results for the Bloomfield model also entail a greater proportion of rejections than those based on white noise Usin Table 3, despite the additional parameters; we attribute this to smaller 6’s. We also gives in Table 10, results for the Bloomfield model when we choose k on the same basis as in Table 8. Though nine of the k’s differ from those in Table 9, the results are very similar in both numbers of rejections and favourable &-values, the only somewhat exceptional case that may deserve mention being industrial production, where d = 0.5 is now rejected.
The conclusions suggested by the tests of Robinson (1994a), carried out on the extended version of Nelson and Plosser’s (1982) data, vary substantially across the fourteen series and across various models for the I(O)process tit. When M*is
taken to be white noise, the unit-root hypothesis is rejected in as many as five series, in each of which a somewhat greater (but less than I(2)) degree of nonstationarity is indicated, while even when the unit root is not reject there is also evidence of possible fractional diffcrencing. With AR h there tend to fewer rejections, and the evidence points to a substantially smaller degree nonstationarity, though this may be due in large part to competition with the autoregression in describing the nonstationarity. The results using the Bloomfield u, are perhaps the most interesting, because of the many rejections and strong evidence in favour of single values of d in a number of series, most of which are 0.75 or I. Attempting to summarize the conclusions for individual series from the various statistics, we are left with the impression that consumer prices and money stock are the most nonstationary, followed by the GNP deflator and wages, whereas unemployment rate, followed by industrial production, seem closest to stationarity. It would be worthwhile proceeding to get point estimates of d, perhaps especially in the Bloomfield case. However, not only would this be computationally more expensive, but it is then in any case confidence intervals rather than point estimates which should be stressed, while available rules of inference seem to require preliminary integer differencing to achieve stetionarity and invertibility. Our approach generates simply computed diagnostics for departures from any real d. It is not at all surprising that, when fractional hypotheses are entertained, some evidence supporting them appears, because this might happen even when the unit-root model is highly suitable. owever, even though our practice of computing test statistics for a wide range of null hypotheses does lead to ambiguous conclusions, often the bulk of these hypotheses are rejected, suggesting that the optimal local power properties of the tests, shown by Robinson (1994a), may be supported by reasonable performance against nonlocal alternatives. It is the known efficiency property of the tests which really distinguishes them from much other work on testing for unit roots (and indeed fractional roots). The frequency domain seems to be unpopular with many econometricians, and it is important to stress that our frequency domain formulation of the test statistics has nothing to do with nonparametric spectral estimation. There exist time domain versions of the test statistics (cf. Robinson, 1991) and our preference here for the frequency domain set-up of Robinson (1994a) is motivated by the somewhat greater elegance of formulae it affords, especially when the Bloomfield model is used. In finite samples the time and frequency dohmain versions of i will differ from each other, in some cases possibly considerably (as was indicated when we carried out also time domain tests, unreported above, in the setting of Table 3). Under the null, the difference is 0&r- ij2), but substantial difIerences could appear when the null hypothesis is seriously in error, of the great degree of noncircularity of nonstationary processes. It is not known in general to what extent this could lead to different testing conclusions. Some
LA. GiI-Alaria, P.M. Robinson / Journal of Econometrics 80 (1997) 241-268
attempt has been made to study the problem analytically, but it is complicated and one may need to resort to Monte Carlo simulations. Several other lines of research are under way which should prove relevant to the analysis of these and other macroeconomic data. Wald and LR tests against fractional alternatives are being developed; these should have the same efficiency properties as our LM ones and it will be of interest to see how their performance differs in a real finite-sample testing situation. Work is also proceeding on multivariate extensions of Robinson’s (1994a) tests, and this would lead to an alternative approach to the study of cointegration. The Bloomfield model for the I(0) component does not seem to have found previous econometric application, and one by-product of our work is its emergence as a credible alternative to the fractional ARIMAs which have become conventional in parametric modelling of long memory: it has attractive computational properties, performed well in our work, and may provide a satisfactory degree of demarcation between the nonstationary and I(0) components in macroeconomic modelfing. The question of how best to extend the Bloomfield model to a multivariate setting has yet to be investigated.
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