J Chron Dis 1972, Vol. 25, pp. 735-736. Pergamon Press. Printed in Great Britain
J Chron Dis 1972, Vol. 25, pp. 735-736. Pergamon Press. Printed in Great Britain
BOOK REVIEWS THE FREQUENCY OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES. Edited by SIDNEY COBB. Cambridge: The Harvard University Press, 1971. 144 pp. Indexed. $5.00. THISis a fascinating book that everyone interested in the epidemiology of rheumatic diseases should read. The author has reviewed his own and others’ investigations, discussed problems in interpreting the various reports, and has proposed hypotheses to explain etiology and observed differences. He has also suggested additional studies that might confirm or refute his ideas. Even though many investigators will not accept his hypotheses, hopefully they will be put to the test. In addition, he points out both weaknesses and strong points of various studies and has suggestions for making future studies more productive. THOMASA. BURCH
TEXTBOOK OF HUMAN GENETICS. MAX LEVITAN and ASHLEY MONTAGU. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971. 862 pp. Indexed and illustrated. Price not available. THE AUTHORShave written this text on human genetics in an attempt to provide a well-rounded book to be used by unsophisticated as well as knowledgeable students in the area of Genetics. This book should prove useful to the student at the undergraduate or graduate school level. The text is, in general, well-written and organized. However, in a number of instances it is excessively lengthy and inaccurate. The minor number of inaccuracies should not deter the general student who is interested in some in-depth exposure to human genetics from utilizing the book. Unfortunately, the text is neither adequately condensed nor written in a fashion that will prove useful to medical students or practicing physicians. HENRY L. NADLER
PARTICLES. THOMAS T. MERCER, PAUL E. Charles C. Thomas, 1972. 528 pp.
WERNER STOBER. Springfield:
Indexed. $32.75. THIS book contains the proceedings of the Third Rochester International Conference on Environmental Toxicoloav. I_ , 18-20 June 1970, including discussions at the end of each paper. The 34 papers presented at the conference were divided into sessions on Aerosol Fundamentals, Aerosol Production and Measurement, Size Analysis and Shape Factors, Disposition of Inhaled Aerosols, and Assessment of Hazardous Aerosols. The processes which shape the tropospheric aerosol were discussed from a theoretical and experimental point of view in the Fundamentals Session. G. M. Hidy’s paper on the Dynamics of Aerosols in the Lower Troposphere is an excellent summary of present knowledge. The four papers on Aerosol Production reported further developments of already existing techniques. Size distribution measurement techniques for real aerosols (including aggregates, fibers, etc.) were discussed in the third session; G. Zebel’s paper on the Theory of Size Separation will give valuable insight in new instrument design. The inhaled aerosols session included theoretical and experimental papers on regional aerosol deposition; two of the papers discussed biological effects of polyurethane and asbestos. The papers by M. Corn and K. R. May in the final session provided a link between aerosol physics and toxicology. The primary orientation of the symposium was toward aerosol physics, even in the lung deposition papers. Dr. T. Hatch in his concluding remarks noted that ‘our present skills and capabilities in the physical assessment of aerosols exceed our understanding on the biological side’ and called for the development of ‘new methods for early discovery and measurement (in kind and degree) of the functional impairment that underlies and precedes disability’. DAVID L. SWIFT 735