Atlas of Operative Technic, Anus, Rectum and Colon. By Harry E. Bacon, M.D. and Stuart T. Ross, M.D. 301 pages, 403 illustrations. St. Louis, 1954. C. V. Mosby Company. Price $13.50.
The publishers are to be congratuIated for bringing out this typographicaIly beautifu1 volume, and Dr. CampbeII commended for his skillfur editing. These three voIumes are well worth their cost. This is a work that should enjoy a substantial sale and prove an endless scientific urologic joy to the reader.
The authors tel1 the reader that although many textbooks are available today, the rapid pace of modern surgical practice Ieaves IittIe opportunity to the surgeon for extended study. To fiI1 this gap the work on the Atlas was begun some seven years ago. It is a pictorial presentation iIIustrating the consecutive steps in the various operations in this field, accompanied by short step-by-step descriptions. After General Considerations (Surgical Anatomy, Pre- and Postoperative Care in Anorectal Surgery and in Colonic Surgery, Anesthesia, Basic Instrument Set-Up, etc.) the work proper begins with text on the left hand page and ihustrations on the right hand page. The drawings are we11 done and the steps in surgical technic are easy to folIow and comprehend. This book is recommended to all surgeonsfrom intern to attending-who are interested in surgery of the anal cana1, rectum and colon.
Textbook of Operative Gynecology. By WiIfred Shaw, 444 pages, 382 figures, some in color. Edinburgh and London, 1954. E. & S. Livingstone, Ltd. Price $qoo. M.D.
Wilfred Shaw had just reached the top rung in the ladder of his surgica1 speciaIty when he was mortaIIy striken with a disease, the outcome of which he knew to be inevitable. He filled his remaining days with the completion of this textbook of operative gynecoIogy. Apart from a few extra illustrations, we are told nothing has been altered or added. The author was wideIy known as a skiIIfu1 operator and recognized as one of the outstanding British gynecoIogists of his time. He has written an exceptiona work. The reviewer cannot decide whether he likes the text or the well done illustrations most. Both show the hand of the professiona1. We believe that the young surgeon learns the technical part of his calling at the operating tabIe, starting as a suture and instrument nurse and gradually advancing until he is competent to undertake the various operations himseIf. But, in addition to this training, it is a must that he know the anatomy involved, the pitfalIs to avoid and the various technics that have proved by time and trial to be the most successfu1. This beautifu1 book is a volume that every young surgeon who aspires to become a recognized gynecoIogist shouId own and study, and then restudy, both text and illustrations. No matter how long one has been practicing the speciaIty, this book will be of value.
Urology. Edited by Meredith CampbeII, M.D. with the coIIaboration of 5 I contributing authorities. Three voIumes, 2,356 pages, 1,148 figures. Philadelphia, 1954. W. B. Saunders Company. Price $60.00 per set. This review couId end with the statement that, in the opinion of the writer, this three-volume work edited by Meredith CampbeII with the coIIaboration of fifty-one contributing authorities, is the most complete and up-todate work on urology at the present time. Space does not permit us to consider the work of each author. Every coIIaborator is outstanding in his specialty. Each contribution is far above the average; many of the chapters are scientific classics. We searched for defects and found none. It has everything a reader or student can desire. The subject is thoroughly covered in the most minute detail. The iIIustrations are above the average. There is no padding.
American Journal OJSurgery, Volume 90, September lyw