Das AT&-System. By Dr. Kurt 1.56 pages. Deutsche Mark 42.
1968, Verlag
“Das .4TR-~-System” (,atraumatic system) is a small textbook on crown and bridge prosthesis. It centers on the ATR crown. It is a universal or all-purpose crown that, according to the author, is applicable as a single restoration, as a bridge abutment, as a pontic in the modified form, or as a splint retainer. It is indicated for anterior and posterior teeth. The crown restores badly broken-down teeth without the need for rebuilding the remaining preparation. The author prefaces his book with a discussion of Drum’s concept of the etiology and progress of periodontal disease. Drum feels that periodontal disease is primarily a process of “autodestruction” of the periodontal structures through parafunctional influences; infammation progressing from the gingival margin is added to this. He feels, though, that “invasion of microorganisms does not seem to form the beginning of periodontal disease.” This invasion is seen rather as a “consequence of a breakdown of the epithelial cuff through the influence of existing parafunctionally caused aseptic inflammation in the alveolus.” In other words, he designates parafunctional traumatic forces as the major, and almost sole. factor in the onset of periodontal breakdown. The 4TR crown consists of a gold casting that contacts only the cervical portion of the tooth and allows acrylic resin to contact most of the tooth preparation. The gold surfaces, lleing only on the interproximal and occlusal sides of the crown, give the appearance of an underextended MOD restoration. The author lists many other advantages for the ATR crown. The profusely and beautifully illustrated text gives a step-by-step demonstration of all the chairside and laboratory procedures of fixed partiai denture construction and includes the rather involved fabrication of a temporary fixed restoration. Great emphasis is placed on pulp protection and preservation and on the restoration of the health of the periodontal tissue, as well as the maintenance of occlusal integrity. This concept may be debatable since it lends itself to the misinterpretation that periodontal disease can be not only prevented but also healed merely or mainly through creating optimal occlusal relations. This difference in the concept of periodontal disease does not mean that the reviewers do not consider traumatic forces strong et&logic factors in periodontal disease: they feel that local causes should not be excluded. The technical part of the book is excellent so the discussion of the cause of periodontal breakdown should not detract from the printed and is illustrated excellent impression that this work makes. Thr volume is excellently like an atlas. HENRY TUCFILF,R.D.M.D., AWD FR\SK G. EVERETT. M.S.. D.M.D.. M.D.
Textbook of Oral 3. St. I,ouis, $1 i.‘,n.
Surgery. By Gustav 0. Kruger, B.S., A.M., D.D.S., F.A.C.D., F.I.C.D., Ed. 1968, The C. \.. Mosby Company. 593 paees. illustrated. indexed. Price
This textbook is designed to present the entire scope of oral surgery in depth and in a have amply srquence which can bc used in the teachin 4 of dental students. The contributors provided the latest information in each area. Thr material is organized systematically and is indexed well. and the print size and layout make for easy rcadin,g and better understanding hoth photographs and drawings. are good. They add greatly to of the suhjcct. Illustrations.
Book reviews
the understanding of the written material. The paper is of good stock (glossy), and the book has a good binding and a hard cover. The table of contents lists subdivisions of each chapter by page number. The chapters are subdivided with titles in bold type. This facilitates the use of the book as a reference. The new chapter in this third edition, which presents the subject of tissue transplantation, adds significantly to the completeness of the text. The updating of other material brings the book into the present-day practice of dentistry. This book is one of the best texts available for use in teaching of oral surgery to dental students. The material is well presented, from the standpoint of increasing difficulty and scope, from the beginning to the end of the text. It also is of great value to the general practictioner as a reference for problems he will encounter in dental practice. Every resident in oral surgery should become thoroughly familiar with the contents of this book. It certainly should be a part of every good dental library. WILLIAM R. WALLACE, D.D.S.
Dental Practice Administration. By Robert K. Stinaff, D.D.S., F.I.C.D., F.A.C.D., ed. 3. St. Louis, 1968, The C. V. Mosby Company. 214 pages, illustrated, indexed. Price $8.75. The purpose of this excellent book, written by an established leader in this field, is clearly stated in the title. The third edition in less than a decade has taken on the form of a monograph, in contrast to the two previous editions, as a result of the deletion of much superfluous material. The author takes us through nineteen concise chapters comprising 209 pages, and chapters include such topics as “Making the choice” (Federal service, academic dentistry, graduate study, private practice, etc.), “Office planning and equipment,” “Auxiliary personnel,” ‘Office procedures,” “C ase presentation and fees,” “Continuing education,” and “Ethics and jurisprudence.” The subject matter is presented in a concise chronologic order, is easily read and understood, and is most adequately illustrated. In the opinion of this reviewer, this is the author’s finest endeavor to date. Although directed primarily to general practitioners, there is much to be gained by all clinicians from this work. It would make an excellent teaching text and would lend itself well to the uses of the fourth-year undergraduate dental student. DANIEL E. PICKLE, D.D.S.